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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 13

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Another Trip to France - Part 3.
13.8k words

Part 13 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the thirteenth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode can be read individually but it helps to have read the previous episodes starting from the beginning and episodes 11 and 12 in particular.

Unlike the previous episodes this episode doesn't really contain any sex, just good old romance. The trouble with trying to tell this tale, as I've found out, is that I've chosen to recount the story as well as recounting the sex. For those who want the sex, please wait until the next episode where I promise there will be plenty.

I hope you enjoy the stories.



It was Friday morning and Carole and Fabien's wedding was only a day away now. Today was the day when Carole's property was going to be transformed into the venue for the wedding reception. This meant erecting three marquees (main, catering and bar), setting out the tables and chairs, laying out the stage for the band, providing electricity, installing portable toilets and washrooms and doing countless other jobs that were all needed to ensure that the hundred and fifty invited guests could celebrate in style.

It was a massive logistical challenge and Carole had employed a local company to put it all together for her. Provence was a wealthy region and there were plenty of people who could afford to pay for such weddings, so there were a few companies that specialised in this. Fortunately the company Carole had hired spoke good English and so language wasn't a problem for me in my new role as 'Bride's liaison (infrastructure)'. My partner in crime was Lesley in her role as 'Bride's Liaison (creative and artistic)' and essentially our job was to ensure that everything got put where Carole wanted them to be put.

The day started as the previous few had, with Donald's tail thumping enthusiastically on the bed.

"Don't you remember we took you for an extra walk last night?" Lesley pleaded with the dog.

"I don't think it works like that," I said. "Do you want me to take them by myself?"

"Of course not. I'm serious about getting fit you know!" and with that she got up.

After Lesley had completed her obligatory stretching routine we set off on our run to the shepherd's hut with Donald and Mickey padding along beside us. This time Lesley paced herself and made the distance in one go without stopping. She looked very pleased with her performance.

After fifteen minutes rest and some rehydration we set off on the return leg. Lesley almost made it back in one go but had to stop just short of the house to catch her breath.

"Damn," she said. "I really wanted to make it back."

"You're doing incredibly well. Come on I'll race you the last bit."

"Steven, what's that farmer doing over there?" Lesley asked pointing behind me.

I turned round to look and as soon as I did Lesley sprinted for home. I chased after her, with Donald and Mickey joining in the pursuit. We caught up with her by the pool and I started to tickle Lesley who squealed all the way to the kitchen, which had the effect of getting the dogs more excited than they already had been.

It was only when we got into the kitchen that we realised we weren't the only ones in there. Carole was sat at the breakfast table with a couple about the same age as her. Donald and Mickey weren't expecting this and for the first time since I'd met them they went into protection mode, standing between us and growling at the unknown threat.

I knelt down and grabbed them both playfully by the neck.

"It's alright," I said reassuringly and they relaxed then Donald gave me a big lick while Lesley stroked Mickey.

"I'm sorry," I said. "We didn't realise anyone would be in here."

"Don't worry," said Carole laughing. "It's nice to know those two will protect someone, even if it's not me."

Carole got up and patted the dogs and they both looked up lovingly at their mistress.

Steven, Lesley, let me introduce you to some of my oldest friends, Her Honour Judge Mrs. Emma Taylor, Circuit judge, Family Division and The Honourable Justice Mr. Michael Taylor of the High Court. Michael, Claire, you'll have to excuse these two I'm afraid. They are young and in love."

"Pleased to meet you Your Honours," said Lesley unsure how to address a pair of judges socially.

"Carole's just playing with you dear," said the woman laughing.

"You mean you're not judges?" asked Lesley.

"No, we are judges, but we're just Michael and Claire, when we're off duty."

"Lesley is a biologist at a hospital in Nottingham. Although I believe that she is just about to move down to London and will soon be Daniel and Kate's lodger," Carole added. "And Steven, well, what are you today Steven?"

"I'm an engineering student in my final year, but I'm also working for Durolitum," I said.

"What Steven has omitted to tell you is that he is also their youngest account director, isn't that right Steven?"

"Yes." I replied, embarrassed about being put on the spot.

"Carole, is it ok to feed Donald and Mickey?" asked Lesley "They're beginning to drool".

