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Melinda's Obsession 03 (Alumni Day)

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Give your juices to her voluntarily unless you refuse.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/24/2021
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Melinda's obsession III

Alumni reunion

This is a third and final part of "Melinda's obsession" trilogy. It's a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


One grey and rainy Saturday in fall Ben White was sitting in front of TV enjoying beer and watching football. His favorite team was losing 0:7, making Ben angry.

Suddenly somebody knocked on the door of his apartment and Ben saw a mailman holding a certified package requiring signature on delivery.

What is that? thought Ben, afraid of divorce papers being served.

Ben was a 6'2" black man in his late forties with a neat beard, small mustache, and short hair showing few gray spots, but no signs of baldness. He was the owner of a local car repair shop and a desperate husband trying to fix his broken marriage with his wife, Shawna.

They separated three weeks ago when Shawna slammed the door behind her and never came back, taking their two teenage children with her.

Ben's business was terribly slow in the last couple of years as more and more car owners switched to electric vehicles. Those EV's were 100% dependable having nothing to fail in them except a battery. And when the battery failed, it wasn't worthwhile to replace it as buying a new EV with warranty might be more cost-effective.

So, Ben worked mostly on very old gas cars and trucks whose owners were frugal, negotiating every penny and frequently failing to pay for Ben's already finished repairs.

Ben loved Shawna from the first day they met during his college years. She worked as a cashier at a supermarket and was not attending any school. However, they loved each other and dated for years until Ben graduated and started his car repair business.

Ben was an affectionate and faithful husband, calling Shawna, "My Chocolate." The only shady spot in his past was an affair with his classmate Melinda when Shawna had to stay with her sick mother for three weeks and was not available for dating.

Ben was always afraid of losing Shawna. Nevertheless, it happened. The family struggled with poverty and lack of income from Ben's business.

Another customer disappeared a month ago leaving Ben with his old 1997 GMC clunker and a refurbished transmission installed there by Ben worth $2,200 out of his pocket. However, the truck's owner never came back to claim his repaired vehicle and pay the cost of transmission and Ben's job.

So now Ben had an old GMC truck in fairly good running condition without a title worth less than $500 on the black market and $2,200 of debt to the junk yard for a salvaged transmission.

When Ben delivered that news to Shawna, she yelled, "Enough!" Then she grabbed both of their sons and instantly moved in with her mother, taking nothing from their family apartment.

Ben was desperate for money and tried calling Shawna several times every day hoping she would come back.

Shawna always hung up on him and one time she picked up the phone and said she was going to file for divorce.

The weather with dark grey clouds and drizzling rain for the entire day was very uncommon for the arid desert climate of the city adding up to Ben's depression.

To Ben's luck, the letter he received was not from the court. It was an invitation to the reunion party for alumni of the college he graduated 25 years ago.

The letter provided a date, time, and gathering place at the parking lot next to the church where attendees would be picked up by a shuttle and delivered to the old castle in a southern part of the city close to Ben's college.

Ben knew that place. The castle was one of the most famous city landmarks on the mountain hill right above the college campus.

When Ben was a student, he often looked at that castle during breaks between classes and thought, what's there? What kind of people might be living in it?

The castle was built at the beginning of nineteenth century by a French nobleman fleeing from the revolution in his country.

Nowadays the castle sometimes appeared on the news as a blighted spot, shaming the city, staying abandoned for years, and slowly turning to ruins. Its elderly owners lived in Europe and didn't care about their US property.

However, the picture of the castle printed on the invitation letter showed it fully renovated with all its former glory.

The letter discouraged driving directly to the castle, offering a shuttle instead as the parking lot at the property was very small, and the private road was extremely steep and not safe to drive unless one had enough experience with it.

The package had a check for one thousand dollars from the alumni reunion committee. The condition of its acceptance was a promise to attend a party.

The fine print in the letter said,

To assure privacy of guests, no personal photography, video, or sound recording allowed. All attendees will be required to check in their cell phones and other electronic devices upon arrival to the party.

