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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 17

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November 82.
10k words

Part 17 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the seventeenth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode can be read individually but it helps a bit with names to have read the previous ones.

I hope you have enjoyed it so far.



For a while now Lesley had had wanted us to have a threesome with another guy. We'd had several threesomes with girls, including Skye, Sophie and Heike, and of course, each week Lesley usually had at least one with Daniel and Kate. But threesomes with guys never seemed to happen.

There were probably a number of reasons for this. Firstly, because Lesley was very bisexual, other women tended to gravitate toward her. Secondly, it was in her nature for Lesley to want me to be satisfied, which meant that she was more likely to invite a woman to join us than a man. There was also a third reason however, which was 'the elephant in the room' so to speak, and that was the disastrous experience we'd had with Mike (episode 4). It had almost ended our relationship before it really began but fortunately we'd got past it and hadn't looked back since.

We'd only had one other threesome with a guy since then and that had been with a tour guide in Reims, France (episode 11). It had been fun for everyone even though the poor guy had prematurely ejaculated to begin with.

It wasn't just Lesley who fancied meeting another guy 'though. I was keen too. I liked to watch Lesley being fucked and I also liked fucking her after someone else had cum inside her. For her part, Lesley wanted to be the centre of attention for a change and she confessed that from time to time she just liked being used by guys.

So we put an advert in a swingers contact magazine called Rendezvous. It read;

"Young attractive professional couple, early twenties, seek guy under 30 for threesome fun. Must be good looking and fit. Possible regular meets if compatible. If interested please respond with details to include full length photo (including face, clothed is fine), undraped photo (excluding face is fine) and contact number. LONDON."

People today don't realise what it was like trying to make contact by post back then. Nowadays you can put an ad on a swinging site in the morning and be fucking someone by the evening, sometimes even sooner. It was almost a month before the issue of Rendezvous with our ad in it hit the newsagents, then it took another week before we got to see the replies. When they did finally arrive we were deluged with them however.

Lesley and Kate sifted through them while I was at Uni. The girls shared everything, so it was only natural that Kate was included in the decision making process. Because Daniel and Kate were in the public eye they couldn't risk using contact magazines but Kate was hopeful that if we found someone then perhaps he would be acceptable to Daniel once we'd got to know him.

Of the thirty or so replies we received, eighty percent were from people who were too old, too far away or too ugly. Some were obviously errant husbands trying to 'play away', while others had just sent pictures of their cock, hoping that a close up of their genitalia would somehow get Lesley's juices going.

Lesley and Kate whittled the field to five replies they thought were worth considering and, after we'd had our regular reunion sex one Friday evening, Lesley and I sat in bed and reviewed the candidates.

I immediately dismissed two of them because, from what they'd written, they looked like 'players' to me. Lesley wasn't too happy at first, because I'd rejected her favourite but we'd agreed that we both had to be comfortable with whoever we chose. Any one of the remaining three would have been acceptable to me but it was clear that we both had a favourite.

Magnus was a twenty eight year old guy from Norway. He was in London because his company had posted him there for two years. He had partner back home but he only got to see her one week a month when he went back to Oslo for meetings. I liked him because his letter sounded open and honest. I knew what it was like to have a long distance relationship and I could sympathise with him on that. Primarily, Lesley liked him because of the pictures he sent. Magnus was a true Viking, blonde and athletic, although not so tall. One of his photos showed him in cycling gear standing next to a racing bike. The other, a polaroid, showed him naked, from which it could clearly be seen that Magnus was definitely well endowed.

"Shall I call him?" Lesley asked excitedly.

"It's getting a bit late isn't it?"

"It's only eight thirty."

"Ok. Ask him if he wants to meet for a coffee tomorrow or Sunday."

Lesley ran out of the bedroom naked clutching Magnus' letter and pictures in her hand. After a while I heard her start speaking to someone. I couldn't make out the conversation but there was quite a bit of laughter and it was almost fifteen minutes before she came back to bed.

"No luck?" I said joking.

"We're going to meet him tomorrow. Three o'clock in a café near Covent Garden."

"Ok. What did you think of him?"

