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Miko Finds Her Purpose

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A Japanese girl finds happiness as a pregnant housewife.
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This is not my normal subject matter. It's a simple short story that popped into my head; it's not too in-depth, but I hope it is still exciting to some. I enjoy the idea of a woman attaining true happiness after finding the man who deserves to own her. After rolling it around in my head, I decided to type it out and see how it went.


Miko was a shy but beautiful Japanese girl, 5'1" tall, who had recently finished her undergraduate degree in biochemistry and was interning at a national research lab the summer after graduation. She did not have a boyfriend; the only relationship she ever had ended at the same time as graduation when her ex-boyfriend revealed that he got a job on the other side of the country without discussing it with her first.

Miko had entered the relationship during college. He was a law student, busy and under similar familial pressures. As a result, the two formed a relationship of convenience that resulted in a hollow relationship that produced nothing but cute photos of the pair posted on Facebook to satiate everyone's expectations. He assumed she would come with him but did not respect her enough to involve her in his life-altering decisions. Most of the other boys she knew were in science and engineering programs and knew nothing about how to treat women properly, or at least that was their reputation; how her ex treated her made her think ill of all men in general.

It surprised Miko how little she was affected by her only boyfriend moving away and their relationship ending. Yes, the news made her sad, but Miko realized that her feelings of loss and sadness were not because her love was gone; she did not truly love him, after all. What hurt and panicked her the most was the thought of how she would explain this to her friends and family. Having a boyfriend and then a husband was one of the checkboxes of accomplishments she was supposed to have checked off. Miko had a life path planned for her, not by one person in particular, but by the combined expectations of those around her. She was expected to get good grades, get into a good college, get a degree in a difficult subject, go to graduate school, and get a high-paying job regardless of whether she liked any of those steps or not. Simultaneously, Miko was to have a nice Asian boyfriend to look good in pictures with to compete with her friends, and then later satisfy her mother and father with grandchildren. Her relationship ending had been a wake-up call, and she was taking the opportunity away from her parents to think things over.

Miko had been accepted to a number of prestigious graduate programs and was planning to move to her new academic home in mid-August, only three months away. The prospect of continuing along her current path did not excite her nearly as much as it excited her mother, who enjoyed bragging to her friends about Miko's accomplishments. Miko's heart meandered, searching for purpose, and she found herself deep in thought at all times, her mind spinning constantly to evaluate what she wanted and needed and how that differed from the goals she was pressured into taking on by those around her.

Miko was always deep in thought while men tried to flirt with her unsuccessfully. They tended to stare at her beautiful face as she worked, walked between laboratories, and ate lunch in the cafeteria, and all of them yearned to have her eyes look into theirs. She typically wore glasses, but sometimes she wore contacts, and either style accentuated her face perfectly. Miko had the cutest habit of bringing her index finger up to her lip when she thought, and she knew it melted the hearts around her. She wore dresses and skirts when she could and despised wearing pants, which in her line of work was a hated necessity.

Miko wanted to do something different with her life but didn't yet know exactly what. The days passed, and Miko did not enjoy the summer weather as much as she did in previous years. Instead of being outdoors, she opted to spend most of her free time playing computer games and watching videos online.

In her work environment, she made the males around her nervous and self-conscious of every uttered word and hand gesture. They were careful not to allow any of their actions to be misconstrued as sexual harassment. They wanted her, and she could tell. There wasn't any connection of substance to be found with any of them, and she wasn't one to hop into bed for empty sex.

One day, Miko caught the eye of a man named Jim, who looked like many other white males but was different from his colleagues in a few key ways that naive women don't fully appreciate. Jim was fine with that; he wore his heart on his sleeve and was 100% genuine, not hiding his feelings or intentions one bit. He figured that he only wanted a woman who liked him for who he was and who had a similar vision for the future. If they didn't, then there was no reason to waste time trying to make something work that was inherently broken.

Jim introduced himself while Miko ate lunch alone. At that moment, Miko knew he was different from the other men drawn to her. He was charming, funny, and confident, and she liked how he almost towered over her by more than a foot in height. She could talk to him about anything, and he was always interested in what she had to say. Soon, they ate lunch together daily and hit it off as good friends, even though he was eight years her senior. As they opened up to each other more, their topics of conversation became more raunchy. It was clear from the beginning that Jim was attracted to Miko and vice-versa. Their feelings for each other were evident to any observer with a pulse, and everyone left them alone when they were together. It was just as well since they wouldn't have looked anywhere else but into each other's eyes, anyway.

One day, during a conversation at lunch, Jim interrupted Miko mid-sentence and said, "You're so beautiful," then abruptly leaned in and kissed her, causing her to blush and smile.

"I'm taking you out tonight," Jim told her. "Email me your address so I know where to pick you up."

Miko's heart fluttered as she squeaked out a shy, "OK."

