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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 05

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Summer of 82 - Week 1.
9.2k words

Part 5 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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Lesley's alarm went off at stupid o'clock on the Monday morning. She had a quick shower, got dressed then made us both a quick cup of tea and sat on the bed next to me while she drank hers.

"I'll see you on Friday then?" she said, as if looking for some kind of reassurance that I wanted to see her again.

"Make sure you bring a pair of jeans and a jacket if we're going to go out on the bike."

"I will." Then she followed it with, "Are we ok?"

"Yes, we're ok."

"I'm sorry about Saturday."

"I know you are."

She kissed me, then picked up her bags and left.

I decided that since I was awake I might as well get up and go for a run. I waited to hear the sound of her car leaving before getting up but it never came. Instead, I could make out the sound of Ruth and Lesley in conversation. A door closed but still no car and I figured that they must have gone into the house. Half an hour later Lesley's car drove away and so I got up and put on my running gear and ran my now regular route. When I got back an hour later Ruth was waiting for me.

"Good morning," I said.

"Why don't you come and have breakfast with us each morning?" Ruth said. "Then afterwards I can show you what needs doing to the house."

"Ok. I'll just get a shower then come over. Give me half an hour?"

I showered and put on my work gear, an ensemble which basically consisted of my most expendable clothes, then went over to the house for breakfast.

"Morning gaffer," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Ruth laughed and pointed to a place laid out on the table, then served up scrambled eggs and bacon.

"How was your weekend?" she asked, then added, "and before you say anything Lesley's already told me that things didn't go to plan."

"Oh I don't know. I fixed the Mini and got the bike working. I'd say that was a result."

"That's not what I meant."

"I know it isn't." I replied.

"I got up early to speak to her before she left. She's very upset."

"What did she say to you?"

"She told me how she'd been keen to meet new people and that you had come up with a plan to pick up a guy in a hotel bar. The plan worked and the guy invited you both up to his hotel room then she basically ignored you while she fucked him. Oh and he had an enormous cock."

"Stark, but honest I guess. And his cock was enormous," I said, trying to make a joke of it. "What did you say to her?"

"I told her that she was a stupid little tart and that I was disappointed in her. I said that if she wanted to spend the rest of her days picking up guys in bars then fine, but if she wanted to keep you then she was going to have to grow up, otherwise there were plenty of other women who'd be happy to take you off her hands."

"Thanks for the endorsement, how did she take it?"

"She burst into tears I'm afraid. She said that she desperately wants you. She knows she's let you down but she doesn't know how to make it right. I think she wanted me to tell her that it was all going to be ok. But I told her instead that she'd better get her thinking cap on and fast, because if she thought she could keep her man satisfied by lying on her back and taking someone else's cock in her, then she was going to be very sorry, very quickly."

"That was a bit harsh, wasn't it? She admires you Ruth. Your opinion of her probably matters more than anyone else's."

"I know. I was harsh because I think that she can be so much better. She's not entirely to blame though. She's been used to David making all the decisions for her. She brings the body and the rest is up to him. Left to her own devices she'll make mistakes. She needs to learn the rules Steven and most importantly she needs to learn how to keep her own man satisfied. It's as simple as that."

"I guess."

"How have you left it with her?" Ruth asked.

"I don't know, we just said that we'll see each other on Friday."

"I might be able to help. In the meantime keep this between us. I've told Lesley not to say anything to David."

"No problem."

We finished breakfast and then talked about what I needed doing to the house. The first of my summer jobs was to paint its exterior. The walls of the house were rendered and the windows were those old fashioned metal framed ones with hundreds of individual panes. Everything needed painting and a few of the panes were cracked and needed replacing. It was going to be a big job.

"You'll need to get the paint from the hardware store," Ruth said.

"Have you got any tools or brushes, things like that?" I asked.

"There are some good ladders in the garage but other than that you'll have to get everything from the hardware store."

"Ok, I'll go there this morning. Erm I will need some money I'm afraid."

