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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 21

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Christmas - Part 3.
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Part 21 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the twenty-first episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode can be read individually but it helps a bit with names to have read the previous ones.

I hope you enjoy it.



New Year's Day fell on a Saturday in '83 and so the bank holiday had been carried over to the Monday. Although I still had a week before spring term started at Uni. Lesley, along with everyone else in the UK, needed to be back at work on the Tuesday. So we spent Monday morning in bed and the rest of the day catching up with Daniel and Kate.

Daniel had booked a restaurant in Chelsea and the four of us had a leisurely if somewhat boozy lunch. It was really nice to spend time with Daniel and Kate again. We'd hardly seen them in December and I could tell that Lesley was desperate to reconnect. She was particularly attentive to Daniel and at times you could have mistaken them for a couple. Kate and I knew the score and let the two of them get re-acquainted.

When we got back to the house Lesley took reconnecting to the next level and, treating the house as if it were hers, she led us all to the room that Kate and Daniel used as a playroom. First, she made out with Kate and the two of them put on a show for the boys. Lesley made sure however that it was her head between Kate's thighs and not the other way round. She stuck her bottom out teasingly, as if she was offering herself to us as she pleasured Kate and when she'd made sure that Kate had orgasmed then she lay back, opened her legs like a cheap whore, and invited Daniel to fuck her.

"Let's leave these two to it," said Kate quietly, taking my hand and leading me out of the playroom and into their own bedroom.

I took my clothes off and climbed onto the bed with Kate. We kissed passionately for a while then Kate did the exact the same thing as Lesley had done, lying back and opening her legs for me. Kate's model looks clashed with the slutiness of her pose. If only I'd had my camera handy.

"I need to be fucked as hard as you can, Steven," Kate said, making quite clear what was required.

So I fucked her as hard as I could, first on top and then from behind. I was worried I was going to hurt her but she urged me not to let up the whole time. I fucked her relentlessly and after a while her body went limp like a rag doll, but she wouldn't let me stop, telling me that she really needed this.

When I eventually came we were both exhausted and covered in my sweat, but the moment I pulled out of her she started to finger herself, frigging her clit to another orgasm, before finally lying back on the bed exhausted.

"Promise me you'll always be around to do that for me," she whispered, then kissed my neck.

It seemed an odd thing to say. I guess, being married to Daniel, she missed the athleticism of a man her own age. Whatever the reason, I was happy to oblige her.

"I promise," I said.


On the Tuesday morning I caught a plane to Munich. It was traditional to take your customer out for a meal at Christmas and buy them a bottle of something expensive and as Durolitum's account director for the Munich bank, the responsibility fell to me. Unfortunately that hadn't been possible in the run up to Christmas and this was the closest I could manage.

My peer in the Munich bank was of course Katja. Katja both worked for Markus, the CEO of the bank, and was also his mistress. She'd also recently started dating Thomas, who was an Olympic show jumper, sponsored by Markus' bank. Thomas happened to be Markus' wife's lover, so it was all quite convenient really (episode 15).

The other reason for my visit was to see Heike, Markus' wife. The last time I'd seen her was a month ago after she and her friend Aldo had been drugged at the Winter Solstice Swingers' weekend in Titisee (episode 18). Lesley and I had rescued them from an uncertain fate and driven them back to Munich in the small hours of the morning. I wasn't going to forget that weekend in a hurry.

When I'd called Markus to see if it would be ok to visit them he told me that they'd love to see me but warned me that what had happened at the swingers' weekend had affected Heike and knocked her confidence. I liked Heike, she was an attractive fun loving person, but a genuine one too.

I picked up a hire car at the airport and drove south to Markus and Heike's stud farm in southern Bavaria. It was late afternoon when I arrived and Maria, the housekeeper, greeted me when I knocked at the door.

"Mr. Carter. It's wonderful to see you again. You look much better than last time."

"Thank you Maria," I replied. "I feel a lot better than last time too. How are you? Did you enjoy Christmas?"

"It's been a quiet Christmas here," Maria replied.

"How is Heike?" I asked.

Maria didn't get the chance to reply because at that moment Heike walked into the hallway. She took one look at me then gave me a big hug and buried her head in my chest. I could sense she was crying so I held her and let her sob. Maria discreetly left us with a comment about making some tea and after she'd cried for a bit longer I led Heike into the sitting room.

