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Melody's Open Invite Gangbang Ch. 01

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Girl has her most secret desire forced on her.
6.7k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/14/2017
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Brian's hands shook as he hit send on the latest email. This was actually going to work. His heart was racing. He considered bailing out, not for the first time, but he stopped himself. This was too good to let go. He knew he wouldn't get caught. His proxy was untraceable, he knew that. Still, it was such a rush going through with it. There was guilt in there, too, somewhere, but it was buried under a mountain of lust and sadism.

He had just set his incredible young coworker Melody up to be gang-banged...and she didn't know. Brian had found an extreme fetish service online. People could contact this company and have them make their wildest sexual fantasies become a reality, but all in a controlled, discreet setting. Or at least, that's how it was supposed to work. Women (or men) could sign up to be "gang-raped" by this service, but with everything hashed out beforehand. How far they were comfortable taking it, what they wanted their safewords to be, etc. They wouldn't know the exact time or place of the "surprise," but they would know what was going on once it happened. It was a way to live out dark, dangerous fantasies, while still being safe about it.

Well, Brian had just successfully signed Melody up for this service, with her of course knowing nothing about it. He had gotten the idea after creeping on her internet browsing history at home. She always brought in her home laptop to work, and one day while she was at lunch he had installed a secret tracker on her computer that would record her browsing history. He hadn't had a particular reason for doing so, other than to kind of creep on her, but his action had paid dividends. Melody frequently watched forced gangbang and other submissive porn, and read erotic stories with similar themes, where the woman completely lost control and was sexually conquered and humiliated. After finding this, Brian couldn't quit imagining Melody in these scenarios. It was incredibly hot knowing she got off to the idea. Of course, fulfilling these fantasies was another beast entirely, and surely something she'd never take the step of doing. But he couldn't shake the idea.

When Brian first contacted the group posing as Melody, he was kind of just doing it for fun. He didn't really think it would happen, or that he would get away with it. But as he progressed through the process, he realized that he could actually make this happen. He was tech-savvy enough to fool them.

Outside of this, Brian was normally a pretty regular guy. He had a good job, and he didn't have bad luck with the ladies, either. In fact, he was pretty sure Melody was actually kind of into him. So he wasn't doing this as a spurned lover or anything of the sort. He simply wanted to see Melody, this wickedly attractive, quirky, funny, kind of shy, talented girl, become completely broken, fulfilling her darkest, most suppressed desires.. He knew it was fucked up, but it was what it was. He would derive infinitely more sexual gratification from this than from just hooking up with her, which he was pretty sure he could do. He guessed it had something to do with power, but he really didn't want to psychoanalyze himself.

Melody was a newish graphical design girl at his company. She was cool, if a bit shy and awkward. He was sure she'd be horrified if anyone knew about her fetish. She presented herself as so proper. She was actually someone he could see himself dating. She was recently graduated from college, and was a really talented artist, good at what she did. She got the job only weeks after graduating. She was maybe 5'5", with a slender, somewhat athletic build. He thought she was blonde naturally, but right now her long, wavy hair was dyed a vivid red. She wore bangs that were chopped off right above her eyebrows. She had big, gorgeous blue eyes, perfectly shaped lips, and pristine, creamy white skin. She acted sociable but Brian could tell that was something kind of new to her. He could tell she had been an awkward, shy kid for most of her life, but was trying to grow up and force herself out of her shell. Something about that made her even more intriguing to him.

Brian had a few lengthy conversations over email with "DomDaniel," the owner of the fake-rape company. Daniel insisted on having lengthy conversations with his clients about what they would and would not want, and Brian was more than happy to come up with all sorts of stuff to say as Melody.

The thing that really sealed the deal was the advanced 3d masking technology Brian had access to, making himself look like a very convincing live-action Melody in the Skype video chat he had with Daniel to confirm that she was "real." It was something most people didn't even know existed. By uploading several pictures of Melody's face from different angles to the program, it was able to 3d map a convincing, movable "mask" onto Brian's face during the video chat. Only an expert would have been able to tell it wasn't real. Along with a separate program to pitch his voice and make it sound female, he had Daniel completely convinced that he was in fact Melody, having a live video conversation with him, confirming that yes, in fact, she would like to be gangbanged by a group of men who were to break into her apartment and have their way with her, pushing her to her sexual extremes. "She" also told him that she wanted to be subjected to the most extreme humiliating and degrading acts they could come up with.

