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Michael and Sally Ch. 01

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Michael comes to cousin Sally's rescue.
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Ch. 01: The Rescue

Whenever there's a crisis in my family, it feels like I'm always the first one they call. I'm known for being the nice guy, always willing to help. So it was no surprise that when my cousin Sally got thrown out of her house for sleeping with her landlady's husband that I was the one she called. As I made the long journey from my home in London to pick her up from Cardiff, my collection of heavy metal CDs on rotation on the multi-changer in the car to keep me awake, I thought back to when we'd been kids.

Sally and I had always been especially close despite my being slightly older, because our lives couldn't have been more similar. We were both always seen as the black sheep of our families, with my parents always ignoring me in favour of my sisters, hers always preferring her brothers to her. As a result, we learned to stick together. I looked after her in school, becoming part protective older brother, part father figure to her. As we got older, she saw me as the person she could talk to about her problems and ask for advice. In short, we were as much friends as relatives.

We grew up in a small village and became very much 'latchkey kids' by virtue of there being little to do but to hang out around the village and surrounding countryside. We didn't have the luxuries of the big town, no bowling alley or shopping mall. We had a single-screen cinema that rarely changed the picture - I remember they had Titanic showing there for almost a year after it came out - but that was it.

Because our families had very little time for us, we used to spend a lot of time together and never had any inhibitions around each other. During school holidays, it wasn't unusual for us to camp out for weeks on end in our little tent in a field by the lake, only going home to steal food from our houses and collect pocket money to spend on sweets, take-aways and fizzy drinks, as well as batteries for the portable radio that kept us entertained out there. We'd go skinny-dipping in the lake and share a sleeping bag at night. We never did anything sexual, but it did make us unusually comfortable around each other, certainly more comfortable than cousins are 'supposed' to be.

As we got older, nothing really changed. We still spent our summers by the lake unsupervised and if you asked our parents even now they probably wouldn't know we'd ever been there. We both matured physically and emotionally but were just as close as we'd ever been. I protected her throughout high school, whether from the boys in her year (And, in truth, right up to mine) who were trying to sleep with her, from the teachers that hassled her, to the other girls that teased her out of jealousy. And they had every reason to be jealous.

I won't pretend that even in high school I hadn't noticed her developing into a beautiful young woman and took some pleasure in her always looking to me to approve or veto her boyfriends. In truth, she had her pick of all the boys at the school. No doubt some of the teachers would've happily risked their careers to be with her as well. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't even been a little jealous. I was never considered bad looking, certainly the right side of average, but I was always a little more socially awkward and I think that made it difficult for me to attract girls. I dated a few, but didn't really find my way out of my shell until I got to university.

My time there was the longest we'd ever spent apart. We hung out when I came home, and she visited when she could, but things weren't the same. Every time I came home she was with a different guy, and I think that without me there to approve them for her she found herself dating a lot of arseholes, who were all keen, in turn, to take advantage of my not being there. It was one of these boyfriends that was the reason she came to end up leaving home. Her refusal to sleep with him, because she wasn't ready, lead to him raping her and her falling pregnant. Her parents were unsympathetic and kicked her out, and the police refused to help her. Eventually she lost the baby, but the stigma of being the pregnant girl never left her behind. As soon as she finished school, she moved as far away as possible. She moved to Cardiff where she started working in a call centre and moved in with a young couple. We hardly talked during this time, she claimed because she was afraid of what I thought. She said she couldn't face my judging her, even though I never did.

For a while, life just ticked along. We started speaking more and more, I eventually finished university with degree in English, and moved to London to pursue my dream of being a writer. I eventually found myself in a serious relationship with a girl who eventually moved in. I then eventually found her in bed with another guy. But since our lives always run in parallel, Sally was also experiencing her own drama.

She found herself made redundant when the call centre she worked in was packed up and moved overseas. Unable to pay her rent, her landlord suggested she could pay him in other ways. Faced with a choice of being his sex slave or being homeless, she agreed. An arrangement that continued whenever she found herself out of work which, with her lack of qualifications, was often. Unfortunately for her, his wife had found out and she found herself homeless anyway. She called me first, and I was on the road to get her.

I arrived in Cardiff late in the evening. Having packed her bags, she had gone to a local hotel and waited for me to arrive in the bar. By the time I got there she was already extremely drunk and was being hit on by a balding, middle-aged businessman. Having disposed of him I proceeded to load her and her bags into my car for the long journey home. As we approached Bristol, I found myself feeling too tired to drive and decided to stop at a hotel for the night.

