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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion Ch. 12


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They thought hard on their memories to recall all the events that they or their friends had experienced while being out there.

"Shit, Joe, I think you're right on that. I remember Brenda Logan telling me about it when we were dating way back when. You remember her, don't you?"

"We all remember Brenda."

"Yeah, well, anyway, she was telling me how her and a few girlfriends went out and got inside. They said they were only in there for five minutes or so and had to get out."

"What was it that made them get out?"

"I had to pry it out of her, but she said her and the other girls all felt really horny, like something was making them feel that way and two friends kissed each other for no reason. So you think Livy is doing that to those girls?"

"Yup, just have that feeling and my feelings haven't let me down yet, far as I know."

"Nope, you've always had a good head on your shoulders, Joe. I trust your word on things."

"Good, then trust me on this when I say we should take a little drive out there and see if they're alright."

"Really? Go out there tonight? Bit late, isn't it?"

"Only past nine now, they're still up."

"Well, only take us ten or so minutes to get there, you sure?"

"Rather be safe than sorry."

"Okay, can't argue with you on that, let's go see how the girls are and hope we made a trip for nothing."

They drank back the last of their beers and got up to go. Vic reached in his pocket and asked Reggie what his tab was.

"One twenty eight, including tonight's beverages."

Vic counted out one hundred and forty and slapped it on the counter in front of him and walked out with the others. Reggie counted out his tab money and put it in the till, then pocketed the tip with a smile. Vic drove them in his four door pick up and headed out of the town's lights and into the blackness of the country. The drive was silent, no one speaking, as they contemplated thoughts on what they were doing.

Vic turned onto the side road Olivia was on, all eyes cast to the side of the road she was on, waiting to catch the first signs of anything amiss. As the mansion came into view, Joe sat forward, alerted to something. As they closed in, Joe's face took more of a fear than anything else. Vic saw it and asked him what it was.

"Keep going. Take us to the Lancaster's, hurry."

"What? Why?"

"No time to explain, just go."

Vic looked at the growing worry on Joe's face and back to the mansion as they passed it. Nothing seemed out of place, or any cause for the worry Joe had, just the warm glow of lavender light shining from the bedroom window. He couldn't see why it bothered Joe, but it must have meant something wasn't right going on inside. He sped up to make the end of the road and turned left to go the mile down to the Lancaster farm.

"They're old folks, Joe. They're not even going to be up now."

"If I miss my guess, Millie will be up still and if she is, Walter is."

Joe was gripping the dashboard firmly, his tension mounting as he weighed out the possibilities of what could be happening. They saw the farmhouse and Joe was relieved to see lights on, but soon worried the closer they came to it. The light they could see upstairs was bright, but Joe could see that it wasn't a white light from a normal light bulb. Vic pulled in the driveway and stopped close to the house. Joe was out quickly and heading to the door, before the brothers had their seat belts undone. He told them to wait there and went to the door. He knocked hard on it, impatiently waiting there for an answer.

He pounded harder again, bringing lights on inside and the door opened a minute later to Walter standing with his robe on.

"Joe? What the hell you doing here this time of night? Something wrong?"

"Maybe, I need to speak to Millie right away, Joe. Give her a call for her to come down."

"She's in bed, what is it? I'll tell her."

"No Walt, you call her and tell her I need to speak to her right away."

"Don't tell me to go get her, you tell me what it is and..."

"Quiet sissy boy and go get your woman now."

Joe's tone of voice and look in his eyes told Walter he knew of his position with Millie and gulped. He closed the door partially and went back inside and up the stairs. Joe looked at Vic and Bert standing by the truck waiting, his anxiousness showing clearly. Minutes passed until Millie came to the door in her robe, her normally coiffed grey hair now hanging down loose about her.

"Joe? What is it?"

"Millie, we need to talk, it's about Livy and the girls at the house, I think something's not right there."

"What do you mean, not right? Come in, come in, explain yourself to me."

Millie ushered Joe in, but made no motion to invite the others and closed the door to them. Vic and Bert went back in the truck to wait, as Joe sat beside Millie to share his thoughts with her. Walt stood beside Millie and Joe was hesitant to talk with him there. Millie sensed it and touched his arm gently.

