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Maryse's Love of Big Fat Ass Ch. 03

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Maryse conquering Bayley's fat ass.
10.6k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/22/2023
Created 05/29/2020
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not know or own Maryse or Bayley or any other former or current WWE women. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.


Bayley was in the second stage of grief, and she wasn't sure she'd ever leave it. She'd taken a series of devastating losses throughout her career, but for her, this one was the final straw. Everything had just been so perfect, and now everything was ruined. She had campaign so long and hard for women's tag titles, and had been the inaugural champions with her best friend, and secret girlfriend, Sasha Banks.

That was supposed to be the run which saved her career, turning her from a total loser into a winner. And she wouldn't even have to give up bottoming in the process. Best of all, she'd be exclusively Sasha's butt slut. Oh yes, Bayley would finally gain respect, bottoming for the best, and topping the rest. And maybe, just maybe, with the ability to jump brands, both she and Sasha could be champions of RAW and SmackDown, solidifying their place at the top of the card.

However, not only had that not happened, but she and Sasha barely held onto those titles for a month before losing them at the grandest stage of them all. Once again they had won a championship, and almost immediately lost it when it really mattered. And now Sasha was gone, her girlfriend who she loved with all her heart just too devastated by her failure, and everything else, to continue.

She said she just needed a break, but who knows when or if she'd be back, leaving poor Bayley all alone. Again. Just like back in NXT, when Bayley had greater success, only to be absolutely humiliated by Asuka. Poor Bayley had never been the same, and this brief success was looking more and more like a fluke.

Well, no more, Bayley promised herself. She was done being a joke. Done being nice. Done being a loser. Done being a bottom. Which admittedly would be hard for her, but clearly she had no choice. She'd been trying to take half measures her entire career, and it got her nowhere. Nowhere, except of course, on her back and being pinned clean. Or tapping out like a bitch.

Quickly followed of course, by being face down, ass up and squealing like a pig as her big fat ass was destroyed by a superior woman. It had been the exact same thing for Becky Lynch, but of course, instead of taking half measures Becky had made it straight to the top, higher than anyone could've ever imagined. Yes, Bayley was determined next year that would be her, main eventing Wrestlemania, her head held high in victory, instead of another crushing defeat.

So first chance she got, she cut her hair, changed up her look and music, and 'turned heel'. Oh yes, no more pandering to the fans who didn't really care about her. No more half measures. Just winning. Okay, so she didn't actually have a match, but she 'turned on' Becky and left her laying, which was the first time since Mania that Bayley had felt proud of herself. And now?

Now she was just waiting for Becky to show her face, so Bayley could put her in her place. Which shouldn't be hard, as everyone knew Becky was just a bottom trying to play pretend. How hard could it be to turn the tables on her? Only it wasn't Becky Lynch who walked through the door. No, it was someone a lot more frightening.

"Maryse..." Bayley paled, stammering, "Wha, what are you doing here?"

Maryse covered her hand over her mouth, and pretended like she was going to vomit, "Oh God, I'm going to throw up. Je vais vomir. Oh putain, tu es tellement dégoûtant."

"What?" Bayley frowned in confusion.

"You are so disgusting." Maryse continued, trying not to smirk as the dumb anal whore finally got it, and glared at her, "Oh oui, vous êtes une honte totale pour notre sexe. Votre visage, votre corps, votre visage. Oooooooooooh, et ce cul! Ce gros cul dégueulasse! Dieu, c'est tellement gigantesque. Ne ressentez-vous pas une once de honte pour votre apparence? Vous devriez, mmmmmmmm, c'est honteux. Et j'adore ça. Oh oui, je n'ai jamais vu un cul aussi désespéré d'être le mien, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, et je te le promets, Bayley, tu le seras. Oh oui, you're a total disgrace to our gender. Your face, your body, your face. Oooooooooooh, and that ass! That big, fat disgusting ass! God, it is so gigantic. Do you not feel an ounce of shame for the way you look? You should, mmmmmmmm, it is disgraceful. And I absolutely love it. Oh oui, never have I seen a piece of ass so desperate to be mine, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, and I promise you, Bayley, you will be."

Bayley gulped, and then stammered, "N, n, no."

"N, n, no?" Maryse mocked, before bursting out laughing.

