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Meeting Elizabeth

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Gwen meets the mysterious Elizabeth.
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Thank God for Friday, Gwen thought to herself, stashing her laptop in the trunk, secured atop the thick, plaid blanket. Relieved to greet the weekend, she steered out of the nearly empty parking garage. With a favorite CD by the Eurhythmics blaring, Annie's lovely voice spun Gwen's consciousness away from the boring world of numbers and bitchy clients.

Instead of going through two more traffic lights and onto the freeway leading home, Gwen turned towards the city. After all, a drink was definitely in order. By nightclub standards it was still early, the sporty BMW hummed over narrow streets towards an area of town with bars and colorful neon signs.

Gwen frequented a place called The Collage that offered good wine, a small dance floor and a diverse mixture of patrons. Reputed as a lesbian bar, Gwen had mingled there with all walks of life and most amiable. She pulled down a brick lined alley, parked in the rear of the tall building and applied fresh lipstick approvingly in the oval mirror. Gwen nodded politely to the young security man engrossed in his college textbook.

Loud talking people raised their drinks and voices over the booming music, a single television tucked in a corner of the bar went unnoticed. Smoke, perfume and the happy time noise associated with alcohol assailed Gwen's senses. She drifted in, their mannerisms infectious, toasting life and glad to be here.

Near the end of the long, polished bar, Gwen sauntered into an available seat, placing her small handbag onto the maple surface and ordered a light draft beer. To her right were two young ladies, barely 21 as far as she could tell and the nearest was loudly talking, interspersed with a nagging giggle about some movie she'd seen recently. Gwen tuned her out peacefully, taking a long sip of her refreshing beer.

"Another...pretty lady?" The middle aged woman tending bar asked with a sparkling smile, Gwen looked deep into her hazel, green flecked eyes.

"Umm...yes." Gwen looked down at the square coaster, surprised that her glass was empty and that she'd drifted into space so easily, "the same...please." The arriving, frosty pilsner beckoned to her, the hardy scent of barley and carbonation drifted into her nostrils. Damn this tastes good!

Her eyes lazily scanned the multitude of bottled liquors lining the mirrored shelves and relaxed as a more mellowed, acoustic song was playing now, the twelve string guitar harmonized with the singer's voice. The work shit is done, amen.

Something stirred Gwen, that feeling as if someone was staring at her and glanced into the bar's reflection to catch the inquisitive person. Her friendly eyes, perhaps six seats away, twinkled and didn't move away as Gwen half expected. The woman nodded. Gwen nodded back, not knowing what else to do. Had she seen this woman before? She looked familiar, somewhat. Gwen nursed her beer in quiet curiosity; they made eye contact once again.

Reaching into her memory banks, she contemplated the mysterious, nagging familiarity and boldly stared again towards the image...she was gone. "Hi..." the voice sounded over the music and just behind Gwen's right shoulder. She swiveled towards the voice and saw deep brown eyes now appraising Gwen's long, partly opened legs exposed beneath her very short denim skirt.

"Hello..." Gwen offered back and quickly scanned the adorable, black woman. An unmanageable mass of waves and curls surrounded the shiny, oval face with high cheekbones, full lips and faint blue eye shadow. Large breasts pushed against a summery white blouse, her tapered waist neatly tucked into an expensive looking brown leather skirt, matching mid-calf leather boots filled out the ensemble.

Steely eyes bore into Gwen's, "I'm sorry...and I most certainly don't want this to sound like a pick-up line...but...haven't I seen you here before?" Her smile was intoxicating.

"Well...that's funny..." Gwen said.

"What's funny? If I can ask?"

"What I meant was...I was thinking along the same lines...asking myself if I had seen you before...or if we had met briefly somewhere or..."

"I'm Elizabeth...formally, but please call me Beth..." she extended her hand and tightly gripped Gwen's small palm.

"I'm Gwen...and you don't even want to know the full formal name if you couldn't already guess..." Gwen blushed at the silly attempt at a joke. Somehow she felt timidity already towards the beaming, confident Beth.

"Mind if I sit with you?" without waiting for a reply, Beth shifted into the recently available seat and their knees accidentally touched. Sleek pantyhose!

"Okay..." She warmly giggled, "Let's get all the clichés out of the way...can I buy you a drink and do you come here often pretty lady?" Gwen was taken by her easy going style, when she laughed Gwen noticed her pierced tongue, the shiny round ball sitting near the end. So sexy! Beth ordered a vodka and tonic with lime, another draft for Gwen and the floodgates opened as the two exchanged stories, pertinent information and a variety of topics. The conversation flowed freely and Beth had a ton of off color jokes to keep her new friend in stitches.

