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Mica, Misty, Max & Mona Ch. 01


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A while after Mica got to work, and the Monday morning rush of phone calls was over, she called Mona and asked if she could come and see her for a few minutes after she got off work. Mona said fine with her and she would see her; then wait, do you need me to come and get you? Mica said that would be great as she had no idea where here office was. Mona said she would be there at five after five. Mica let Misty know the plan also.

At five Mica transferred the calls to the answering service as usual and got ready for Mona. She was right on time and offered her arm to Mica and she followed her to her office. It was on the other side of the building and would have been fun to find with all the hallways. Mona guided her to a seat by her desk and asked how she could help. Mica said she and her boyfriend might become sexually active and needed to get on birth control. Mona said no problem but I need to do a quick history for the record first. She asked several questions about her health in general, her blindness, GYN questions and previous sexual activity and protection. Mica answered all of them openly with no problem.

Mona said this next question might be a hard one and I will apologize now if I offend you. Mica said go ahead, nothing would offend her. Mona said are you ever planning on having children. Mica said no, that being blind, it would be very hard to look after a child's safety. Mona said that was why I asked, I have had several blind patients and they did not want to have children. She then asked if Mica had thought about a tubal ligation. Mica said yes she had and really had no objections to having one. Mona said if you would like to have one now I have an offer for you. We have a brand new GYN doctor that needs to get some more experience doing them. Since you work for us, and if she did it, there would be no charge. The whole procedure would be under the direct supervision of our most experienced surgeon.

Mica asked how they did it and Mona said as outpatient surgery using laparoscopy. Two small incisions are made in your abdomen and a view scope is inserted in one, some nitrogen gas is used to inflate you abdomen so the doctor can see better and then another instrument is used in the other to cut the fallopian tubes on both sides of the uterus. An inch of each tube is removed so they don't grow back together. All four ends are cauterized closed and a plastic clamp is also used to seal them closed. A dye is injected to be sure the right tubes are cut, an x-ray is taken of the uterus and it is done. The instruments are removed, a couple of stitches are placed to close the holes and you wake up. You spend an hour or so in the recovery room and if you are ok you can go home after. You should plan to be off work a few days and can have sex whenever you feel like it after that, and not have to use any other protection.

Mona asked if Mica had the company health insurance and she said yes. The insurance pays for most of it and we do not collect the co-pay from you so the whole thing will not cost you a dime. Mica thought for a few minutes and said let's do it. I need to get with my boss to get the time off and can let you know. Mona suggested they do it on a Friday and she would not need so many days off then. She looked in her book and said they could do it this Friday if Mica let her know early in the morning. Mica said she would call her boss at home tonight. Mona said plan on taking Monday and Tuesday off and you can come back to work on Wednesday. Mica said great and she would talk to her tomorrow. She stood and put her arms out to hug Mona and said thanks. She asked Mona to take her to the waiting room to meet Misty.

Misty was waiting and she and Mona talked for a few seconds and Mica took hold of the wheelchair handle and they went to the van. After they got in and moving Mica said Mona would not give her any pills. Misty said WHAT, why not? Mica laughed and said if all goes well I am going to have a tubal ligation on Friday. Misty laughing said you got me. Good plan, I sure like having mine and not have to take the pill. Side effects can be bad. Mica said yes, another reason she did not want them and told her about the being blind part and not wanting children. Misty said she understood very well, being in the wheelchair was her reason for not having any. Mica said it's late, let's stop and eat my treat tonight. They had a usual spot and did.

While they were waiting for their food, Mica found Misty's hand and took it in her own and asked if she wanted to come to bed with her when they got to the apt. I might be out of commission for a while. Misty squeezed her hand and said she would love to. Mica said all the sex questions Mora asked made her Horney and Misty said drinking water makes you Horney. They were laughing when their usual server brought their dinner. They ate and headed home. On the way Misty said you know, we have that bench that goes in your bathtub for when I am there, why don't you use that to shave your pussy. Mica said great, she had forgotten all about it. I'm going to do it when we get home.

