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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 12

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Another Trip to France - Part 2
18.8k words

Part 12 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the twelfth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode can be read individually but it helps to have read the previous episodes starting from the beginning and episode 11 in particular, which is the first part of this tale.

I hope you enjoy the stories.



Lesley and I arrived at Carole and Fabien's house in Provence at around seven o'clock on Sunday evening. We'd left Kate and Daniel at their rented villa just five miles down the road, having ridden the bikes down from Annecy together. Both of the girls had been slightly worse for wear when we'd got up, due to the alcohol consumed the previous night. But after a big breakfast, some strong coffee and plenty of water they were almost back to their usual form.

We stayed off the motorways and rode the back routes to Aix, stopping at a lovely restaurant overlooking a mountain stream for lunch. Daniel and I had a beer with our food but the girls stayed on the soft drinks that day.

When we arrived in Aix we made a quick stop at Daniel and Kate's villa in case Ruth and David had already arrived but it was still empty when we got there. Ruth and David were going to be staying with Daniel and Kate for the week then heading north to oversee the start of the building work on their farmhouse straight after the wedding. When it came time for us to leave, Kate didn't want Lesley to go and there were a couple of tears. This must have made Daniel feel even guiltier about imposing Ruth and David on her especially since this had been billed as the opportunity for them to finally have their foursome. Lesley promised she'd be back in a couple of days' time.

I stopped the bike at the gate to Carole and Fabien's house and without getting off, Lesley reached over and keyed in the four digit code into the entry pad. The barrier trundled open and we rode down the driveway. As we got off the bike and were removing our jackets and helmets, Carole and Fabien emerged from the house.

Carole made a bee line for Lesley and gave her a hug while Fabien and I shook hands.

"It's so nice to meet you at last," said Carole holding both of Lesley's hands.

"And you too," said Lesley. "I feel like I already know you."

"I know what you mean. How was your journey?"

"It was fine," Lesley replied. "I'm a hardened biker now," she said joking.

Turning to me, Carole said, "Steven, you look a lot better than when we last saw you. To be honest we weren't sure if you'd be ready to ride your motorbike."

"I'm fine," I said. "I've had a lot of great people looking after me."

Turning back to Lesley, Carole asked, "Lesley, would you mind if I kissed your fiancé?"

"Only if I can kiss yours," Lesley replied cheekily.

Putting her arms around my waist Carole reached in to me for a kiss and I was surprised how passionate it was. Lesley, taking her cue from Carole, didn't hold back either and Fabien didn't seem to mind the attention at all. Nobody was in a hurry for the moment to end and so we stood there re-acquainting ourselves for a good couple of minutes.

I put my hands on Carole's delicate waist. She looked good but had tried to make it appear as though she hadn't made too much of an effort. The short tennis skirt and tight fitting polo shirt weren't things you wore casually around the house however. I couldn't resist the temptation to lift her skirt up with one hand and feel her pert bum as we kissed. Carole sighed her approval as I did and on seeing how his fiancé was being treated, Fabien ran his hands over Lesley's tight fitting leather trousers and gave her arse a good squeeze.

When we'd finished introducing ourselves, Carole said, "There now, that seems to have broken the ice."

"Not entirely," said Lesley and taking Carole in her arms she gave her a kiss. Carole was caught by surprise but responded quickly and the two of them swapped tongues before coming up for air. Still holding Carole, Lesley said, "Thank you for looking after Steven when he needed you. It means a lot to me."

"You're welcome, Lesley," replied Carole kissing her briefly on the lips once more. "Now are you ready for the gruesome twosome, they're dying to meet you."

As we went into the house Carole made the two Rhodesian Ridgebacks sit and wait. Their tails swept the floor enthusiastically in anticipation of being released.

"Are you ready?" Carole asked and when we said we were she followed it with, "Donald, Mickey, go say hello."

The two guard dogs bounded over the tiled hallway and skidded to a halt in front of us. I knelt down and Donald gave me a big lick. I'd like to think that he remembered me, but I suspect he would have been the same with anyone. Mickey was more laid back but took a shine to Lesley and allowed her to make a fuss of him, obviously a bit of a ladies' man. I'd not seen Lesley with dogs before. I knew that she'd never had one growing up but you could see that she liked being around them.