Pumped loudly through the bar's speakers, a Red Hot Chili Peppers song came on, Beth aggressively touched Gwen's right knee, "Hey...let's dance..." grabbing her hand and pulling the unsuspecting Gwen out onto the dance floor. They danced raucously, shimmying to heart's delight, watching each others' moves and let the clear beat take away the work week doldrums.

Beth was a pure dancer, even Gwen's smooth motions paled in comparison but she felt no competition or comparison, especially from the jealous onlookers. Perspiring but invigorated, Gwen began to head back to the bar as a slow, romantic ballad started and turned to see Beth's arms open...inviting.

Without the slightest hesitation, she slipped into the awaiting arms like a schoolgirl, gripping a moist palm and clasped Beth's modest waist. In The Collage atmosphere, no-one noticed and no-one cared and the two giggled, their breasts pressed together, Gwen nonchalantly laid her head against Beth's strong shoulder and neck.

"You sure are warm baby...and a great dancer..." Beth complimented, lightly stroking Gwen's hair. She nudged in closer, enthralled with Beth's lovely perfume.

"Mmm...thanks..." she demurred; putting both arms around her waist, hoping the song would never end.

Warm, fragrant breath whispered against Gwen's ear, "Hey...I think you're wicked cute. Interested in getting away from here? My place is not far..." Gwen's heart raced, the idea of being completely alone with her sounded completely agreeable.

Gwen reached up, lightly brushing her lips against Beth's pliable mouth, "Yes...I'd like that..." Making her way to the bar, Gwen retrieved her handbag, placed a fiver out for the barmaid and like two old drinking buddies, they left.

" you have a car?"

Gwen giggled, "Is the Pope Catholic? Its around back, how'd you get here?"

" ass. I'm a city girl...remember?" Walking closely, they approached the dark blue BMW.

Beth whistled, "Wow. Nice car. Money wheels."

"It's my one extravagance, I figured what the hell, I'm not going to scrimp on something I spend beaucoup time in, you know? Which way?" She asked, revving towards the exit.

Traffic at this hour was light and there were many people out walking, enjoying the warm September evening as they sped along, Annie's haunting voice in the hushed interior. Beth swiveled to face Gwen, her long nails trailing an invisible line up and down Gwen's taut biceps and forearm.

"So...tell me Gwen...I don't remember asking you in the there, you know...someone special in your life?"

Gwen's skin tingled from her touch and smirked, "Well, let's just say...I'm between lovers at the moment."

" a sandwich. Now that's a lovely thought."

"You're bad bad..." They both laughed while Gwen maneuvered, following the simple directions and within minutes she pulled down the narrow concrete ramp, requiring a pass code to gain entrance. The old ten story brick municipal building had been renovated into fashionable, affordable condos and apartments.

"I'm on the third floor." Beth pointed toward the nearby elevator, the heated engine ticking as it cooled in the underground shelter. Holding hands, the door shut and Gwen smelled piss, staring at an empty beer can in the corner.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Sometimes the fucking bums find a way in. No matter what you do. Oh well." Upstairs the wide halls were immaculately painted and they passed several framed paintings, stepping along the noiseless, plush carpeting. Beth's key provided a loud click and Gwen followed into the darkened space.

Faint, subdued bluish light emanated from a huge aquarium halfway across the main living area and Gwen's eyes struggled to adjust in the dimness. The heavy door closed and strong fingers clasped the back of her neck, Beth pressed her open mouth over Gwen's, her tongue eagerly stabbing inside.

Gwen kissed back, heatedly, swiping her own tongue against the wet invader. Backed against the wall, Beth mashed their mouths together intensely, groping at Gwen's breasts, igniting a mutual passion until they broke for air.

Beth's fingers intertwined in Gwen's hair, pulling her head back and aimed her lips onto the soft white neck flesh. She slobbered a path from below Gwen's ear to her shoulder, nipping the erogenous surface, eliciting a deep moan from Gwen.

" So tasty. I this neck when...I first saw you. Mmm...are you a tease? Coming in there with this...short bra?" and before Gwen could say anything, Beth's mouth covered hers' again, the duo in the foyer began to heat up quickly, Beth cleverly unbuttoning Gwen's blouse.

"I want to see your tits..." Beth opened the fabric to gaze at Gwen's petite breasts and her nipples, delicately pierced.

"Umm...look at" she leaned in, kissing and licking the nubs, Gwen's fingers wrapped in Beth's hair.

"I'm...ahh...glad them. Ohh...yeah...bite them if you-u...want...Ohh!" Beth knew what she wanted what she liked and began kissing her way down, kneeling before Gwen and licking her navel area. Deft fingers located the zipper on the side; Gwen's skirt soon lay at her feet.