"It's alright Walter, I'll be fine and need to talk to Joe, so you go upstairs and wait for me, I won't be long."

Walt gave Joe a look and dutifully did as she asked. He went back upstairs and into Victoria's room where they had been and entered it quickly, to avoid letting the lavender light spill out into the hallway. He took his robe off and hung it on the door, before getting back on the low padded bed and reinserting the anal plug into his ass. He took the cock cage and secured his flaccid member in it again, then closed it. He looked in the mirror at himself, inspecting his cock and plug and was content Millie would be happy with him. He lay on the bed and looked at the candle burning in the holder. He stared at the flame and knew the pleasure it would bring, when Millie dripped it on him. He pulled on his scrotum, knowing it would be sheathed in hot, hardening wax when she came back.

"Okay, we're alone now, what's got you in a fix like this, you need to come out and disturb me at this time of night?"

"I think Livy is trying to possess the girls some how. We just passed the place and the bedroom is all lit up with purple light and I know what that means when it's like that. I've seen it before and it came to no good, you know that, Millie."

"The bedroom is in purple light you said, how purple? A little or a lot?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well, yes, it does."

"A lot of purple showing."


"What do you mean, lovely?"

"She's done it?"

"Who's done what?"

Millie sat with a big smile, looking far off in her thoughts as she did.

"Millie, tell me, who's done what?"

"Heather. She's done it. I'm so happy for her."

"Heather? Who's Heather and what was she trying to do there?"

"It's okay, Joe, It's done, there's nothing to be done about it now, so don't worry and go home."

"What? Millie, you're not making any sense here. Who is Heather and what is she doing to those girls?"

Millie just smiled and stood up, leaving Joe sitting their unanswered. She shuffled over to the door and opened it slightly. Joe was stunned by her actions and had no idea what to say any more to her. Something wasn't right and he needed to know if Olivia and friends were alright. He walked to the door and stopped to look at Millie, happily smiling away to herself and gave her an evil look.

"If anything has happened to those girls Millie, so help me, God."

"Goodnight, Joe."

Millie put her hand on his arm and gently pushed him out the door and closed it. Joe heard the lock being set and knew his time there was over. He stormed off the deck and back to the truck, getting in as fast as he could and slammed the door. Vic and Bert looked at him and knew something was definitely wrong.

"Back to the Masters place, Vic. Pronto. Something's up and it ain't right."

Vic wasted no time backing out and taking off with the tires spinning in the gravel. They drove the few miles back and Joe shook his head and sighed, when he saw how bright the purple glow was. Vic pulled in and stopped, but they didn't get out right away.

"Joe, what are we up against here? Before we barging on in, exactly what did Millie say to get you riled up like this?"

"Heather Monroe, she's back from the dead and wants the girls. I don't know how she wants them, but Millie said it was done and she was happy for her. I don't know what to do here fellas, but we can't sit by and let Olivia and her friends just be treated like that."

"So, what should we do then?"

"Not sure, but sitting here isn't helping matters. I'm going in and try to do something for them."

Joe took a look at both of them and opened the door to get out. Vic and Bert looked at each other and got out as well. Joe didn't knock and used his key to open the door quietly. They crept into the hall and looked about, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. Looking up the stairs, they could see the lavender light coming through the cracks around the door.

Joe climbed the stairs first, going as quietly as he could and stood at the top. He turned and motioned for them to come up to him. Doing the same as Joe, they climbed up and stood beside him, waiting to know what to do next. They stood listening and heard the soft sound of sensual moans coming from the room and Joe shook his head at hearing them. He moved closer to the door and listened in, hearing what was going on inside much better.

On the other side of the door, it was a scene of sexual possession. Olivia was floating in the air above the bed, her arms hanging limply, her legs held up and out wide by Lisa. Her head was trapped between Lisa's thighs, holding her mouth against her pussy. while Chelsea was thoroughly enjoying fisting her ass. She pulled her hand out and the buzzing bullet was spattering the lube from it. She slowly pushed her hand back in deep and rubbed the bullet against her pussy wall.

