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Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 36

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Part 36 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 04/02/2019
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This is the thirty-sixth episode of my unreliable memoirs recounting sexual encounters in the nineteen eighties. Each episode is self-contained, so you can read them without having read the previous ones.

It's 1985 now and once again things are changing for Steven and Lesley, with new opportunities just around the corner.

I hope you enjoy it.



New Year, New Challenges

Carly lay back on the bed and giggled. It was early morning and we'd just had what she liked to call 'Elf sex'.

To the uninitiated, 'Elf sex' basically consisted of Carly getting down on all fours and being fucked from behind. Except that, at the last moment, she liked to be flipped onto her back and her face painted with cum. She would then proceed to scoop up the cum with her fingers and feed it to herself.

This was very much Carly's interpretation of how elves had sex, rather than a definitive statement on the matter I think. That said, if it were correct, it might have gone a long way to explaining the relatively low conception rate in the elf world and, hence, why you didn't see many of them around.

"Your little elf's not finished yet," Carly told me cheekily after she'd cleaned up her face.

I knew what she wanted, so I bent my head down and kissed her. Carly pushed her tongue into my mouth along with the remnants of whatever cum she hadn't consumed and we snowballed for a while, before both swallowing our share of the resultant concoction.

"Is that better?" I asked afterwards.

"Much better," she replied with an air of satisfaction.

"We're going to be late," I told her. "Lesley and Sam are already downstairs making breakfast."

"We could always let them open up," Carly suggested cheekily.

"You're not serious?"

"I guess not," she responded. "It's just that we elves do need a lot of loving."

"How about if I promise to make sure you get all the elf-loving you need tonight?"

"Ok," Carly giggled.

We made it down to the kitchen to find Lesley and Sam tucking into coffee and toast. When Lesley saw me, she sprang up out of her seat and put her arms around my neck. She was always doubly affectionate after we'd been apart. Carly gave Sam a similar greeting and the usual couplings were restored, for the time being at least.

"Did you enjoy my twin, last night?" Lesley asked after we'd kissed.

"It was dark, I thought I was with you," I joked.

"I don't suppose I can use that excuse, can I?" Lesley laughed.

From the neck down Lesley and Carly were almost indistinguishable. They were the same height and both had the same petite, lithe, figure. It was their hair that told them apart. Carly's was blonde whereas Lesley was very definitely a redhead.

Sam and I were quite different. The best way to describe Sam was that he looked like a young Antonio Banderas. Slim, good looking and with dark hair that almost reached to his shoulders. For want of a better comparison, my shape was more Sylvester Stallone, which was ok, because Lesley had always had a thing for Rambo.

It was still dark when the four of us left the house in Wimbledon to open up the comic book store which Sam and Carly owned. It was just off Denmark Street and, while we could have walked to the station and caught the tube, it would have taken an age. So we took Lesley's Land Rover Defender instead.

Lesley and I had helped out at the store a couple of times now and Lesley loved spending time there. She'd always been a fan of science fiction and fantasy and she was in her element with Sam and Carly and all the other geeks who came in to browse through and, hopefully, buy the books, comics and games on display.

I didn't share everyone else's love of the genre so I tried to do practical stuff, like tidying up and making sure the comics were filed in the correct order on the shelves. There was a certain satisfaction to be gained from a well-ordered comic display, even if people did then come along and mess it up again.

As it was the first Saturday of the New Year (1985), the little shop was quite busy all day. A steady stream of teenagers came in, intent on spending their Christmas money and university students, home for the holidays, contemplated the allocation of a part of their student grant on the latest role-playing games.

We closed the store at five o'clock. It had been a good day. Takings were up and there'd been a buzz about the place. If every Saturday could have been like that then perhaps Sam wouldn't have needed to work for me. But thankfully, from my perspective at least, they weren't and he did.

We'd met Carly and Sam only a few months before, in the October of '84, at an upmarket swingers' party. They hadn't been guests at the party. They'd been, for want of a better word, the entertainment. Sir Hillary Fortescue, the host, hired young, attractive couples and singles to mingle with the paying guests at his parties. If everyone agreed, guests were free to take them back to their rooms for sex. The majority were dancers, either from the London corps de ballet or West-End shows. Dancers, it seemed, were a promiscuous lot and I imagined Sir Hillary paid them well. It wasn't quite prostitution, but it wasn't far off.