I had to help her into the hotel lobby and got a strange look from the receptionist as I approached, having helped her into a chair. I asked him for a twin room and was told they only had doubles. Being too tired to drive I took it. It was only for one night, after all.

"Is she okay?" The receptionist asked.

"She's had a rough day. Once she's slept it off, she'll be fine."

"Okay, sir. Breakfast is served until eleven. Have a good night."

I had to help her to the lift (No way was I trying to tackle stairs) and into our room, where I flicked on the TV to the news channel to wait for a weather report for the morning. We were in the middle of a cold winter and I wanted to make sure we weren't going to hit any snow on the way home. I helped her into bed and, having seen the weather, got in beside her. We were both asleep almost instantly.

I woke in the middle of the night, disturbed by feeling her getting out of bed. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I was expecting to hear her being sick. Instead, I heard the shower running. Getting out of bed, I knocked on the door to the small bathroom.

"Are you alright?" I said

"Yeah. I just woke up feeling horrible, I thought a shower might help clear my head and feel a little better."


"You don't mind if I sleep naked when I come back do you? My clothes stink of alcohol. I am never drinking again."

"I guess not. It's not like I've never seen you naked."

"Not recently you haven't. Besides, you won't see me. It'll be dark."

"Not in the morning."

"You'll get over it."

"Hey, can you hand me a towel?"

"I'm not in the bathroom, so not really."

"Neither are they."

She was right. They'd been left on the chair in the corner of the room. I opened the door slightly and offered them to her through the crack.

"I can't reach them there, you'll have to come in."

"Or you could get out the shower and get them."

She did, smiling at me through the gap as she took it and closed the door.

I slipped my jeans off and got back into bed. Unable to sleep, I switched on the news and saw yet another weather report. Still no sign of snow, which is always good. She appeared out of the bathroom, wearing a robe and got back into bed. She slipped it off, trying to stay under the covers while I tried desperately not to look. We both failed. As I said, Sally is, and always has been, a beautiful young woman. At 19, four years my junior, she was slim and toned with long auburn hair. Her eyes were reminiscent of those of a fifties movie star, especially now not smeared with the streaks of mascara they were when I'd picked her up. Her breasts were perfectly formed, at a guess somewhere between a large B and a small C cup and, although I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't help getting hard. She pulled the covers over herself as I pretended to have been channel surfing.

"Anything good on?" She asked.

"Nothing special; news, game shows or porn."

"Really?" She asked, taking the remote from me to surf herself. She stopped at a cheesy seventies soft porn flick. "I love these old pornos, they're always so funny."

"Yeah, gotta love porno music."

"You mind if I smoke?"

"Since when do you smoke?"

"Started a couple of years ago."

"Sure, go ahead."

She stood, redressing herself in the robe and went to get the cigarettes from her handbag. As she pulled the robe over her shoulder I noticed a tattoo on her shoulder.

"Nice tattoo. What is that, a chameleon?"

"Thanks, yeah. You know how when we were kids we always said we wished we could blend in? Well, now I can."

She opened the window and lit a cigarette, perching herself on the chair in the corner as she smoked. In the flickering light of the TV, with her hair down and dressed only in a robe, she looked every inch the classic beauty, as if you could place her alongside Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe and Kathryn Hepburn and she wouldn't look out of place for a second. I think that was the first moment in my entire life where I knew I wanted her. I knew it was wrong, but it felt so right and I didn't care. Besides, it would never happen. She was my cousin and, even if I'd taken leave of my senses and no longer knew any better, she did.

She finished her cigarette and got back into bed, disrobing herself as she went. As we sat watching the movie, I couldn't help becoming extremely aware of my erection. Feeling a little sheepish and slightly ashamed, I rolled over on my side, away from her, to hide it. To this day, I can't believe what happened next. She must've assumed I was asleep because I felt the bed rocking gently as I became aware of her touching herself as she watched the movie. In a state of shock, I lay still. Had I turned I would never have been able to hide my erection, and made an awkward situation worse. Besides, I was enjoying it, and I wished I could take care of my own throbbing cock without her noticing.

As she slowly worked herself closer to orgasm, she began moaning audibly as she began drawing her breath longer and deeper, fighting harder for each lungful of air.

"Mmmmmmm... yeeeeeaaaaaahhh... right there..."