They got up to Mica's place and headed for the bedroom. Mica helped Misty over to the bed and took her braces off and helped her get undressed. Misty then undressed Mica. They kissed and fondled each other's breasts. They each had about the same size breasts but enjoyed touching each other more than their own. Misty got back in her chair and could just get into Mica's bathroom if she took her hands off the rim and put them on the tires to move the chair. Misty kept catheter kits in Mica's bathroom and she got one out. She asked Mica if she wanted to cath her and she said for sure she did. Mica sat on the john and Misty scooted forward on her chair seat and Mica did the job.

When she was done she asked Misty why her pussy was so wet and Misty said knowing you were going to do this made me wet. Mica stuck a finger in Misty pussy and moved it around. After they were done Misty got the bench out of the closet and put it in the bathtub. Mica meanwhile had gotten her razor and shaving cream ready. Misty put the bench in the tub and Mica sat on it. Misty put her hand on her pussy to feel how much stubble she had. There was a fair amount and she told Mica she needed to shave every other day for a while and it would stop growing as fast. Mica got herself wet and applied the shaving cream. She was able to get her legs wide enough and did a good job shaving. It was a lot like shaving her legs just a different area.

She rinsed off and felt herself and said it felt good and did not think she missed anyplace. Misty said she would let her know in a while. Mica stood up while Misty moved from her chair to the bench and closed the shower curtain. The washed and rinsed each other and then dried and moved to the bedroom. Mica moved Misty's legs on to the bed and after Misty got herself on it, Mica continued to play with her skinny legs. She loved how they felt, so thin and soft. She worked her way up from her feet and then spread the thighs so she could get her face in her pussy.

Misty was very wet and Mica lapped it up while sticking her fingers in her. She rubbed her G-spot and worked on her clit with her tongue. Misty soon came and Mica kept it up. Soon she let her down and moved up her abdomen to her breasts. Misty laughingly said I think you have this backwards but Mica ignored her and did such a good job on them Misty came again. Both women had very sensitive breasts and loved having them touched. After Misty came again Mica was still on her hands and knees and dangled her breast over Misty's mouth. She caught hold of her nipple and sucked hard on it. Mica finally pulled away and got beside Misty who started using her hand on Mica's breast.

Mica said we should set up a schedule to work on each other and see if we can start lactating. We do the same amount of time on each other and the one that starts first gets the prize. Misty asked what the prize was and Mica said the other person nursing the winner. Misty soon got Mica to move her pussy up and sit on her face. They had not tried this before and they both loved it. Mica said if I let Max screw me we can use him to help get you to sit on my face. That got them laughing good. They finally concentrated on the job at hand and soon Mica was flooding Misty face with her cum. Mica got down and the held each other for a while. Mica said it would be a busy week with meeting Max and her surgery.

Misty said yes and I am really glad you are having the surgery instead of using the pill. Mica said me too I will be glad to get it over. I guess I need to tell Max I can't have kids in case he wants them. They were quiet for a while then Misty said she had better get to her place. Mica helped her get into her chair and dressed and Mica put some clothes on and said she would carry her braces for her. Misty made sure they looked ok and they headed to her place. No one saw them and they had a good night kiss and Mica went back to her place.

Right after she got back to her apartment she called her boss. Mica told her she needed to have some minor surgery done on Friday and Monday and Tuesday off. She said no problem, take all the time you need. You have quite a bit of sick time banked. Mica told her thanks and she would keep her up to date.

She undressed and got in bed and called Max. He said he was just thinking about her and was going to call. They talked about their day and Mica then said she had bad news for him. She let that sink in and then told him he would have to put up with both of them on Wednesday evening. Max said she was mean and if she was going to treat him that way he would spend all his time flirting with Misty that night. Mica laughed and said she was probably better looking than I am anyway. Max said that looks were not what interested him, it was the person that did. Mica told him she usually did not wear dark glasses as her eyes were normal looking and would that bother him. He said however you are is fine with me. Mica felt good about his answers tonight.