"We can take it as far as you want," Daniel said. "As long as you don't say the safeword, 'peanut butter,' or alternately give the blink-signal with your eyes, should your mouth he gagged, we will press forward. We can take it as far as you want, but can stop immediately when we hear the safeword, if it gets too crazy for you. It's up to you."

"Oh I'm pretty sure you won't be able to get the safeword out of me," Brian said, seeing the words come out of Melody's mischievously grinning face on the screen. "Trust me, I'm one kinky bitch. I've been wanting this my whole life."

"We'll see about that," grinned Daniel. "We can come up with some sick shit. You said you want us to ratchet it up to public humiliation, possibly, right?"

"That's right. I'm pretty fucking sure I can take it. I can't wait to be pushed to the extreme. Test me."

With that, they concluded their conversation, Daniel having been fully convinced that he had just spoken to a female submissive named Melody. They agreed that it would occur some Friday afternoon, after work, when Melody was at home, but the exact week wasn't scheduled. It was only known that it would occur sometime in the next month. Brian would have to be ready every Friday. He had instructed them that he wanted the whole thing to be live-streamed to their website, ostensibly so that Melody would get off knowing that strangers were watching her ravaging live on the internet, but in reality just so that Brian could watch. Daniel emailed him some legal contracts that he had to give a "digital signature" to (which was bullshit - he just typed Melody's name), and they were set. Now Brian just had to wait.

On the first Friday after that, he found himself flirting more heavily than normal with Melody. He was just so excited about what he knew was going to happen to her. He joked with her and looked her right in her round, beautiful eyes, knowing that either tonight or some night soon, she would have all of her autonomy ripped away from her, becoming a sloppy meathole for strangers she would never see again. She looked particularly gorgeous today, wearing a bright red lipstick that contrasted wonderfully with the pale skin of her face. He smiled at some dumb joke she made. He was barely paying attention. He wondered how far they would take it. He had told them to do their worst, but he wasn't sure what their worst was. At what point would they stop for someone who wouldn't tell them to stop (or so they thought)? Would it just be a rough night that would take her a while to get over, or would it completely ruin her life? Would he care if it did? Would he be disappointed if it didn't? He had to excuse himself to the bathroom to jerk off. Afterward, he wondered what was wrong with him.

Nothing happened that Friday, or on the two Fridays after. That meant that this coming Friday would HAVE to be the night. It was the only Friday left. That day he grabbed lunch with Melody, and offered to pay for her meal. He thought it was an amusingly inadequate way to repay her for what she was going to give to him. He rather liked knowing for a fact that today was the day. That this was pretty much the last normal day of her life. That in a few hours she was going to be splayed open for any and all takers, to do what they wanted to her in whatever way they wanted. He watched her sip her water.

"I am so ready to just do nothing this weekend," she said. Brian watched her tap the manicured, dark red nails of her long fingers on the water glass. "Chuck has had me doing so much this week that has me just super stressed. I can't wait to try to forget about it for a couple days.

Brian shrugged. "Hard to fault you for that. He's a dick anyway."

She was wearing a weird thriftshop-looking dress with a plant pattern printed on it. He imagined it being ripped from her body. She took a big swig of her water and accidentally spilled some out. She put up a hand and tried to catch the drops as they dripped down her chin. He pictured her mouth overfilling with cum. He hoped no one could notice the erection that had sprouted in his jeans. She laughed at herself in embarrassment, and batted her long, dark eyelashes at him. She was definitely interested in him. He could tell she was respectable, maybe even a little old-fashioned. Maybe she imagined the two of them dating in the future. He grinned at her.

They went back to the office and spent the rest of the day doing their normal things. Brian barely got anything done. He kept watching Melody through the plexiglass window between their cubicles.

