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Masters of Lavender Hill Mansion


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"Oh, a pleasure to meet you, Joe. I'm Olivia Masters and this is my friend Lisa. I'm so happy to hear you're taking the boards down. We were just this second talking about getting some light in here. You're timing couldn't be better."

"Alrighty then, I'll get the upstairs first and open the downstairs right after. I'll come by with the tractor and take those weeds and grass down for you too. Been meaning to get to it, but no one was in a rush for me to, so it gets pushed back to last on the list."

"You're a sweetheart, Joe, Thank you so much. I appreciate anything you can do for me."

"My pleasure Ms. Masters. If you need anything, just holler and I'll be around to see you. Say, gotta ask though, no problems with the resident living here?"

"You mean the ghost everyone talks about?"

"That would be the one, yup."

"No, nothing has bothered me so far. I've had a very nice time here so far. Has it bothered people before?"

"Wouldn't say that it bothered them outright, but most folk tell of feeling something touching them, or hearing things."

"Interesting. Have to see what happens to us then. We're staying here, so we'll have a chance to see if anything happens. I'm sure I'll have a million questions about the place for you Joe, but right now, getting those windows open will be a big one for me. Oh, do you know if there's any wood for a fire and if the fireplaces work at all? It's getting a little chilly at night and a warm fire would feel great."

"Oh yeah, sure. Lots of wood in the shed still good for burning. None of it's gone punky and rotten. Far I know, the chimney's are clear and working okay. I can have a quick check with my flashlight and see."

"I'll find a way to repay you Joe, thank you so much."

"Not a problem, thanks. I'll be getting to those boards now."

Joe gave a wave and headed out to his truck to get the ladder and screw gun. Olivia and Lisa smiled at the thought of him and how small town it made them feel.

"What a nice old guy. I guess he's the one who kept things up all this time."

"Yeah. I'm glad he's the kind of guy who doesn't mind doing stuff. Guess you'll get to see what the land looks like soon when he cuts it all down."

"Yeah, oh hey, that reminds me. I'm going to ask if he knows anything about this lavender we keep smelling and if there's any around the house somewhere."

"See if maybe there's a reason we smell it off and on and not because some ghost is around us somewhere."

"Maybe. I'm just wondering if he knows more of the history of what went on here and if the smell has anything to do with it."

"I gotcha. The smell might be like a ghost itself or something?"

"No, not the smell, but why it's so much a part of the house. Upstairs, downstairs and outside you can smell it, but why? Is it the smell of the ghost, or is it something else we don't know about yet."

"Now I see where you're going. Maybe it's just the house itself that's giving off the scent and not really a ghost."

"Yeah. I don't know, but I'd like to find out more about this place and what's gone on before I was even born."

"Didn't your aunt Louise live here a long time ago? I remember your mom telling me about it one time. Remember we were all watching that ghost show and your mom started telling us about her staying here and leaving shortly after.?"

"Oh yeah, I remember that now. Said she was harassed by a ghost that chased her out. I wonder why? They were only here less than a month and barely unpacked. What do you think the ghost did to her that freaked her out so much?"

"No idea, but if it was me and I started getting touched or something, yeah, that would freak me out."

"Okay, but say you had made some sort of contact with it like we were talking about before and say it was a friendly ghost like you said wouldn't freak you out. Would it freak you out if you got touched then, knowing it was a nice touch like in friendship or something?"

"I guess, I don't know. How do you know what you'll do until it happens?"

"Just saying, if we happen to be contacted tonight or something, I don't want you freaking out. I don't think this is a mean ghost or wants to hurt us in any way. It would have done something scary already if it was, right?"

"You know, or trying to convince you and me that's what's going to happen?"

Olivia could see Lisa's scepticism coming out and downplayed where she was going with it. Just then, the first board came down and sunlight shone in and lit the place up brightly where it could. It gave the girls more to see and it was depressing to really see the state everything was in.

"Time to get to work, girlfriend. Lets get the vacuum and start sucking up everything and get it down to a tolerable level. I'll use the broom and get the webs, I know how much they bother you."

"Yeah, I'm so not touching them. Okay, let's get this party started."

The pair went down and brought up everything to the upstairs hall. Lisa plugged the battery charger in and put a spare battery in for the vacuum.