Free land phones will be available in the communication room during the event for emergency calls only.

Professional photo/video shooting will be taken. Pictures and videos will be provided to guests free of charge after the event.

Acceptance of this offer and the attached check is your agreement to comply with the policies above.

The letter raised Ben's mood. He was eager to attend the party and he parked at the church lot ten minutes before the appointment at five on the date of the event.

Ben saw his former classmate Cory and a couple of other guys whose names he vaguely remembered from his student years.

Exactly at five a shiny new black Nissan Armada SUV with tinted windows parked next to them and the driver suggested, "Please board and let's go to the party."

Ben was surprised, asking the driver, "Why have only four guys shown up? Where are the rest of the alumni? Will there be more shuttles to pick them up?"

The driver said, "Please don't worry. I have instructions to pick up only the four of you. The rest might be coming from separate places. So, let's go," and he started driving.

When the SUV approached the castle, Ben saw dozens of identical vehicles in front and behind theirs forming a line to drive up to the mountain with castle. Then the steep, two-thousand-foot ascent with multiple switchbacks began on the narrow road.

They arrived in the courtyard of the castle and the SUV door opened in front of a small side entrance to the building.

A tall and thin lady in her early seventies with gray hair greeted them, "Hi. My name is Gina. Please put your cell phone in the envelope, print your name on it and give it to me. Then join your friends at the lobby," she said, pointing to the long corridor.

As soon as all four men exited the vehicle, it moved forward, and the next SUV parked on its place for unloading passengers.

The guys walked down the corridor and entered a big lobby in front of the main hall in the middle of the castle. They saw already thirty or forty of their former classmates. Some faces looked unfamiliar after so many years passed.

Surprisingly, they were all men. No single woman showed up at the party so far except Gina.

Ben saw his friends, Jeff, Jason, and even Tony, who he knew was living on the opposite side of the country running a large construction business with his partner.

The guys started smalltalk and exchanging updates about their lives. Jeff asked, "Where are all our girls?" and the rest of friends shrugged their shoulders. Nobody had any idea how to answer that question.

More and more men arrived. Exactly at six the big door to the main hall opened ajar and they were all invited inside by Gina.

She said in a pleasant voice amplified with speakers, "Welcome to the party. Again, my name is Gina and I'll be your host. We hope you will enjoy our soiree. Please have a seat at the tables and help yourself to food and drinks."

Ben noticed that Jeff and Gina exchanged surprised glances and slightly nodded to each other with individual greetings.

The crowd entered and saw dining tables in a U-shape in the hall in front of stage with a huge screen. That screen displayed a slideshow from their college years and graduation ceremony playing light, nostalgic music.

Ben sat at the table with his friends, Jeff, Cory, and Tony and looked around.

The hall was magnificent. Its ceiling and walls were decorated with white and gold. Huge, gilded chandeliers with hundreds of incandescent bulbs provided enough warm light for everything to shine but without blinding brightness.

Large, arched windows gave a beautiful view of the city at night with millions of lights in the valley down below. Quiet, light music played from invisible speakers adding more majesty and warmth to the environment.

Most of all the hall reminded one of a royal palace in the nineteenth century displaying wealth, luxury, prosperity, and a hint of nostalgia.

The quality and variety of food fully matched the style of the room. Apparently prepared by the best chefs in the city, it was also display of luxury and quality mixed with exotics. Spanish jamon, white truffles, black caviar in large bowls with tablespoons and even Swallow's Nest soup for those who dared to try it.

Entrées provided wide choice from best beef or pork to game meat and exotic side dishes on demand from guests.

Drinks included wines vinted and bottled in the first part of last century and the most expensive brands of whiskey, cognac, and other hard liquors. Even water and ice were claimed to be delivered from the Himalayas.

The entirety of the environment and food showed extreme wealth and royal luxury to the guests.

Ben turned to Jeff, sitting to his left, and asked, "What is this all about? Who are the sponsors of this? Do you know anybody from the reunion committee?"