When 5 o clock came he leaned into her cubicle as she was packing her stuff up.

"See you next week," he said cheerfully. She made a funny face at him and stuck her tongue out. Brian smiled to himself and calmly walked out of the office. As soon as he was out of sight of everyone he made a mad dash for his car and drove home as quickly as he could without getting pulled over. He went into his apartment and pulled up the homepage of the fantasy-rape service, and waited.


Daniel and his four fellow doms sat in their van and watched Melody cross the parking lot of her apartment building. He looked down at the picture of herself she had sent him.

"There she is boys. Let's give her a little while to get settled in, then we're going to bust in. Remember to make this as realistic as possible. She said she wants it to be a brutal gang-rape. No holds barred. This bitch seems to think she's an ultra-freak. We'll test that theory. I doubt she's prepared for the kind of shit we can come up with. But remember, escalate slowly. Give her time to say the safeword once she's had enough. Remember, it's 'peanut butter,' or alternately and firmly blinking her left, then right, then left eye again, should her mouth be gagged. Be on the lookout for it. As soon as she gives the signal or says the word, we pack up and leave her be. She's given us the $500 deposit already, and will give us the rest in a couple days, after she's had time to recuperate."

They waited in the van for another 45 minutes or so, then pulled their black masks on.


Melody took another sip of her wine and leaned back into the couch. She had Netflix going and wanted nothing more than to just be lazy and do nothing for the next two days. Catch a break. She was just wearing some old running shorts and a baggy tshirt. She wasn't trying to impress anybody. She tucked her bare feet up under herself and snuggled in.

At that moment a crashing boom reverberated through her apartment. Dazed and in disbelief, she looked up to see that her door had been kicked in, and five men in black were standing in the doorway, wearing masks. She hurriedly got up and stood uncertainly against the back wall, cowering slightly.

"I don't have much money, but you can take whatever you want," she stammered. "Just don't hurt me."

The men came in and shut the door back behind them. One of them stepped forward and looked around the apartment, nodding to himself.

"Take whatever you want," she said again, her voice rising in panic.

'She's a pretty good actor,' Daniel thought to himself.

"Oh trust me," he said. "We will."

He snapped his fingers and the four men behind him rushed forward and grabbed her. She screamed, but one of them quickly put their hand over her mouth. One guy wrapped both of his arms around her chest from behind and lifted her off the floor. Her bare legs went kicking through the air.

"Putting up a fight, are we?" Daniel asked. He pulled out a nice looking camera and attached it to her laptop that was sitting out. "Let's get the show started."

The men held Melody in place as she looked on, helpless, as this man turned on the camera and angled it on its small tripod toward her. What on earth was happening? He pulled up a webpage and typed something in, then clicked a button. A video player popped up, taking up nearly the whole screen. Melody could see her own terrified face in it, being played back to her in real time HD. The man clicked again and a red LIVE symbol appeared in the corner. Melody's eyes widened even further.

"Say hello to all your soon to be fans, miss."

A small counter was visible in the bottom corner. "89 viewers," it already read.

"Let's get this party started," Daniel said.

The guys holding Melody suddenly started ripping at her clothing. She gave another muffled scream and kicked and contorted her body wildly, trying to curl herself into a protective ball, but they soon had her shirt off, followed shortly thereafter by her sports bra that they ripped clean down the middle. Melody vainly tried to cover her breasts and fight her attackers off at the same time, but all four of her limbs were held tightly by different men, and being pulled in different directions. They soon had her shorts off and over her legs, leaving her only in her panties. They positioned her crotch straight at the center of the screen and then held her long, pale legs spread open as wide as they could stretch them. Daniel pulled the flimsy fabric aside that had been her last vestige of privacy. Her pussy was revealed in all its glory to the camera, the shaven lips pulled slightly apart. Melody's mind was racing. To her horror and embarrassment, Melody found that her pussy was suddenly extremely moist, and getting wetter by the second.

Daniel ran a finger through her slimed gash. "Well what a nasty little girl we have here," he said. He suddenly ripped her panties in half and pulled them off of her body. He wadded them up and stuffed them in her mouth. She could taste her own pussy mucous coating them.