Having gained Donald and Mickey's seal of approval they allowed Carole to show us to our room. Apparently Peters had already been in the van and dropped our clothes off, which meant that we could change out of our bike gear into something more comfortable. Not to be outdone by Carole, Lesley put on a short denim skirt and tight fitting tee shirt which she wore with tennis shoes.

It was getting late to eat so Carole prepared a salad for us while Fabien cooked some meat on the barbecue then we sat and chatted with a glass of wine as the sun went down. Carole and Fabien told us all about their plans for the wedding on Saturday while Donald and Mickey prowled for scraps. They found a willing accomplice in Lesley who kept passing food to them under the table.

Lesley had been the life and soul of the group and had entertained everyone with her tales of our trip so far but by half past ten she was struggling to stay awake. She made her apologies and gave everyone a kiss before making her way to bed. Donald and Mickey both followed her, possibly in the hope of more treats and sensing that Carole wanted to talk with me, Fabien also made his excuses.

When we were on our own, Carole took my hand and led me to one of the patio sofas. She cuddled into me as we sat down and I put my arm around her. I couldn't resist lifting her skirt again and stroked her bum as we talked.

"I'm glad you could come," said Carole.

"I really wanted to. I wanted to thank you for looking after me but I wanted you to meet Lesley too."

"I can see why you want to marry her."

"So you approve?"

"Yes, I do. My only concern..." said Carole semi seriously, "is that if you ever have a dog of your own, it's going to be as fat as a cow," she said laughing.

"She never had a dog growing up. She never had much of a childhood to be honest. Things I took for granted when I was a kid just passed her by. It makes me quite angry when I think that you could treat your own child like that."

"I can also see why she wants to marry you," Carole added.

"And that's because?"

"She knows you'll look after her, protect her."

"That's what she says."

"Not every girl wants that, but I think Lesley does."

"So what about you and Fabien, have you got any last minute nerves?"

"No, I know I'm a lucky girl. I'm marrying a handsome young man who thinks the world of me," Carole said proudly. "We both know that we're still going to sleep with other people but we're looking forward to planning a future together."

"Good, he's a very lucky guy. I hope he knows that."

"I keep telling him," Carole joked then, changing the subject, she said, "I hear you had an interesting week last week."

"You're exceptionally well informed, Carole," I said.

"It helps to have been married to the boss," she quipped. "How did you persuade him to set up a charity?"

"I'm not sure I did. I think he was already looking for a way of doing something meaningful. I just suggested a cause."

"I think it's an excellent idea. I just never saw Daniel wanting to do something like that."

"So you'll support him?"

"Yes, of course. I'll support him with the Durolitum board, but I don't think I should be a trustee of the charity like he suggested. Kate doesn't need me looking over her shoulder. This should be their venture, supported by you two of course!"

"You know how much Daniel values your opinion and your support but I think that you're doing the right thing to be honest."

"And I hear you landed a big fish last week too."

"Now that definitely was a joint effort."

"Perhaps, but Markus didn't have to ask you to be account director, Steven. It would have been easier for him not to. You might have fucked his wife but that's no reason for him to put you in charge of his money. He did it because he knows he can work with you. Do you know how long Daniel has been courting Markus and his bank?"


"About five years and with absolutely no luck, then you come along. You might not realise it yet but Daniel needs you Steven. He needs someone he can trust. Durolitum's a difficult place to work at. Everyone's out for themselves. You'll find that out soon enough."

Carole got up and straddled me as I sat on the sofa. I grabbed her bum with both hands and pulled her towards me and she pushed her pussy into me as we kissed.

"If I stay here any longer I'm going to fuck you and that wouldn't be fair on Lesley or Fabien."

"You're right."

"Fabien and I have to go to the town hall tomorrow morning for some wedding stuff. Will you be ok here by yourselves? We thought we could all go to Aix in the afternoon if you like."

"That would be great, now just give me one more kiss."

"I can do that," said Carole.


Donald sensed the moment that I woke up on Monday morning. He was occupying the free space on the bed between Lesley and me and his big powerful tail started to wag. I knew there was no alternative but to get up and take the dogs for a walk so I started to put on my running gear.

"Are you taking them out?" asked Lesley.