"No." Bayley said more firmly, before quickly adding, "Look Maryse... I, I don't know what you've heard about me, but I'm not that old Bayley anymore. No, I'm the new and improved Bayley. I'm, I'm a top now. I'm a winner. I'm-"

"The same anal whore you were when you walked into this company." Maryse interrupted as she stepped into Bayley's personal space, making the pathetic woman lower her gaze, but Maryse forced her to look up as she continued, "You don't think I haven't heard this all before? From Beth Phoenix, to Trish Stratus, to your little friend Becky Lynch, mmmmmmmmm, this place just seems to attract worthless little pieces of trash like you, who delude themselves into believing they can be anything other than a fuck hole, given that gigantic ass. And you? Oooooooooooh, you may just have the biggest, nastiest and most disgusting ass I've ever seen. And now it's going to get what it deserves. Just like that anal addicted butt slut Becky Lynch."

"Becky?" Bayley questioned in disbelief, "What, what have you done with Becky?"

"Follow me and find out." Maryse said dismissively, turning to head towards the door, and then grinning as she turned back quickly and added, "We just need to do one thing first."

"Which is?" Bayley questioned nervously.

"Well..." Maryse smirked, circling Bayley like a shark which smelled blood in the water, "You're clearly such a dumb anal skank, that you forgot to write your name on your gear. How is anyone supposed to know who you are, if you don't have your name on your tights? Mmmmmmmmm, and more importantly, what you are? But that's okay, I bought something to fix that..."

Maryse seemed to pull a sharpie out of nowhere, and then with an evil grin grabbed Bayley, turned her around, and then kneel down behind her, causing the former NXT women's champion to protest, "Hey!"

"Shut up, stay still!" Maryse snapped, smacking that big booty as hard as she could, making her soon to be bitch cry out and then whimper pathetically.

Maryse was lucky that Bayley was probably the most pathetic excuse for a woman she'd ever met, because of this dumb piece of ass had even an ounce of self-respect she would have taken advantage of the following moment. Why? Because for a few long seconds Maryse was just rooted to the spot and literally drooling as that gigantic ass jiggled before her.

Which gave Bayley plenty of opportunity to attack her in her vulnerable position, or at least, get the hell out of dodge. But no, Bayley was beyond pathetic, and just stood there like a complete moron, allowing Maryse to stare at her prize, and then bite down on the cap of that sharpie, pull it off, and then start writing that all-important message on the ridiculously big butt in front of her.

There was so many things that Maryse wanted to do to that fat ass, it was honestly hard for her to avoid doing the most obvious ones in that moment, namely bury her face or her cock in that big booty. However it was because Bayley was just so pathetic, and with a gigantic backside, that Maryse felt it was her duty to really pull out all the stops and maximize Bayley's humiliation.

So that was exactly what she did, taking her time to use that permanent marker to brand Bayley as what she was, and what she always would be. What everyone was thinking when they saw her. Oh oui, Maryse vastly improved upon those embarrassing, childish tights, chuckling wickedly to herself as she just admired that handiwork for a while, and then got up, smacked that booty again, and gave her new bitch another order.

"There, I have put your name on your tights. You're welcome." Maryse grinned wickedly, delivering a few more playful smacks as she encouraged, "Go ahead, take a look. Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh, an improvement, non?"

Obediently Bayley looked into the reflective glass a few steps away, and although the letters were backwards she got it immediately, "No, no please, OWWWWW!"

"Shut up and get to the gym." Maryse snapped angrily, before immediately, smiling again as she added, "Now, go to the gym. Oh, of course, with an ass like that, you don't know what a gym is. See, a gym is filled with exercise equipment, and is currently filled with your little friend Becky. You want to find out what happened to her? Follow the signs."

There was a brief pause, then Bayley whimpered, "It's, it's not..."

"Not what?" Maryse frowned.

""It's not my name." Bayley finished weakly.

"Of course it is. It is all you are, and what you always will be. And the only thing you'll ever have a value." Maryse pointed out, before pushing, "Now do as you're told. Do not make me ask you again."

For a few long seconds Bayley actually had the audacity to hesitate, although of course instead of mustering up an ounce of strength or true defiance, she just looked apprehensive, and maybe, like she was going to try and run away. But inevitably the pathetic little bitch lowered her head and slowly made her way out of the locker room, with Maryse following closely behind with a triumphant smirk on her face.