Livy and Josie were massaging and kneading Olivia's breasts, working them to continue expressing lavender coloured milk from them, that they greedily sucked and licked from her. Olivia was barely semi-conscious through it all, as her body glowed radiantly. Lying back on the bed, Heather was ecstatic watching her pet supply all their sexual needs and desires, fingering herself deeply and dripping vast amounts of glowing lavender cum.

Joe was about to turn the handle when he heard a female voice and stopped, turning to look at the growing dread in Vic's and Bert's eyes. He waited to hear what she was saying, before busting in on them and finding themselves in danger.

"She's ready my lovelies, lower her down to me and let me fill her with my essence. Once my cream joins with her, she will never leave me again and always do my bidding. Come girls, place her sweet cunny against mine and hold her fast, then I will make my pet glow with lust for me."

The girls stopped what they were doing and used their powers to float Olivia into place, Heather scissoring her legs with hers. Heather's head fell back as she let out a deep groan at making contact with her succulent flesh, soaking and awash with glowing cum. The girls sat around as Lisa held Olivia to Heather and watched as Heather slowly ground against Olivia, their clits grinding hard against one another.

Heather worked into longer and harder strokes, her hips undulating rhythmically to her lustful needs. The jewels on Olivia began to glow brighter, the droplets of milk oozing from her breasts luminescent in lavender glow, trailing streaks down them.

Joe, Vic and Bert were stunned by what they heard, knowing full well it was some sex ritual of possession they were doing. Joe wasn't going to wait any longer and burst through the door with Vic and Bert behind him.

"Stop right now and let her go."

Heather opened her eyes, a wicked smile on her face as she looked at him.

"Why should I stop now? She's almost mine and nothing you do will take her away from me. Go away old man."

"I said let her go."

Joe went to the bed and pulled Lisa's shoulders back, so she pulled Olivia away from Heather. The glow between their legs was almost blinding. Vic and Bert shielded their eyes, as Joe squinted to keep Lisa from pushing Olivia back against Heather.

The brothers saw the need for help and joined in, trying to pull Olivia away from them and save her. Her limp body was pulled and jerked about, as both sides try to gain control over her. Heather grabbed Olivia's hips and pushed herself back against Olivia, eliminating the blinding light. Vic grabbed her hands and pulled them away, giving Bert a chance to get the other girls hands off her.

They struggled hard against them, Heather starting to scream hideous threats against them and their bodies, as she was denied the final connection to own Olivia. The light continued to dim, as the lustful arousal dwindled. The jewels stopped glowing, as Heather's control over everything was usurped by the intrusion.

"I will tear those useless cocks from your bodies! She's mine!"

"Fuck you, bitch."

Heather looked at Vic and fury rose in her eyes. The purple in her eyes began glowing brighter, her face becoming twisted up in rage. Bert wasn't about to wait and find out what was going to happen and gave Heather a backhand slap across her face. Heather flew back from the blow, giving Joe and Vic the upper hand in strength to pull Olivia away and off the bed. Heather held her face, reeling from the blow and her rage went out of control. Lisa and Chelsea were possessed to be in a state of sexual arousal and had no compunction to be violent. Livy and Josie were the same way, never once feeling a rage inside to be aggressive.

Heather came at Bert with her nails ready to claw at him, flying through the air from the bed in a leap. Bert sidestepped and ducked, making Heather miss with her swiping claws. She halted and spun around to attack again, but Bert was up and ready. Before Heather could come at him, he used several left hand jabs to stun her, then drove his right hand into her face and drove her back against the wall in a sprawl. She dropped to the floor unconscious, giving Joe and Vic a chance to pick up Olivia's naked body and carry her out to the truck.

Bert looked at Lisa and Chelsea, the effects of Heather's possession starting to wear off on them. He herded them towards the door and pulled the sheets off the bed and put one around each to cover their naked bodies. He made them get down the stairs as fast as he could, looking back at Livy and Josie looking at him. The glow that was about them had faded away and now they were fading away into ghosts again. Vic and Joe came back in and collected Lisa and Chelsea and stopped to watch with Bert, as the girls looked at them with pained expressions of sadness, as they became translucent and faded from sight.

