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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 30

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New Beginnings.
13.6k words

Part 30 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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It has been quite a while since I wrote anything for this series but I thought it might be fun to pick it up again as I feel an affinity for the characters. I doubt there are many people who will remember the series but hopefully some people will still find it fun to read.

This is the thirtieth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode is self-contained, so you can read them without having read the previous ones (although sometimes it helps with the context and names a bit).

This episode picks up the story from where episode 29 left off. Now that he's finished university, Steven is about to begin his career at Durolitum Investments and settle down to married life with Lesley.

I hope you enjoy it.



The alarm went off at six-thirty. Daniel Davidson's wife, Kate, draped her leg over me and clung on like a limpet.

"Don't go," she said conspiratorially. "Stay here with me."

"It's tempting," I told her, running my hand down the side of her perfect body. "But I don't think your husband would be too pleased if I was late for work on my first day."

"I suppose," Kate replied with mock petulance.

I showered, put on a suit and tie then the two of us went down to breakfast. Daniel and Lesley had beaten us to it and were already in the kitchen tucking into toast and marmalade. Like me, they were also dressed for work. Only Kate was still in her dressing gown.

When Lesley saw me she got up from the kitchen table and gave me a hug.

"You look smart," she said, complimenting me.

"It feels a bit odd, wearing a suit," I admitted.

"Well, you'd better get used to it," Daniel joked.

Changing the subject, I asked Lesley, "How was your night?"

Lesley looked at Daniel and smiled. Mathematically, Daniel was just about old enough to be her father, but the suave, good looking, multi-millionaire, wasn't your average middle aged man.

"It was very nice," Lesley said coyly. "How was yours?"

"Steven said it was the best sex he'd ever had," Kate interrupted, taunting Lesley.

"You're such a liar," Lesley laughed, breaking our embrace and hugging Kate instead. Although the two of them sometimes bickered like children, they were the best of friends.

After breakfast the three of us left Kate in her dressing gown and made for work. Daniel exiting through the front door and into his private taxi, while Lesley and I left through the old servants' entrance to our Porsche.

I dropped Lesley off at the hospital where she worked then drove on to Regent Street and the offices of Durolitum Investments. It was beginning of September 1984 and this was to be my first day as a full time employee. It wasn't my first day at Durolitum though. I'd already spent the previous year working part time for them while I finished off my degree, but it felt good to finally be doing a real job. I was no longer a student, I was going to be a fully paid up member of society.

When I walked into the company's offices, Lynne, the assistant I'd been assigned a year ago, greeted me warmly.

"It's good to see you again, Steven" she said, giving me a short, innocent, hug.

"It's good to be here," I admitted.

"How was your summer?" she asked. Then she followed it up with, "How's Lesley?"

"Summer was great and Lesley's fine." I told her. Then, lowering my voice, I asked. "How's Siobahn?"

"Oh as frustrating as ever," Lynne whispered. "But I love her."

Lynne was a lesbian, who lived with her partner, Siobahn. It wasn't common knowledge in the office and although attitudes were changing, this was still the nineteen eighties. Gay marriage was a very long way off.

"Congratulations on your promotion by the way," Lynne continued.

"Congratulations on yours," I quipped back.

"I go where you go," Lynne pointed out.

"How much do people know about the re-org'?" I asked.

"Everyone knows there's going to be one but nobody knows the details."

"Well they won't have to wait much longer I guess."

At eleven o'clock, the entire Durolitum management team assembled in the boardroom to listen to Daniel, its chief executive. When Daniel opened the meeting he took some time to explain the company's current, healthy, position before setting out his plans for the future.

I sat at the back of the room with Carole, Daniel's ex-wife. At that moment, Carole had no part in the day to day running of the company but she was still treated with reverence. Until she and Daniel had made an amicable divorce, the two of them had run Durolitum together and she still owned a sizeable stake in it.

"Our traditional investment strategy has worked well for us," Daniel continued. "And I want to maintain that. But we can't stand still. I believe that we're on the verge of a massive change in technology and I want Durolitum to be a part of it. So I've decided to strengthen the leadership team."

When he placed an acetate slide on the overhead projector showing the new organisation structure, you could cut the anticipation with a knife.