Jeff shrugged, slightly confused, saying, "I'm surprised, same as you, Ben. The only person from the staff I know is Gina. She was engaged in fishy business a quarter century ago. But she is not rich enough to set this all up."

"Who might be so wealthy to afford all this luxury?" kept asking Ben. "Do we have any millionaires among our folks?" He nudged Tony on the right with his elbow knowing that the latter was worth about fifty million.

Tony giggled, "I own a business with my partner, Angel. But all our funds are in construction equipment, materials and houses we already built and now offering for sale. I don't have enough cash to buy a gallon of caviar or a crate of truffles. Not saying anything about all that expensive booze."

Then he added turning left, "Jeff, don't be shy. You are much richer than me. Is this party your doing?"

Jeff chuckled saying, "Sure, I could afford food and rent of this property. But why would I waste so much money just for a party? "

Then after a half-minute pause he added slowly, "Umm, I know the only one person from our class so rich, that she could afford it without breaking the bank. She is a member of Forbes-100 club, the list of the one hundred richest people on the planet. But I don't even want to talk about her as there are no women at this party."

"Her?" asked both Jeff's friends at the same time. "Who is she?"

"It doesn't matter. I haven't seen her for years and I doubt even she would throw money out just to entertain a hundred-something guys."

When guests satisfied their hunger and were already buzzed, loud dancing music started with mostly the Disco, Electronics, and Rock-n-roll common during their school years. They were the fastest tunes they remembered and didn't switch with slow compositions for dancing in pairs.

The type of music to boost energy and raise spirits in men.

After about forty minutes of dancing later the volume of music slowly went down, and lights were focused on a stage where Gina stepped up.

The huge screen on the background showed a woman's magnified image, however slightly dim to focus lights on the real person.

"How do you like our party so far?" asked Gina through the microphone.

The crowd yelled,


"Excellent! "


"How's food and drinks?"




Then some questions came from guests, "How much should we pay? Where are our girls? Are they coming?" and so on.

Gina said, "I know you have a lot of questions. They are mostly identical. So, let's start FAQ time now and I'll be happy to answer most of them."

The screen behind Gina displayed a list of common questions scrolling from the bottom to the top showing only three at a time and the rest were blurred. Gina started answering them.

Is this party free?

"Absolutely! You are our guests and will pay nothing."

Who are sponsors of this party? How many of them?

"It's sponsored by your classmate, a single private person. She loves all of you, guys and loved you from your student years. So, she purchased this old castle, remodeled it, and paid for everything out of her own pocket being happy to see all of you.

"To show her love, she even wired each of you a gift of $3,000 at your arrival. You can check your primary checking accounts after the party. The money is already there."

The crowd roared, "Wow!" however Ben heard two other guys across the table talking with each other in overly concerned tones, "How did she know our banking requisites? That's confidential information not publicly available."

Also, Ben noticed Jeff's face wincing like he just ate a whole big lemon slowly chewing on it and hissing quietly through his sore teeth, "Whew, I knew it was her!"

Where are all our girls, female classmates?

"They have their own fun. It was decided to make two separate parties on the first night. One for men and another for women. We want all of you to feel young and relaxed, not being shy of any gender formalities tonight. So, all your girls will join us tomorrow night for a united party if anybody wants. And now enjoy THIS night!

"Do you want more fun?" asked Gina and the crowd roared, "Yeah!"

"Any objections to a striptease?"

"No!" multiple voices yelled almost in unison.

Gina stepped out from the stage and the music from Swan Lake started. Girls in their early twenties entered the stage dancing Little Swans. They had nice, white costumes, however slightly different from traditional ones used in a ballet show.

Each costume consisted of white stiff tutu skirt staying horizontal, and what appeared to be a white bodice combined with white panties.

However, when Ben looked closer, he saw the only tutu was real and the rest of outfit was just painted on each dancer's naked body. There was no bodice, no bra, not even panties fully exposing a torso with cameltoe, and bare breasts covered with white paint shining under the limelight.