"Thank you Lesley," said Carole, then she added casually, "oh and Steven could you pop upstairs and ask Fabien to come down and say hello, and Daniel and Kate too if they're awake yet."

"I didn't realise Daniel and Kate would be here," said Michael.

"Yes, didn't you recognise the motorbike outside? They've rented a villa here and came over for a barbeque last night. I couldn't let them ride home afterwards."

I sprinted upstairs and knocked on the door to the room in which Kate and Carole's husband-to-be had spent the night. What greeted me was a glorious sight. Kate was kneeling on the bed with her arse in the air while she took Fabien's cock in her mouth. On any other day I'd have found Kate's arse being waved provocatively in front of me a difficult prospect to turn down but walking into the room I held my finger over my lips to indicate that they should be quiet.

"Morning you two," I said quietly.

"Have you come to join us?" whispered Kate, teasingly.

"Carole's friends the judges are downstairs."

"Merde," said Fabien and sprang out of bed. "They weren't supposed to be here until lunchtime."

Leaving a slightly bewildered Kate behind, Fabien and I walked over to the main bedroom where Carole had been sleeping with her ex-husband Daniel. I knocked on the door and we went in. Daniel looked a bit stunned but saw me holding my finger over my lips.

"Michael and Claire, the judges have arrived. Can you and Kate come downstairs and say hi?"

"Shit," said Daniel.

I went back downstairs and was just in time to witness the slobber fest that was Donald and Mickey's feeding time.

"Everyone's on their way down," I said.

To add to the chaos the intercom for the front gate sprang into life announcing the arrival of the marquees. Carole looked flustered and apologised to Michael and Claire.

"I've got this." I told Carole. " You stay here and look after your guests. In any case you shouldn't be rushing about on the day before your wedding."

"Are you sure you're ok?" said Carole.

"Yes. I know where everything is meant to go. You just relax."

"Thank you Steven."

I took the plans and the project book and went out to greet the project manager. As it turned out he was also the boss of the company. We went over the layout and had a quick tour of the grounds then set to work.

There was something very satisfying about starting off with a lorry load of canvas and poles and turning it into a marquee. Counting me, there were eight of us and although the rest of the crew didn't speak much English they were glad of the help and I was glad of the exercise.

At around eleven Lesley came out with some beers for us. One of the younger guys whistled at her and the boss shouted at him to show some respect. Lesley gave them all a beer then, saving me until last, she handed me mine and gave me a big kiss. The guys clapped and laughed and then we all watched Lesley as she walked back to the house, swinging her hips slightly more than usual.

By midday the marquees were up and the crew disappeared for lunch taking their lorry with them. When I got back to the house everyone was by the pool chatting. When they saw me covered in sweat and dirt I think they felt a bit guilty but they needn't have. I was enjoying myself, getting stuck in.

I had a quick shower while Carole made us some lunch and when I came back down Lesley stuck to me like a limpet. I guessed it was because everyone else had spent the morning in couples except her, although that never usually stopped her and Kate from getting up to mischief. Having Lesley by my side was always one of life's pleasures however.

At two in the afternoon work resumed and the lorry returned, this time with tables, chairs and a dance floor. After that it was the toilets and then all the equipment the caterers required to heat and serve food. Last to arrive was the bar. At around four in the afternoon Lesley started to oversee the decorations and by six the main tent was looking spectacular.

It was eight o'clock in the evening before the crew left. Everything that needed to be done had been. They'd worked hard and Carole made sure that each of them was individually rewarded. I shook hands with all of them, as was the French way and the boss thanked me for the help, telling me that he'd see me tomorrow. Then they left and everything was peaceful again.

I'd heard Daniel and Kate leave on their motorbike earlier in the afternoon but I didn't know that Fabien had also left to spend the night with his family. This just left Michael and Claire, Carole, Lesley and me. Michael was busy in the kitchen cooking and so Lesley and I went up to get a quick shower. Lesley was all over me in the shower and as a result we both got an exceptionally good soaping, but there wasn't really enough time for sex, however much we both wanted it. When we came down dinner was ready and I was starving.

