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Sisterly Exploration Ch. 01

Story Info
A brother gives his sister a very intimate massage.
9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/10/2015
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As a professional escort, Aruri doesn't get much free time to himself. He spends most of his time working out, or keeping up the latest trends of women's fantasies. When he does get free time, he likes to spend it soaking in a hot bath.

With his head barely under the surface of the water, his phone begins to ring. He hears the business ringtone and weighs whether or not to answer. His massive, throbbing erection very quickly tips the scale in favor of answering the phone.

He shakes excess water off his hand before swiping his finger on the 'answer' key. He pops his head above the water just as he puts the call on speaker.

"Hello," he hears a courageous voice say.

"Fyre Light Services, how may I be of service to you?" he responds.

There a short pause and he can hear some fumbling around on the other end.

"Hey, is this Aruri?"

"Yes, it is."

"Great. My name's...," she stops to think about the name she wants to use. "Tricia and I'd like to hire you for a friend of mine."

He rolls his eyes before answering, "Is this friend aware that you are buying my services for their satisfaction?"

"Yes, she is. But I kind of want it to still be kind of a surprise."

"I can do that. Do you know which of my services would best suit her, or would you like me to list the services I offer?"

"No, that's okay. I have one in mind. She's not really that kinky, or sexual for that matter. Especially towards guys she barely knows. So I was thinking about one of your massages."

"Standard or Hudeylugiya?" he inquires.

There's a longer pause this time as she thinks over the choices. "What's that second one again?" she responds.

"Hudeylugiya. It's a type of incredibly sexual massage, but it's still just a massage," he adds.

"How do you say it? So I can tell her about it."


"So you'll basically have sex with her while acting out a masseur type theme?"

"No. Depending on the level of the massage, sexual arousal may or may not lead to orgasm."

"Well, in that case, she'll have the highest level possible. In fact, I'll pay for extra time to ensure she experiences the highest level of arousal possible."

"That will be fine, just follow the directions on my site, set an appointment, and I'll call you again one hour before my arrival to ensure your friend is still willing."

"Thanks and good luck with her."

"I'm a professional ma'am. I require no luck. It's my job."

He ends the call and sinks his head back under the water. He slides his hands down his body to his still throbbing erection and light strokes some of the tension out of it. He doesn't get too into it before he hears a loud shriek. He lifts his head out of the water and sees his sister, Michelle, standing in the bathroom.

"Why are you always touching yourself?" she yells.

He covers his erection as best he can before sitting all the way up.

"Why are you in my bathroom?"

"My toilet's clogged."

"Then stop flushing condoms down it. Just swallow like you know you want to."

"Ew. Stop saying that, you know I hate cum."

"And yet-"

She throws his toothbrush at him before he can finish.

"Will you just hurry up and get out so I can use the bathroom."

He climbs out of his cozy bath and grabs the towel that's behind his sister before walking out of the bathroom. She closes the door behind him as he begins drying off in his bedroom. She's not in his bathroom too long before she's storming out of his room. He watches her storm away and feels bad as she slams his bedroom door shut.

He lowers his head and sighs as he realizes that his jokes may have been a little too personal for Michelle. He wraps the towel around his hips and follows after her. He knocks on her door and waits for a response.

"Go away."

He briefly chuckles to himself before opening the door. He looks around the room and sees her lying on the bed cuddling with a pillow. He walks into the room and closes the door behind him as she looks up at him.

"I said 'go away'. Not 'come in'."

"Yeah, I heard you," he comments while sitting down on the edge of her bed. "You know I was just joking right. I was not actually trying to remind you of-"

She sits up and throws the pillow to the side.

"Yeah I know but...," She brushes her hair out of her face while lowering her head in shame. She starts to try to speak but chokes as she begins to cry a little. "That day is burned into my brain like a-"

She stops in the middle of her sentence as her grief overwhelms her. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer to him. He kisses her forehead and cuddles her closer to him.

"Shh. That day is burned into my brain too."

Two Years Earlier

Michelle moves to Vancouver to start her first year of college. The tuition is much more affordable if she has a place to stay off campus, so she moves in with Aruri. Their father makes sure Aruri is going to take care of his sister and focus less on his adult career.