Max asked where they wanted to meet and Mica said it did not matter, just not a noisy place so they could talk and some place that Misty could get into with her wheelchair. Mica decided she would take the plunge and asked him if he really was a devotee like he said in his profile. He did not hesitate and said yes. He continued does that bother you and she said no, it did not. He asked if it would bother Misty and she said no again. Mica said thanks for being honest with me. Max said it is important we are always that way with each other and we say what is on our minds. Mica said she agreed very much.

She then dove in again and asked him if he wanted kids. Honestly he said, no; but if you do, we can talk about it. She then told him she was having her tubes tied this Friday. She heard him let his breath out and he said that suited him just fine. He had no problem with that. Mica said well, sorry I did not consult you first but we have just met and who knows where things will end up so I had to make the decision and did. He said no problem, he understood but was a little sorry he could not be there for her in making it. He asked if she needed a ride either way and she said Misty was going with her. They decided on a place and time to meet Wednesday and Mica said she was looking forward to meeting him. Max said me too and they said good night.

Tuesday and Wednesday were fast days. Mica called Mona first thing Tuesday morning and told her Friday was ok and Mona called back and said that was still a good day and they set up a time on Thursday for her to come and have a physical before Friday. That evening Misty and Mica decided on what they would wear Wednesday, regular skirts and blouses and bras. Misty asked if she should wait in the van and Mica said absolutely not. You can wait in the bar. No, I want you to sit by me and let me know after what you see going on with him while we talk.

On Wednesday they got home from work, took their showers and got dressed. Misty came up at the agreed upon time and took Mica down to the van. They arrived at the restaurant and Misty recognized Max and guided Mica to the table he was waiting at. Misty introduced Mica to him and they sat. Max had gotten rid of a chair next to Mica so they sat across from him. He had gotten a table off to the side and it was quiet so they could talk. They all ordered and conversation seemed to flow freely. Misty tried to stay out of it but both Max and Mica included her in. Their food came and they talked and ate. Both Max and Mica seemed to relax and enjoy each other.

They finished dinner and talked some more, then since everyone had to be to work the next morning said they had better go. Misty said she would go to the van and give them a few minutes alone and did. Mica told him she enjoyed the evening very much and was looking forward to being with him again. Max said the same for me. Mica asked if he was ok being with her, and her being blind, and he said he was and that she was a very beautiful woman. He really had not known what to expect and was very pleasantly surprised. He offered his arm and they went out to meet Misty. They kissed cheeks and he told Misty thanks for bringing Mica and good night.

On the way home Misty asked Mica what she thought. Mica said she liked him and he was easy to be with. Misty said he was all smiles tonight and seemed to be the same with her. Misty thought they were a good couple and did not see any problems with him and if you don't want him, I do.

They got home and Misty took Mica to her apt but did not stay. Mica got undressed and on the bed and called Max. She thanked him for dinner and Misty said thanks also. She told him she had a good time and like him, did not know what to expect. Mica told him she would take her profile off the dating site in the morning if he felt he would like to get to know her better. Max said he had been thinking about her just before she called and he definitely wanted to get to know her a lot better.

Max then asked if it was ok for him to come and be with her on Friday. He knew it was early in their relationship but he wanted to be there for her. She had told him what was going on so it was not like it was secret. Mica said yes, he could come and thanks for the support. He would meet her at the outpatient surgery on the first floor in the early morning.

He reminded her that he had been around his blind aunt so he was somewhat familiar with being with a blind person, but was there anything she did not want help with or for him not to do? Mica said no, nothing she could think of right now. She would let him know if there was. She was quiet for a minute then said there is something you should know; I enjoy being blind. It opened a whole new world up for and to me. So don't be afraid you will do or say something that might offend me, you won't. You told me you are a devotee so let's enjoy this together. I know being a devotee is a sexual thing, no problem, but let's leave that for a little later. Max said wow, you might be blind but you sure don't miss anything do you. Not much she said.