"I'm sorry," said Heike when we'd sat down on a sofa in front of the fire. "I'm just really glad to see you. How is Lesley?"

"Lesley is fine," I said and told her about Christmas and our trip to France.

"I spoilt Christmas for everybody here," Heike said then she sobbed into my shoulder again. "Markus had to cancel all our plans."

Heike stopped to sniffle.

"And of course this has fucked up our own sex life. Markus has been very understanding but I know he hasn't seen Katja since it happened so I've messed things up for her too."

"It's not your fault. What's the problem?" I asked.

Heike adjusted herself on the sofa so that she could curl up on me.

"I just feel really vulnerable," she said.

"I can understand that," I told her. "After I was stabbed I felt something similar. I felt like I couldn't protect the people I cared for."

"What did you do about it?"

"I think the first thing I did was decide if I wanted to carry on swinging to be honest."

"Which you did?"

"Yes, I enjoyed it. Lesley enjoyed it. We didn't want to give it up."

"So what did you do then?"

"I tried to manage the risks I guess. I divided the world into the people I care about, and everyone else. There aren't many people I care about but those that I do, I feel responsible for. They're my pack, if you like. If you're in the pack then I'm going to do my best to look out for you. Whether you like it or not, I can't help it."

"And everyone else?"

"Everyone else is a potential threat. There are plenty of good people out there, but until I know I can trust them, they need managing."

"What should I do, Steven?"

"Your situation is a bit different, but if I were you, then the first thing I'd do is decide whether you want to carry on swinging."

"I do."

"Ok. Then you need to figure out who you trust to look out for you and who you're safe with. They're your pack. You're an attractive, wealthy, woman, Heike. You need the pack's protection. It doesn't mean you can't have fun outside the pack but you need the pack looking out for you."

"Just like you and Lesley did for me in Titisee. And that's why Markus wouldn't let me go alone with Aldo."

"I just wish we'd realised sooner that you and Aldo were missing."

"I made Stefan tell me exactly what happened, Steven. You couldn't have noticed we were gone any sooner unless you'd been standing next to us."

"Perhaps we should have been."

At that point Maria came in with a tray of tea and some cake. Heike was still curled up on the sofa with her head in my lap and she made no attempt to get up.

"You and Karl are in my pack Maria, aren't you?" Heike asked, sounding like a child who needed reassurance."

Maria bent down and gently kissed Heike on the temple.

"Of course we are Heike," she replied. After years of working on luxury yachts for men who thought they were entitled to take whatever they wanted, Maria understood the importance of the pack more than most.

About an hour or so later Markus arrived home. Heike was still curled up on me when he walked into the living room.

"I don't know," he said. "I come back from work to find my wife in the arms of another man."

Heike got up and gave him a big hug and a kiss then told him she loved him. It took him by surprise. When she let him go we shook hands.

"It's good to see you Steven," he said clasping my hand. "How is Lesley?"

"She's very well. She wishes she could have come too but unfortunately she has to work."

"I understand. And Daniel and Kate?"

"They've been in South Africa. They had a great time."

"Good. And how are you?"

"I'm fine. Lesley and I spent Christmas in Provence, visiting friends. Next week I'm back at university so this is my last week of freedom before the real work starts for my exams."

"What are you doing here then? You should be with Lesley."

"I wanted to check in with you and Heike and I didn't want to ignore Katja either."

"Ah!" said Markus.

"Is there anything I should know?"

"We'll tell you over dinner," Heike interjected. "Which is at eight by the way. Karl's cooking something nice. You both probably want to freshen up first so we'd better get a move on."

"Before you go up Steven, can I have a word?" asked Markus.

"Of course."

"I'll leave you boys to it then," said Heike, giving us both a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you for coming," Markus began after Heike had gone. "Heike already looks happier. It's not been an easy time over Christmas."

"So I heard," I told him. "She told me she feels vulnerable. I guess that's natural after what she's been through."

"Heike made Stefan come here and tell her exactly what happened. Stefan feels guilty because it happened 'On his watch', not just with Heike and Aldo but with the other couple they drugged too. I don't know if it helped, but for better or worse she knows everything."

"It's probably for the best."