Her first day on campus, she meets a hot freshman who's a legacy of the best fraternity at the school. They begin dating and hooking up here and there and because of Aruri's lifestyle, he only offers Michelle advice about safety and responsibility. She says she hears him but continues through the relationship totally in love.

Then on April 4, 2013, while pledging to the legendary fraternity, Michelle's boyfriend is given a daring challenge. He shows absolutely no hesitation in getting Michelle to give him a blowjob at a party. He tells her that the pictures he's taking will stay between them, but that's a speech he gives her while his future frat brothers are sneaking into the closet with a video camera.

Unknown to her, Michelle gets completely kinked out on camera for an entire frat house, which is downstairs watching the show live. For the finale, he makes her kneel down and positions her just right so the 'camera crew' can get the best shot. Right as Michelle strokes out the first stream of cum onto her face, the camera crew jumps from the closet for her close-up.

Michelle freaks and forgets about the cumming dick that's in front of her face. As she tries covering herself, cum continues coating her skin wherever it can. She finally gets up and runs out, leaving her clothes behind. She runs downstairs completely naked and cum coated only to see a crowd of adoring fans. The crowd, in the living room, bursts into an applause, and she sees the live feed the boys were streaming.

Some of the other girls at the party, who were also freshmen, feel bad for her and offer their coats so she can cover herself as they escort her out. It doesn't take long before she starts seeing posters, t-shirts, and DVDs of her embarrassment being sold by the fraternity. Even with several parents, students, faculty, and women's rights organizations complaining about the incident, the school refuses to take any kind of action against the fraternity. So only a week after that day, Michelle drops out of college. Present Day

Aruri holds his sister until her crying softens, and she begins breathing somewhat normally. He lifts her head and wipes the tears off her face.

"Now stop crying. You have to cook dinner for yourself. I have an appointment tonight."

She starts laughing softly as he smiles down at her. He gives her one more big hug and a kiss on the forehead before getting up to leave.

"How you keep getting jobs is beyond me," she sniffles while switching from crying to laughing.

"Ha ha, I get jobs because I'm good at what I do," he remarks before shutting her door.

He goes back to his room to get his gear together as she goes into the kitchen. She takes out a medium size sauce pan and some brown rice. As she turns on the water, her phone rings. She answers and puts the phone in between her shoulder and ear while putting water into the pan.


"Chelle?" her friend's voice screams.

"What girl? Damn."

"I got a guy for you tonight. He's perfect, I think."

Michelle turns the water off and puts the pan on the stove and turns on the heat.

"What do you mean you think?"

"Well, I haven't actually met him, but I've heard he's amazing."

Aruri comes down nearly dressed to get a couple of bottles of water out of the fridge. Michelle splashes some water on his pants as they bump into each other.

"Boy move, dumbass."

"This is why I use to choke you when we were little."

She is about to answer his threat when her friend yells in her ear.

"Stop messing with him and get ready to go out."

Michelle puts the phone down on the counter and puts her finger up to her brother's mouth to get him to stop talking.

"Rachel has a date for me tonight, so I'll need to borrow some of your clothes," she says to him before picking up the phone to tell her friend her answer. "Okay, I'll go."

"Why are-"

She grabs his lips to completely stop him from talking as she finishes her conversation with her friend. As she hangs up the phone, she takes her hand off of his lips.

"Ow. Why are you always borrowing my clothes to go on dates? Don't you think it's weird to wear men's clothing on dates?"

"No. Now go pick out whatever you're wearing so I pick out what I'm wearing." She stops him from walking away and looks him up and down. "You look just like Dad when he was getting ready to go somewhere."

"I know, right. And if you would wear your own 'going-out' clothes every once in a while you would look just like your mother."

"She's your mother too."

"Step-mother. She's my step-mother. My really hot step-mother."

"What the fuck? That's our mom!"

"That's your mom. She's my step-mom though, so I can think about her like that."

"Oh my god...," She tries splashing more water on him as he runs out of the kitchen. "Perv!" She yells as he gets to the stairs.