"Gotta love cordless."

"Great, Let me start on the webs and you follow behind me and we'll work everything down to the floor and get it then."

Olivia started gathering webs in the broom and Lisa ran along behind with the vacuum, showing a clean streak where she went.

"The colour really shows when it's clean. Look at that."

"Wow, that thing does do a good job. I'm almost done getting webs in here and I'll go along the hall after and get that ready. I wish I had a vacuum too, this would go so much faster. Mine would suck this shit up pronto, I just don't have the bags to do it all."

"We could go back tomorrow morning after brekkie and get more stuff. We'd be gone close to four hours there and back, but we'd make up for it with the right stuff to use."

"I think you're right on that. We should leave as early as we can and be back so there's plenty of daylight to see with. Joe should have all the boards down and maybe get us some hot water even. I would so love to have a bath in that tub."

"Oh yeah. I could so go for that too. Just soak and sip a glass of wine, nothing but candles burning, as I lie back and let it all go."

"Oooooh, stop talking like that, or I'll want one right now."

"Hey, no one gets anything until it's spic and span clean. No way I'm putting my sweet bits on that tub."

"Uh, yeah, there's that. Okay, forget about hot baths and lets get this bedroom clean first. I think it's our priority right now."

Lisa turned and bumped fists with Olivia to get to work and they set about ridding the room of decades of neglect. Olivia wasn't sure if Lisa could sense the spiritual Olivia, but she was sensing her and the more they cleaned, the happier the sensation she got from her. It took a solid half hour of vacuuming, dusting and polishing to be able to stand back and look around at it. They stood with their arms around their waists and congratulated themselves on a job well done, doing a palm slap and resting their heads on each other.

"Now this is a pretty room. The sheets look clean enough, but we'll use the ones that you brought. Maybe give the mattress a good vacuum too just in case."

"Yeah, good thought. No idea what could be living in it after all this time."

"Don't go there. I don't want to have to think of that while I'm lying there trying to sleep."

"Awww, big, bad bedbugs scare little Ollie? Need me to protect you from them?"

Olivia laughed and giggled at Lisa's mockery and retorted with her own.

"Sure, what you going to do? Blow a deadly fart and gas everything to death?"

"Yeah and I'll Dutch Oven your ass too while I'm at it."

"Gross! I remember you did that to me when I didn't know what it was and you did it and near made me puke it was so gross."

"But it was funny, you have to admit."

"For you maybe, I was gagging."

"Oh stop, you were so laughing after."

"Yeah, but only because you were tickling me to make me laugh."

"Yeah, there's that. Okay, no Dutch Oven."

Olivia hugged her tighter and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. Now let's get that bathroom done next, I really want to have a place to pee soon, I don't know about you."

"Damn girl, you keep focused on the important stuff, don't you?"

"Someone has to. Want to wait until your dying to go and sit on that seat?"

Their conversation was interrupted by Joe calling out to them.

"Ladies, I'm all done taking off the boards. Anything else you need me to look at before I go?"

Olivia went out to the railing and looked down at him.

"Thank you Joe, the place is much nicer with some light coming in, even with the dirt. We were just concerned about the plumbing in the bathroom. Is everything working okay in there?"

"Oh sure. Just let the water run a while to clear it, but the drains are fine and won't back up on you at all. Most anything that went into the septic is long since gone."

"Is there any chance of getting hot water?"

"I'll check the oil tank, might still be enough to boil up a tank or two of hot water before it runs out. I'll call and order a delivery for during the week and then you'll be fixed up good for all the hot water you want. Might want to see about converting to those new on demand tanks and save some money. Oil is pretty expensive to use and there's some rebate thing the government is doing for those switching over. Might look into that."

"You're a saint, Joe. I most certainly will look into that. I think if you can make sure the fireplace in the bedroom is working okay after that, We'll be okay for the night and tomorrow."

"Not a problem. I like the old place and happy to see it lived in again. Sorry I wasn't better on the cleaning part of things."

"No worries. You've done well all this time just keeping it in working order, that's more than enough."

"Well, I thank you Miss Olivia and I'll get to those things right away."