"Stefan left this for you," Markus said, opening a drawer and handing me a sealed envelope. "It's a letter of introduction. Give it to the man at the address on the front and he can help you be better prepared in the future. If you want to be, of course"

I looked at the envelope, it was addressed to Stan Smith at a company called SSE Staff Services in Croydon.

"Please thank Stefan for me. I'll probably wait until my exams are over 'though."

"There's no rush, I'll let him know. Oh and just so you know. I've ended the Bank's sponsorship of Thomas."

"Oh right."

"He was becoming a real prima donna. A couple of days after what happened to Heike he came in here rattling on about what he wanted and demanding to see Heike about the stables. To be fair to him, he didn't really know what had happened to Heike and on any other day I'd have dealt with him rationally, but I had so much anger in me that I'm ashamed to say I snapped and hit him. Thomas defended himself, I'll give him that, but fortunately neither of us can fight to save our lives. Maria called her husband Karl, who was in the kitchen and, well, you've seen the size of Karl. He just picked us both up and held us at arms' length. It was quite comical really."

"Perhaps you should go on Stefan's course," I joked.

"I don't think so," Markus laughed. "Anyway to cut a long story short. Thomas has been fired. He's banned from the house and Heike wants nothing to do with him. His horses are still in the stables until he makes other arrangements, which is only fair and I'm going to have to pay him some sort of settlement. I think that he and Katja have split up, I'm not sure."

"Heike said you haven't seen Katja in a while."

"No, but I'm pretty sure I've managed to comprehensively fuck up Katja's life for now, certainly her Christmas. So she probably hates my guts anyway."

"Let me talk to her tomorrow, see how the land lies."

"I'd appreciate that. Don't let me stop anything that happens between the two of you 'though. I wouldn't want to fuck that up for her too. I know she likes you and she deserves some fun."

Maria showed me to my room and I took a shower then changed. I wasn't sure what to wear but settled on a shirt and smart trousers, but no tie. I reflected on the fact that a year ago I only had two pairs of jeans and a pair of old smart trousers to my name. Now I had clothes for every occasion.

At eight o'clock I went downstairs and found Markus in the drawing room.

"Heike won't be long, she's just trying to find something to wear," he laughed. "Whiskey, isn't it?"

"Yes, please."

Markus poured me a glass then himself one, then he made a gin and tonic for Heike.

"Cheers," he said. "Do you want to phone Lesley by the way?"

"Thanks, I would."

"There's a phone on the table, I'll give you some privacy."

"There's no need. I'm sure Lesley would like to say 'hi'."

I dialled Daniel's house number. I knew there was no point in phoning the apartment. The call took an age to connect but when it did Daniel answered.

"Hi Daniel, it's Steven."

"Hi Steven," Daniel replied. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes, fine."

"Are you looking for Lesley? She's just in the lounge. I'll get her."

"Before you do. I'm with Markus."

"Oh put him on."

I offered the phone to Markus and he took it. Daniel and he exchanged New Year's greetings then Daniel must have passed the phone to Lesley because the exchange was repeated before Markus handed the phone back to me.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," Lesley replied. "Is everything ok?"

"Yes, I just called to say that I got here."

"That's good. You know I love you, Mr. Carter."

"I love you too, Mrs. Carter."

Just then Heike walked into the room. She looked stunning in a thin pale blue dress that clung to her figure everywhere.

"Is that Lesley?" she asked.

"Yes," I said handing her the phone.

"Is that you?" she asked down the phone. "I miss you so much," she added after Lesley had replied.

Heike and Lesley talked for about five minutes and Markus and I sat by the fire to give Heike some space. When they'd finished Heike put the phone down and joined us.

"Would you mind if I visited Lesley for a few days next week?" she asked her husband. Then she added, "and Steven of course."

"Of course not," said Markus.

"Thank you."

"You look stunning by the way," he added. "I don't think I've seen this dress before."

"It's new," she said. "I wanted to wear something special for you both."

With that Heike led us by the hand into the dining room.

Karl had cooked another amazing meal and he and Maria served it to us. Heike was effervescent and wanted to hear all about our time in Provence. She was very interested in hearing about Donald and Mickey, Carole and Fabien's two Rhodesian Ridgebacks. I told her about how they were the softest things ever but how they were also fiercely loyal.