Carly had been a dancer in one of the corps de ballet and Sam was her boyfriend. Not a dancer himself but athletic enough to pass as one. Carly's career had been cut short by a badly broken ankle but she and Sam were still part of the social scene and this was how they came to be at the party. This and the fact they'd needed the money to keep the comic book store afloat.

Lesley and I had originally gone to the party to meet another couple but, when that went disastrously wrong, Sir Hillary had sent Carly and Sam up to our room as a sort of consolation prize. Neither Lesley nor I felt right about people being paid to have sex with us. But it was Carly who assured us that, for them, this was just a bit of fun and they wouldn't be doing it unless they wanted to.

I think we both wanted to be convinced. I was attracted to Carly, and Lesley was to Sam. So we managed to overcome our principles and from that point a friendship had blossomed. It helped that both Sam and I were keen on motorbikes, while Lesley and Carly were interested in everything to do with elves and faeries.

In order to supplement the comic book store's takings, I'd persuaded Sam to work for me at Durolitum a couple of days a week. It wasn't a selfless act on my part. Sam had a double first from Cambridge, in maths and physics, and a brain like a super-computer. He was real asset to the consulting work we were doing for the Obermann organisation It was a double edged sword for Sam however. He and Carly no longer had money worries and this had enabled Carly to give up her job waitressing to work full time at the comic book store. But it also meant that Sam had less time to spend in the store himself. Owning the store had been Sam's dream but in reality it hadn't provided sufficient income for him and Carly to live off.

Sam and Carly came back to Wimbledon with us and in the evening we went out for a meal at an Italian restaurant. It was one of those places that considered itself too upmarket to serve Pizza, which was a mark against it in my book, but it had the advantage of being within walking distance of our house. The waiters were all Italian and they flirted outrageously with the girls. On any other night it might have been annoying but Lesley and I were both in the mood for a drink and glad of human company.

The holiday season hadn't gone as planned. I'd had to work between Christmas and New Year to complete the purchase of a company called Iris Technologies. It had been my first purchase as Head of New Technology Investments for Durolitum, so it was a big deal for me, but it meant that we'd had to cancel our plans to go to Carole and Fabien's house in Provence for New Year.

Although Lesley put a brave face on it, I knew she was disappointed. I'd suggested that she went by herself but Lesley wouldn't hear of it and she ended up working at the hospital so that one of her team didn't have to.

Things were made worse by the fact that our house was empty and we weren't used to it. Carole was at home in Provence and Suzy had gone to Germany to meet Uwe's family. Added to that, Daniel and Kate had jetted off to New York to spend the holidays with Astrid and Paul Walmsley.

So we'd spent Christmas day with my parents and the evening with Michael and Claire Taylor as planned, but our New Year celebrations consisted of a bottle of wine while the two of us curled up on the sofa to watch a video.

"So what did you do for New Year?" I asked Carly and Sam as we ate.

"We may have gone to a party," Carly giggled.

"Yeah, it was a good one for sure," Sam added, making Carly giggle more. "How about you?"

"We stayed in with a bottle of wine?" Lesley replied.

"Oh no! You should have said. You could have come with us," Carly responded with genuine sympathy.

"It just wasn't meant to be this year," Lesley said philosophically. "But we can't complain. 1984 was good to us."

At the end of the meal I paid the bill and left a decent tip. The food had been nice even if there hadn't been any pizza. The waiters fetched our coats and the four of us made our way out onto Wimbledon high street and the damp night air.

"One of the waiters felt my bottom as we were leaving," Carly exclaimed when we were outside.

"Nobody felt mine," Lesley responded with an air of indignation.

"That's because you're a married woman and I'm not," Carly told Lesley. "They see the wedding ring and they leave you alone. They might flirt with you, but Italians respect the sanctity of marriage."


"I'll feel your bottom, if you're feeling left out," Sam offered. Then with his trademark ability to say the first thing that came into his head, added, "I don't respect the sanctity of your marriage."

Lesley laughed and stuck her bottom out provocatively for him.