"Yes, while it's still cool."

"Can I come with you?"

"Of course you can."

We got dressed and let ourselves out of the house then followed one of the farm tracks that criss crossed the landscape. Donald and Mickey went about their business while Lesley and I ambled along hand in hand.

"Are they safe off the lead?" Lesley asked.

"They're fine, they know where they are."

"I've never walked dogs before. I'd hate to lose them."

"Don't worry they could probably take themselves for a walk they know this area so well. Carole owns all this land you know."

"You like her don't you?"

"Yes, I do. You're not jealous are you?"

"No, of course not. What is it about her you like?"

"She's smart but she's also a really nice person. Physically, I like her figure. You know the two of you look very alike, so I guess she's my type in that sense but I also like the way she has kept herself in shape. She really is incredibly fit for someone who must be about forty five. She has the flattest most athletic stomach I've seen on any girl and I think that's really sexy."

Lesley put her arms around my waist and said, "Would you like it if I had a stomach like hers?"

"Well yes, but it wouldn't matter to me if you didn't either. You're still the sexiest girl I know."

"What, even sexier than Kate with her perfect figure?"

"Yes, even sexier than Kate."

Lesley looked happy. She already knew I thought she was the sexiest person alive but it was still nice to hear it from time to time.

"I wonder how Kate's getting on?" Lesley asked rhetorically.

"Do you think it will go ok with Ruth and David?" I asked.

"I hope so."

"Well, hopefully we can hook her up with Fabien later on in the week."

"Only after I've finished with him," said Lesley giggling.

"Do you like him?"

"Oh yes. You can go off and do whatever you want with Carole if you'll let me to do the same with Fabien!"

"It's a deal!"

When we got back to the house I showed Lesley how to feed Donald and Mickey. What can become a daily chore for the majority of dog owners gave Lesley great pleasure doing it for the first time. Having been fed, watered and exercised the two dogs lay down and promptly went to sleep.

"Now that the kids have gone to bed, why don't mum and dad go upstairs and have some fun?" I suggested.

"I thought you'd never ask," said Lesley.

By the time we came down for breakfast Carole and Fabien were gone. They'd left a note thanking us for walking the dogs and telling us to make ourselves at home. So we had a leisurely breakfast then changed into our swimming costumes and had a dip in the pool. Afterwards Lesley did some sunbathing while I tried to understand the instructions for the camera that Daniel and Kate had bought me in Annecy. There was a lot more to taking photographs than I had realised but Lesley was a willing model for my first roll of film and while the pictures were tasteful pinup style shots I made a mental note not to take them to the local chemists to get the film developed.

In the afternoon Carole and Fabien took us into Annecy and showed us around the old part of town. Fabien was keen to show us a couple of the art museums. He was clearly passionate about art and I think that Lesley was genuinely interested too. I was sure I'd seen a few books about art in her book collection at home. Lesley listened intently to Fabien's every word as he described the art and the artists to her, although I have the feeling she might have paid him the same attention had he been showing her around a tractor museum. Carole and I rolled our eyes and giggled at the two of them, establishing our credentials as cultural philistines.

"If you like, I could take you to St. Remy tomorrow. It's where Van Gogh spent his last days. There's a museum of his work there."

"I'd really love to do that Fabien. Van Gogh is one of my favourites," said Lesley, glancing at me to check that I didn't object. "I think we might have to leave these two behind however, I get the strong impression that art isn't their thing."

"I have tried, honestly I have," said Fabien, "but I'm afraid Carole is a lost cause when it comes to art."

"And Steven's an engineer. Appreciation of anything cultural is likely to get him thrown out of Uni." Lesley replied.

"You two go ahead," said Carole. "Steven and I have a date in the Ferrari in any case."

We decided to stay for dinner in Aix. Lesley and Fabien were deep in discussion about art while Carole filled me in on what still needed doing for the wedding then she drove us back to the house in her long wheelbase Land Rover Defender County. It was almost brand new but it still bumbled along the road with the vagueness of steering peculiar to its breed.

The day was still warm when we got back. Carole suggested a swim and so everyone disappeared to get changed. Carole returned wearing a bikini that was so delicate it almost looked like lingerie. Lesley's bikini was a recent purchase in Annecy. The top was strapless and the briefs so tiny they were almost non-existent. Its vibrant green colour really emphasised her red hair.