"Firstly," Daniel said, pointing to a role on the org' chart, "I've asked Charles to lead our 'Major Investments' division. This is our bread and butter and it remains the primary focus. I know that Charles is the right man for the job."

Charles Pemberton was a tall man in his fifties. Popular and very well connected, he was an obvious choice for the role and the room murmured their support.

"Secondly, I want to welcome Carole back as our new 'Acquisitions Director'. Most of you have been here long enough to know that Carole has been fundamental to Durolitum's success and I can't tell you how pleased I am that she's agreed to return."

Carole's return was also well received.

"Finally, I'm creating a division called 'New Technology Investments'. There's a brave new world out there and I'm not saying that the rest of us are getting long in the tooth, but we need people who understand it, which is why I've decided that Steven Carter will lead the division."

You could have heard a pin drop and the silence continued until one of the senior directors, a man called Peter Chalmers, picked up his notepad and left the room without saying a word.

"Would anyone else like to hand in their resignation?" Daniel asked when he'd gone.

The room was silent again.

"Good. Then let's get to work."

I walked back to my office a bit deflated. I hadn't expected to be welcomed as a conquering hero but I hadn't expected people to resign over my appointment either. When I got back, Lynne was packing stuff into boxes.

"Not you as well," I joked.

"What do you mean?"

"Peter Chalmers just resigned when Daniel announced my new role."

"No great surprise," she said. "Daniel already knew he was being poached and he didn't do anything to stop it. So I guess he's fine with it."

"How do you know this?"

"It's my job to be your eyes and ears, Steven."

"So why are you packing up your stuff?"

"Because we're moving up to the executive suite tomorrow. You've got Peter's old office."


The September of '84 not only marked the start of my working life. It also marked the beginning of a new chapter with Lesley. I was no longer at university and she no longer lived in the apartment at Daniel and Kate's London townhouse.

We'd bought our own house at the end of June but so far, we'd hardly spent any time in it, preferring to spend my last summer of freedom in Europe. Living together properly was something we'd spent a year dreaming about and now it was actually going to happen.

It wasn't what you'd call a conventional set-up for a young couple starting out in life though. For a start, the commission I'd made on the Munich Bank deal the previous summer had paid for a nice four bedroom house in leafy Wimbledon. As a student I couldn't have imagined that we'd ever be living in a place like it, but we were and I certainly wasn't complaining.

Then there was the fact that we wouldn't be living on our own, of course. For a start, we'd never intended to have a lodger, but, ever since their first kiss at the beginning of that summer, Lesley had wanted Suzy to live with us. Suzy was an attractive, intelligent, witty young woman, the same age as Lesley. At first I wasn't sure about the arrangement but I was surprised how quickly Suzy became a part of the fabric of our lives.

Suzy wasn't exclusive to us however. After our holiday on Daniel's yacht, Lesley and Kate had decided that, since the two of them already shared each other's husbands, it made sense to share Suzy too. So, one or two nights a week, Suzy would stay up in Chelsea with Daniel and Kate while the rest of the time she lived with us in Wimbledon.

Then there was Carole, Daniel's ex. She and her new husband, Fabien, lived in France but her new role at Durolitum required her to spend some time in London each week. Rather than move back to London Carole had decided to commute, travelling from her home in Provence on a Monday morning and going back on a Thursday afternoon. She could have stayed in a hotel, or with her oldest friends Michael and Claire Taylor. Daniel had even offered her the apartment that had previously been Lesley's but Carole had decided that she wanted to spend those three nights each week with us, even though it was the least luxurious of the options available to her. It was easy to see why. Carole wanted to relive her youth.

Life for the four of us in Wimbledon soon took on a pattern. On Mondays Lesley and I joined a French evening class at the local school. Lesley knew far more French than I did and she probably could have skipped the beginner class. But we wanted to do things together and, since we also now owned a house near Carole's, in Provence, we thought that it would be a good idea to try and learn the language.

Mondays were also the day when the four of us slept together. It was a fun way of reconnecting after the weekend but it wasn't always the most comfortable experience however. Our bed was big but it only just about managed to accommodate four people and you wouldn't have wanted to do it every night.

