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Me & Mrs. Jones

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She turns endowed, inexperienced young man into a stud.
  • June 2001 monthly contest
23.6k words
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"Hey Chad," said Tristan, my best friend and roommate, "how would you like to spend the summer with me at my parents beach house?"

"Love to," I replied, "but I'll have to get permission from my mom and dad."

The thought of all those bikini clad girls had my penis hard, but then it was always hard. Tristan and I attended a boys only Catholic school. Excluding withered old nuns, we hadn't even really seen any women for months,

I had just turned eighteen and Tristan was a year younger. He had a wild rebellious streak, but I was rather shy and conservative. Despite our differences, he was a lot of fun and we got along fabulously. I hadn't had many friends and I considered Tristan to be the brother I never had.


We arrived at the resort on the Jersey shore just before noon, two days after classes ended. My eyes bulged out of my head at the sight of all the scantily clad women heading towards the beach. I was from a small town in Kansas and had never seen a girl in a bikini outside of magazines, and here in front of me were dozens. Tristan whistled at some, which embarrassed me and I sank down into the car seat, though the girls seemed to like his attention.

I was still shocked that my parents let me go. Especially to a beach resort, which they called a den of sin. They relented when I promised to stay away from alcohol and tramps.

We stopped near the boardwalk to grab a couple of burgers. Two teenage girls wearing shorts and bikini tops walked by. Tristan smiled at them, they ignored him and both smiled at me as they passed. I felt my cheeks turn red and I looked down at the ground.

"They like you man," said my buddy. "Go get them."

"I couldn't, I wouldn't know what to say."

"Forget it," he said.

We got our burgers and sat down on a bench where we could watch the women sun bathing. I caught several more girls staring at me and I quickly looked away from them.

Tristan shook his head. "Chad, I love you like a brother, but if you're going to hold me back this summer, you might as well hang out with my mom by our pool."

"Sorry," I replied. "I just haven't been around a lot of women."

"Have you looked at yourself," he said "I would give anything to look like you or to have half your muscles. The chicks are gonna love you."

I was almost six and a half feet tall and still growing. Working on the farm had built up my muscles to the point where I looked like a weight lifter. Tristan was almost a foot shorter then me and rather average looking, though he had a devilish grin that women apparently found attractive.

We arrived at his parent's beach house an hour later. Tristan had explained that his mom stayed there all summer and his dad was only here on weekends. His father worked in New York and stayed at their house in Massachusetts.

"Go on through the fence around back," Tristan said grabbing his bags.

I hefted my bags and walked around back to their pool. I just about tripped over my own feet when I saw the young woman lying in a cot by the pool. She had long blonde hair, tied up in a bun and big full lips. Her eyes were covered by sunglasses, but I didn't spend much time looking at her face anyway.

Either her body was over-proportioned or her bikini was too small. Never had I seen a more perfect body on a woman. Her breasts were huge and I could see the outlines of her nipples under the thin, blue material. Her stomach was flat and sexy, with a thin waist that flared out as her hips widened. The bikini bottoms, barely covered her crotch and I had a strong urge to untie the strings holding her bikini on. Her legs were fit, lean, and long all the way down to her dainty little feet, whose toe-nails were painted a daring red. A deep golden tan covered her body.

"Can I help you?" she asked.

"I-I'm supposed to be staying here," I stuttered out. "I'm Tristan's friend."

Her eyes widened and she stood up and walked over to me. "You must be Chad," she said holding her hand out."

"Yes," I said blushing as I took her hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Tristan had a sister."

She smiled, but didn't say anything. She took off her sunglasses revealing the most peircing blue eyes, I had ever seen.

"JESUS!" said Tristan as he rounded the corner. "Mom, what on earth are you wearing?"

I blushed even more. Looking closer at her hair, I could see some gray streaks blending into her blonde hairand as she laughed at her son's discomfort, I saw some wrinkles around her eyes. Otherwise, she looked about thirty, when she was probably closer to forty.

"Sorry son," she said winking at me. "I wasn't expecting you until tomorrow."

"We got an early start Mom," he said.

"Well let me go put something decent on," she said. "You two can go unpack."