Before Olivia could say another word, Joe was off and clumping down the the old wooden stairs to the cellar. The pair looked at each other smiling and almost giggling in happiness, as they went into the bathroom and began cleaning it from ceiling to floor.

Lisa was changing batteries for the vacuum, while Olivia was finishing mopping the floor, when Joe came up the stairs with an armful of wood.

"I brought you up some wood for a fire and I'm going to check the flue and make sure you're right as rain to go. Sorry to say though, the tank is pretty well bone dry. There wasn't even enough to get the pilot lit and keep it running. There's an old kettle you can use for boiling water in. I saw it down there and I'll go fetch it if you want?"

"Thanks Joe, That's sweet. I guess if we want a hot bath, we'll have to heat a lot of water to get that thing filled up."

"Yup, I'd say a few hours at least."

"Guess that's out. We'll make do though. You've been a really big help and I can't thank you enough, Joe."

Joe put the wood by the fireplace and checked the flue for build up or blockage.

"Chimney is clear. I can see daylight. What I get paid for really. Been collecting a monthly cheque from a lawyer who tends to the legal affairs I guess."

"Mr. Bentley?"

"That'd be the fella."

"Yeah, he's the one who signed everything over to me. Guess I'll have to ask about the money you get and how long it lasts."

"Not sure of that myself really. I just get the cheque, no questions asked, been like that twenty three years now since I got hired on to do it."

"Hmmm, long time. Well, I sure hope the cheques keep coming Joe, I sure need someone like you around here."

"My pleasure. Hope they keep coming too. They keep things even every month, so I don't fall behind."

"Then I'll check into it on Monday and call Mr. Bentley."

"Thanks kindly, Miss Olivia."

"Okay, we'll be fine from here on in, so please, enjoy the rest of the day and oh, could you leave your number in case I need to ask you about something?"

"Sure, sure. I'll go and get a card out of the truck and leave it on the table by the stairs."

"Sweet, thanks, Joe. Really a pleasure meeting you."

"Likewise. You ladies have yourselves a good day and a good night."

Joe bowed his head slightly and waved as he went out to his truck. Olivia and Lisa waited for him to come back and said goodbye again when he put the card on the table. He ambled out the door and began whistling on his way to his truck, before starting it and driving away.

"Music. We don't have any music or anything."

"Yeah, that would have been something to make it go better, never thought of it myself."

"There's an old radio in the living room, I wonder if it still works?"

"Might as well go check it out. Wouldn't that be so cool if it did? This ancient radio playing modern tunes out of it."

They went down and figured out how to turn it on. It lit up and started to hum lowly as it warmed up. Olivia turned the dial to raise the volume a bit and adjusted the tuner knob to bring in a station. The hiss and crackle soon turned in to an oldies station of fifties and sixties songs.

"Damn, it works, no way. See if you can get something newer than that."

Olivia turned the knob back and forth along the band and it only picked up that one station.

"Looks like this is it. Guess the antenna is pretty weak and this is the closest station it can pick up. I'm okay with it. This kind of music is fun to listen to."

"Yeah, sort of. More like what my parents listen to, but it's okay if its all we got."

Olivia turned it up as loud as it would play clearly and they went back up to continue cleaning. The afternoon wore on, the sun changing where it highlighted the rooms as it sank in the sky. The upstairs had been done in every room and windows opened to air it out well. They carried the cleaning equipment downstairs and left it in the front hall for tomorrow's endeavour to make it look as good as upstairs.

"Wow, now that was some serious housework. I so need to stop and rest and get some food into me."

"I know, Lisa. Thank you so much. I'm so happy I can count on you to help me with things like this."

"Hey, that's what best friends are for, right? You've always been there for me and had my back and saved my sorry ass a few times. I'm just repaying those in kind."

"You don't owe me, Lisa."

"I know I don't owe you, but I have to be there when it's your turn to need me and even though this place might be asking a lot in return, I'm happy to be here for you."

"Oh stop, it's not that bad. We've had fun doing it and that always makes it go better."

"Sure does. Say, what do you think our ghost thinks of the place now? Think its happier now?"

"I'm sure she is. I think if I was a ghost and had to be here like she was, I'd be happy seeing it look nice again. I'd still be a typical woman, dead or not and like my place to look nice."

"Yeah, I guess I'd be the same too. I can live with a little mess for a bit, but dirt and filth, no way, nuh uh."