"He sounds nice, He's articulate and he's got a good sense of humour. I think you'll like him. He's into triathlons, which explains the cycling outfit."

"Sounds good."

"I'm excited," Lesley said. "We've never met anyone this way before."

"Well don't build your hopes up too high just yet."

"I won't," she acknowledged. "Do you want to fuck me again? I'm feeling very horny."

To be honest I didn't want to fuck her again. I wanted to get some food. I hadn't eaten since lunchtime and was starving. But marriage is all about compromise and it was one of those unspoken rules that if one of us needed sex then the other needed to oblige. I don't know who Lesley thought she was fucking that evening, me or imaginary Magnus, but she closed her eyes and wrapped her legs around me then let me pump her until I came. Only then could I put some clothes on and drive to the chip shop to collect two portions of fish and chips. I treated myself to a large portion of chips. I felt that I'd earned them.


On Saturday we got up and went for a run as usual. Then, as part of my ongoing cultural charm offensive, we caught the tube to Leicester Square in order to visit the National Portrait Gallery. It was so dull I was surprised that they didn't make you remove your belt and shoe laces before entering, just in case the urge to end it all became too strong. Even Lesley had to admit it wasn't as interesting as she'd hoped it would be.

It was one o'clock by the time we escaped and we walked in the general direction of Covent Garden. Then Lesley remembered that she wanted to go to a place called Pineapple dance studios. It wasn't far away and she'd heard they sold dance wear that might be suitable for her calisthenics. After visiting the National Portrait Gallery I had thought my day couldn't get any worse.

It turns out I was worrying unnecessarily. Pineapple did some very sexy lycra leotards and Lesley ended up buying three of them plus some crop tops. My favourite was a leopard print sleeveless lycra jumpsuit with an asymmetrical neckline, a single strap over one shoulder and a panel cut out on one side to reveal half of the dancer's midriff. I couldn't wait for her to model it for me when we got home.

Just before three o'clock we arrived at the coffee shop to meet Magnus. Although we knew what he looked like, he hadn't got a clue about us. So to avoid him blindly propositioning the other customers Lesley said we'd meet him outside. As we approached we could see he was already waiting for us and first impressions were favourable.

"Magnus?" said Lesley.

"Yes," he replied cautiously.

"Hi. We're Lesley and Steven."

"Pleased to meet you," he said, kissing Lesley on the cheek then shaking my hand. "I'm so glad it's you. I've been watching people walk past and there've been a few who I've thought 'oh please don't let it be them'."

We went into the coffee shop and Lesley and Magnus found a table while I ordered the coffees. We made small talk until the waitress brought the drinks over and Lesley told Magnus about our visit to the National Portrait Gallery that morning.

"I guess you would like to know a bit about me," Magnus offered when the waitress walked away.

"Yes, please." Lesley replied.

"Well, as you already know. My name is Magnus and I'm originally from Oslo. I work for an Oil and Gas company and I've been posted to London for a couple of years. I've been here about three months now and I've got a flat in the Barbican. I also have a partner called Anna back in Oslo. We're not married but we've lived together for the last five years."

"What does she think about you meeting other people?" Lesley asked.

"In Norway, it's not such a big thing when you are young. There's not the stigma there seems to be here. We've met other couples together in the past and Anna is free to meet people in Oslo now. Mostly, people we used to meet as a couple. Our only rule is that it stays casual."

"Do you have a picture of Anna?"

"Yes," said Magnus a little surprised by Lesley's request.

He pulled out his wallet and produced a photo of him with an attractive blonde girl standing by a waterfall.

"It's a year or so old now," he said handing the photo to Lesley.

Lesley looked at the photo then showed it to me.

"Thank you," she said, handing the photo back, "She's very pretty."

"I think so."

"Have you met any other people since you've been here," Lesley continued.

"One couple," Magnus responded. "It was ok but it wasn't what I'd hoped it would be. They were nice people but about ten years older than their photo suggested. We met one night, then went back to their place and played. It sounds ungrateful but if we'd met like this first I probably wouldn't have taken it any further."

"I know what you mean." I said. "I met a couple of dodgy couples when I first started using contact magazines."

"Have you met many people this way?" Magnus asked.