She turned and we followed her into the house. I gulped when I saw that her bikini was a g-string and I could see her tan rear end. It was plump, but firm and smooth as a bowling ball. It arched out from the small of her back. My penis which is always partially erect, instantly turned rock hard. It was so hard, it hurt.

Tristan showed me to our room. It was bigger then our dorm and had two nice big beds.

"We can unpack later. Lets change and jump in the pool." He said yanking his shirt off over his head.

"I don't have a bathing suit."

"No problem, you can wear one of mine." Tristan removed some trunks from his dresser and tossed it to me. "Try these."

He turned his back to me and pulled his pants down. I was a little uncomfortable by his nudity, but I took my pants off also.

"I can't wait to hit the beach tom..."

My friend stopped in mid sentence and I looked up. He was staring at my crotch with a look of shock on his face. He suddenly turned red and quickly pulled his trunks up. I caught a glimpse of his penis and I suddenly felt sorry for him. It must have been deformed or something. It was all shrunken from the air conditioner and was only as long as my pinky. My penis still hadn't recovered from the sight of his mother and was about ten inches long. When completely erect, I'm over a foot long and as big around as a cucumber. The only other penis I had ever seen, was on our bull back home and he had made me feel small. Tristan was not only smaller then me, but his penis probably wasn't even a third as big as mine.

"Come on let's go," he said, waving for me to follow.

I removed my shirt and tossed it on my bed, as we headed to the pool. At first, Tristan seemed upset about something, but that quickly passed and we had fun splashing around his pool. I can't swim so I stayed in the shallow end.

His mom came out with some sandwiches. She was wearing a conservative one-piece bathing suit, but her incredible body was hard to hide and she still looked fantastic. Tristan climbed out of the pool and immediately began gobbling down a sandwich.

I climbed the ladder out of the pool and was immediately embarrassed to see that Mrs. Jones was checking out my body as closely as I had checked out hers. Her eyes latched onto my crotch and remained there for a couple seconds. I thought that my penis would probably crawl into my scrotum, but instead it fattened a little, despite the cool evening air. I saw Mrs. Jones' frown as she stared at my crotch and then her eyebrows shot up with surprise when it grew a little.

Embarrassed, I immediately wrapped a towel around my waist and joined Tristan at the picnic table. Mrs Jones let us alone and returned to the house.

After dinner, Tristan and I left the pool. He said I could change in there and he would change in the bathroom. I didn't see the point since we had changed together earlier, but I was more comfortable changing alone. I unwrapped the towel from my waist and pulled the swim trunks down.

The vision of Mrs Jones in her string bikini flashed into my mind and I immediately got another painful erection. I closed my eyes and grabbed my penis, desperately wanting to stroke it, but knowing that it was a sin.

"Tristan, do you need anything from the market," said Mrs. Jones, pushing the door open. "HOLY SHIT!" she exclaimed, seeing me nude, her eyes locking onto my hard penis.

I opened my eyes in horror. She mumbled an apology and fled. My penis withered in my hand. I looked in the mirror. Water still glistened on my muscles. She must have thought I was masturbating and that the water was sweat. I suddenly felt ill.

When I was fourteen, I was in the barn and for no apparent reason my penis suddenly got hard. I stroked it for some reason and after a few minutes, I ejaculated. At first I was scared, not understanding what the white stuff was shooting from my penis,but it felt great. I turned around and there was my dad, fists clenched with rage. He beat the crap out of me that night and my mom wouldn't even talk to me for a week after that day until we had spoken to a priest. The priest told me about masturbation and how sinful it was. I told him I understood and would never do it again. For the last four years, I would get erect at least once a day, usually more and it took every ounce of my will not to touch it. I figured the devil was tempting me.

Now, Mrs. Jones had caught me. She probably thought I was disgusting and would throw me out of her house. She had been so horified that she had cursed and women didn't curse.

Tristan came back and saw How pale I was. "You feeling ok buddy," he said concerned.

"No, I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach. I think it must be something I ate. I'm going to skip the boardwalk."


Tristan left to hit the boardwalk. I put my sweat pants on and climbed into bed. I felt nervous and sick to my stomach. I pictured Mrs. Jones and the look on her face when she saw me holding my penis. As soon as I thought of Tristan's mother, I pictured her in that teeny bikini and my stupid penis got erect again.

