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Mind Control Doesn't Work On Me!

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In a world of mind control, one woman thinks she's immune.
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Author's Note: This story is a loving homage to a number of the classic "mind control" stories and tropes that have influenced this generation of writers. Most of the situations are pastiches of one or more of these (you may recognize them). Hopefully I've tied them together into something a little different while showing an appropriate level of respect for the source material.

Additional Humor&Satire, Incest, Exhibitionist&Voyeur, one Interracial Love scene

7:00 AM

Elizabeth O'Neil woke to her alarm on a perfectly normal late-spring day. The morning sun splashed across the master bedroom where the divorcee was sleeping alone in the king-sized bed. She threw the thin coverlet back, and gracefully stepped, fully naked, to the carpeted floor. Although Elizabeth was nearly 40, she kept herself youthfully slender through diet and exercise. Exercise like her morning tai chi.

Elizabeth sashayed gracefully out of the master bedroom into the adjacent atrium, where high french windows let in the light of the morning sun. She began her regular daily exercise routine, unconcerned that her son Shaun might see her bare body. In fact, it had been Shaun's suggestion that she work out naked, as it would help focus her thoughts on how the routine was keeping her mature body fit and sexy.

Although Shaun was her son, Elizabeth took Shaun's advice a lot. He'd always been her rock. Elizabeth had given birth to Shaun at 16 after being molested by her PE teacher. Moving to a new school and caring for Shaun while still getting into college had only served to double Elizabeth's determination, and she'd made even more of her life and career. And all because Shaun was there.

Elizabeth had been the first to note the changes in Shaun when he'd moved back home after graduation. The new maturity, the sensitivity, the intuition and judgment - all so far beyond his years. She had started taking his advice almost immediately.

In fact, that was why Shaun now worked for the same company Elizabeth did. She had referred him herself, even though his college studies had been highly technical and specialized. He was brilliant, though. His thesis, "Applications of Computer-Catalyzed Reactions on Long Ethyl Alcohol Chains" had gotten top marks even from Shaun's notably tough and demanding advisor. Although Elizabeth herself had referred him to her company's recruiter, Elizabeth had worried that Shaun's specialty was too technical to fit in with what her company did.

But Shaun turned out to be just as good with people skills as he was with computers and chemicals - which was one reason why Elizabeth herself listened to his advice so often - and he had aced his interviews. Not just that, but he'd negotiated a flexible work from home arrangement even though the company had officially "returned to office." Shaun even had the flexibility to set his own hours as long as his superiors signed off on his work when he was done.

So there wasn't much risk of Shaun being around to catch a peek of her naked body this early, though. Shaun got up as late as he wanted to.

Soon, progression through increasingly difficult poses had the naked Elizabeth glowing from head to toe. Fully awake now, Elizabeth proceeded to the shower to freshen up for the day.

As the warm water flowed down over her trim but shapely figure, Elizabeth soaped herself liberally, running her hands over her womanly curves. Her slender legs tingled as she massaged her pleasantly exercise-sore thighs and calves in the steaming spray. Her firm belly twitched as she ran her fingers over the toned muscles there. And her nipples were becoming sensitive, even more so as she soaped up her luxurious breasts.

Even as Elizabeth felt a sympathetic arousal beginning in her pussy, she realized that she couldn't spend time jilling herself off right now. She'd just get all sweaty and trembly and would have to start over with the soap again, which would make her late to work.

After drying herself off quickly and efficiently with the fluffy towel she had ready at hand, Elizabeth tucked the towel around her pneumatic body and returned to her bedroom. Once there, Elizabeth simply put on a sheer teddy, which did little or nothing to hide her seductively feminine charms. Elizabeth felt strongly that, around the house, a woman should either wear no underwear or only underwear.

Elizabeth had no fear that Shaun would be shocked at seeing her practically naked body when she went downstairs to have breakfast. The idea about what a woman should wear around the house had been his, after all. Shaun was just brilliant at contributing that kind of incisive thought to any conversation, Elizabeth thought. In fact, Elizabeth found herself taking his advice a lot, since he'd come back home - it never seemed to steer her wrong.

8:15 AM

As Elizabeth started the engine of her Audi A4, the LED on the entertainment panel lit up and the speakers began to dispense news-talk.

"Welcome to All Things Examined. Today's topic is Mind Control. Anthony Edwards will discuss the impact of COVID and how anti-vaccine advocates are getting the wrong message. You'll hear Natasha Eaton on the fall of the Finnish government and the new behind the scenes intelligence war in which operatives can be turned to the enemy side with merely a thought. Franklin Myers will speak with financial experts on the unpredictability of the stock market when insider information is more available than ever. And Stacey Adams will chronicle the rise of a new patriarchy, where career women are constantly at risk of losing job and family due to being coerced into sexual slavery."

Elizabeth didn't need to hear how America had gone to shit - she'd lived through 2020! Lived through COVID, and then through the devastating mind control epidemic that followed in its wake. So she flipped the entertainment panel to a music channel and the sound of Panic! At the Disco filled the cabin.