I couldn't believe that my own cousin, the sexy young woman that was lying naked in bed next to me was on the verge of orgasm, seemingly completely unaware that I was next to her. Then, as her lust grew, I heard the words from her lips that I never expected.

"Hmmmmmmmmm, go on Michael, touch me. Right there. Mmmmm... please Michael. Please touch me."

Even if you ask me now, I can't explain why, but I did as she asked. Turning over as gently as I could, so I wouldn't disturb her anymore than I would've had I turned in my sleep, I reached across slowly and, finding her hand as it rubbed her soaking wet clit, joined in. There was a moment's pause as she realised what was happening. I looked up, where my eyes met hers, and saw a mixture of surprise and lust, which was followed by what I can only describe as the horniest smile I've ever seen. Placing her hand on top of mine, she indicated that I should continue touching her before placing the fingers than had just been deep inside her wet, hairless pussy in my mouth.

Her unspoken permission made my cock twitch. I continued to rub her clit as I put my arm around her neck, pulling her into me as we shared our first deep and passionate kiss. I felt her hot breath on my lips as the excitement overcame her and brought about her orgasm, adding to the intensity of the kiss as our tongues danced together in their the first dance of our sinful union.

"Wow, that was... Wow." She said.

"Sorry, I heard you say my name and..."

"Don't apologize. You're so good at that."

"But... you're my cousin. I shouldn't have touched you like that."

"I wanted you to. Michael, I've wanted you for so long. I've wanted you since we were kids and I still want you now."


"Yes. I always hoped you'd be my first, but I never could've asked."

"Of course you could."

"But what if you'd said no? That would've made things awkward."

"Do you think this is awkward now?"

"I'd be lying if I said it's not a little weird, but I enjoyed it."

"Good, me too."

I kissed her again.

"We'd better sleep, we've got to drive home in the morning."

"Home? Back to the village?"

"No, back to London. You can stay with me for a while."

"I'd like that."

I rolled on my side to sleep. She lay next to me.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Sally."

She put her arm around me, brushing my still-hard cock.

"Wow, you really did enjoy that."

"Yeah, you could say that."

"You know, you took care of me. It's only fair I take care of you."

"You don't have to" I said, hoping she'd think I was just being coy and go ahead anyway. "I'm just glad you're happy."

"I won't be happy until you are."

With that, she pulled me to face her and kissed me again, unbuttoning my shirt and stripping me of it. She moved down to kiss my chest and stomach, heading all the way down as she unbuttoned my boxer shorts, letting my cock spring free. Finally she reached it and took it into her mouth. The hot, moist warmth almost made me cum right away as she took my full length down her throat. I don't have a monster cock by any means, but when it's fully erect, most women I've been with have struggled to fit it in their mouths. But my cousin had no trouble. It was almost like her mouth was made for my cock.

As she bobbed her head up and down on my cock, she ran her tongue down the length of my shaft and around the head as it did the same merry dance it had done with mine moments earlier. Using her hands, she skilfully stroked my cock and massaged my balls in a way I'd never experienced before. Just as I was about to come, she stopped and came back up to face me. She kissed me and gave me her sluttiest look.

"Michael, I want you to fuck me."


"I want you to fuck me right now."

"We can't."

"But I've wanted you inside me for so long."

"What if you get pregnant?"

"I'm on the pill. I'm not making that mistake again."


With nothing more needing to be said, she straddled me, looked deep into my eyes and, whilst giving my a long, lingering kiss, impaled herself on my hard throbbing cock, affording me a great view of her fantastic body and beautiful tits.

"Wow, you have an incredible body."

"Thanks, I always hoped I'd get to show it to you properly."

As she rode my cock, I took full advantage of it, taking her breasts in my mouth and sucking hard on her nipples, gently nibbling them which in turn elicited a long hard moan of pleasure from her, causing her to ride me harder as she approached her second orgasm. Deciding to take charge, I sat up, drawing our bodies closer together as she sat in my lap, my cock still buried deep inside her.

"I love it when you take charge. Fuck me hard and rough, Michael."

I did, digging my nails into her back, not hard enough to really hurt her, but hard enough to add to her pleasure. She did the same to me as I leant my weight forward, forcing her onto her back and putting me in control. Now I could vary my strokes, giving her some slow and sensual before giving her the hard fucking she'd demanded. Her hand rubbed her clit as I fucked her hard and she begged me to put my fingers in her cunt with my cock. She was so wet that her juices were dripping out and all over my fingers. As her orgasm built, and so did mine, I took my fingers out and, using her juices as lube, forced them into her tight arse hole. To my surprise, she did the same to me and with us both filling each other in every way and we both cried out as we shared a mutual orgasm as I filled her pussy with my hot ropes of cum and I felt her squirt me with hers. Not only was my cousin sexy as hell, she was a great fuck and a squirter too.

