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Mating Rituals Ch. 15


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He held the mirror and I looked at my clit with the gold bar fitted through it. I thought it looked beautiful, despite the few tiny bits of blood still around. He flipped my ring over my clit and I saw that once it had all healed, if I fitted the bar through the ring it would extend my clit past the hood and probably make it far more sensitive. He then gave me an instruction sheet for after piercing care, I pulled my skirt back on but left my panties off, kissed him goodbye and walked slowly back to my car, then drove home.

What an experience!! I think I'll get my labia pierced as well sometime. There was a photo of a woman with pierced labia with about 6 rings down each lip staggered so they fitted between each other. The second photo showed the rings fitting between one another with a rod through them all that was locked in place. There was no way that poor woman could be fucked like that. I thought it might be a good idea so you could lock me up or maybe so I could keep you out. Anyway, not needed at present; I don't want anyone near my pussy for about 6 months, well, maybe 6 hours??

I went home and lay on my back on the bed until dinner time with my legs wide apart, definitely not wanting anyone to make love to me. When I arrived for dinner everyone was asking about the op and Frank also wanted to know how it was. I ended up lying on the couch with my legs apart so they could inspect me. Frank told me it looked good with no infections, so that was reassuring. I'm sleeping by myself tonight. So pleased I slept with Al last night; he made love to me 3 times during the night and I think I had about 7 orgasms. His cock fills me so well, not that I want to swap yours for his, but it's nice to be able to have both. I know I was still full of his cum when I showered this morning. So I should be right for a couple of days at least.

How was your day? Guess you're in Tauranga now.

Love you, honey. XXXXX

Jan 05 08:27:53pm

From: Ryan

To: Sophie

Hi darling. Good to hear from you and to know you're well and pierced. Sounds like it was horrendous. I know you can take a lot of pain so for you to say it was that bad means it was actually far worse than you said. However, pleased it's all done and that you're now recovering.

Had an enjoyable day today travelling down the Waikato River, the longest river in NZ, then to a gold mining area. We stopped to walk up a valley to see old gold tunnels, then on to Waihi, which still has 2 active mines, an opencast one and an underground one. The interesting thing is that the mines are right next to the town; in fact the underground one goes under the town! There are lots of old mines beneath the town and in one area the old mines have collapsed and part of the town sank into a hole. Then we came down a beautiful coastline to Tauranga, where we were able to shop for snacks, before going to the cabin accommodation at Papamoa.

What a lovely place. Right across the road is an almost deserted beach. The locals say that it's actually crowded at present as this is the top holiday time of the year, but compared with beaches I've seen it's almost empty. The blue Pacific Ocean just rolls endlessly in with waves a few feet high. Hayley's told me she wants to go for a walk along the beach by moonlight tonight, or some night anyway. We'll just have to see what happens. I have a feeling she's got something else in mind, but don't know yet.

Dinner was takeaways from the shops next door. The fish and fries here are wonderful - the fish tastes really fresh and they seem to be able to cook the fries to perfection, or maybe I was just hungry.

Seems like Gene and Heidi have known each other for a while- they're in the same room. I wonder if they're interested in a partner swap or a foursome. Hayley's mentioned she'd like to fuck Gene and Heidi's certainly a sight for sore eyes. A few weeks to go so have to see what opportunities present themselves. They'll both be staying with us throughout our tour.

Must go and do some more on my assignment - due in tomorrow afternoon. Wouldn't life be great without assignments! Moon rises about 10pm and Hayley's suggested we go down to the beach to see it rise over the ocean.

Love you, darling, and miss you. Hope you're healing well. Love XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Jan 06 07:32:45am

From: Hayley

To: Sophie

Hi Sophie. Just a quick note while Ryan's in the shower. Saw moonrise last night, walked along the completely deserted beach, stripped our clothes off and had a swim then made love in the shallows. Wonderfully romantic - all I could have wished for. No doubt Ryan'll give you details later. Hope you're healing well and are comfortable. Love XXXXX

Jan 05 08:38:52am

From: Sophie

To: Ryan

Hi darling. Feeling lots better today. Seems my clit's settled down and only a slight pain if I walk too fast, though I guess I won't be riding a bike anytime soon.