Fabien lit the fire pit then mixed some cocktails for the girls. He offered me a beer while he took a glass of wine for himself. The girls chatted and swam a few lengths of the pool while they waited for us to join them. When we did Carole took my hand and we swam for a while as Lesley and Fabien made out. Fabien had Lesley up against the side of the pool and was kissing her, while one of Lesley's hands had disappeared below the water line and was massaging his cock.

"They seem to be getting on," said Carole.

"I think it was a pretty safe bet they would," I replied.

"I like to watch Fabien with another girl, especially when she's as pretty as Lesley."

"I know what you mean."

Carole put her arms around my neck and lifted her legs around my waist then she began to rub herself along my erection. I grabbed the cheeks of her arse, pulling her in to me and she sighed into my mouth as we kissed. She rubbed her pussy along the length of my cock and I could feel it trying to burst out of my Speedos.

"I think I need another drink," Carole said leading me out of the pool.

When we'd got out I began to towel Carole dry.

"It's probably easier if I take this off," she said undoing her top then stepping out of her briefs.

I gently patted Carole's body with the soft towel. When I got to her pussy she parted her legs and let me slip my hand in between them. I made extra sure that I didn't miss anywhere then Carole did the same for me, removing my trunks and gently drying me off. She couldn't help but notice the scarring the knife had left as she patted the towel over my torso but made no mention of it. When we were both dry I handed her a bathrobe and we went to mix some cocktails.

By the time a fresh batch of cocktails had been mixed Lesley and Fabien had joined us and with glasses refreshed we sat around the fire pit talking. Lesley lay back on Fabien and let her bathrobe fall open and Carole did the same leaving Fabien and I with a perfect view of our partners' bodies being explored by the hands of another man. I ran my hand along Carole's stomach feeling the undulations of her abs and Lesley watched me as I did it.

"Steven says that you have the sexiest tummy he's seen on any woman," Lesley said to Carole.

"Is this true Steven?" said Carole clearly pleased with the compliment.

"Oh yes," I replied.

"How can I get a stomach like yours Carole and well, how can I look as fit as you do when I'm your age?"

"You already have a flat stomach Lesley," said Carole.

"Yes but it's not athletic like yours and that's what Steven finds sexy."

"Do you do any exercise?" asked Carole.

"No," said Lesley shamefacedly.

Carole thought for a bit then said, "I don't know if Steven told you but I was a gymnast when I was younger. My career was over by the time I was your age but I wanted to keep fit and I didn't want to lose my definition. So I took up running and Calisthenics."

"What's Calisthenics?" asked Lesley.

"It's a series of exercises where you use your own body weight as resistance. It doesn't need much equipment and you can do it almost anywhere. Most armies use it and it's quite similar to some aspects of gymnastics. Calisthenics will tone your muscles but if you want a defined stomach you'll also need to keep your body fat low and that's where the running comes in. That's the only way I know I'm afraid but it's kept me fit for almost twenty five years now."

"Would you show me what I need to do?"

"I won't, but I know someone who would be only too happy to," said Carole. "Fabien trained as a physiotherapist before he gave it up to be an artist, he knows all about Calisthenics and he's also a good runner."

"Would you teach me?" Lesley asked turning to Fabien.

"It would be my pleasure," said Fabien. "Do you have any running gear? Shoes, clothes?"

"No," said Lesley shamefacedly again.

"No problem," said Fabien. "There's a sports shop in Annecy where we can get everything you need. We can go there on the way to St. Remy tomorrow."

"It won't be easy Lesley," said Carole. "You've seen how much Steven trains. You'll need to do the same."

"I understand," said Lesley, "but I want a body like yours."

"In that case, training starts tomorrow," said Fabien.

"Do physiotherapists know how to massage?" enquired Lesley.

"Fabien gives the most incredible massages, Lesley. There's a massage room in the cellar. We've also got an exercise room down there that I'm sure Fabien would love to show you," said Carole.

"It's just that sitting on the back of a motorcycle for so long has made my muscles very tense," Lesley said teasingly.

"Would you like me to see if I can ease the tension for you?" asked Fabien.

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