"Please. Not on the high street," I pleaded with them.

"Your husband's right," Sam said, tongue in cheek. "You're the wife of high powered executive. You need to act with dignity in public."

Unwittingly, Sam had triggered a response in Lesley.

"I'm sorry," she said straightening up then taking my arm and walking alongside me.

"Sam can feel your bottom as much as you like when we get home," I told her, which got a guffaw from Sam and Carly who were now walking behind us.

Being a director at Durolitum, as well as running the consultancy for Obermann, had certainly brought benefits for Lesley and me, but it came at a price too. We now had to be a bit careful about where we went and what we got up to and, of course, who we got up to it with.

Lesley was still feeling chastised when we got back to the house. We left Sam and Carly in the living room and I got the drinks organised while Lesley put some nibbles into bowls in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry," she said again when were on our own. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, I wasn't thinking."

"You never embarrass me," I said putting my arms around her. "We just need to be a bit careful, that's all."

Lesley hugged me tightly for a moment.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you," I replied.

"Technically, I still need your permission to fuck Sam tonight though."

"But you fucked him last night."

"But that was last night," Lesley giggled, her sense of humour returning.

"I think perhaps we need to move Sam to the 'no permission required' list," I suggested.

"Is that because you love your wife or because you like fucking Carly?" Lesley asked cheekily.

"Can it be both?"

The whole permission thing had been Lesley's idea. When we'd got engaged she'd made it clear that in her mind she was now my property. We got tattoos that declared this, although admittedly they were written in a script that only a handful of sci-fi fans would recognise. In practice, my owning Lesley made absolutely no difference to our daily lives, but Lesley always asked my permission before she had sex with another guy. I think most couples probably did this anyway, and although Lesley made a big thing about me being her warrior and not needing her permission, I always tried to make sure she was happy with things.

The exception to this was the 'no permission required' list. Lesley was free to fuck anyone on the list without my permission or knowledge. The list was short but growing and currently comprised of Daniel, Carole's husband Fabien, and Sophie's husband Pierre. Since the last two lived in France, they really only had honorary status. It was Daniel who Lesley saw the most and, of course, the two of them were very close.

When we walked back into the living room, Sam and Carly were mid-kiss but stopped abruptly when they noticed us. Lesley sat down next to Sam and gave him a kiss instead.

"You've been promoted to the 'no permission required' list," she informed him.

"Is that good?" he asked.

"It means I can fuck you any time I want."

"Sounds good," Sam agreed.

Carly stood up and put her arms around my neck.

"Does this mean I get the same status?" she asked.

"You already had it," Lesley informed her. "Steven doesn't need my permission."

"And all the time I never knew," Carly responded cheekily, pressing herself against me. "Remember what you promised me this morning?"

"I do," I replied.

"What was that?" Lesley asked.

"Steven promised to make sure I get all the elf-loving I need tonight," Carly cooed. "And I'm going to need a lot."

"Well he might need a bit of help in that case," Lesley said, getting up and walking over to us. "Why don't we go upstairs and get changed for the boys."

The two girls kissed then Lesley took Carly by the hand and led her out of the room.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Sam said when they'd gone. "I didn't mean to embarrass you or Lesley."

"Don't worry about it," I told him. "I'm probably being over-sensitive."

"Not necessarily," he offered.

"It's just that things haven't felt so carefree these last few months."

"For of those to whom much is given, much is required," Sam responded, chuckling.

I remembered Ruth telling me the same thing when I first started working for Durolitum.

"Who said that?" I asked.

"John F. Kennedy, among others," Sam replied. "But it actually comes from the bible. Luke 12:48 'For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more."

"How do you remember all this?"

"Once I read it, I can't forget it," Sam said, as if it were a curse.

"Well you've probably got a point. I can't complain I guess," I told Sam. "What about you? You're ok working on Iris and Obermann for a while?"

"On what you're paying me? I'd be stupid not to be," Sam laughed.

"Tell me if it gets too much."

"I will, but right now I'm telling you to enjoy yourself. My girlfriend's got the hots for you and she can be very demanding. So forget about your problems tonight and just have fun."


"Oh and you're both on our 'no permission required' list," he chuckled.