On Tuesdays, we'd all go out for a run after work. Then, we'd either stay in and the girls would cook, or we'd go to the pub for a pint. As the nights grew longer, Tuesday evenings were often spent curled up on the sofa watching a video together, followed by a night with the partner of your choice. It helped that the girls were quite capable of satisfying each other without the need for a man.

Wednesday evenings for Lesley and me were spent with Daniel and Kate at their house. Daniel was keen to get his charity up and running and so we often spent time discussing plans over a glass of wine. Wednesdays were also a time for Daniel and Lesley to reconnect. After living with Daniel and Kate for a year it was obvious that Lesley missed them both, but she missed Daniel in particular.

On Thursdays Carole would fly back to France and the house would always seem a bit empty without her. Suzy slept with us on Thursday nights, but often, sleep was all we did.

Friday night was 'date night' for Lesley and me and it was the one night of the week we tried to spend together, just the two of us. We'd go out for a meal, or see a movie. Then we'd come home and make love. With sex seemingly available in abundance it would have been very easy to take each other for granted but we both realised that. In any case, Lesley took the job of satisfying her man very seriously. I had no complaints.

As for the weekends, well it seemed that no two were alike...

One of the great things about finally living together was that it meant we could entertain at home. This opened up new possibilities for us on the swinging front but to be honest, with both Suzy and Carole sharing our bed, we weren't exactly short of opportunities. When you included Daniel and Kate in the mix, our diary was already pretty full.

Both of us were keen to meet up with our friends, Mark and Sally though, and on the first free Saturday in September, Lesley arranged for them to come over. We had the place to ourselves as Carole was back in Provence and Suzy had gone with Daniel and Kate to their weekend house in the Cotswolds.

We'd first met Mark and Sally at a swingers' weekend in Germany nine months ago. They didn't live too far from us in Dartford, Kent but since our first meeting, we'd only seen them once. Both of us were keen to catch up with them, partly because we wanted see how their relationship was blossoming. Although they'd been going out for a couple of years, Sally had only moved in with Mark just before Christmas the previous year.

Sally was an attractive girl, average height, with brown, shoulder length hair, a nice smile and most importantly, fantastic breasts. She did a bit of glamour modelling and worked as a promotions girl at events. She wasn't the brightest spark by any means but her heart was in the right place. Mark was blonde and a good looking guy. He worked as a computer programmer, a job that paid pretty well back in the eighties. He was early thirties, whereas Sally was only early-twenties.

At around five in the afternoon they pulled up on our driveway in Mark's second hand Five Series BMW. It was four years old and must have cost a fortune new, but these cars depreciated rapidly. Mark had got a lot of metal for his money, but I didn't understand why he needed such a big car in the first place. That said, cars weren't about what you needed, they were about what you wanted and what you could afford.

When they got out of the car, Sally made a beeline for Lesley and the two girls embraced while Mark and I shook hands. When they'd finished, the girls then hugged the guys. Sally sighed quietly in my arms and I could feel her chest up against me, but it was over all too soon.

"Come on inside," said Lesley.

I helped Mark with their overnight bags and then we all went into the house.

"Oh Lesley, this is lovely," Sally cooed as we walked into the kitchen-diner that was probably the best room in the house.

"Come on I'll give you a tour," Lesley offered proudly and she led Sally back out of the room.

I put the kettle on for a cup of tea and Mark sat down at the breakfast bar.

"This isn't a bad place for someone just out of university," he said ironically.

I laughed, slightly embarrassed, not sure what to say in response.

"Don't worry, I'm only pulling your leg," he said. "Still, you must be glad you've finished studying."

"I am," I told him, "although working for a living's not all it's cracked up to be."

Mark laughed but at that moment there was a shriek from one of the bedrooms followed by the sound of feet coming down the stairs. Lesley burst into the room with Sally in hot pursuit."

"Mark and Sally are engaged," Lesley blurted out.

Sally stuck out her left hand to show us the ring.

"When did Mark propose?" Lesley asked eagerly.

"On holiday in Amalfi, in July, it was so romantic. We'd gone out for a moonlit stroll on the beach and he got down on one knee and everything."

"Congratulations," I said. "I'm really pleased for both of you."