I hear you had a fun night at the beach. So you have got some romance in you after all. Dying to hear details of your romp in the surf.

Have fun. Love you and miss you, darling. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Jan 06 04:45:32pm

From: Ryan

To: Sophie

Hi darling, didn't know Hayley had told you about our escapade last evening. It was great fun. She took me down to the beach and we watched the moon rise over the ocean, then she suggested we strip off and swim naked in the sea. We did, and, of course, one thing led to another and before we knew it we were making love in the shallows with the water washing around us. We both came, then dripped dry as we cuddled standing up, then went back and to bed. That's about all there was to it.

We went up into the native forest today and did some work learning about river hydraulics and sedimentation. Learnt also a lot about the bush, as they call it, what plants to use medicinally quite a lot of detail about the ecology of the natural systems. Most of the native birds seem to be either extinct or endangered, mainly because settlers have brought predators into NZ. Originally there were no mammals (except a small bat) so the birds have absolutely no protection against the predators, like stoats, ferrets, weasels, possums (similar to opossums but from Australia), and rats, cats and dogs which have gone feral. After that we went to a native plant nursery and planted out some flax plants that will eventually be used in a reforestation program to re-establish native forest for native birds.

I've just finished my assignment and handed it in so I'm free for the evening, at least I think I am. Dinner soon - hungry - it's been a long day.

Love you sweetheart. XXXXXXXXX

Jan 05 03:30:26pm

From: Sophie

To: Hayley

Hi Hayley - what are you doing to my man? He went into detail about the work he's been doing today but just glossed over your lovemaking in the surf last evening and didn't even mention my poor pierced clit. Maybe you can fill me in on the details and perhaps get through to him that he has a fiancée who loves him and would really appreciate a bit more TLC than he's giving at present. Or am I just being grumpy.

Thanks anyway. Love XXXXX

Jan 06 08:45:15pm

From: Hayley

To: Sophie

Hi sweetie - I got Ryan to show me the email he sent you - disgusting. Sorry, I guess that I'm keeping him well satisfied and in his case absence makes the heart forget. Men!! I'll give him a wakeup call tonight - no sex. That should sort him out.

Anyway, last evening, when we went to the beach the water was lapping on the sand, quite calm which, of course, is the reason the Pacific is so named, pacific meaning peaceful. There was no moon, no people, just starlight above, lots and lots and lots of stars shining down. We walked along the water's edge, arms around each other as gradually the light brightened in the east. Finally the thinnest sliver of silver could be seen above the horizon and this widened quickly until the disc of the moon, with a small chunk out of it as it is a few days after full moon, rose into the sky, leaving the horizon behind.

We had been standing still, cuddling each other and kissing as we watched the moon rise but now that it was in the sky we noticed a slight chill in the air. I suggested we strip off and swim, which Ryan agreed to after a bit of persuasion. We walked up the beach to the dry sand and stripped each other, spending time kissing and cuddling as our clothes were removed and soon we stood, naked, clinging together, kissing and caressing each other. After a while I broke away but retained hold of his hand and began running to the water, with Ryan following along behind. At the water's edge I kept running, splashing us both until we were about knee deep then we both dived in.

We swam away from the shore for a few minutes until the water was up to Ryan's neck. I clung to him for support as I couldn't quite touch the bottom with my toes and keep my mouth clear of the surface, especially when the small waves passed. I reached down and expected to feel his cock tiny from the cold water but he was completely aroused. I moved myself until I was directly over his cock but my upper body was too short to allow him to penetrate me while I could still breathe. I told him we needed to swim a little closer to shore, which we did, then I was able to sit down on his cock and have it fully inside me as he supported me upright in the water. It was gorgeous. As each wave passed it lifted me up slightly then I dropped down again in the trough, almost as though the ocean was helping us to make love. We must have spent 15-20 minutes like this, just gently arousing each other before he began walking towards the shore still embedded in me. Once the water was only a few inches deep he laid me on my back and began fucking me in earnest. It was an amazing feeling to feel the water washing around my pussy as he went in and out and very quickly I reached the point of no return. I gripped him tightly and pressed upwards against him, gaining as much pressure against my clit as possible as my orgasm and a wave washed over me simultaneously. My mouth had been open gasping for breath as I came and I ended up coughing and spluttering as I felt him inject his warm cum into my love tunnel.