My pulse was racing and I was hot under the covers. I was scared that Mrs. Jones would throw me out for being a disgusting pervert. I climbed on top of the covers and tried to get comfortable. Finally I looked for something to read. As I was looking around the room, I noticed Mrs. Jones staring at me through the door, which was cracked open.

All my fears were realized. Here was Mrs. Jones come to throw me out of her house. She would call my parents, they would disown me and I would get kicked out of school. Mrs. Jones pushed the door open and came in to the room. Oddly enough, she seemed as nervous as I was.

"Sorry to disturb you Chad, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw."

My heart skipped a beat. "Mrs. Jones, I swear I wasn't masturbating. I know it's a sin. You just came into the room at the wrong time. Please don't tell my parents."

"I'm not sure I understand," she was looking at me funny. I thought she looked a little amused and I calmed down.

"I know you think I was masturbating, but I swear I wasn't."

"You're telling me you've never jerked off."

"No maam," I replied. "Well once, but dad caught me and beat me."

"I don't believe you."

"I swear it's the truth, Mrs Jones. Can't we just forget about what happened," I begged.

"I don't think I can forget about what I saw," she said. I moaned with shame and she said, "You're going to have to prove it."

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"You can tell if a man masturbates excessively. I'll need to examine your penis."

"I can't do that!" I said horrified at the notion of showing my friend's mom my penis again.

"It's that or I call your parents and the headmaster."

She sat on the bed and reached out and grabbed the waist band of my sweat pants. I relented and raised my hips, so that she could pull my pants down to my ankles. Soon I was naked before the sexy mother of my best friend. I was so embarrassed that my penis had crawled up into my scrotum and it looked tiny as it was only about seven inches long. She reached out and I tried to crawl back, but her hand quickly grabbed the tip of my penis.

She lifted my penis up and cupped my testicles. My sack filled her small hand. "Hmm," she said examining them, "they do seem heavy and full of sperm. Maybe you don't masturbate."

As she spoke she kept tugging on my penis. No one had ever touched my penis before and I was horrified to see that the evil thing was responding to her touch. It started growing in her hand. I looked at her as it slowly swelled with blood, growing to it's full, foot long length. She just stared at my penis growing in her hand, her eyes growing wide with shock as it turned rock hard.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jones," I apologized horrified. "I can't control it."

She didn't seemed bothered by my erection and she wrapped her fingers around my penis. I shivered as she ran her fingers along the length of my penis, stopping to squeeze the head. It felt incredible to have her touching my penis like this.

Then to my horror, she began stroking it. It felt fantastic and on the third stroke, I bucked my hips, thrusting my penis through her fist. I wanted to warn her, but the words stuck in my throat. I've never seen the head of my penis so large. It swelled up as big as a plum, throbbing, and engorged with blood. The pee slit opened and I came for the second time in my life. A long stringy strand of sperm erupted from the head and hit her in the face. I moaned with pleasure as four years of frustration was released from my penis by three strokes of her hand. Another strand left my penis, hitting her chin, and even more sperm continued to flow out the tip of my penis covering her hand with sperm.

When I recovered, I suddenly realized what had happened and I looked at her ashamed at what I had done. She was still staring at my penis, a look of amazement on her face. My sperm was oozing down her face and chin.

She seemed to come to her senses and she stood and ran from the room. Horrified over what I had done, I pulled up my pants and ran out to the hall. Mrs Jones was standing there licking my sperm off her hand.

"Mrs Jones," I cried. "What are you doing?"

"Chad!" she said startled. "It's not a sin if your semen goes into a woman, only if you waste it." "But isn't adultery worse."

"This isn't adultery," she replied licking the sperm off her chin. "Only actual intercourse is adultery. I'm just doing this to help you."


We spent the next day at the beach. Tristan had met a girl the night before. I never could understand that guys luck with the ladies. Tristan tried to teach me how to swim, but it embarrassed me in front of all the people. I felt much safer in his pool.

We went back and had dinner with his mom. Mrs. Jones was quiet through most of the dinner and I was worried that she was thinking about all the sperm from my stupid penis that she had been forced her to eat to keep me from sinning. She was a wonderful woman to do that for me.