"No," said Lesley. "We've met about ten couples through friends but you're the first person we've met from a contact magazine. Having said that, if it hadn't been for contact magazines, Steven and I wouldn't have found each other."

Magnus looked confused.

"It's a long story but Steven met a couple through a contact magazine. I was also seeing this couple and they thought we'd be ideal for each other. The rest is history and we got married in September."

"Congratulations. What do you both do? If you don't mind me asking."

"Steven is still a student and I work in a hospital. We don't live together during the week but Steven stays with me each weekend."

"It can't be easy for you both," he said, "married and living on one salary and a student grant in London."

"We get by with the help of some good friends," Lesley said masking the smile on her face. "I live in a friend's apartment. It's a bit restrictive but it's only until Steven finishes this summer then we plan to get a place of our own."

"I understand. At least I'm able to accommodate," Magnus offered. "The company have been quite good with my accommodation."

"That's good to know," I said.

"What are you studying, Steven?" Magnus asked.

"Electronic engineering."

"You should be able to find a job pretty easily with a degree like that I think."

"I'm hopeful," I said then changed the subject before we ended up completely deceiving the guy about our circumstances. "Lesley says you're a triathlete."

"Yes. One of the good things about being on my own is that there is plenty of time to train. You two look pretty fit yourselves. Do you play any sport?"

"Steven used to box when he was younger but we both train just to keep in shape now," said Lesley, who was proud to lay claim to her newly acquired athletic credentials.

"Well you both look good on it."

"Thank you," said Lesley blushing a little.

"If you don't mind me asking," Magnus said. "Why are you looking for a single guy? You're both good looking and it sounds like you've no problem meeting couples."

"It's a fair question," said Lesley. "The honest answers are that, sometimes I want to be the centre of attention and, sometimes Steven likes to watch me being fucked. What about you? You're a good looking guy I'm sure you could easily find a girl of your own here."

"Thank you for the compliment but I'm not really looking for a girlfriend to be honest. I'm as good as married to a girl I love. I don't want an attachment to someone else. With a couple it's different. The girl is someone else's wife or girlfriend, not mine. I'm just joining in for an evening."

"Are you bi?"

"I can be orally. Is that something you're interested in?"

"Steven isn't really," Lesley said, "but I keep trying to encourage him. What other things do you like."

"I guess I'm fairly average. Back home we like bondage and role play so we do a bit of that but nothing too kinky?"

"What do you role play?"

"In Norway all the girls want to be plundered by a Viking," he laughed. "We're both into science fiction so we do that too."

"I'm also into science fiction, but less than I used to be these days," Lesley said smiling at me.

"We can only meet at weekends," I said. "Is that a problem?"

"Not normally," he said. "I go back to Oslo once a month, other than that I'm usually free."

When we'd run out of questions I thought it was best to bring the conversation to a close.

"Thanks for meeting us Magnus," I said. "It's been good to meet you. Lesley and I should probably have a chat and either way we'll let you know."

"Thanks. It was great meeting you both," Magnus replied.

"Steven, we don't need to chat," said Lesley. "I like Magnus and I can tell that you do too. So, Magnus are you free next Saturday?"

"I am," said Magnus looking at me.

"You can tell who the boss is in this relationship," I said.

"You could come over to me if you like. I could cook a traditional Norwegian meal."

"That sounds great," said Lesley.

We said our goodbyes to Magnus and I ordered us another coffee.

Lesley held my hand tightly.

"There was a time not so long ago when I wouldn't have contradicted you like that," she said. "Do you mind?"

"Of course not."

"I'm so much more confident than when we first met, aren't I? It's not just with you but other people too. I know I can get a bit cheeky. You'll tell me if I go too far, won't you?"

"I like the more confident you."

"You're still my warrior and I still belong to you," she said. "That won't ever change."


The following weekend Lesley was excited about the prospect of meeting Magnus again. She'd spoken to him on the phone during the week to confirm the arrangements and was a bundle of excitement all Saturday in anticipation of the evening ahead.

"Magnus said we could use his parking place as he doesn't have a car of his own."

"That's useful, we can take the urban assault vehicle," I said, referring to Lesley's Land Rover.

"I'd like to go in style. Let's take the Porsche."


