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Maybe That Was The Wrong Gift

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Wife begins having second thoughts about her gift idea.
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*Disclaimer for those who may not like it: Just like my previous story, there will be some unpleasant betrayal here as well.*


Amanda and Savannah were exhausted from the week, but decided they needed to have a girl's night. It had been way too long since they had seen each other.

As Savannah was driving over to Amanda's house, she realized that the last time they hung out was while Amanda and Asher were still together. They had broken up a few weeks ago because Amanda had changed her mind about wanting to have kids. Asher had always been opposed to the idea, and when Amanda brought up that she wanted them now, it threw a huge wrench in their relationship.

Savannah and her husband Shane on the other hand were the opposite. Savannah wanted to wait a while longer to have kids. She never let Shane have sex with her without a condom, on top of the birth control that she took. She just wasn't ready for that responsibility yet.

When Savannah got to Amanda's house they got out a bottle of wine and started drinking it as they caught up without the men around.

"So how are you doing?" Savannah asked.

"Honestly...not great. I thought that it was for the best to end things now before things got even more serious, but I miss Asher. Or at least I miss not being lonely. And the whole reason we broke up was because I wanted kids, and now I'm still back to square one. I don't have anyone to start a family with. And on top of all of that, next week is my high school reunion that I was really looking forward to. The invite had a big 'Bring your significant other!' title at the top so I'm not even sure if I want to go now." Amanda sighed, then drank a big gulp of wine.

Savannah felt so bad for her friend. Amanda was beautiful -- a 5'5" Asian American with gorgeous brunette hair and a super cute face, an average body, but the best ass of any of her friends. She would definitely have a long list of men lining up to date her, but she was turning 30 in a month. Savannah totally understood how the timing of her breakup with Asher was not ideal.

"Maybe you could just find a cute guy off of Bumble to bring with you as your date to the reunion?" Savannah suggested.

"I thought about that, but it said 'Significant other.' I feel like it's not the right place for a first date or hookup." Amanda replied.

"Good point. Maybe bring a friend instead?" Savannah said.

"I thought about that too. But the only guy friends I have that live around here are Shane and Lisa's husband Bryce. Or my brother...but that's definitely a no." Amanda replied laughing.

Savannah laughed with her. But wait...a thought occurred to her. Why not? And Amanda's birthday was coming up after all...

"Wait...that's it! Bring Shane! He'll totally go with you! You guys have known each other and been friends since I started dating him and introduced him to you when we met in college! It will be our birthday gift to you this year!" Savannah said. She was so happy that she could find a way to cheer her best friend up.

"Seriously? You guys would be cool with that? Wouldn't it be weird for you? I don't want to make you uncomfortable. It's supposed to be a date night type of thing for significant others." Amanda replied.

"Well I mean it's not like you guys would be making out!" Savannah laughed. "Or at least you better not! No one is going to force you to do any PDA or anything. You'll just be hanging out together like we all usually do, but I won't be there. You can even hold hands to keep up the guise of 'being together' if you wanted."

"Wow, I don't know what to say. That's so nice of you to offer...assuming Shane is cool with it too." Amanda laughed.

"Oh, Shane loves you! You two will have an awesome time. I'll talk to him about it when I get home tonight." Savannah said beaming.

"You're the best! I'm excited, maybe we can pick out my outfit now then." Amanda giggled.


"Hey honey!" Savannah shouted when she came in through the garage.

"Hey baby! How is Amanda holding up?" Shane replied as he entered from the kitchen.

"She's doing decent, not great. But I thought of a gift for her birthday that we can give her to cheer her up!" Savannah said. "Let me go change into my pajamas and I'll tell you about it."

As Savannah started getting ready for bed, Shane considered how difficult Amanda's situation must be. Asher seemed like a really nice guy. He knew how much Amanda liked being with him. He couldn't imagine how tough it must be to break up after having been together for 3 years.

He also considered how he and Amanda shared their desire to start having kids in common, and how they both had to deal with a disconnect with their respective partners on that topic. At least Savannah does want to have kids *at some point*, thought Shane. But it was getting a bit tough for him to continue waiting. He couldn't imagine if he was with someone who didn't want to have kids *at all*.