We got into a sixty-nine as we cleaned each other up and both enjoyed another small orgasm before curling up together, spent from enjoying the best fuck of our lives.

The next morning, she woke early, heading straight for the shower. I woke shortly after her and walked right in. (Why knock on doors when you've already knocked boots?)

Through the steam, I could see every sexy curve that I'd spent the previous night enjoying for the first time. Still naked, it was obvious to her when my erection sprang up once again.

"Are you going to look, or are you coming in?"

Needing no further invitation, I got straight into the shower, pulling her close to me as the hot water trickled down both of us. I pulled her in and we shared another longing kiss. It was as if we'd been apart for a lifetime rather than made love just hours before. Using her hand, she skilfully manoeuvred my cock inside her, but resisted my urge to fuck her.

"Not yet. I just want to feel you inside me while I kiss you."

We continued kissing, washing each other while we did. My cock was still inside her as we covered each other in the soapy lather. I noticed she was paying particular attention to soaping her tight arse.

"I think it's clean enough."

"Good, because it's about to get dirty."

With that, she pulled herself off of my cock, turned and faced the wall, bending over to offer her tight, sexy and most forbidden hole to me. Needing no more hints, I took her by the waist, with one hand controlling her hips, the other finding her way into her pussy as I pulled her towards me and gently inserted my cock deep into her arse.

Once I was sure she'd adjusted, I started to fuck her gently, not wanting to hurt her by fucking her hard before she was ready. I'd fucked girls in the arse before, but never one this tight. Taking my hand off of her pussy, I grabbed a handful of her breast as she started to touch herself. As she picked up the pace, rubbing her clit harder and faster, I took it as a hint she was ready for more, and started to fuck her harder.

With every stroke the pressure built as the muscles in her arse struggled to resist the invasion of my hard pulsating dick. The harder they pushed, the harder I fucked her and she began to finger fuck her pussy, going three fingers wide and so deep that I could feel the thrusting of her fingers with my cock. She started to tense as her orgasm neared, clenching my dick harder between her arse cheeks and making each stroke feel as though I was fucking a vice.

As her orgasm flooded free of her pussy, mine followed behind, filling her arse hole with my warm seed as she sank into me. We shared a deep kiss before I pulled my cock from her with a soft pop, followed by a flow of my milky cum.

"You know how I said I wished you were my first" She asked.


"Well, you just were."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Loved the story, would like to see a sequel for this maybe have them get married and have a kid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
wonderful story 5+

I really enjoyed reading this great story. Please writ more parts to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I think it was a wonderful story...... It shouldnt be about how the begining is worded.... It should only matter that you enjoyed it...... I personally loved it... Thank you *5 star rating* for me.... <3 Sally

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Plot questions aside, some of the positions you had them in just seemed impossible. Like in the shower he was fucking her in the ass AND had 3 fingers in her pussy? How is that possible? Seems unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
totally fake

never happen in a million years i agree with the other two anons total bullshit.

TallDarkandRandomTallDarkandRandomalmost 12 years agoAuthor
Re: Last two comments...

The last two 'anonymous' members who make the same point... A lot can happen between adolescence and adulthood. Being the black sheep growing up does not mean that your family can't see you as being the go-to guy in a crisis as an adult. I know, because I've been there. There's a reason this is tagged 'true' ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
yet another waste of time

why is it that writers here can't keep the plot of the stories consistant? you said he was the black sheep and ignored if so NO ONE WOULD EVER CALL HIMESPECIALLY NOT FIRST. THE BEGINING RUIN THE WHOLE STORY. DELETE AND DO A REWRITE AND DO IT RIGHT THIS TIME AROUND.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

this needs a rewrite first you say everyone calls him first then you say he was the black sheep of the family being ignored by his parents. if he was ignored and the black sheep they sure wouldn't be calling him and if they did he sure wouldn't help them keep it somewhat realistic and believable or put it in the fantasy area

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Wonderful story.

I enjoyed reading this great story. Please continue witing more parts to this story.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 15 years ago
A happy story

This is a good story, and with a happy ending to this part. I would hope that the author would write more about the adventures of the couple. Thanks for the good post....Rich

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