He goes back upstairs and continues getting ready for his appointment. Right as he's putting his shirt on, she comes into his room looking for some clothes she can wear. Walking into his room, she has nothing on except for a regular black bra and some white panties.

"I'm going to start loading my truck, don't touch any of my nice stuff," he orders her while walking out of the room.

She snickers at him while waiting for him to go downstairs. Once she hears the front door open, she immediately starts going through his more expensive clothes. She picks out one of his white silk shirts and a pair of black jeans before running back to her room before he catches her. While she's upstairs putting on his clothes, he's in the garage getting the massage gear ready.

He phone starts beeping and he stops to turn the alarm off. It's only one hour until his appointment, and he has to call his client to make sure her friend is still on for later. He looks up the last number that called him and calls her back.

"Hello," she answers.

"Hey, this is Aruri. I'm just calling to make sure your friend is still on for tonight."

"Actually, she can't wait. Is everything the way I ordered?"

He checks his appointment app and looks over all the details.

"I'm getting everything ready right now."

"Great. She'll see you soon."

The client hangs up as he continues looking over the specified details. He opens the back of his truck and loads in the strahenz and a fully loaded katheasazis into the back. He then looks at the specified color and scent the client chose. He grabs the pink velvet nylu and nyla. Then he grabs the pink rose scented candles and jolaris.

As he finishes putting the massage equipment in his truck, Michelle comes into the garage dressed in some of his good clothes.

"Hey," he yells.

Before he can get his hands on her, she darts to her car and gets in. She pulls off as he yells at from behind his truck. He goes back into the house to make himself his 'before work' meal. He has a very sex-focused diet, so a lot of protein and carbs for the extreme workouts he does throughout the day.

After he finishes his meal, he makes sure everything is turned off and locks up before going to the garage. He does one last check to make sure he has everything and then gets in his truck to head to his appointment.

He arrives at the apartment just a little before nine, the specified time for his appointment. He checks his appearance in the mirror before getting out to unload his equipment. He invented the Hudeylugiya massage and personally designed the equipment so that it could all be carried in one trip.

He makes his way up to the apartment with the katheasazis's strap on one shoulder and his zalara on the other. He knocks on the door and a very attractive blonde answers the door.

"Hi. You are way cuter in person. Come in." She steps aside and lets him in with his equipment. "She's in the bathroom right now, but she'll be out in a few moments. You can set up right here," pointing to the center of the living room floor. She walks over to the bathroom door and knocks softly. "He's here. I'm going to go get us something to drink, so I'll be right back."

She grabs her purse and keys before walking back towards the front door. "Remember she's a little shy. I'll be back in like two hours, okay. Good luck," she whispers to him while opening the front door. "Good luck," she yells to her friend as the faucet in the bathroom turns on. She closes the door just as the water turns off, and the bathroom door opens.

As Aruri turns to start setting up the bizeaiz and strahenz, Michelle comes out of the bathroom. She looks around the apartment and sees what she believes is a handsome young man setting up a contraption.

"What's that?"

Aruri immediately recognizes his sister's voice and turns around.


"Ew, Aruri."

"What do you mean, ew?"

She walks over to him and slaps him on the shoulder.

"You're the guy Rachel's trying to hook me up with?"

"What do you mean, ew?"

She runs her hands through her hair while softly chuckling to herself.

"She hired you to fuck your own sister."

"What do you mean, ew?"

"Boy focus," she says while punching him in the chest. "Why didn't you say anything earlier?"

"She chose not to tell me her real name, or the name of her friend I'm supposed to be servicing."

She crosses her arms and continues to grin in disbelief. He looks around at the fully assembled strahenz and bizeaiz, and then back at her.

"So am I not getting paid?"

She looks at him with one of the strangest looks she's every given him.

"No. No one is going to pay you to fuck you sister," she yells at him.

"I wasn't getting paid to fuck anyone. I was getting paid to give you a massage."

"A massage?" She suddenly perks up and looks around at his massage gear. "Well if it's just a massage, we can do that." She laughs while kind of jumping in place. "This will make up for all the crap you did to me when we were little. Oh yeah, you have to give me a massage."