"Ah yes of course, I got some cash ready for you." She pulled an envelope out of a drawer and handed it to me. "Now, there's two hundred pounds in there for paint and tools. I don't know how much you will need but it should be enough to get you started. I have also put two hundred and fifty pounds in there for your first week's wages. I figured you could do with it in advance."

"Ruth, that's way too much. That's more than the most people earn in a week."

"Steven," she said rather formally, "you have to understand a few things here. Firstly, David is a millionaire, he can afford it. Secondly, Lesley and you make us happy. We both enjoyed our time with you at Lesley's apartment last week and we hope there will be other times like that. Thirdly, I may have other, non-decorating, tasks I need you to perform. If David can lavish his money on Lesley then I can spend a bit on you."

"I've always fancied being a kept man," I said.

"I wouldn't go that far," Ruth replied. "Now get out there and earn your keep!"

I drove to the hardware store and got what I needed. The guy behind the counter was incredibly helpful. I told him what I was doing and confessed to being a complete novice. Not only did he tell me what I needed to get but he also told me how to go about the job. I could have spent ages talking to him about it and it seemed like he had all day to educate me but I was keen to get back and make a start, so with the Mini laden with paint and tools I headed off.

As any decorator will tell you the key to a good job is in the preparation. The walls needed to be washed and sealed; the windows needed to be sanded down; and the cracked panes removed and replaced. I decided to do one wall at a time and started with the back of the house, simply because it had the sun shining on it in the afternoon. In order to try and get a suntan I put on a pair of old running shorts, stripped off to my waist and got to work.

At around three in the afternoon I heard a car come up the drive and then a knocking on the door. I realised that nobody was answering and so rushed down the ladder and ran to the front of the house to see if I could help. I don't think that the middle aged lady at the front door was expecting a semi naked guy to come running towards her and I startled her. Once I explained who I was however that seemed to put her at ease. She told me that her husband was the local butcher and that she was delivering some meat for the freezer, except all the while she was speaking she didn't once look at my face, she just kept staring at my torso and my tight running shorts. I gave her a hand into the kitchen with the packages of meat and asked her what I should do with them. She approached me put her fingers on my chest and told me that she knew Ruth very well and that she would deal with it. I thanked her and got back to my decorating. A little while later I heard the car trundle back down the drive.

Ruth and David came back at about 5.00 p.m. and shortly after I could smell the aroma of food being cooked. I worked on until 7.00 p.m. and decided to call it a day. I was pretty pleased with my progress but it was going to take another day of preparation before I was ready to paint. As I was packing away Ruth came out to see me.

"What did you do to Mrs. Arbuthnot?" she said.

"I'm sorry?"

"The butcher's wife who called this afternoon. She phoned me all flustered to say that she had delivered our order to the house and that this bare chested young muscleman had let her in."

"Yes, that was a bit weird. She touched my chest while she was talking to me."

Ruth laughed then said, "Come and have some supper with us."

"I don't want to be an imposition."

"Don't be silly. It will be good to have the conversation."

I tidied myself up and ate with Ruth and David. They wanted to know the details of what had happened with Mrs Arbuthnot and I told them how I'd been ogled by her and how she'd given me the briefest of touches before I fled. We all had a good laugh about it. I also told them about the guy at the hardware store and how I could have still been there now such was his enthusiasm to pass on his knowledge.

"I forgot to ask," I said to them. "How was your weekend?"

"Very enjoyable," said Ruth looking at David for approval to continue. "We went to a private swinging club in London."

"Is it the sort of place where everyone throws the keys to their Bentley into a bowl?" I quipped.

"That's basically how it works," said Ruth, "but it's a bit more up market. It's run by a very posh couple who organise about six evenings a year. Attendance is by invitation only and you have to be recommended by another couple to be considered."

"It sounds like some sort of secret society."

"I guess that it is in a way, discretion is very important. There must be about thirty couples in total but only fifteen couples at each evening. Not everyone can make every evening and some couples are more active than others but there is never a problem filling all fifteen places."

"I take it that everyone is well heeled?"

"Oh yes, hiring a London hotel doesn't come cheap and some of the guests make David and I look like paupers."