They continued to hold her spread eagle to the camera, completely naked. 4509 viewers. Daniel ran his slick fingers down between her asscrack, centering in on her butthole and rubbing it with his middle finger. She instinctively puckered, trying to resist any intrusion.

"What a nasty little girl indeed," Daniel said, his breath hot against her ear. Suddenly he plunged his finger into her asshole up to the second knuckle, sliding in easily with the aid of her pussy juice. He twirled his finger in what felt like a wide circle inside her, rubbing the inner walls of her rectum. He pulled his finger out and inspected it.

"Lucky you're clean," he said. He pulled the wadded up panties back out of her mouth, and then popped the finger in. Melody tried to resist, but he was wiping it on the surface of her tongue.

"Suck yourself off of me. That's a good girl."

He pulled his finger out and then rubbed the wadded panties all over her crotch, grinding it in between her pussy lips like he was trying to mop up all the new juice, and then stuck the freshly slimed cloth back in her mouth.

"Say hello to all your viewers," he said. "They're going to get to know you really well, I think."

Hands were groping her entire body, pulling on her tits, slapping them. She felt hands rubbing her feet, fingers between her toes, several groping her groin, exploring recklessly. Fingers going in and out. It was a sensory overload, especially with the added rush of panic and shock. She had never felt so opened. So exposed. The camera pointed straight at her felt like a giant eye, looking not just at her but in her. Through her. Her crotch felt hot and she noticed the urgent throbbing in it. She hazily noted that her pussy was absolutely pouring. She was confused and terrified, but at the same time she had never been this turned on in her life. She struggled one more time with a great, shaking effort to clamp her legs shut, but it was useless. They were as wide open as if they were held in a steel vice.

20,404 viewers. 'I love these chicks that want to be filmed,' Daniel thought. 'Excellent advertisement.'

Suddenly Melody noticed a cock slapping against her face. One of the guys pulled the panties out of her mouth. "Let's get some use out of that mouth," he said. Melody initially resisted but the dick kept pushing against her lips and she ultimately relented. She knew there would be no escape at this point. She had always fantasized of this, but had never wanted it to actually happen. But now that it was, what could she do? In a haze of horniness and bewilderment, she opened her mouth and let the cock slide in.

Now that this had started, all the other cocks came out too. They hoisted Melody up onto her knees, and stripping themselves of their pants, stood in a half circle around her, leaving a clear shot for the camera, all of them sporting thick erections and waving them in her face. Melody couldn't help but notice that they were all extremely well-endowed.

"Put some passion into it," one guy said to her. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her further onto his cock. She gagged but managed to take him into her throat slightly. The tip of her nose just brushed up against the man's pubic hair. She started to gag harder, her throat reflexively trying to force the cock out, but he held her head in place.

"Probably not the first cock you've sucked," someone said. "Tell us how many cocks you've sucked, Melody."

He gave her a sharp pop on the cheek with the palm of his hand. She mumbled into the cock in her mouth. She wondered how the fuck he knew her name. Suddenly she noticed a couple of guns that they had set on her coffee table.

"Give my friends some love, too," he said, and grabbed her wrists and directed her hands to two of the cocks on either side of her. She began clumsily jerking them off as she kept sucking the first guy, now terrified of what they would do to her if she didn't cooperate.

She went in a circle, switching between the five naked cocks vying for her attention while always keeping her sweaty hands full with two others. They controlled her roughly, pounding into her mouth like it was a pussy, balls deep. She wretched and gagged over and over, tears streaming down her face in black rivulets from the mascara she hadn't taken off after getting home. Slobber poured from her mouth and hung in long ropes from her chin. All of the men rubbed her all over and grabbed her modest but shapely tits during this whole process, squeezing them hard and even slapping them. Between cocks she couldn't help but stare straight into the camera in humiliation and lust. How on earth could this be happening? 367,344 viewers. On the right side of the screen a litany of vile comments poured in, commenting on her body and dick sucking skills, most of them degrading her and making vile remarks about what they'd like to do to her. Her pussy was throbbing and pouring, even as she flushed in shame.


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