A little while later Lesley stuck her head round the door and told us that she and Carly were ready then she scurried back up the stairs. When Sam and I got to the bedroom we found Carly already on all fours, waiting for us. Lesley knelt beside her, wearing her Doc Johnson strap-on harness. It was fitted with a very lifelike, but grotesquely large, cock which hung between her thighs menacingly.

"This little elf wants to be spit-roasted," Lesley informed us, smacking Carly's backside playfully. "But neither of you are allowed to cum in her. Ok?"

Sam and I agreed.

"Now who's going where?" she asked.

Because Carly was Sam's girlfriend, in deference to him, I took the front end rather than the back. Sitting up, with my back against the headrest I positioned Carly's head in front of me then let her wrap her lips around my cock. Shortly afterwards Sam penetrated her from behind causing Carly to sigh and the vibrations from her larynx travelled through my member in a very agreeable manner.

As I watched the back of Carly's head begin to bob up and down, Lesley came and knelt beside me. I put an arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze.

"Would you like to feel my erection?" she giggled.

I reached out and gripped the phallus dangling in front of her and was surprised to find that it was soft and a bit squidgy. Not at all like the hard rubber ones she'd used before.

"It's realistic isn't it?" Lesley said, proud of her appendage.

"I'm not sure you could call anything that big 'realistic," I joked.

We kissed and I let go of the cock, pushing my hand between her legs instead. The harness was cleverly designed to leave Lesley's pussy accessible and I pushed my thumb up into her. She was already moist and it slipped in up to knuckle with ease.

As we kissed, Lesley grabbed Carly's hair in one hand. She then lifted her head up by it and waited for a moment before forcing her back down onto me. Carly spluttered, having had no choice but to let my cock penetrate her throat. She hadn't been ready for that.

"All the way down, little elf," Lesley taunted, as Carly struggled to catch her breath.

We'd never had the discussion but, although Lesley liked Carly, I'm pretty sure that in those early days she saw her as competition. Not so much for my attention but from the perspective of sexual prowess. Compared to Kate and Suzy, Lesley had always been the more experienced, more adventurous one. But Carly had lived the liberated life of a dancer since coming to London at the age of eighteen. Now, at twenty four, she had experience by the bucket-load and Lesley's competitive nature struggled with the possibility that Carly could be better at sex than her.

Carly on the other hand was the least competitive person on the planet and oblivious to the effect that she had on Lesley. Carly enjoyed sex, so she had sex. It was as simple as that. She didn't stop to think about how good she was at it or whether she could improve. She was who she was, which just happened to be a girl with almost no boundaries.

After a while, Lesley stopped tormenting Carly and shuffled away from me to focus her attention on Sam instead. The two of them kissed and, as Sam fucked Carly from behind, he fingered Lesley in the same way I'd done moments earlier. Carly lifted her head up from my cock and looked into my eyes, saliva dribbling down her chin. She gave me a dirty smile, almost daring me to take over from Lesley. So I pushed her head back down onto my cock and the spluttering began again.

I didn't know where to look. I appreciated Carly's efforts but in truth I also liked watching my wife. The decision was made for me when Sam made two final lunges into Carly then withdrew. He slapped Carly's backside hard and she squealed in surprise.

"Your turn," he declared, looking at me.

"Let me go underneath," Lesley pleaded.

We all moved around Carly, who remained on all fours. Lesley slithered underneath her and Sam chose to kneel in front of Carly rather than sit. Carly was now presented with two cocks in her face. Sam's, which was still covered in her own juices, and Lesley's huge phallus. Carly licked Sam clean then in a display of lewdness tried to get both cocks in her mouth. Lesley's was just too big however and after a minute or so of trying she concentrated on Sam again. He steadied the back of her head then fucked her mouth vigorously.

I slipped into Carly without checking how lubricated she was. Sam's cock would have made sure of that. I could feel Lesley tonguing Carly's pussy beneath me, but Lesley kept away from my cock, not wanting to cause me to go off prematurely. I didn't fuck Carly too hard to begin with but as my thrusts became deeper it became harder for her to take Sam's face fucking without gagging loudly. Carly's discomfort didn't seem to bother Sam however and he timed his thrusts to meet my own which only served to push his cock further down her throat.

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