"He also said we were ok to stay over if we wanted a drink."

"Let's see how it goes first. We can pack a bag just in case and leave it in the car."

"You know I don't feel right about deceiving him. He thinks you're an impoverished student and I'm sleeping on someone's sofa."

"I know, but again let's see how it goes."

"Do you think he's being honest with us about his partner?"

"I'd like to think so but we don't know for sure."

"I hope he is."

Lesley took an age to get ready but when she'd finished she looked stunning. She was wearing the leopard print jumpsuit we'd bought the previous week with a pair of high heeled shoes. She wore nothing underneath the jumpsuit to spoil its line and the lycra clung to her figure leaving nothing to the imagination.

"Wow," I said when she appeared.

"Do you like it?"

"Very much."

"I want to feel sexy tonight."

I took her in my arms and kissed her.

"You're always sexy," I told her.

That evening I drove the Porsche. Lesley wanted to but her heels were just a bit too high to operate its pedals. Besides, she was still relatively new to London's geography and although she knew where the Barbican was she had no idea how to get there.

The Barbican was built in the late sixties as a place for young London professionals to live. The architecture was what they called "Brutal" and from the outside the apartments looked a bit like council flats for rich people. You could tell they weren't actual council flats however because they were looked after and the car parks were full of nice cars. The complex also housed a symphony hall and arts centre within it, where the London Symphony Orchestra and Royal Shakespeare Company respectively called home, when they were in town.

Magnus' apartment was in Andrewes house. We parked in the underground car park and caught the lift up to his floor. Lesley wore a long coat to protect her from the chill and the gaze of any passers-by. When we knocked on the door Magnus opened it and let us in.

"Hi there," he said, first kissing Lesley on the cheek then shaking my hand. "You found it ok?"

"No problem," I said. "We brought a couple of bottles of wine. I hope they're ok."

Magnus thanked us and took the bottles, disappearing into the kitchen to put them into the fridge.

"Can I take your coats?" he asked when he returned.

I took mine off and Lesley slipped out of hers.

"Wow," said Magnus when he saw what Lesley was wearing.

"That's what I said when I saw her," I joked. "Lesley has been a bundle of excitement all day so I suggest that maybe it would be a good idea if you kissed her and put her nerves at rest."

Magnus looked at Lesley for signs of approval and when she walked towards him and put her hands around his neck, he knew it was ok. He responded by holding her in his arms and kissing her. I stroked Lesley's back as the two of them kissed and when they finished Lesley turned to me and, without letting Magnus, go kissed me.

"There. That broke the ice," Lesley giggled when she'd kissed both of us.

Magnus fixed us all a drink and we went into the living room, which was also the dining room.

"I'm sorry it's a bit compact," he said, indicating that we should take the sofa while he sat in the single chair, "I'm lucky to get this 'though. The guy I replaced had a wife and a baby but he resigned. As they'd committed to the place for two years, they gave it to me."

"It's nice," said Lesley.

We chatted for a while and then Magnus asked us if we were ready to eat.

"I've made a 'kaldtbord' for us," he said. "Of course as with everything in Scandinavia the Swedes have taken the credit for it and called it 'smorgasbord' but really it's just a buffet for sharing. It's not that different from Tapas I guess."

Magnus brought out the various hot and cold meats, smoked and pickled fish, cheeses, salads, and relishes and we sat and ate them at the dining table with a glass of wine.

About half way through the meal the phone rang and Magnus walked away to answer it. The phone was in the living room so it wasn't easy to avoid listening in but he spoke in Norwegian so we couldn't understand a word of it. Nevertheless it sounded like he was talking to Anna. You can tell by the inflexion in peoples voices when a conversation is ending but when he said goodbye he didn't put the phone down.

"Would you like to say hi to Anna?" he asked Lesley.

"That would be nice,"

Lesley picked up the phone.

"Hi Anna...... Yes, it's nice to talk to you too. We're just enjoying the Kaltbord Magnus made for us...... It is difficult I know. Steven doesn't live with me in the week and I miss him terribly when he's not around...... Yes he does seem like a nice guy...... That would be nice, we'd love to meet you too one day...... Thank you. Bye now."

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