The meal Michael had cooked was superb. As good as any we'd had in a restaurant that holiday. It turned out that cookery was one of Michael's hobbies, which may in part have explained his slightly overweight figure. He was a tall guy however, so he hid it quite well. Claire, by contrast was surprisingly thin. Both of them had a relaxed air about them that belied their status in life.

Carole, Claire and Michael spent most of the time reminiscing over dinner and it turned out that Michael and Claire had led an interesting life. After graduating they'd taken a year off to travel across North Africa in a mini bus, crossing the Sahara twice. In addition to having first been successful barristers and then judges they were both also actively involved in a couple of charities and Michael had chaired a commission looking into homelessness.

"You know Michael also owns a Bentley that raced at Le Mans," said Carole.

I didn't know much about vintage cars but the Bentley boys and Le Mans were the stuff of schoolboy legend. Ettore Bugatti had called it the world's fastest lorry but to me it was a thing of beauty.

"It's true," said Michael proudly, "It took part in the 1930 Le Mans. It didn't finish 'though unfortunately."

"Dirty smelly old thing," said Claire laughing.

At that point the conversation split into two, girls talking about the wedding, boys talking about cars. Carole suggested that Michael and I take a couple of cigars and sit out on the patio. Michael didn't need asking twice and we both sat out with a glass of whisky smoking Carole's cigars. Donald and Mickey followed us out. You could see that Michael didn't completely feel at ease with them and it was easy to see why as Donald never really took his eyes off him.

"Do you know why that dog keeps staring at me?"

"Donald's fine, honestly. He just doesn't know you yet."

"Actually, that's not the reason. It's that he doesn't trust me yet. Semantics I know but dogs are like that. You're either in the pack or you're not. If you're not, then you need to be watched."

"Donald," I said. "Come here and say hello."

Donald came over, put his head on my knee and let us both stroke him. Mickey, not to be outdone also joined in then, after a while, they lay down again and Donald resumed his vigil.

"Do you know how many times Carole went out to check on how things were going today?"


"Not once," he said. "She has complete trust in you."

"It wasn't just me. A lot of preparation went into this and she did pay for what I imagine was a very expensive project manager."

"I don't doubt that. But I guess that my point is, as far as Carole and these two dogs are concerned, you're part of the pack."

"Carole did a lot for me after I was stabbed. Anything I can do to help her out I'm happy to."

"I heard about that, are you fully recovered now?"

"I'm fine. Oddly enough I'm more conscious of the scars than I thought I would be but other than that there's no lasting damage."

"Lesley is very proud of what you did you know. You can see her bursting with pride when she talks about it. The two of you make a good team by the way. Between you, you've made today fun for Carole."

"Thanks, but I think that having her best friends with her has meant a lot too."

Michael ignored the compliment.

"You do realise that Lesley wishes it was her getting married tomorrow' though, don't you?"

"To be honest I wish we were too," I sighed.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, why aren't you?"

"At the time it seemed sensible to wait until after I'd graduated. That way Lesley could have the wedding she deserves and my parents could have the wedding they missed out on with my sister. Hers had to be a bit hastily arranged, you see."

"I get the picture," he said laughing. "And now what's changed?"

"We've been through so much recently, what with the stabbing and all, but to be honest I just can't imagine my life without her."

"You could have a civil ceremony then a church blessing next year if you really wanted to get married you know."

"It's a good suggestion. I'd never really thought about doing something like that. Realistically, I think even that boat has sailed. I'll be back to Uni. in just over a week and nobody will marry us at such short notice. I'm not even sure it would be legal."

"When does your term start again?"

"A week on Monday."

"Hypothetically speaking, if you could marry Lesley next week would you?"

"In a heartbeat," I said. "I don't know what Lesley would say 'tho."

"Why don't you ask her?" Michael suggested. "You see, in my professional opinion, that girl is desperate to marry you."

"It will take us three days to get back to England on the bike. Then we'd have to apply to get married after that. We just couldn't do it at such short notice."

"You know, there are some privileges to being a high court judge. The rule regarding notice of marriage is an important tool in countering forced marriages and frivolous ones too. I am satisfied that these are not things that need concern a registrar in your case. So why don't you leave that to me. Now go and ask her."