"Okay. So here's the gift idea." And Savannah explained the reunion party and Shane's role in it as they both sat together on their bed.

"Wow, are you sure that's something you think she would want?" Shane asked.

"Yes...because I might have already told her about it." Savannah said, smiling guiltily.

"Baby!" Shane shook his head laughing and rolling his eyes.

"It's just for fun and it's not like you would ACTUALLY be a couple. You might have to hold hands a few times to make it seem like you were. But obviously you wouldn't be doing anything more than that." Savannah explained. "I really think this would bring her some much needed fun, and you're both such good friends. That's all it would be."

Shane paused for a second to think about it. He really did care about Amanda. She had always been a great friend to them. And this did sound like it would probably be some harmless fun and something that they could all look back on and laugh about afterwards.

"Alright, I'm down!" Shane announced finally.

"Yay! Thank you honey! I'll let her know, she'll be so excited!" Savannah said and leaned over to give Shane a big kiss.

Shane kept it going, and reached over to grab his wife's ass. She was a bit taller than Amanda, and had darker hair. She also had larger breasts and a tighter body. Her ass wasn't quite as large, but it worked.

As they continued making out, Shane reached lower and started rubbing her pussy from behind. Savannah started moaning, and they peeled off their clothes quickly.

"I'm so fucking horny for you right now." She said.

"That might be the wine talking, but I'll take it." Shane replied.

"You're a big stud. You're MY big stud. And you're such a stud that even my friend wants to show you off!" Savannah winked as she started stroking Shane's cock.

Wow, thought Shane, and his mind went numb for a second. His wife had never been adept at dirty talk before. She was a good and caring lover, but she was not the type to try anything freaky or adventurous. So even this mild form of dirty talk was super exciting to him. Or maybe it was the situation that she was referencing that was exciting him...

"Do you think the other girls at the reunion will be jealous of her, while she walks into the gym with my sexy man? I bet they'll all wish they could be in bed with you like I am right now." Savannah said, sticking her tongue out and smiling while she continued to stroke. Fuck she was sexy.

Shane realized that if he didn't stop her soon, he would cum way too quickly, so he switched to going down on Savannah. He had never failed to make her cum this way, and his streak wasn't ending tonight. He made love to her pussy with his mouth and as she came, she felt so grateful that he was her husband. She pulled him back up and they started passionately making out again.

As they did this, Shane was grinding his cock against her pussy. She was so extremely wet right now that it was only a few seconds before it slipped in past her entrance.

"Oh my FUCK! Ughhhhhhh." Savannah moaned.

"Yeah baby? You like my raw cock inside you? Does it feel good bare against your pussy my love?" Shane asked.

"Yesssss...ohhhh...but...stop. We need to stop. Get a condom quick, please." Savannah said.

Shane felt a bit frustrated. He knew that she didn't want to have a baby right now, but she was always so good about taking her birth control. He hated it when she let him in raw for a few pumps every couple of months, only to tease him by making him get a condom a few seconds later.

He lifted up slowly, savoring every last microsecond he could. Then grabbed a condom from his bedside dresser and slipped it on.

"Get over here, stud." Savannah said.

She guided him back in, and let out another moan. Shane didn't know what came over him in that second -- maybe it was his wife talking dirty earlier, maybe it was being raw for the first time in a few months a few seconds ago, or maybe it was what they had discussed earlier. But in that moment he decided to get a bit more adventurous with his own dirty talking than he ever had before.

"Ohhh baby, your pussy is so you think that's how wet Amanda will be when I take her out to her reunion next week?" Shane asked. And he pulled his cock all the way out until just the tip was touching her pussy lips. "Do you think she'll be as desperate for cock as your pussy is right now?"

"FUCKKKK." Savannah screamed as she grabbed Shane's ass and tried to force him back in.

"I'm not putting my dick back in you until you answer. Do you think she will want a dick that night? Do you think she'll want this dick?" And he pushed the tip in then pulled it back out.