Of course, she wasn't just smirking because of her latest victory over this pathetic fuck hole, but throughout the sadly short journey Maryse got to follow behind Bayley, meaning that she got to spend the entire time staring at that gigantic ass jiggling and shaking with every step. Maryse didn't even bother to pretend otherwise when other people walked past them, as they didn't matter, and most of them already knew what she did to little butt sluts like Bayley.

Perhaps some of them had even seen proof of that in the form of Becky Lynch, the women's champion of both RAW and SmackDown, standing in the corner of the gym and spreading her cheeks, revealing a widely gaping butt hole. Admittedly, it wasn't initially clear who this was as her back was to the door, but her titles were draped either side of her, which pretty much spelled it out.

She was also in front of a mirror, so Bayley only had to move a little closer to see who this was, something which again made her rooted to the spot in disbelief. Which was fine by Maryse, because it maybe gave her a couple more minutes to stare at that big booty, and the fact that she just made this wrestler walk around with the words FAT ASS on her gigantic behind, in big bold letters, one word on each cheek.

"Becky? Oh my God!" Bayley gasped in disbelief when she got close enough to see who this was, and then the next thing she knew she received another hard strike to her bottom, "OWWWWW!"

"Don't turned around, you lazy fuck hole!" Maryse snapped, while once again demanding the attention of this good for nothing except butt sex bitch by smacking that big booty, "I know that being in a gym is a foreign concept to you, but when you're here, you work on self improvement. Which I know is a lost cause for someone as pathetic as you but that shouldn't stop you, you shouldn't? Non, you should be working harder, just in case a miracle happens, and you become a fraction as flawless as me. Mmmmmmmm yessssssssssss, get to work, Fat Ass. Get to work, losing pounds. I know, I know, someone as dumb as you must be wondering where to start, so I'll make the decision for you. Right there, next to your little friend, on the thing real women call a running machine. Your lazy ass will have to start off with walking of course, but we have to start somewhere, don't we?"

"Yes Maryse." Bayley whimpered, before crying out loudly again as she received another hard strike.

"Then shut up and do as you're told, you dumb whore!" Maryse yelled, delivering another hard slap.

"Yes Maryse, thank you Maryse." Bayley whimpered pathetically, before quickly doing as she was told.

Bayley was so ashamed. She had so wanted to reinvent herself, which felt like the last chance to save her disappointment of a main roster career, only for her to submit the first chance she got. Maryse hadn't even beat her in the ring. No, instead the cruel French-Canadian had simply showed up and started bossing her around, and Bayley was letting her.

Of course, if she could only turn the tables on the infamous Maryse, then Bayley would truly achieve her goal of reinventing herself, and pretty much do it overnight. Although was hard to convince herself she was going to do that right now, as she slowly moved over to pretty much right in front of Becky, then got onto that machine, turned it on and started walking at a slow, methodical pace.

Just before that Bayley let out a pathetic whimper when she noticed something else that was covering the wall either side of Becky, which she hadn't noticed before thanks to the championships she desperately wanted, and especially the alleged Alpha female of the entire WWE displaying her gaping ass hole. Namely a bunch of pictures attached to the wall.

For each of them there was a generic photo shot of WWE 'divas' in their signature pose, or holding a championship in triumph, which was the kind of thing the WWE like to decorate any building they were in. However, management would never approve of the photos which were right beside them, namely of gaping ass holes, giving the very clear message that these were Maryse's previous conquests. And they literally covered the wall in front of her.

"Beautiful, non?" Maryse questioned almost conversationally as she came to stand right beside where Bayley was now walking, "Mmmmmmmmmm oui, each of these delusional fuck holes were just like you once. They truly believe that their purpose was to be champions. Winners. Role models. What a joke. I mean, just look at them, in their true form? Happy, content, and gaping open, mmmmmmmmm, just like a good little fuck hole should. Just like you soon enough Bayley, I promise you that. But someone as pathetic as you has to earn the privilege of my cock up her big fat ass. So here is what we're going to do. Mmmmmmmmm oui, I'm going to smack that gigantic ass of yours with this, and you're going to thank me for it."

At the word this, Maryse revealed a thin cane, which look like it could do some serious damage, making Bayley gulped, but soon after she whimpered, "Yes Maryse, thank you Maryse."

"Non!" Maryse snapped, smacking Bayley's ass hard with that cane before ordering, "You call me Mistress. Mmmmmmmmm oui, you respond yes my French Mistress, yes Mistress Maryse, or simply yes Mistress. Anything, as long as it's Mistress. Even a dumb whore like you should be able to figure that out."