The areolas were not painted, and nipples had erections showing the girls were aroused.

The dance was impressive. It was a combination of classic Tchaikovsky ballet with striptease. The girls showed traditional ballet techniques mixing them with stretching their legs wide and up displaying their gaping pussies.

When that happened, Ben noticed a nice pink color inside of dancers' vulvas and glistening fluids on their surfaces confirming Ben's idea about the girls' possible arousal. It was clearly visible that all girls were virgins showing their nice immaculate hymens.

Periodically the dancers bent back with open wide pussies and breasts standing plumb. The girls pulled their nipples up with their fingers and jerked them along with music.

Other elements of dance included walking on their hands and moving their legs from plumb and tight together to spread horizontally, demonstrating all parts of their beautiful young bodies.

The screen on the stage showed the dancers and their particular body details in all their glory, applying maximum zoom to focus on most intimate and interesting parts.

Ben felt arousal and his large dick popped up, creating a bulge on his pants. He noticed other men also with bulges. Many guys tried to hide their arousals either by sitting on chairs or by turning away from the crowd.

When the dance was over, other girls with trays full of drinks entered the room, offering them to the men.

All servers wore costumes consisting of a few narrow, black leather strips on their naked bodies, hiding practically nothing.

Those strips were around each girl's neck, boobs, upper part of her thighs, across the belly and back. But none of them covered breasts, belly button, pussy, or anus. Those typically private areas stayed fully exposed.

None of girls were shy of men and they behaved completely naturally.

Looking at the girls, Ben recognized many familiar faces and bodies he frequently saw on Pornhub and other related sites.

Ben asked the girl with blond curly hair approaching him, "What's your name?"

She smiled answering, "Sabrina. Do you know me?"

"Are you from Pornhub?"

"You are right," the girl answered. "I'm also on Xvideos, Youporn and many other adult sites."

"Do you want a Louis XIII Magnum drink?" asked Sabrina offering Ben a glass of cognac.

Ben saw that drink previously in one of upscale liquor stores in the mall where the bottle with price tag around $9,000 was locked in a transparent cabinet made of thick glass.

"Thank you," said Ben grabbing a drink. "You look nice," added he, sipping it and thinking that with each small gulp he swallowed more than $100 worth of fluid.

What a waste of money, thought Ben as he didn't feel a big difference between THAT drink and a good but regular brandy for $50 from a common liquor store.

"How did you get here, Sabrina?" asked Ben, "I saw you on Pornhub and enjoyed your show. But you typically play in the middle-class environment. So, what's up with this party?"

The girl giggled, answering, "I was recruited by a casting agency, and they offered me money several times bigger than porn payments. So, I instantly agreed."

After drinking, snacking, and chatting with servers, slow, romantic music started.

Ben danced with Sabrina and felt her tight naked breasts pressing to his chest, rubbing it with her aroused nipples through his shirt. The girl caressed Ben's back and his butt with her hands.

Ben's already aroused penis became rock hard, creating a big bulge in his pants and Sabrina quickly noticed that. She pressed her belly under the navel to Ben's dick and moved it up and down, left and right with music stimulating his erection further and whispering, "You are a good man. I wish you were inside me."

Really? thought Ben. This girl doesn't even know my name and she already wants me.

A sudden thought flashed in Ben's mind, what am I doing now? Poor Shawna. She doesn't deserve my cheating. I need to leave this lewd party right now.

He looked around and saw his other classmates dancing with their girls under music becoming more and more erotic with horny voices of singers and moans in the background.

Jeff was dancing with a girl reminding Ben Jeff's wife Michele.

Ben saw Michele for the first time in the real life at the funeral of their former college teacher about ten years ago. She didn't make a big impression on him in black attire suitable for the situation.

But then he also saw Michele on Pornhub in a variety of clips with multiple partners. That time the lady looked exceptionally sexy and attractive apparently enjoying what she was doing in front of the camera.

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