"Honey please! Fucking put it back in!" She wrapped both her legs around now trying to force him to fuck her again.

"Answer." Shane said calmly, keeping his cock hovering over her entrance.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh yessss, she will definitely want your dick. But she can't have it, it's all mine, and only mine! Now please fuck me!" She screamed

Shane pushed forward about halfway, and her eyes rolled back. He pushed the rest of the way in to the back of her pussy, then leaned next to Savannah's ear and whispered:

"You know, I bet she wouldn't have any problem with me fucking her without a condom. She wants a baby. I bet she'd even want me to put all of my sperm in her vagina."

Savannah moaned, then reached down to where they were connected, grabbed the end of the condom at the base of his cock to take the condom off as she pushed him up.

"You're mine. Your dick is mine. And your fucking sperm is MINE." Savannah said, eyes staring into Shane's soul.

She pushed him back in, and as Shane fucked her, Savannah met each thrust. She had amazing abs, and she worked them like crazy. Hungry to milk the cum out of him.

"OH fuck baby, I'm so fucking close." Shane exclaimed.

Just then, Savannah regained a bit of her senses. She realized she made her point, Shane was not leaving her for Amanda, and she did not need to get pregnant to prove it.

Just as Shane screamed that he was about to cum she pushed him back and jerked his cock off over her tits.

Shane could not help but feel mixed emotions. While that was definitely the sexiest experience he'd ever had with his wife, he couldn't help but feel like that was also the biggest dejection he'd ever had as well. He was SO close to cumming inside of her. He hadn't cum inside someone since a college hookup before he met Savannah, it had been nearly 9 years. Was she that scared of getting pregnant with him that she didn't want to risk it, even if the odds were so low because of the birth control?

They laid on the bed for what seemed like an eternity cuddling in silence. Then Savannah said:

"I love you so much honey. You're mine forever, and I'm your's forever." She looked at him and smiled.

"I love you too Savannah." He smiled back.


After that night, Shane started noticing a bit of tension between him and his wife. Mainly, it seemed, because Savannah was more anxious than usual. He tried checking on her over the next few days, afraid that he had gone overboard with the dirty talk, but she always said that she was fine and tired from work.

In truth, Savannah was growing more anxious about the reunion party. She knew that she had nothing to worry about and what Shane said during sex was just dirty talk, but there's no question that it had done a number on her subconscious. She didn't want to admit that to herself or to Shane though.

Shane certainly had no desire to do any of the things he had said that night. He loved Savannah, and just found it hot to talk about Amanda for spicy dirty talk. He never thought about her in a sexual way. She was always "off-limits" in his mind, because he would never want to damage his relationship with Savannah.

The night before the reunion, he decided that he needed to have a chat with Savannah, though. Whether she would admit to it or not, he knew that it was on her mind and he wanted to put it at peace with everything. He was also not going to get a chance to see her before the reunion because she wouldn't get home from work until after he left to pick up Amanda.

"Hey, can we just go over how everything happening tomorrow will work?" Shane asked.

"Sure." Said Savannah, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, even though she was suddenly tensing up.

"First off: just want to make sure that you're still cool with it? Obviously our relationship matters way more to me than a fun night for Amanda. I'm sure we can think of another fun gift for her if you don't want to do this anymore." Shane suggested.

"Of course, I'm still cool with it honey. I would have told you if I wasn't." She replied, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"Okay, I'm trusting you that you're being honest." Shane said. "Then in that case, I just want to reassure you that we're obviously just going as friends and we won't do more than hold hands if we need to make it look like we're a couple, like you said."

"Of course. I was already expecting that." Savannah said.

"Alright. So, schedule-wise, I was thinking that I could pick her up around 6, we'd stay until 9ish, I'd drop her off, and then be home around 10. Does that sound good?" Shane asked.

"Of course honey. You don't have to worry about me. I'm not going to be checking my clock wondering where you are." She chuckled.

"Well then, I guess I'll see you tomorrow after the party ends?" Shane asked.