We lay there for a few moments longer, then he withdrew, stood, helped me up, we walked into deeper water to wash off the sand and cum, then returned to shore. We walked up to our clothes in the dry sand, arms around each other, collected our clothes, then continued walking back to the track through the sand dunes we'd come down. That took around 10 minutes by which time we'd dried off so we dressed and returned to the accommodation. Everyone else was apparently already in bed so we quietly went to our room, showered together to remove the salt, then snuggled into each other in bed and slept.

Is that a more detailed version? Sometimes men are just so unromantic.

Hope you're feeling much better now. I'll tell Ryan a few home truths about emailing you.


Jan 07 07:04:25am

From: Ryan

To: Sophie

My sweet darling, I'm sorry. Hayley told me about how you felt receiving my email and on rereading it I'll totally admit that I was heartless and unfeeling. I'll try to do better in future.

How's your poor clitty today? Hope she's healing well. I really admire your bravery in having it pierced and just hope that the increased sensations will have been worth the pain. Apart from that I guess it's also knowing that you've got something that very few others have. The only other woman with a pieced clit I know of is your mom.

We're checking out of this lovely place today, going to learn about Maori culture then stay in a marae, which is a Maori community, tonight. I believe we all sleep in a large meeting house on the floor so will tell you about that tomorrow.

I'd love to write more but have to eat then pack. I really hope that you have a lovely day today and that you're healing as quickly and as painlessly as possible. I love you, darling. XXXXXXXXX

Jan 06 09:26:48am

From: Sophie

To: Ryan

Thank you for your lovely email. Maybe I was just being bitchy because you're there having fun while I'm here suffering. Sorry, sweetheart. My clit's a lot less painful that it was but still too sore for me to try stretching it by putting the bar through the ring. However, I feel lots better today. Slept with Lance and Bel last night and Lance made love to me, sweetly, gently and from behind without hurting my clit at all. It was wonderful. Terrific that someone who really is quite old can still make love so beautifully and make a girl feel like she's someone special. I guess that's what experience does. He made me cum three times before he filled me with his cum. Seemed strange making love with the man who is my genetic father and grandfather.

I'll be interested to hear how your sleep in the meeting house went. Seems a strange place to sleep but must have been fun having everyone together like that. Hope you'll send me the details, not just an overview. But I guess maybe nothing happened???

I need to go to uni this afternoon and do some more work on my questionnaires and sort out the questions I really want to ask people. It's sort of a personal subject, looking at how people's fears can change, so it's really important to get relaxed and comfortable before I delve too deeply. However, as they say, everyone has a story and everyone is just looking for an opening to tell their story to others, so hope it all works. Otherwise it's back to the drawing board.

Love you and looking forward to hearing about your adventures. XXXXXXXXXX

Jan 09 08:26:52pm

From: Ryan

To: Sophie

Hi darling - sorry I couldn't email earlier - no wifi at the marae. Long one today to make up.

Heidi told us all about the Maori history of the area yesterday and we visited some of the significant sites, like a battle site where the Maori warriors fought the British and beat them, but then the Brits fought them later and won. There seems to be a lot of aggro about that for some reason, maybe because the Brits apparently attacked before the Maori were ready. Now that would be called a strategic victory but apparently then it was frowned upon. Anyway, it turns out that Heidi was brought up in a Maori community and had learned a great deal from them while she was at school.

We then travelled into the hills to the marae and were welcomed by the people living in the village. Well, they don't actually live there, but they prepare the whare nui, as they call the meeting house, (it means big house) for visitors when required. They have a formal welcoming ceremony called a powhiri which is designed to sort out whether the visitors are friends or enemies. Must have been very scary in those days when tribes were attacking each other and alliances were changing all the time - sounds a bit like the middle east today.

Once we had been welcomed and performed a hongi - touching noses and foreheads with the tangata whenua, literally people of the land, we went inside and had lunch, which was just normal food, it wasn't anything specifically Maori, but it was very good and plenty of it. Apparently the Maori would lose a lot of face, mana as they call it, if there wasn't enough food or if it was of poor quality.