"Such lovely you..." Beth kissed near the waistband and knowing fingers dipped inside, slowly pulling them down past hips, knees and onto the floor. Beth fondled Gwen's hairless penis and balls.

"Ohh...yes...and such a lovely package you have...ohhh!"

Her mouth formed an "O", wetly capturing the length of Gwen's cock, Beth's devilish tongue piercing lapped at the smooth sack. Gwen sighed deeply, opening her legs and gave in to the sweet sucking motion below, her prick hardening in the vacuum.

Beth suddenly stood, "In the bedroom darling..." she whispered, bussing Gwen's breathless lips and holding her hand, led the nude Gwen down the dark hallway. The lighter clicked and Beth lit the first of three pillared candles placed on a wide oak mantelpiece over an old fashioned fireplace. The sputtering wicks came to life, offering Gwen a better look at the room.

Dark, velveteen curtains covered the large set of double windows; Gwen walked across a beautiful Oriental rug and sat on the edge of a massive canopied bed. Long flowing nets of white sheer material dropped from each corner, tied with a gold corded tassel. Next to the bed, a sturdy mahogany night table held a rustic oil lamp and two 5 x 7 photo frames, the pictures impossible to see in the dim light.

Beth sat upon a hassock unzipping her boots, wriggled out of the hose and tossed them near a spacious walk-in closet. Like an enticing stripper, she teasingly shucked off the blouse and leather skirt. Gwen's cock stirred, staring at Beth's ample breasts encased in a red satin bra and matching panties. The ebony shadow sexily moved closer, coquettishly turning for effect.

" me a favor...would you? Please unclasp me?" Beth whispered over her shoulder. Gwen stood on shaking legs towards the nearly naked girl, her fingers reaching for the bra strap and noticed the tattoo on Beth's right shoulder. Fangs bared, the orangish saber toothed tiger seemed ready to pounce upon his kill, to survive and to devour.

Gwen kissed the area, "I like your kitty, very much..." she said, unhooking the confining bra, pushing the loosened shoulder straps to the front. Beth shrugged it free.

" don't good that feels...relief..."

"Mmm...I can imagine..." stepping closer, Gwen pressed against Beth's rear cheeks, her cock kissing the satiny briefs. Eagerly Gwen's hands reached around to cup Beth's fleshy boobs, testing their weight, her fingers extended and squeezing them.

"God girl...what are a D cup? Damn...these are wonderful...can't wait to suck em'..." Beth closed her right hand over Gwen's, moving the hand across Beth's tummy, sliding over her hip, placing Gwen's palm directly onto her semi-hard cock.

"Hmm....somebody's...getting hard..." Gwen whispered, continuing to kiss along smooth shoulders and neck.

"'s...your entire fault girl." Beth slowly turned lightly kissing Gwen's eyes and nose, "Now...I want you on your knees. Mmm-hmm...good girl. Take off my undies girl...using your teeth only. Think you can do that?"

Accepting the challenge, Gwen grasped the thin waistband near Beth's right hip, carefully tugging the fabric down several inches and moved to the left. Back to the right and then again to the left in slow increments and soon her panties stretched across thighs, her crotch exposed for Gwen.

Beth's smooth cock jutted out admirably, the large bulbous head neatly pierced Prince Albert style, the semi-circular bar protruded from her sensitive underside and Gwen nearly gasped. Such devotion to be pierced here! Gwen's teeth urgently bit the front waistband and yanked them all the way down to Beth's ankles. She gingerly stepped out, kicking them off to the side and opened her muscular dancers' legs.

Gwen wetly kissed along Beth's calves, knees and thighs, her nails lightly raking the backs and the musky scent of naked balls assailed her nose. She licked her shaved balls, flicked along the shaft and engulfed the tip of Beth's pulsating cock.

"Ohh...yeah. Suck it baby...suck me good..." she huskily said, her fingers entwined in Gwen's hair, moving her hips back and forth towards the wet, suctioning mouth. Gwen's tongue deliriously toyed with the metallic tasting ring and was pleased to feel Beth's penis strain to a full erection, deep throating its pulsating length.

"'re good but not yet..." Beth pulled Gwen to her feet, kissing her mouth and licking the saliva coated chin.

"I want you in bed baby...want to fuck you. I've wanted to fuck you...since I first saw you...pretty Gwen. Would you like that baby? Want me inside you?" Beth whispered in a harsh, sexy voice, steering them towards the massive bed.

Gwen's eyes burned with lust, climbing onto the thick mattress. On hands and knees, she wriggled her ass, positioning herself for Beth, "Come...fuck a tiger. I need it..."