"Yes, I will see you then!" She said, then gave him a quick kiss and turned off the light to go to sleep.

As they got into bed and closed their eyes, it would be a while before either of them was able to fall asleep. Thoughts flew through their mind with relentless pace.


Shane arrived at Amanda's apartment building and sent a text.

"Here, whenever you're ready to go!"

"Awesome, I'll be down in a second :)"

Shane was wearing a nice button up shirt and blazer, nothing too fancy. He wasn't sure if he would be overdressed or underdressed.

As Amanda walked out of her apartment, he realized that he may be underdressed compared to his date, though. His jaw almost dropped as he saw her walk out towards his car in a beautiful blue dress that matched her eye shadow. It was short and showed off her beautiful legs, and perfect ass.

He tried to compose himself as she got to the car, but struggled to do so.

"Wow, you look amazing!" He said.

"You do too, and you smell great! And hey, we matched without trying!" She laughed, referring to his blue blazer.

"Well that works for our 'couple for the night' charade!" He laughed too, and gave her a high five.

They started driving.

"Thanks for doing this, you're so sweet!" Amanda said. She had such a cute smile.

"Well thank you for having me, I'm honored to be your date for the night! It will be awesome having all of the guys you went to high school with get jealous of me, and have to hide their boners around their wives when they see you in that dress." Shane said, giving her a teasing look.

"You'll be pretty nice arm candy to show off as well." Amanda replied. "How are you and Savannah doing? Last I heard, she said you were both thinking about having kids soon, but that was a while ago."

Shane paused, looking unsure how to respond.

"Not to pry!" Amanda said quickly.

"No it's okay. We do still want kids. I'm just not sure on the timing yet." Shane replied. "Well, I guess I should say Savannah isn't sure yet."

"Oh I see. She seemed pretty sure that she would be ready soon when we talked about it a few months ago. Is she still on birth control?"

"Yes. Very much so." Shane laughed. "And that is interesting that she sounded so confident that it would happen soon when she talked to you. I definitely haven't gotten that vibe myself."

"Hmmm." Amanda said, searching for what to say. "Well...I know what you're going through. And take it from me, your situation could be worse. At least you're still with someone you love, and you know that eventually you'll be on the same page."

"Thanks Amanda, I appreciate that." Shane said.

They were at a red light and spent a moment looking at each other and smiling. They had been friends for so long now, the trust and vulnerability came naturally.

Then they drove on, to see what the night held for them next.


When they got inside the high school gym they were greeted with a very nostalgic experience. It felt like a high school dance, which they hadn't been to in years.

"Oh my god, is that Amanda?!" A blonde woman shouted, followed by a tall dark haired man.

"Clara! Wow, looking hot girl!" Amanda replied as they approached.

"So good to see you! This is my husband Joey." Clara said, introducing him.

They shook hands, then Amanda said, "This is my boyfriend Shane."

Shane was taken aback -- for a second he forgot that this was a "significant others" themed reunion, and he was her date for the night. He quickly fixed his expression and shook their hands, as well.

After catching up for a bit and eating some of the food spread, they all decided they would head to the dance floor. The music was supposed to be hits from their time in high school. The song that started playing as they got on the dance floor was Usher's "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" song.

Shane had never danced with a woman besides his wife since they started dating, so when Amanda turned her amazing ass around and started pushing it against Shane in the rhythm of the music he was unsure how to respond. He knew it was just harmless fun, but at the same time he didn't want to start getting hard and having his erection hitting her ass. And how in the world was he supposed to stay flaccid with Amanda's ass right next to him?

He decided it would be best to turn her around and dance with her ass further away from him. Then he realized what a mistake that was. At least if he was just grinding with her, he could forget that it wasn't her and just focus on the music. Now he had her beautiful face right in front of him, with her cute giggling smile, and tongue sticking out. And he had his hands on her hips. And she was close to him. So close. And they were dancing to sexy music together.

Needless to say, Shane got hard very quickly. And with the way his cock was positioned in his pants, it began pushing against where he knew Amanda's pussy must be. He backed up embarrassed.


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