"I can't imagine that," I said. "But what actually happens, how do you meet people?"

"Ah that's the best bit. The venue isn't known in advance, although it tends to be one of a handful of private hotels in London. You tell the organisers where you want to be picked up from and a car collects you, takes you there, then waits to take you back at the end of the evening. The dress code is formal, gentlemen have to wear black tie while ladies are encouraged to dress enticingly, but not cheaply, if you know what I mean. Oh and everyone has to wear a Viennese masque in the public areas. As they arrive each couple chooses an envelope at random and the gentleman keeps it in his jacket pocket unopened. Dinner is served and then coffee and cigars are taken in the lounge afterwards."

"Sounds like a lot of effort and still no sex," I joked.

"As you get older Steven you'll realise that anticipation is half the fun. But anyway when the coffee and cigars are finished it's time for each couple to open their envelope. Inside the envelope are two smaller envelopes, one pink and one blue and inside each of these envelopes is a room number. The ladies open their envelopes and go to their allotted bedrooms then ten minutes later the men open their envelopes and go to theirs. Nobody knows who is in each of the rooms other than the couple who are in it, and until the man opens the door to the bedroom you don't know who you will be spending the evening with. The organisers make sure that it's not possible to end up with your husband or wife of course but after that it's chance who you end up with. Not even the organisers know because the envelopes were picked at random at the beginning of the evening.

"And who did you both end up with?"

"Ah now that's the final rule. Nobody is allowed to talk about who their partner was or what went on in the room. At the end of the evening a gong sounds and the men leave the bedrooms, then ten minutes later the ladies come down to join them and the cars take everyone home again."

"Still sounds like a lot of effort," I said.

"Heathen," said Ruth in mock annoyance.


On Tuesday I felt like I was getting into a routine. Up at 7.00 a.m. out for a run followed by a quick shower then over to the house for breakfast at 8.30 a.m. David and Ruth were already having breakfast when I got there.

I had a day of sanding those fiddly window frames ahead of me but the weather was kind again. At lunchtime I took the BMW down to the local garage for an MOT and it passed with no problems. To be honest once the owner of the garage had established who I was he was more interested in chatting about bikes than he was in testing mine.

When I got back it was 2.00 p.m. The house seemed quiet and so I got on with my work. I was working on replacing a cracked pane in the window of what was the second guest bedroom when David and Ruth walked into the room. They knew I was there but ignored me completely. They started to kiss and David began to undress Ruth. He made sure that he didn't block my view as he stripped her. She was passive, standing there like a shop mannequin letting his hands roam all over. When she was completely naked he made her lie on her back on the bed then tied her arms and legs with rope to the corners of the old iron bedstead. He then left the room. She turned to look at me and smiled then closed her eyes and lay there.

David was gone for what seemed like ages. When he came back he was carrying something that looked like a large truncheon with an electric flex attached. I'd never seen a magic wand vibrator before but I could hear it buzzing as he first ran it over her tits then moved down to her pussy. She began to gyrate her hips as he moved the wand across her mound all the way down to her arse and then back up again, finally pushing it on to her clitoris. It wasn't long before she let out a sigh as the first orgasm hit her then she started to buck as they got more intense. David focussed the wand over her clit and after a while what had been moans of pleasure started to sound like squeals of anguish. David stopped and I thought he was going to put the wand down but instead he retrieved Ruth's panties from the floor then stuffed them in her mouth before renewing the wand's assault on her pussy.

With the now wand firmly pressed on Ruth's clit she was bucking her hips trying to get a moment's relief from its vibrations, but tied to the bed she could only move so far before David found the spot again. She screamed almost continuously now, begging him to stop, but her muffled pleas fell on deaf ears. Eventually she became desensitised to the vibrations and at this point David stopped. He switched the wand off, took off his trousers then got on top of her and fucked her. When he was near to cumming he got off, removed her gag and then wanked himself off over her face.

Ruth lay there with cum over face and looked at me through the open window. "It's your turn now," she said.

