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Millie Ch. 06


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"God, I hope that deal goes through just like you told Sammy because truth be told I'm more than ready to get the hell out of this place!" Mom's face was still slightly pink and her entire upper body was too, and her beautiful nipples were as hard as I had ever seen them!

I had to. I leaned in and took her left nipple into my mouth and sucked it hard. She flinched as I did it but soon moaned. I used my left arm to hook under her right one and lifted her up and made a half step into her forcing her back onto the table much the same way I had the other night. The nipple popped when the suction was broken and she groaned but in pleasure not pain.

I had my shirt off in an instant and then was opening the fly of my Levi's and shoving them along with the underwear down off my hips and allowed them to hit the floor. My cock was already hard as an iron pipe from watching my Mother's demonstration of her actions as well as thinking of Pamela wanting to see Mother too. I wondered why that might be the case. Had to be because her shoe prints were right there in the soft dirt of the flower bed beside the porch. I felt certain George hadn't told her to stand there, or perhaps I was wrong and he had told her to stand there!

Was Pam a closet lesbian, or possibly a bisexual girl? Did she want my Mother's pussy too?

Mom was hot too. The seat where her ass had been was wet and shiny with her moisture. The robe was completely open and she had positioned her legs with her feet on the table just the same as the other night too. The only difference from the other night was that I wasn't going to eat my Mother's pussy this time. I was going to fuck it!

I reached down and pressed my cockhead to her open pussy lips and worked it up and down the slit a few times. Her eyes flew open as she felt the intrusion.

"You let George get an eye full of your beautiful body didn't you?" I was teasing her.

"Yesss!" she hissed.

"But that's not what's got you all fired up and dripping wet is it?" I asked. Her eyes narrowed but she didn't answer. I raised my dick and tapped down on the top of her mound three times, hoping to slam her little helmeted man with my big helmeted man!

She flinched all three times and moaned loudly as her chest caved in and her shoulders hunched inward making her tits jiggle as she felt me hitting home.

"You got hot thinking about that girl, Pamela, wanting to see your bare pussy and it got you all hot and bothered that she must have looked long and hard at your breasts and stiff nipples while smiling and shaking your hand!" I slid my cock back down all the way until it was kissing her little brown star and rubbed around there a few times as I spoke, "and Mother... I think you really got hot thinking that it was her Father that had made her look at your body!"

I raised my cock just that one inch and allowed my hips to press forward ever so slightly driving my cockhead into her.

"You thought you would give good old George a little tease, but what you didn't realize was that George was using you to tease his little girl."

The flush started down my Mother's beautiful body again. I leaned forward to take in her right nipple and in so doing pressed my cock even deeper into that molten pussy of hers. She groaned and hunched toward me trying to get me in deeper still but I wasn't allowing that just yet.

"I had some idea of your exhibitionistic talent out on the freeway, but had no idea you got this turned on by it." I had lowered my voice as bass as I thought I could and had moved my head alongside hers so as to speak into her ear. She was moaning continuously now.

Now in a whisper I said, "Which was it Mother, the fact that Father and Daughter both saw your bare shaved pussy all wet and ready, or was it just the idea that another woman was probably as turned on as you were while her Father made her watch you shove your tits out at her after you allowed her a nice long look at your shaved and soaked pussy?"

"Oh God, Son!" she cried out and shuddered violently in orgasm! I found myself buried to the hilt in her hot molten pussy and just hanging on for dear life as she bucked and thrust intermittently while groaning and moaning. It was like riding a mechanical bull that also vibrated and emitted pleasure to you right up through your cock! I bent my head down and again latched onto a nipple and bit it rather firmly. She almost threw me off the damned table!

"Oh, Fuck! Oh, God! Oh! Oh! Oh! Jesus H. Christ it's too much! Oh, shit!" she began rambling as the massive orgasm continued.

My cock was being squeezed and released at an incredible rate. I knew I couldn't last any longer and began a tremendous jettison of my own as I groaned loudly myself. It was so powerful that it almost hurt! I felt as if my toenails were being drawn up and forced out of my cock! Hot Damn this was the one!!

We both rode it out as long as it lasted and as soon as my muscles relaxed enough for me to move I got up and off Mom. She just laid there a few more minutes enjoying the afterglow.

I stepped close and extended my hand out to her as an aid to help he rise up into a sitting position. I stepped between her open knees then and just hugged her to me. "I love you Mother." I exclaimed. She merely nodded. I pulled her as I stood and ended up holding her little body to mine as I walked into the living room. I sat her on the arm of the couch and kissed her with all the passion I possessed.