"Ok, I will."

Michael and I went back into the house followed by the dogs. The girls were still talking about the wedding but the conversation stopped when we walked in.

"Have you finished that foul smelling thing?" Claire said to her husband.

"Yes dear," he replied.

"Erm Lesley, could I borrow you for a moment. I just need a quick word in private." I said.

Lesley got up and we walked outside onto the patio. Once again the dogs got up and followed us.

"Is everything ok?" she said.

"Yes, everything's great. How's it going with you?" I replied.

"Great ... Was there something you wanted to ask me?"

"Erm yes. You know how our engagement was a bit, well, a bit different."


"But we promised that we'd do the wedding properly."


"Well. If you could, would you want to marry me next week. It would only be a registry office and a few friends. We could still have a blessing at the church and the party next year though. I know we said we'd wait but the truth is I'd rather not wait a whole year until we're married."

Lesley's eyes filled up with tears and I felt mine welling up to.

"But if you want to wait I understand. I just want you to be happy," I said.

"No Steven, I don't want to wait. I want to marry you. I've spent most of today thinking about nothing else than being married to you. I really want to be your wife."

I gave her a hug and Lesley sobbed for a while into my shoulder.

"Come on," I said. "Let's go and tell them inside."

We went back into the house and Carole immediately noticed that Lesley had been crying.

"Lesley, is everything alright?"

"Yes," said Lesley sobbing, "Steven and I are going to get married next week."

Carole looked surprised and a bit uncertain.

"Oh Lesley, that's wonderful news," she said, "but are you sure that you can do that?"

Claire looked at her husband and said, "This has your fingerprints all over it, doesn't it?"

"Come on," said Michael, "you've seen the way she's been mooning around all day. He feels exactly the same way about her and well, there have got to be some perks to being a bloody high court judge. If they want to get married next week then I will make it happen."

"You old Cupid you," Claire said giving her husband a big hug but I noticed that there were tears in her eyes as she did.

"I have been mooning, haven't I?" said Lesley. "I'm sorry. Being married to Steven is all I've ever wanted. I don't know how to thank you Michael."

"We'd be honoured if you would invite us to the ceremony," Michael replied.

"It would be a pleasure."

"Which I shall be planning for Thursday by the way, if that suits you," he added.

"Thank you so much," said Lesley and then it was Lesley's turn to give Michael a big hug, at which point I think I saw Michael's eyes well up too.

"But tomorrow is Carole and Fabien's day, so no more talk of this until Sunday," I added.

"I agree," said Lesley. "I won't even tell Kate."

It was getting late and after a round of embraces and more thanks, Michael and Claire turned in for the night. They were staying in the cottage next to the garage, just across the drive from the main house. It gave them some space and a bit of privacy.

Carole poured me a whisky and herself and Lesley a small liqueur.

"Come and sit with me for a moment," she said.

Carole and Lesley sat on one sofa while I sat in another. Lesley curled up and put her head in Carole's lap.

"I am very happy for you both and I hope that Fabien and I will be invited to the wedding."

"We'd love you to be there," said Lesley, "but we don't want you to spoil your honeymoon."

"You won't be," said Carole. "But you also need to know something about Michael and Claire."

Carole began to stroke Lesley's hair as she spoke.

"Michael and Claire had a daughter about your age. Her name was Juliet and I was her godmother. She was a lovely girl, tall like her father, with jet black hair. She was bright, intelligent and full of life. But she fell in with the wrong crowd and one night she died of a drug overdose."

"How long ago was this?" Lesley asked.

"About two years now. They were both devastated as you can imagine, Michael especially. But they decided that they could either spend the rest of their lives mourning or make the best job of it they could. So they carry on. Fortunately they love each other very much but Michael misses his daughter terribly. You need to be sensitive to this."

"We will be."

"I know you will," said Carole. "And now I guess we should all be going to bed. Big day tomorrow!"

"Are you nervous yet?" I asked.

"A little," replied Carole.

We closed up the house and Carole gave us both a bit of a hug and a kiss when we reached the top of the stairs. Then we parted, Carole going to her room and us to ours. The dogs weren't sure who to follow but went with us in the end although we left the door open in case they changed their mind.

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