Mica asked him if he was the least bit attracted to her tonight. He said hell yes and with sitting across the table with you and Misty in her braces and wheelchair, I am still suffering the results. Misty laughed and said what do you have on and he said just a hard on. Still laughing she said her panties were very wet when she got home also. He had a very sexy voice she added. He asked what she had on now and she said I'm like you and always that way in bed. He said shall we take care of our problems right now and she said after we hang up, I have to play it safe until Friday. They both laughed good and she said she would talk to him later.

Mica had to hang up as she had been playing with her pussy while they talked and knew she was close to Cumming. He legs were already spread as wide as she could get them and within 2 minutes she was having a big cum thinking about him screwing her. Max was the same way, he had his hand around his cock and the pre cum was flowing. He was not sure how big her breasts were as both Mica and Misty had worn tops that revealed very little. He had seen Misty at work and knew she was large but he was not sure about Mica. He didn't really care; he already liked her for who she was. He also squirted cum all over the place.

Thursday after work Mona came and got Mica again and took her back to her office. She did a history in more detail than the other day and then did a physical exam. She had Mica remove her scrub top and listened to her chest and heart. She had her remove her bra and did a breast exam. Mica felt she did what she had to do but her hands were different from anyone else that had done a breast exam.......except Misty. Her nipples were hard when she was done and she wondered if Mona noticed. Mica decided she would make sure she did and pulled Mona's hand over hers and pulled it to her breast and nipple at the right moment. Mica said thanks for being so gentle. Mona gave a very slight squeeze and said you're welcome, my pleasure. Mica was sure now.

Mona said she was not going to do a pelvic on her today but recommended she come back for one later. Mica said she definitely would. Mona finished her exam and handed Mica's bra and top back to her. Mica turned her face to the sound of her voice and said now that she was off work she would not wear her bra and put the top on without it. Mona put her hand on Mica's upper arm and said she was the same way. Mica wondered what size Mona was. Mona told her light dinner and nothing to eat or drink after 10 am since her surgery was so early. She gave her a bottle of surgical scrub and told her to take a shower with it in the morning. She asked if Mica had any questions and she said no. Mona took her back to the waiting room to meet Misty.

On the way home Misty asked Mica to spend the night with her on Friday so she could be with her after surgery. Mica said she would knowing it would be easier for Misty to be in her own place. She also told Misty that Max would be there in the morning. Misty said that was good of him. Mica got to her place and soon fixed some soup and half a sandwich. She was excited and at the same time a little nervous about the coming day. She was also glad that Max would be there for her. She drank some water at 9:30 so her veins would be easier to find and went to bed. She called Max and they talked and joked for an hour or so and then said good night. No sex talk but she hoped he would kiss her in the morning as she went to surgery.

O dark hundred came and Misty called to be sure she was awake. Mica told her she was just getting ready to get in the shower and would see her in a little while. They got to the surgery center and checked in. Misty slipped the clerk a note asking her to put a big note on the OUTSIDE of the chart saying PATIENT IS TOTALLY BLIND. The clerk smiled her understanding nodding her head. They were taken to a prep room and Mica undressed and put a hospital gown on. The nurse started an IV and asked Misty to wait outside while they got her ready. They would call her back in a while. A technician came in and said she was there to shave her and when she pulled the sheet back laughed and said looks like someone beat me. They laughed and she left.

Someone said knock knock and Mona came in. She said she was on her way upstairs to work and just wanted to say good morning and she would be thinking about her. They chatted for a minute and Mona leaned over to kiss Mica's forehead. Mona saw that Mica's arm was on her chest so as Mona did, she pushed her breast into Mica's arm. Mica felt a hard nipple but very little breast tissue. As Mona raised back up Mica said thanks for all you have done and she looked forward to "seeing" her later. Mica now knew that Mona had very small breasts but she knew how to use them. Mona said good bye and left.

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