I climbed down the ladder and made my way to the bedroom where they were waiting for me. I wasn't sure what to do next. Ruth was still tied to the bed and so I bent over her and sucked on her nipples while I fingered her crotch.

"Let David undress you then you can fuck me, but make sure that you cum on my face," Ruth said.

I was already shirtless and so all that David needed to do was take off my trousers and pants. He pulled down my old running shorts then knelt down in front of me teasing my cock with his tongue. Cupping my balls in one hand, he reached around to my arse with the other and then started to suck on me. When he'd made sure I was hard he let me climb on board his wife. She sighed as my cock went into her. With her being tied to the bed she couldn't assume a very natural position and so I took my weight on my elbows to give me a better angle of attack. I took it easy to begin with leaving my cock inside her while I kissed her neck and tits. I tried but she wouldn't let me kiss her cum covered face, obviously that was going to be David's treat later once I'd added my contribution.

I had wanted this to be more than a five minute fuck but David had other ideas and after a few minutes of fucking David started to use the magic wand on me. First he parted my arse cheeks and focussed it on my anus. This was pleasant without being overly arousing, but when he used it on my balls it had the effect of speeding things up a bit. I pulled out for fear cumming inside Ruth and knelt over her face. David wanked me with one hand and stuck the wand between my legs with the other so that my balls felt the full sensation of the vibrations. My legs held the wand in place and so with his free hand he probed my arse before pushing his finger inside me. I climaxed immediately and my cum added to the glazing already on Ruth's face.

"Thank you," Ruth mouthed silently and I took this as my cue to get back to work.

I could see why I was earning the big bucks now.


On Wednesday I was ready to start painting. Everything needed two coats which meant that it was going to take another two days to complete the back wall of the house. Painting the walls was easy and instantly gratifying but the window frames were hard work. I worked pretty much non-stop except for a quick trip to the nearest post office to tax the bike. With tax disc in hand it was now legal.

At around 5.00 pm I heard the Jaguar fire up and drive off. I'd forgotten that Wednesday was the day that David went to see Lesley and it didn't do anything for my mood. When I was at college I hadn't really had the time to think about what they were doing together but now, stuck up my ladder, I had plenty of time to brood on it. I knocked off around 7.00 pm and decided that I needed to hit something. Fortunately the punch bag in the gym was the ideal candidate. I was so engrossed in getting rid of my frustration that I didn't hear Ruth come in.

"It's not your week is it? First your girlfriend shags a guy with an enormous cock and now she's shagging my husband."

"There no need to sugar coat it Ruth. You can give it to me straight," I said hitting the bag hard one last time.

"Welcome to my world," she said.

"How do you cope with it?"

"It gets easier with time but the best way is to find something to take your mind off it."

"That's where Mr. Punchbag comes in."

"Or someone," she said teasingly.

I thought for a bit then said, "Can I buy you a drink? It's a nice evening. Why don't we drive to a pub where nobody knows who we are?"

"I'd like that. You can drive the Triumph if you like."

"Give me half an hour to get ready."

I showered, had a quick shave then put on a clean pair of jeans and a shirt. I really was going to have to do a clothes wash on Thursday as that was the last of my clean clothes. When I met Ruth at the car she looked like she'd made an effort. She had on a pair of tight fitting jeans and a tight but flattering and slightly see-through blouse, which if you stared at long enough revealed a delicate lacy bra underneath. Ruth really had been getting into shape over the last few months and the results were clear to see.

We drove to a pub in Skendleby on the other side of the Wolds. Neither of us had eaten and so we ordered some food. I'm not sure what we looked like to the casual observer. Glamorous mum and son, or illicit lovers, I don't know. But we were on our best behaviour just in case.

"You know. I miss coming out on evenings like this," said Ruth. "David and I used to do it when we were younger but as we got older, well, for whatever reason we stopped."

"Well there's no reason why we can't make this a regular thing. What do you normally do on a Wednesday?"

"I usually sit at home and watch the television." Lowering her voice she added, "In the past I have met guys on my own but that's been a bit risky and I had a creepy experience with one guy which put me off."

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