Miko prepared herself for her date that night, a Friday night. Miko was excited and nervous, and she wondered if her feelings were real love or just some fleeting rush that would pass in time. She hadn't ever felt this way with anyone before, even her ex-boyfriend. Miko wore the panties that made her feel sexiest, and the one skirt she owned that made it most likely for her to expose those panties accidentally. She hoped Jim liked that. Miko had been masturbating more and more as of late, with thoughts of Jim in her mind, holding her, owning her, taking her bare and unprotected.

A knock at the door jolted Miko back to her senses as Jim, with flowers in her hand, arrived to pick her up. After she opened the door and pleasantries were exchanged, Jim told her something that excited her more than anything else she had ever heard before.

"The past few weeks have been the best time of my life. I have decided I can't let a gem like you slip through my fingers." They smiled at each other, and she blushed. Jim continued, "Before you get in my car, you should know I've decided to make you mine."

Miko hoped Jim meant what she thought he meant.

"To be clear, after our date, I'm going to claim you the natural way: unprotected. I would do it now, but I'm a gentleman. I want to show you a good time first so you can get to know me better before I claim you. You don't have to get in my car, but if you do, you will be my property before the night is over."

Miko was struggling to find her voice but was definitely aroused. "What do you... you don't mean...?"

"I'm going to claim you with my cock spurting inside you. I will make your tummy swell up so big you'll have no choice but to stay home as a happy, pregnant housewife. I want nothing more than for you to be my little stay-at-home fucktoy, being bred by me and raising my children. You are sweet, beautiful, smart, and so much more, and I want you to be the mother of my children. All of this will happen if you stay with me the entire night."

Miko's pussy spasmed as she heard her ultimate fantasy spoken out loud, a life that went against what she had been raised to desire but one that her most intense instincts made her yearn for.

"My kids will have a full-time parent, and I will be working, so you will be a housewife," Jim said. "You will cook and bake for our family and walk around the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. When I first saw you, I could tell you weren't happy with life at work. I promise to make you happier than you ever thought possible. Before you say anything, you know your body has already spoken for you. We both know it is begging to breed."

Miko had never had anyone speak to her so bluntly before with such honest passion. She knew Jim was confident; it was part of what attracted her to him, but to have a man so boldly proclaim his intentions was... refreshing. Jim made it clear that it wasn't just her body he wanted. It was all of her. He wasn't after just any pussy. He wanted Miko's pussy, and only Miko's pussy.

Jim held Miko's face with his hand and looked lovingly into her eyes as he said, "I've waited a long time to say these words to the girl who will bear my children, and I've never been so sure about anything before. Other women don't compare. I thought long and hard before making the decision to own you. You're a special little one, and I want to stake my claim." Miko could tell by his soft voice and body language that Jim was baring his soul. Jim continued, "If you refuse to accept what I just told you, go back inside, and we will try to pretend this never happened. You'll work to the end of your summer internship, then go to grad school, and we won't see each other again. Otherwise, we will have a fun, romantic date, and the night will end with my bare cock ejaculating inside you. You will then be mine and no one else's."

Miko hesitated for a moment because there was so much to process. The outpouring of emotions and passion from a man she was so highly compatible with almost made her cry. Her gushing pussy decided for her. She stepped out the door, and Jim smiled as he offered her his arm. He walked her to the passenger side of his car, opened it, and waited for her to finish buckling up before closing the door.

They drove off, holding hands on the way to the restaurant. After parking the car, Jim said, "If you have any condoms, throw them away."

Miko shivered with desire as she obeyed his command. She had some condoms her mother gave her "just in case," but knew now that she would never need them. As discreetly as possible, she slipped the condoms from her purse into the nearest trash can.

Right before they talked to the hostess for their table, Jim whispered into Miko's ear, "I'm going to make you a mommy."

Miko's knees went weak, and she leaned on Jim to avoid collapsing onto the floor. The hostess looked at her quizzically before taking them to their corner table.

Their dinner conversation was fun and flirty as they effortlessly glided from topic to topic, discussing their interests, families, politics, and more. Once the topic of careers came up, Jim emphasized that Miko should get used to talking about her career ambitions in the past tense. "You're going to get stuffed with unprotected cock tonight. I'm about to ruin your old career plans and begin your new career as a mommy. Remember, if you don't want that, I can drive you home."

The idea that Jim wanted her pregnant so badly turned Miko on immensely. What's more, it was the vision of the future that Miko realized she had been searching for. During dessert, Jim outlined some other things that would happen.

"You'll keep your pussy shaved and throw away your pants. Only dresses and skirts should be worn from now on." Miko nodded dreamily in response. Jim looked deeply into her eyes as he held her hand and said, "I plan on getting my wife pregnant often and using her body as I see fit, so no panties around the house. It's just easier that way."

Miko's cunt was a mess as she sighed and nodded. Jim had just said she would be his wife, and she agreed. Things were moving fast, but it was as if her dreams were coming true.