They looked at each other for a moment in wonder at what they saw, then heard Heather coming to again. They hustled the girls into the truck and Vic wasted no time in getting started and racing out of the driveway. They were nearing the end and almost to the road, when Heather flew at them and clung to the windshield, screaming wildly. Before Vic left the property, Heather flew off and hovered at the edge, screaming into the night watching the tail lights departing into the blackness of the night.

When they were far enough away and felt safe, looking out the windows to see if Heather was following and saw she wasn't, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the girls in the back seat. They were all huddled and wrapped in sheets, eyes closed and sleeping. Vic and Bert looked at Joe, Vic speaking their thoughts.

"Jesus Christ, Joe, what the fuck was all of that shit? What did Millie tell you out there?"

"I'll try to explain it all later. Let's just get these girls someplace safe for now."

"Where you thinking of for that?"

"You got some room at your place, right?"

"Fuck, Joe, you out of your head? Like Marge is going to go for us bringing three naked girls home and I don't care what story you tell her."

"Well, I got no room. I got the one bedroom and an old couch. Bert, you got a spare room and a bed."

"Yeah, but the bed isn't big enough for all three to sleep in it."

"Bert, we don't have much choice here what we do. We'll go to your place and figure something out. Right now, it's about them and keeping them safe, or would you rather go back and see if your girlfriend wants to kiss and make up after you decked her?"

"Fine, we'll go to my place. Let's just get there and deal with it. I need to know what the hell is going on right now."

"Soon, Bert, promise."

The three continued quietly, heading towards Bert's place on the edge of town. It would afford them some privacy and hopefully have a chance to deal with it and not have everyone in town know what was going on.

As the truck came closer to safety, a streak of lavender mist was racing over the fields of grass towards the Lancaster house. Inside, Millie was enjoying herself with Walt, treating him to his reward for being good and dutiful to her. The erection pill was hard at work keeping him firm and erect for her to play with. She danced the leather flap of the crop up and down his cock, slapping the head and back of it for great effect. Her other hand was pulling and tugging at his large scrotum, his balls taut in the skin.

As Walter's cock twitched, she treated his balls the same, making him groan and writhe. The cock ring was denying him ejaculation, but pre-cum oozed out in quantity, which Millie rubbed around his head and shaft, taunting his cock to enjoy it and ache from the pleasure. She raised her knee and put it against the large dildo in his ass and nudged it in another inch, watching him strain to take it.

She had spent decades treating Walter this way and knew how to manipulate him to beg. She didn't want to hear one word of pleading, until she felt he had served her well enough and deserved to cum. The veins of his cock were bulging hard with the trapped blood, his head a dark purple and glistening in pre-cum.

"Ready my pet?"

Walter nodded and held his lips tightly, waiting for her to let him speak.

"Do you think you deserve to enjoy cumming?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Would you like to make lots of it for me?"

"Yes Mistress, make me give you what pleases you."

"My sweet pet, I do think you deserve to do that for me. Let me get you ready then."

Millie took hold of the dildo and pushed it slowly, sinking the last of the eight inches inside Walter's ass. He stiffened and winced through his teeth, then relaxed and let Millie start the slow tease to ejaculation. She was running her fingertip behind the swollen head, making it twitch, then ran her finger down the shaft to the base and did the same there just below the cock ring.

The room began glowing brighter in lavender light and Millie stopped, happily surprised by the appearance of it. Walter was straining in need, as Millie's attention of him stopped and she waited for the appearance of Heather.

The mist appeared through the wall and began forming into her shape. Millie was excited to see her and waited until she looked normal.

"Is it done then? She's yours at last, Heather?"

Heather turned to face Millie and showed her the swelling on her face where she was hit. Despite being dead and a ghost, when she was in real form, she assumed whatever a normal person would experience. Millie's smile vanished and a look of fright came over her, completely shocked by what she saw.

"What happened?"

Heather was in a furious rage still, her eyes beaming the glow from them.

"Men! I fucking hate men. I wish they were all dead."

With that, she looked at Walter tied to the bed and saw his engorged cock straining for release. She bared her claws and with a vicious swipe, almost severed his cock in two. Blood shot out everywhere from the pressure and soaked him in it. His eyes went wide, still too shocked to react at seeing his cock like that.

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