Opening the bedside drawer, she ripped open the lubricated condom, unrolling the rubber skin and hissed with delight from the sheath like feel. Gwen felt the mattress dip and she shivered as a dollop of cool gel was applied to her anus, Beth's slim finger swiftly entered

"Nice. Such a nice...tight little cunt." The finger gently moved in a circular motion, "Are you ready for me?" and she really didn't expect an answer. Beth moved forward, the quivering head of her cock slipped inside easily and Gwen was ready. She pushed several more inches into her backside while massaging the small of Gwen's back, slowly, minutely sawing the lubed hardon in an out.

Their heated breathing the only sound, Gwen grunted as Beth buried the full length of her rigid cock deep inside, her walnut sized balls touching Gwen's soft sack. Sharp talons gripped tender ass flesh, prying those cheeks apart and Beth began to rigorously fuck her new friend, Gwen's muscles clamped tightly onto the invading stalk.

"You...take it well...bitch. My...tight bitch..."

"Fuck me...hard. You'" Gwen's voice muffled from the plush pillow, her breath puffing from the fat erection pistoning in and out. Faster now. Deeper, urgently her hips were a blur...drilling her new lover.

Exquisite pleasure rippled across Beth, plunging into the tight ring, her muscles tensed, bellowing ecstatically, "Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Fuck-k-k-k-k...Ohh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h!!" Multiple spurts of warm cream inundated the rubber's reservoir tip; her silky essence covered the sensitive, pierced head and overflowed inside, along a throbbing shaft.

Gwen remained motionless, knowing exactly what Beth was experiencing, she slammed into the giving Gwen with a maximum effort, groaning breathlessly and writhing through the long, powerful orgasm. Spent completely, Beth rolled sideways and still impaled, Gwen moved with her. Inexorably her erection subsided, slipping out; Gwen felt a void, selfishly wanting to be filled again and again.

Spread eagled and fatigued, Beth lay on her back gulping for air, "'ll haf...wait...a minute..." Gwen rolled to face her, gently stroking the cum filled condom.

"I'm...I...I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what?" Gwen queried.

"Think...I think I...left some...marks on you..."

Gwen smiled down at her, "I like em'!" she whispered, the half moon marks left by Beth's digging fingernails stung and throbbed delightfully. Lips captured a turgid nipple, Gwen's pink tongue lapped at it, her teeth gently gnawing the rubbery point.

"Mmm...God...I love these! Love your tits. I'm gonna...I want to cum...all over much..." Kneeling beside the relaxed girl, Gwen gripped her cock, lewdly slapping it against the fleshy breast. Gwen was beyond horny.

Beth's glazed eyes bore into Gwen's mask of arousal, "Yes. Good. Are you going to jerk off on them? Cum all over my tits? Yes...please baby..." she urged her partner. Hard as a rock, Gwen masturbated with total abandon staring at the erotic, nude creature laid before her. Such gorgeous mahogany breasts, tiny waist, dancers' legs, adorable face...look at her...licking her lips, a cock so sweet...and pierced...all for me. Finding the perfect rhythm Gwen was there. An unexpected sensation: Beth's fingernails reached under, caressing the crease of her ass and tickled Gwen's tight balls, sending her over the edge.

She came in a rush, spraying droplets of white sperm onto the luscious tits just as she had wanted. "Beth! Ohhhhhhhhhhh...!" she loudly screamed. Uncontrollable waves of primal delight ebbed, her wrist never tiring. Climbing to the clouds, to new heights within Beth's sanctuary. Gwen nearly fainted from the intense pleasure. Her gauzy eyes fixated on the languid woman.

Beth's fingers dipped into the valley between her large breasts, smearing Gwen's liquid like a lotion and slowly brought the gooey fingertips to her mouth, licking the moist ends.

"Mmm. I knew you'd be sweet...pretty lady..." Gwen's knees gave out; she plopped onto the bed next to the beautiful woman. The weekend was only just beginning.

~To Be Continued~

Next: Becoming Elizabeth's Slave

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UHAWSOME47UHAWSOME47about 14 years ago
A shemale fucking a other one is to awesome

Keep writing stories about shemales fucking. There just UHAWESOME.

slutty_jannelleslutty_jannelleabout 15 years ago
writedoctor entrances!

Each of writedoctor's stories are better than the last. Details of fem attire, emotions AND motions [tehehe], to delight us T-girls! Sensual and real. Most excellent, Sir.


- pet jannelle

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

Oh to have been there! I would have willingly served either, or preferably both. First cleaning Gwen's cum from Beth's breasts then sharing the contents of the condom with Gwen before taking the full length of Beth's cum-covered, pierced cock down my throat.

BiskitBiskitalmost 16 years ago
Breezy and sweet

Nice style of writing with a nice flow in paragraphs. Loved the girls and liked how you gave me enough to find them both hot and exciting. I jerked off reading it the second time. Thanks for supplying another fun trany story.

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