Tristan had a date with his girl that night and he asked if I would be offended if he went out alone again. I told him to go have fun and not to worry about me, I'd stay up and read. I usually do one hundred push-ups every day and I was halfway through my set when Tristan left. When I had finished, I looked up and his mom was standing in the room watching me.

Mrs Jones was wearing a short skirt that showed off her nice legs and a tight top that left her sexy stomach bare. I could also see the outlines of her nipples. Her areola were as big around as coke cans, the nipples were poking at her top, and I had trouble not staring at them. She had been dressed more conservatively at dinner.

She was glancing at my chest as I stared at hers. I was only wearing shorts and my chest was sweaty, heaving from my workout.

"I saw Tristan leave," she said.

"He had a date," I told her, then added, "I'm sorry about last night. I couldn't control myself."

"That's why I'm here. I'm worried you might masturbate again. I didn't get a chance to examine you long enough last night. I'll need to do it again."

My heart started racing at the thought of having her touch me again. "If you think so Mrs. Jones."

"Just stand there and let me examine you," she said kneeling down before me.

A strange surge of power coursed through my body as I looked at her kneeling before me. I saw her reach and and unbutton my shorts. Her hand was shaking, as she slowly pulled my zipper down. Mrs. Jones yanked my shorts down around my ankles and my underwear quickly followed. To my embarrassment, instead of retreating into my scrotum like the last time, my penis was growing before she even touched it.

I moaned as Mrs. Jones caressed it and started stroking it again. The head was huge, engorged with blood and she was holding it so that it was pointed at her partially open mouth.

She was so intent on the examination, that I took the opportunity to look down past my penis at her nipples. I was hot, but the air conditioner must have made her cold because her nipples were rock hard, like two flag poles planted on top two perfect mountains.

"You have a beautiful cock Chad," she said still staring at my penis in her hand.

"What do you mean?"

"Cock is another term for penis," she informed me.

That jogged my memory. When I was fifteen, I got into a fight with some townies. They were jerks and used foul language. The leader, a cowardly bully had said something to me. Now what was it? I remembered. "Suck my cock," I mumbled out loud. Yeah, that's what he had said. The pervert.

"Anything you want Chad," said Mrs Jones.

I looked down again. She was leaning forward and she kissed the head of my cock. It was glistening with some kind of fluid and she licked it off. I jumped and my knees grew weak as her tongue ran around the head of my cock. Her lips wrapped around the entire head. I couldn't believe how good it felt. Her mouth was so hot and wet. I moaned as her tongue ran all around my cock head. She began to move her mouth up and down my cock, taking more with each bob of her head.

My knees were weak, but I managed to stand there. I felt the sperm churning in my testicles. My muscles were tensing and my fists were clenched. I didn't know what to do with my hands, so I grabbed the sides of her head and began bucking my hips, sliding about half my cock in and out of her mouth.

Mrs. Jones had one hand on my cock and another between her legs under her skirt. She must have had bad itch, because her hand was moving rapidly underneath her skirt.

My cock seemed to explode in her mouth, my sperm erupting from the end. I felt it shooting up through my cock and pouring into her mouth. She didn't seem to want to let go and my cock suddenly seemed ultra sensitive after my orgasm. I couldn't take it anymore and I pulled back, watching my penis slowly emerge from her mouth.

"God, Mrs. Jones that felt incredible."

"I liked it too Chad," she replied. "I've never seen a cock this big."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your hung like a horse Chad," she said still kneeling before me and staring at my cock. "Your more then twice as big as my husband and at least three times as thick. His penis is about average length."

I pictured Tristan's reaction when he saw my partially erect cock. He wasn't deformed, I was. "You mean I'm some kind of freak?" I asked, though for some reason it made me feel good to be bigger then her husband and Tristan for that matter.

"You're not a freak Chad," she answered, "you're gifted."

"Do you do this with Mr. Jones," I asked, a sudden wave of jealousy coursing through my body.

"Never Chad," she said, "with him, it's lights off in the missionary position. Yours is the first cock I've ever had in my mouth."

That made me feel fantastic and I grinned from ear to ear. I didn't know what to say, I just blurted out, "Thanks."

"Thank you," she replied and she got up and left the room.

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