Eventually, the couple left the restaurant to go to a movie. The ticket taker was a young man who looked at Miko with lustful eyes. Jim noticed. To taunt the boy, Jim held his gaze and said, "This girl is mine. I'm going to make her tummy swell." As Jim spoke, he beamed with pride, his chest puffing out and his shoulders back as he used one hand to draw his woman close to him while he massaged her stomach with the other, as if emphasizing where he would be placing the babies. That poor boy felt humiliated but grew an erection thinking about the sexy Japanese girl swollen with a child. Jim loved the thought of other men coveting his future wife but never being able to have her.

Being held so possessively made Miko feel safe, protected, and appreciated. Any niggling thoughts of doubt about what was happening were fading away as she accepted her inevitable fate: being a pregnant stay-at-home housewife. Nothing in the world would make her happier.

They settled into their seats, moved up the armrest between them to cuddle, and waited for the movie to start. The lights dimmed when the previews began, and Jim's hand made its way down between Miko's legs. He gently rubbed her pussy as he whispered, "On Monday, you should call work to let them know you're never coming in again, and then call your grad school to let them know that you aren't going to make it. If they ask why, tell them you'll soon be a full-time mommy-slut."

Miko struggled to keep herself from moaning while her orgasm washed over her. When it was over, Jim took her hand and guided it to his crotch.

Miko knew just what to do. She unzipped his fly and moved her head down to take him inside her mouth, or at least as much as she could fit. The movie played as Miko bobbed her head on his cock, trying to coax out the seed that she now thirsted for, the cum of the man that she loved as he caressed her head, running his fingers through her long, dark hair. He would own her, but she would own him, especially his cock, and she would relish that ownership as a woman should.

Miko felt her head Jim caressing her head as she alternated between surrounding him with her mouth, licking, nibbling, sucking, and slurping, trying to keep her noises just under the volume of the movie to try not to disturb the few other occupants of the theatre. Jim exploded in her mouth, and she struggled to get every jet of cum trapped, accidentally swallowing some because of the sheer volume. Enough of the ambrosia remained so that she could proudly show her man the cum he gave her before taking a big gulp, then opening her mouth once more to show him that she swallowed all of it.

They snuggled together for the rest of the movie, and Miko was now certain of her happy future. She whispered to her man, "Later tonight, your cum is going deep inside my womb to make me a mommy." Miko guided his hand to her stomach and held it over the spot that would soon grow.

Miko felt the happiness and security of a woman properly owned by a strong, loving man. She stopped caring about the expectations that others put on her and decided to make her own happiness.

The happy couple made love all night, intending to get Miko pregnant. Jim took photographs of her sloppy pussy after he came inside of her the first time, so they would have a memento and proof of the moment that he laid his claim and marked her as his. Miko was quite a sight, splayed over the bed with her reddened, swollen pussy drooling out the seed she hoped made her pregnant. Before the night was over, Jim had a complete photo set with pictures of his cock entering each of Miko's holes and his cum practically everywhere in and on her, so by the time the sun rose, she was as claimed as a woman could be; that is until her belly expanded with the offspring of the man who owned her.

They fucked and sucked all weekend, and Jim ensured Miko knew he thirsted for her snatch as much as she did for his cock. Her thighs squeezed around his head, and her fingers ran through his curly brown locks as he feasted on her delicious juices. She was a well-fucked future mommy-slut by Monday morning when she called in to work to quit her job. Jim called in separately to take the week off to guarantee his girl got swollen with his child as soon as possible, just as he promised. Miko discovered that she could get Jim hard as steel soon after fucking by mentioning that he would be a daddy soon. Hearing such a cute and sexy girl call him "Daddy" made his cock come back to life with extreme vigor, and in their many years together, Miko would take advantage of that fact often.

They don't know exactly when Miko got knocked up, but she was pregnant with their first of six children before the week was over. They both like to imagine that the first load put inside of her did the deed.

It turned out that Miko's parents weren't mad at her for her life choices. They were happy for her but were not very good at expressing emotions. Even if they had the tiniest of doubts about their daughter, they were completely erased when they experienced the joy brought to them by their first grandchild, little Erika, a happy baby that represented the love the young couple shared.

In the end, Miko counted herself a lucky woman for listening to her true desires and not succumbing to societal pressures trying to force her into a position she had no passion for. Instead, Miko found happiness in her true purpose: being a well-fucked mommy-slut who owns the cock of the man who owns her.

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WildErotica69WildErotica69about 2 years ago

Hot and primal - would have loved to read more how he continues to take her and own her in every sense of the word

Mona_NovaMona_Novaover 7 years ago
Sweet yet Sexy

I loved this vignette. Short and filled with emotion. You're a great writer and I hope you keep exploring more genres while grounding the story and characters in the beauty of Loving Dominance and Devoted Submission.

BullwipBullwipalmost 8 years ago

This is very hot at the core of it. Nice to see an exploration of basic human instinct intersecting with the erotic

KathrynClareKathrynClarealmost 8 years ago
Lovelovelove this story

Love all your stories, but this one might be my favorite. ~KC x

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