The looking her in the eyes I held my hand out again to aid her in rising to her feet. She took the hand and I lowered my head and kissed her again.

When the kiss ended I simply placed a hand on her shoulder and wiped the robe off. It slid off the shoulder but she caught it with her bent elbow. I did the same to the other side and this time she allowed it to fall to the floor at her feet. I kissed her again and then used my hands on her shoulders to turn her around and bend her over the arm of the couch. She groaned but didn't speak.

I simply guided my re-stiffening cock into her from behind. As I slipped back into her she moaned and then said, "Wow Son, twice in a row! What in the world's come over you?"

I just started a steady pace of solid thrusts and said, "Mother, we will be leaving this humble little abode soon I think and it should be our duty to leave our scent in every room of the house before we depart."

She moaned again and began thrusting back at me and churning her ass as we made contact.

"I think we'll try to complete that chore before this weekend is over!" I added in my deepest most authoritative voice.

She giggled just slightly and then moaned as I increased the power of each thrust and began to fuck her in earnest. Soon we both began to feel the familiar tingles of climax slinking up our spines and we both sought relief and found the joy of fulfillment. We were both just about done in after that.

We had already christened both bedrooms so the bathroom was next and it was highly welcomed as we were both ready for showers and some sleep. As soon as we got into the shower and the hot water hit us we both just settled for a little kissing and fondling as the day's stress and strains had both of us pooped a lot worse than we had thought. Hell it was all I could do to dry off before dropping into the bed and I know I kissed Mom goodnight but I don't recall anything else as sleep overtook me!

I felt good as I opened my eyes. Mom was already up and I could smell the coffee. I had to have a shower first before anything else though. I got up and went to my room and got a fresh set of clothes and made a bee line for the bathroom. I started the water and then started the preparations to shave while the water went hot. At my age shaving wasn't too much of a chore yet, but it was starting to come on pretty strong. I had a lot of new growth where just weeks before there wasn't all that much.

I saw her in the mirror as I finished, robe on and coffee cup in hand, she had obviously been up for a while and already had her shower. She just watched me.

"Enjoying the view?" I asked.

"Well yes I am as a matter of fact." she said in a humorous tone. I could tell it was going to be a wonderful day already.

I dropped my boxers and just took a half step sideways to settle in front of the toilet. I wasn't square on but sort of off to the side so that I could still watch my Mother as she watched me.

"Well, I'm gonna piss now so unless you want to watch me do that, you might want to turn away." I said it in a daring kind of way and waggled my eyebrows at her.

She stepped into the bathroom and right up beside me. I was a little surprised as her hand reached out to grasp my cock.

Looking me in the eyes she said,"I would love to watch you piss Son. I've really always wanted to, especially since you've grown up."

"Well then you'd better watch what your doing with your hand then or you'll have me pissing all over everything! It's not like yours and it will spray where ever it's pointed!" I was almost laughing as she immediately jerked her head down to give my cock a quick look like it was a snake that might bite her!

"Are you ready Mother?" I asked.

"Oh yes baby, please." she cooed.

I relaxed the muscle and a stream started to flow from my cock into the toilet. Mom giggled. The stream increased in strength and made a louder splashing sound as it hit the water in the toilet.

"I feel it! I can feel your piss running through your cock and out!" she was squealing like a little girl with her first toy. She was moving it all over the bowl and damned near got the stream outside a couple of times.

"It's so cool that you can so easily direct you pee anywhere you want it to go just by moving your hand around!" she was actually enjoying holding my cock for me while I pissed.

As the stream lessened I told her, "Mom, I didn't know you were so perverted, but I love it! Hell babe... you can help me piss anytime you want!" I was quickly running out of piss for her to enjoy though!

"Watch it, you're gonna need to get your fingers back away from the tip!" I was too late with this little bit of advise as the stream all but ceased and because her hand was right on the tip of my cock the last bit dribbled out over her fingers.

She didn't say anything. I expected a "Yuck!" or something, but she didn't say a word. She just lowered my cock to it's normal hanging position and let go.

She raised her hand to look at the wetness on her fingers. I thought for a moment she was going to curl her lips in disgust, but she didn't. Instead she just turned them over a couple of times to look them over good and then stepped to the sink to wash her hands. I slid over into the shower and got started. She didn't leave the bathroom and I figured she wanted to talk. I also figured she had just allowed me to see a side of her no one else had ever seen and she wanted to try to find out if I was weirded out. I almost laughed at that. If she only knew, and then I realized that she soon would!