"Yes my French Mistress, I'm so sorry my French Mistress." Bayley cried out pathetically.

"That's right bitch, you show me some respect around here." Maryse growled, pointing out, "You wrestlers are all the same. Your precious heroes like Trish Stratus, Mickie James, and even Melina? Ha ha ha ha, they hogged all the spotlight and the glory on screen, but that was just fine with me, mmmmmmmmm, as it made it even more amusing as I completely wrecked their fat asses backstage. I'm sure you've heard the stories, non? Well, they're all true, mmmmmmmmm, especially these three. Oh yes, I had everyone. Beth, Nattie, oooooooooooh, even your precious Lita. That's right, you pathetic bitch, all your heroes were my fat assed bitches before you even learnt to wrestle. But Melina, Mickie, mmmmmmmmm, and even Trish? They were special to me. Oh oui, I officially stripped them of their names, and they were just simply known as Fat Ass. And soon, that will be you. But now? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh now, you get the punishment you deserved for being such a pathetic little bitch."

"Ah God, thank you my French Mistress! Owww, thank you my French Mistress. AH FUCK! Thank you my French Mistress." Bayley cried out.

Of course, she'd heard all the stories about how bad things used to be, and they weren't hard to believe, given what a sorry state the women's division had been in, even when she arrived on the so-called main roster. Her best friend Sasha didn't like to talk about her early days there, and it certainly wasn't perfect now, but the division had just main evented Wrestlemania!

That used to be unthinkable, but now it was a reality. And now here was the antithesis of how things used to be, and even Bayley should be fighting back and doing her part to ensure things didn't go back to the way they had been. And yet, she just couldn't help herself. She just loved being humiliated and degraded so much, that everything Maryse said was hot.

It was so easy to imagine that even the greatest women of previous generations, including Trish Stratus and Lita, had succumbed to this effortlessly dominant woman, and allowed themselves to be completely and totally degraded by her. Bayley was craving that already, and Maryse had barely started touching her. God, even just the way that cane was moving around as Maryse used it to make her points made poor Bayley wet.

Then Maryse got behind her, admiring her prize for a few long minutes, this time while allowing Bayley to anticipate exactly what was going to happen next, before finally giving her what she craved. Before finally beginning to bring that cane down on her ass, the poor bottom barely remembering she was supposed to thank her French Mistress for it.

"Owww, thank you my French Mistress! Owww, thank you my French Mistress. OWWWWW, AH FUCK! Thank you my French Mistress." Bayley cried out and whimpered as required.

Maryse cackled wickedly as she delivered hard blow after hard blow to that obscenely fat ass, making this piece of meat cry out and whimper so beautifully with each hard strike. Normally Maryse like to place her bitches over her need to deliver a spanking. It was just more insulting that way, and gave her a great view of everything. However, every so often, she like to get more creative.

And this big booty was definitely inspiring her creativity. Of course, inevitably the result would be the same. Namely, a brutalized bottom, inside and out. But creativity made it more fun for her, and that was really all that mattered here. And oh, delicious humiliation was radiating off of Bayley already.

It had been very, very tempting to fly out a couple of her lifelong butt sluts, and have them in the exact same position that Becky was in now. Oh oui, that would have been so very satisfying. But it would also pulled focus away from this big beautiful booty, and Maryse would let nothing distract her from that. Honestly she second-guessed the decision to get Becky the privilege of serving her in this moment.

But she just couldn't resist, and it would be extremely humiliating for Bayley to see another one of the mighty horsewomen reduced to what she truly was, nothing but a mindless fuck hole. Oh oui, the look on her face was totally worth it, and now that she had the bitch right where she wanted her, The Sexiest Of The Sexy was having problems concentrating on The Hugger.

One obvious benefit was the beautiful target she had given herself by writing on Bayley's tights. Oh oui, Maryse loved seeing those words which so perfectly described Bayley on her gear, something that she knew was very important to wrestlers. Which was why she was hesitant to remove it at first. That, and she loved the thought of this childish little bitch getting all sweaty under that tightly fitting clothing.

Especially that big ass of hers, Maryse already drooling at the thought of burying her face in between those big cheeks. So for a long while she did, delivering blow after blow onto that big booty and making it shake in those tights, while of course offering up her usual 'verbal encouragement' to her latest conquest.

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