"You realize you'll have to be naked?"

"So, I've seen you set this up before. I know I get a blanket to cover myself with so, stop stalling."

"She also wanted me to ensure you had as many or-"

"Hey, stop talking and get to work."

He continues setting up the massage table and puts the candles inside the ratrahsca before placing them around the bizeaiz. As he's finishing up the massage table, she begins taking off her earrings and bracelets. She gets to her shoes as he begins putting on the jolaris.

Since they're related and spent their childhoods together, they see nothing wrong with getting naked in front of each other. She's just about to take her left shoe off but stops.

"Who's paying you?"

"It is my understanding that she is."

Michelle thinks it over and smiles at him.

"You know what? Why don't you finish getting ready and when you're done, you undress me."

"I'm not undressing you. You're a grown woman-"

"I am your client. You have to do what I say, how I say, and when I say; right?"

He sighs as she laughs at him while sitting on the couch to watch him continue undressing. Once his pants are down, she starts laughing at the incredibly tight, pink spandex shorts he's wearing. It looks like he's wearing a Speedo made out of an incredibly thin, yet reflectively pink material. As he turns toward her, she can see his erection pressed against his inner right thigh.

"Why are you hard right now?"

"I'm always hard when there are no children around. You know I stay hard unless there are children near me. No kids; hard dick."

He kicks his pants on the chair with the rest of his clothes before turning back towards her. She stands up and waits for him to come over and remove her clothes. He walks over to her and starts with her shirt. She has the biggest grin on her face as he tries to quickly get her shirt off.

"Why the rush? I want to enjoy this moment," she taunts.

He slows down when undoing the buttons while trying to avoid eye contact with her. Their breaths begin to intertwine as she forces him to look at her. As he gets to the last button and opens her shirt, her light skin kind of stands out with the shiny silk material being pulled off her.

Compared to his more cocoalate skin, she looks a lot lighter. Michelle is a mix of her black father and white mother, but she more resembles her mom. Most people think she's white until they see her ass. He pulls the shirt off of her arms and throws it on the couch next to them.

She fixes her straight black hair while looking down at his heaving chest.

"Why are you breathing so hard?" she asks while putting her hands on his pecks.

He shakes his head while putting his hands on her incredible thin waist.

"This is going to be insanely awkward. There's so much to this kind of massage that you don't know about."

"That I don't care about," she says looking up into his eyes. "You're my big brother; I trust you."

She continues rubbing and touching on his torso as he reaches around to unhook her bra. This is a moment that has always intrigued him about his sister. Most mixed girls develop a bi-racial body, but his sister's body seems to be split into two separate parts. As her bra slides off her perky little tits, he is immediately drawn to her soft pink nipples.

He feels the sudden urge to lean down and take one of them in his mouth, but she interrupts his thoughts.

"I kind of hate my tits," she says while trying to cover them up. "Everyone makes fun of me for being black with white girl nipples."

He can tell she's starting to remember back to that horrible event, so he slides his hands to her chest and squeezes under her breasts until she lets out a slight moan.

"As a guy who has a lot of sex, not your brother, but as a guy; there's nothing wrong with a chick that has cute tits. In fact, there's nothing better than a chick with cute tits."

They laugh away the dark moment, and she puts her hands back on his body to let him continue undressing her. She runs her hands up and down his stomach to count his abs while humming. His hands move down to the belt holding up the jeans she's wearing.

His eyes are drawn to her small waist, and he just can't help himself to test something on her. He puts his hands back on her waist and sees if his fingertips touch if he wraps his hands around her.

"What are doing?"

"I didn't know your waist line was small. My hands can touch."

She moves his hands down to her pants and starts to use them to undo her belt. He takes over and pulls the belt out of the loops before throwing the belt on the couch with her shirt and bra. Her jeans start to fall down, but they get caught on the top of her ass.

She leans into him more and arches a little as he reaches back and pulls the jeans off her ass. He lifts the jeans off with his left hand while caressing her with his right. They both look back at her fat ass as the jeans drop to the floor. He then slides his thumbs under the sides of her panties and pushes them down on top of the jeans.

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