"You're not upset with me are you?" she asked.

"Hell no Mom!"

"You think I'm a pervert though huh."

"No, Mom, I don't and you shouldn't even be worrying about any of that! I love you."

"Yeah... well love only goes so far sometimes and then weird takes over... and it changes things." she was trying to see if I thought she had gone too far.

"Mom, we do need to talk, but not like you think."

"What!" she had a frightened sound to her voice now.

"No! Calm down!" I said quickly. I had to put her at ease about what had happened and assure her that I would be agreeable to anything and everything she ever would want to do from now on. No holding back. No taboos.

"Mother, I love you." I paused a second or two to let her hear me.

"I need to say that again and you need to listen to me say it... Mother... I love you."

"Baby, I hope you always will... even if I let the odd side of me out every now and again." she said it quietly, almost as if she were talking to herself.

"Mother!" I threw open the shower curtain. My shower was over! I turned the knob and ended the spray.

She jerked when the curtain came flying open. I grabbed her and pulled the sash open like I always did, but this time I spun her around and yanked the robe down and off her body! I turned her to me and pulled her into my arms hugging her warm body to mine even as she put up a mild resistance saying, "Oh baby, I've already had mine this morning!" in a teasing way.

I put my hands up on each of her shoulders, pressed her away a little and began, "Mother when I was younger, most of the guy's I knew in high school thought you were a pretty hot babe and often said so. When it would happen I would get upset and sometimes I'd get into a fight over the comment. It wasn't that the comments weren't true, they absolutely were true, you are a real babe!"

She was locked onto my eyes now and I told her, "I have always thought that was an excellent way to describe you Mother... I felt then and feel the same way now... that I would love you no matter what... I guess that's what always got me into the trouble was my jealousy."

"Hell I liked the other guy's looking at you and loved that they thought you were a babe, but it was a double edged sword at times too because I'd get really jealous and worked up and couldn't show it!"

Her mouth opened and eyes went as wide in astonishment as I had ever seen her, "You mean you loved me then, when you were still in high school?"

"Mother... you'd probably faint if you knew how really long I've wanted to see you... feel you... taste you... have you naked... spank you... show you off to all my friends... and in all of my fantasies, it was always your face I saw no matter what the story line was!"

"But there is also the big social barrier Mother, the one everyone knows. Sons aren't allowed to love their Mothers, not like that!"

"So... you would be upset at the fact that you couldn't show you loved me and talk about me with your friends like you could if I were just your young girlfriend from school?"

"Yes. Boys just don't talk that way about their own Mothers, even if they think it's true and agree with everything said by other boys, they must keep up the charade of offense... and then... you know, the fight is on!"

We just stood there quietly for a few seconds and looked into each others eyes.

"What you need to know is... that I love you, Mother. Unconditionally. You need to think about that for a few seconds and try to grasp what I am saying... that I don't care who you are or what you do... I love you and I always will no matter what."

"I was just curious about how a man feels when he pisses. It was something I've often wondered about for quite a long time and I suddenly thought I'd be able to find out with you."

"Oh, Mother, I want you to be able to ask me to do the things you want to do like you never have been able to with others. We should never have any barriers about anything. No taboos between us... and we should never get offended or upset with one another for just being curious... I know I won't."

The relief showed immediately on her face. I kissed her and gave her a hug.

"Let's dry off and go get some breakfast!" I laughed. She only then realized that she was naked and wet from my body being up against hers.

"Hey! I already had my shower you goof!"

She was teasing me now, "Why'd you want to go and get me all wet again?"

"Mother... in case you don't know it yet I like the feel of your naked body against mine all the time!" I chuckled.

We dressed and went to the kitchen for some breakfast. Life was good!

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 2 years ago

Well written. logically developed. I like the psychological place the mother is in. to wit: she is just starting to realize that her son loves her unconditionally. Between the two of them, there are no taboo subjects. She is starting to understand that her son will do everything in his power to make sure she is safe, sacure and loved without boundaries. This is how I imagine a real world incestuous couple would live and love.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 11 years ago
Really hot

I like that he and his mom might get a little kinky and let go of all of their inhibitions.

I hope that he gets his mom to be more submissive and will do whatever he asks of her.

Thanks for the good read...

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