After that we all took spades and shovels and continued work on a track alongside a lake which is being developed as a walkway to allow people to view and learn about the native forest in this area. We also had a look at some of the structures that channel the small rivers through tunnels to several hydroelectric generating plants to produce electricity. These were made a long time ago and were some of the first hydro stations in NZ. It's amazing how the pioneers could do this work in untracked dense bush and get all the levels correct. They must have been amazing engineers.

We returned, showered, had dinner then learnt more about Maori customs, like not sitting on tables or pillows for example, and the way they lived in the 'old days', before going to bed. Bed was a simple foam pad on the floor of the large room. We were given a sheet, a thin blanket and a pillow. The girls in the group slept on one side, the guys on the other and the three couples, us, Pat and Amy, Heidi and Gene, slept down one end. Gradually the sounds died away and we only heard the sounds of the bush and a few gentle snores from around the room. I was just drifting off to sleep with one arm around Hayley when I felt a hand gently resting on my belly. I didn't think it was Hayley because she was asleep, but checked anyway and it wasn't, so it must have been Heidi, who was on the pad next to me. I lay still, almost not breathing, and at first I thought she'd just moved in her sleep, until I felt the hand gently stroke my sparse hairs then the fingers insinuated themselves under the elastic of my shorts, then continued south until they met my cock, which had hardened remarkably during the past few minutes. The hand then gripped my cock gently, then moved down further to caress my balls.

I slowly eased my arm from beneath Hayley's head and turned slightly towards Heidi, feeling her hand slowly stroking my hard cock. I reached towards her and found a breast beneath her long nightshirt. I unfastened a button and eased my hand inside, covering her breast, hearing a short intake of breath as she felt my hand on her skin. The next thing I knew was that she was kissing me on the lips. What could I do? Obviously, kiss her back, so I did. Our tongues went into autopilot and were soon exploring each other's mouth while our hands explored each other's body. I slid my hand down her nightshirt and pulled up the hem as she spread her legs to give me complete access to her pussy, which my fingers found was drooling her female fluids down her thighs.

As I gently spread her fluids over her clit and lips, she spread my precum over my cock head and used her other hand to caress and gently squeeze my balls. She them pushed my shorts downwards, exposing me beneath the blanket, and put her mouth to my ear. 'Fuck me, darling' was all she said, but that was quite enough. I turned on my side towards her as she turned to face me, placing her upper leg over my hip and pulling my crotch towards her with her heel. My cock quickly found her love tunnel and she pulled me inside, going deep with my first thrust. I felt her hard nipples press into my chest as we carefully, slowly and gently, so as not to wake others, made love together.

The stealth of our movements both delayed our climaxes as well as enhanced our arousal so by the time we approached our releases we were both in ecstasy already. I heard her breath become shallower and more rapid as she sought more air but needed to remain as silent as possible. Then she was there and I felt her vagina constrict as she buried her face against my neck while her body trembled with her release. Her vaginal muscles pulsed on my cock, driving me to my orgasm and I flooded her pussy with my hot cum as I held her body tightly against mine.

We remained like that for several minutes, our breathing rates slowing, bodies relaxing, gently kissing and cuddling in post-orgasmic bliss. Then we released each other, my cock plopped out of her tunnel, we had a final kiss and turned over to face our partners. As I cuddled up to Hayley she kissed me and asked 'Did you have fun, honey?' I told her I had, and she kissed me and snuggled up to me and soon we both slept soundly.

After breakfast the next day we helped clean up the whare nui and packed the coach before being farewelled by the tangata whenua and then headed towards Rotorua, our next stop. After an enjoyable coach ride through some very interesting countryside, during which we climbed the side of a volcano in the coach then dropped down into what we were told is the most active caldera crater in the world. It's such a huge crater that it doesn't look at all like a crater but it has erupted many times in the past and still has areas with boiling water and mud pools and geysers. The city of Rotorua is actually completely inside this caldera crater. We checked into our hotel and it has wifi, so I'll send this in a few minutes.


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