"Isn't Carole, Daniel's ex -wife?" Markus asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Isn't that a bit difficult, with Daniel and Kate and all?"

"Not really, Daniel gave Carole away at her wedding last year and they were all at our wedding. In fact they even bought us a joint wedding present."

"I see," said Markus. "I'd heard that Carole could be a bit formidable," he added.

"You're not the first person to say it, but she's always been very good to me and to Lesley. I owe her a lot. She looked after me when I was in hospital in France."

"Carole's part of your pack isn't she?" Heike said smiling conspiratorially.

"She is," I confirmed.

Markus looked confused.

"I'll explain it to you later," Heike told him. "Because I also need to talk to you about who's in my pack."

"How is Aldo?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I was wondering when you would ask," said Heike. "He is fine. After you left on the Monday, Anna Maria arrived here to take him back to Milan. She was distraught and Markus had to explain to her what had happened."

"I told her most of what had happened," Markus said. "But Anna Maria is from a wealthy Italian family and the next day somebody contacted Stefan to confirm that the situation had been 'dealt with' properly. Stefan managed to convince them that it had been."

"Anyway," said Heike. "It turns out that Anna Maria has feelings for Aldo."

"Oh." I said laughing. "How does Aldo feel about that?"

"I'm not sure he knows himself," Heike giggled.

"It's hard not to like Aldo," I said. "You know, he told me that one day he hoped to settle down with a girl like you or Lesley."

"That's sweet, but it's hard to think of Aldo settling down," she said. Then she added "It's just meaningless sex," quoting what Aldo had told Sally and Mark one day at breakfast.

"When he said that, you snorted so loudly that everyone on the surrounding tables turned round to look."

"I know," Heike laughed. "I couldn't help myself."

"Anna Maria wanted to write and thank you both by the way," Markus said. "I wasn't sure if I should give her your address."

"That would be fine. I'm sure Lesley would love to hear how Aldo is doing."

"How are Sally and Mark?" Heike asked. "Have you spoken to them?"

"I haven't but Lesley has and we're going to see them on Saturday."

"Lucky Lesley," Heike sniggered. "Please say hi for me."

"I will."

At the end of the meal Maria came into the dining room and served coffee.

"Can I get you anything else?" she asked before leaving.

"That was a lovely meal Maria, will you thank Karl for us. There's no need to clear things away this evening."

"In that case, we'll leave you to it. It's good to hear you laughing again, Heike. Goodnight all."

The fire in the drawing room was still burning and Markus put a couple more logs on it while Heike poured some drinks for the three of us. She held two glasses of whiskey out for Markus and I but as we reached to take them she put them back on the table.

"I want a kiss from you both first," she said.

Markus took Heike in his arms and the two of them kissed. As they did, Heike reached out to me and drew me closer. I kissed the back of her neck while I ran a hand over her arse and Heike sighed into Markus' mouth. The pair kissed passionately and Markus quickly lifted Heike's dress up over her hips. I found its zipper at the rear and between us we lifted the dress over her head.

Heike turned her attention to me and we kissed as Markus loosened his belt and took off his trousers. His cock sprang to attention and he took her hand and placed it in on him. Heike wanked him eagerly and it dawned on me that neither of them had probably had sex in a month. They were both almost certainly desperate for it.

Markus pushed his hand into Heike's panties and began massaging her pussy while she stroked his cock, which left me free to undo her bra and play with her breasts. We took turns kissing her and you could feel Heike's body quivering with excitement.

Removing my own trousers, I sat down in one of the leather sofas and Markus positioned Heike on her knees in front of me. Heike took my cock into her mouth and I reached round to cup her breasts in my hands, squeezing her nipples between my fingers. Markus knelt behind her and pulled her panties down just enough to access her pussy. There was little in the way of foreplay as he sank his cock into her and they began to fuck.

Markus closed his eyes and savoured the sensation of fucking his wife. He'd started quite forcefully but soon he was ramming his cock into her even harder. Heike grabbed my buttocks for support and made appreciative whimpering noises as he pounded her. She kept my cock in her mouth but she had to open it to breath now and I felt her excess saliva running over my balls and down onto the expensive leather of the sofa. Every so often she'd gag a little as Markus' pounding forced my cock a little too far down her throat.

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