"It wouldn't have happened without you," Mark conceded. "If you hadn't told me what a dick I was being to Sally back in December then we wouldn't be here now."

"We could see that wasn't the real you, Mark," Lesley reassured him.

"Thank you," he replied.

"Actually, we have a big favour to ask you both," Sally continued.

Lesley's eyes lit up in anticipation.

"Would you be one of my bridesmaids?" Sally asked.

Lesley shrieked and hugged Sally.

"Of course I will."

When Lesley had calmed down, it was Mark's turn to speak.

"And I wanted to ask if you'd be my best man, Steven?"

I was a bit stunned and hesitated. I hardly knew Mark really.

Feeling the need to explain, Mark continued. "As you know, after my mum died, I grew up in an orphanage. Most of my childhood friends are in prison," he joked. "I've got mates but they're more like drinking buddies really..."

"I'd be honoured," I said cutting short his justification. "Thank you for asking me."

"Thank you," he said, giving me a small man-hug.

"So, would you like to kiss the bride-to-be?" Sally asked me cheekily.

"If her fiancé doesn't mind," I told her.

"He doesn't mind at all," she giggled as she put her arms around my neck.

I hadn't kissed Sally in over six months and she tasted delicious. She was keen and returned the kiss enthusiastically. I stole a quick sideward glance and noticed that Lesley and Mark were also enjoying each other. I couldn't help lifting Sally's blouse out of her jeans and feeling the bare flesh of her midriff. In response she did the same with my shirt and put her hands on my waist.

"Fuck me Steven," Sally whispered in a voice that was loud enough for Mark and Lesley to hear too.

I'd been looking forward to fucking Sally and, although I hadn't expected it to happen so soon, I wasn't about to pass up on the opportunity. I reached around and undid her bra strap then lifted the bra off her, along with her blouse. I couldn't help myself and immediately latched onto her tits making Sally giggle at my enthusiasm. In no time at all I'd got her nipples as hard as bullets. I could have feasted on them for ages but, as much as I was enjoying myself, I knew I had to get back to the task at hand.

Sally was as keen as I was and together we wriggled her out of her jeans and panties, not bothering to take them off completely. Once they were around her ankles she eagerly tugged at my belt and quickly relieved me of my own trousers.

The kitchen had a modern breakfast island in the centre and, turning Sally around, I bent her over it. Mark was on the other side of the island and he did the same with Lesley. It was too wide for the girls to kiss but they held hands as the guys wasted no time entering them from behind.

Sally felt well lubricated as I held her by the hips and guided myself in. Starting off with long slow strokes, I let us both get used to the sensation before reaching around to play with her clitoris. I wanted to make sure she'd cum before I satisfied my own needs.

Sally gyrated on my cock, rubbing her bottom against me as I fingered her. Fortunately, she must have been feeling very horny, because it didn't take long to bring her off at all. When the orgasm had passed, I reached up, and with both hands, grabbed of her ample bosoms then began to fuck her properly.

"Steven loves your breasts," Lesley told Sally as the two girls faced each other.

"I think I already knew that," Sally giggled. "Mark couldn't wait to fuck you, you know."

Mark and I were getting all the encouragement we needed from the girls and the two of us began to up our game. I saw Lesley close her eyes as Mark began to pump her more forcefully. I always liked to watch Lesley being fucked but I knew I had to focus on satisfying Sally. So, putting both hands back on Sally's hips, I held her firmly while I banged her from behind, as deeply as I could. Sally moaned appreciatively, urging me to fuck her harder.

Across the table, Lesley contorted her face when her orgasm struck and she began to emit the small grunting noises she always made when experiencing exquisite pleasure. I was fucking Sally for all I was worth by now but then, all of a sudden, I knew I was going to cum. The pin had been removed and the grenade had been well and truly tossed. There was nothing anybody could do. I grabbed Sally's hips really tightly, made a few final thrusts then exploded inside her. Mark lasted a minute or so longer then his pace slowed. He managed a few more thrusts before grunting as he came, while Lesley simpered in appreciation.

Neither Mark nor I were in a hurry to withdraw and so the girls were left bent over, skewered to the breakfast bar.

"I've been waiting a long time for that," Sally told Lesley giggling.

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