"Exactly. So yeah, I think our ghost is happy. Should we ask her and find out?"

"What? Just talk to the empty space and wait for an answer?"

"Well, yeah. Hello sweet ghost, we want to know if you're happy with how the place is looking now. Can you let us know if you are?"

They looked about the room in silence, waiting to hear or see something. It appeared as fast as it always did and they were both surrounded in the lavender scent. The looked at each other in amazement at what was happening and held hands.

"You smell it, right?"

"Oh yeah. Can you feel it too, that light tingle on your skin?"

"Yeah, now that you said it, I do. Like a very soft breeze or something barely making contact. You think it's her and she's letting us know?"

"I'm positive it is and I think she's really happy, judging by how I'm feeling right now."

"Yeah, yeah, kind of like a comforting hug or something."

"Yes, that's what I feel too. Doesn't it feel neat?"

"It does. Not sure what's happening, but I like it."

"I think our ghost is saying she likes us and we've made her happy. I love her smell when she's near me. I just love feeling wrapped up in it, like it's holding me."

"Yeah, so gentle and soft feeling. Yeah, that scent is so intoxicating, isn't it. Like aromatherapy sort of."

"Oh yeah, just like that. I'm glad we made you happy and we promise tomorrow will make you even happier."

Olivia felt the kiss on her cheek and then Lisa held her cheek and looked at her.

"I think I just got a kiss on the cheek."

"Me too. That was so nice, wasn't it?"

"It was. I mean, I just got touched by a ghost, kissed no less and I'm not freaking out over it."

"See, now you know what you would do. I'm so excited."

"So am I. The hell with TV ghost chasers, we got the real deal right here and I like her. Hello, ghost, I just want you to know I really like you. I think you're really nice and sweet to us."

Lisa looked about and then felt a hugging feeling and looked at Olivia, pointing to herself in astonishment.

"She's hugging me, I can feel her. I can really feel like I'm being hugged. Thank you so much, that feels so nice."

"Her name is Olivia Masters, just like me. I think I'm named after her, but no one really said why I got my name."

"Wait, you've talked to her already?"

"I didn't want to freak you out and wanted to wait until you were okay with it before I told you."

Lisa looked perplexed by what Olivia was telling her.

"Told me what exactly?"

"Don't be mad, but, just as you came here, I was talking with Olivia and she was touching me and hugged me like she did to you just now. I knew she was sweet and nice, but I had to be sure you would be okay with me telling you and that's why I've been talking about it all day and what you would do when she came near and you could smell her."

"So, that picture of the stairs that I thought I saw something in, that was really her, wasn't it?"

"I think so. I think she likes me and she seems to like you too. Why else would she treat us like she does if she didn't?"

"Yeah, that's true, but shit Ollie, you could have told me and explained it. I wouldn't freak out like that if I knew beforehand."

"I'm sorry, it was just so weird to bring up just like that. How could I just say Hi, glad you're here. Oh, by the way, there's a ghost and she might touch you and stuff."

"Okay, I get it and no problem, I'm not mad or anything. But this is still so cool to be happening to us."

"I know. I thought about calling up the people on the show and telling them about Olivia and me and see if they'd do a show on us, but you know, I kind of like keeping it private between us and I sort of sense she does too."

"Yeah, who likes strangers poking about everywhere and trying to get a ghost on record. I think we should just keep this between us and besides, everyone believes there's a ghost here and they don't have to know we really know her and talk about her. I'd love to go into town with you and learn more about her and this place now. I'm really liking this place and everything about it. And it's so cool you're a part of it some how."

"Yeah. I know my aunt was looking up our family tree and got as far back as when this place was built, but didn't really find much, other than when everyone was born and died. I bet there's more in the local newspaper or library we can search and find out. I'd like to know what happened here and why."

"This is turning into one of those movie of the week mysteries, isn't it. Heiress inherits haunted mansion and learns of a dark past that's remained hidden."

"That it is. I love it. I'm going to dig up whatever I can and add it to the history of this place and my ancestors."

"And if you turn this place into that B&B, it'll be something people will want to know about too and want to come here. You know what else it could be, is a spa. That would get people here too. This place has huge potential to make money."

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