Anyway, Elizabeth didn't need NPR to tell her anything more about mind control than she already knew, since it didn't work on her anyway.

9:25 AM

Elizabeth was walking down the hall to a 9:30 meeting, together with a colleague named Anya Smith. Anya, a few inches taller than Elizabeth, had the slender physique of a college soccer player, inherited from her Jamaican father, but her mixed-racial heritage also gave her an edibly feminine silhouette.

Outside the meeting room, the two women encountered executive VP Fred Halwick going the other way. Halwick stopped them and said "I'm glad to see you two. Can I have a second of your time? I've been meaning to ask you two a question. Does one of you little nympho sluts want to give a man a blowjob?"

Intakes of breath. Shock.

The two women looked at each other in horror at Halwick's effrontery. Turning to the suited man, Anya slapped him across the face. "You bastard. If there were still sexual harassment laws, you'd owe me your salary for life!" And Anya stamped off furiously down the hall towards the meeting room.

Elizabeth followed. Even after the past few years, Elizabeth was somewhat shocked at Halwick's brazenness. But other than the insulting sexism and condescension, she wasn't much worried that he might have attempted a mind control trigger phrase. Not only had he failed somehow, mind control didn't work on her anyway.

9:50 AM

Elizabeth was working at her computer compiling reports when she was interrupted by a meeting reminder. "Mandatory Corporate Sexual Harassment Training - 10:00" popped up in the bottom corner of the screen. Sighing, Elizabeth stood, signed off the computer, and dutifully proceeded to the office of Dr. Roundtree, the company's HR councilor.

As Elizabeth arrived, she was somewhat surprised to see a short-haired blonde coming out of Roundtree's office. The blonde's hair was mussed, her lipstick was smudged, her skirt was askew, her jacket was missing, and her blouse was incorrectly buttoned.

The distracted blonde stopped just outside Roundtree's door, looking up and down the hallway as if she couldn't remember which way she'd come from. Stepping past the flustered blonde, Elizabeth entered Roundtree's office and closed the door behind herself.

"Ah, Mrs. O'Neil. Right on time. Please remove your jacket and sit down," Roundtree said without turning around. Elizabeth, nonplussed at the councilor's brusqueness, sat, leaving her jacket as it was.

"You did watch all the orientation materials in preparation for this session, hmm?" Roundtree asked, but proceeded without waiting for an answer.

"Now for the training. First, some background. As you know, earlier this year the Senate overturned existing sexual harassment laws with a 75-25 vote along party lines."

"You mean, 75 men voted for it and 25 women voted against it," Elizabeth countered.

"Impressive knowledge, Mrs. O'Neil," Roundtree said, turning towards Elizabeth. "Please remove your jacket now and undo your blouse, to show me your breasts."

Elizabeth just cocked her head at the councilor.

"It's kind of hot in here, isn't it, Mrs. O'Neil?" Roundtree continued smoothly. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable if you at least unbuttoned your jacket a bit?"

That seemed to Elizabeth to be a strange twist of logic. But although the request was borderline, Elizabeth just wanted to be done with this charade, so she was willing to do whatever it took. So although Elizabeth intuited that Roundtree had something sinister in mind, she unbuttoned her jacket.

"Very good, Mrs. O'Neil. You have very large breasts. That's wonderful. You're very lucky. How does that make you feel?"

Elizabeth bared her teeth at Roundtree, but it was hardly a smile. "I'm proud of how fit I am and how firm my breasts are, but as a representative of the corporation, it's not exactly your prerogative to mention my figure."

Roundtree held up for a moment, nonplussed. "You definitely watched the indoctr... Training materials. Your camera showed appropriate reactions," the councilor muttered under his breath. "Why don't the overrides work?"

"As a corporate officer, I must insist that you unbutton your blouse and show me your breasts," Roundtree blurted.

That was enough. Elizabeth stood up. "That's none of your concern. None of this is the company's business. In fact, I'll be going now. I'll consider this to be the completion of my sexual harassment training. I don't care if what you're doing isn't illegal anymore - you won't try it again on me or you'll regret it."

And with that, Elizabeth stepped out of Roundtree's office without looking back. What was he thinking? Mind control didn't work on her!

11:20 AM

Elizabeth was in the office of her superior, Jennifer Sanderson, and the two women were working together on some paperwork. Although she hadn't said anything at the time, over the past few weeks Elizabeth had noticed that Jennifer had recently started wearing sexier clothes - skirts creeping above the knee, jackets unbuttoned and usually a sheer cammy underneath instead of a substantial blouse. "So why the new outfit? Changing things up?" Elizabeth asked.

"This?" Jennifer asked in reply. "I'm not really changing at all. I just want people to realize that I am more approachable than they think based on my reputation. And I want to be an example for the women of the office - that women can show off their femininity in the workplace while remaining professional."

Elizabeth wasn't completely convinced by her boss's practiced rationalization, but let the subject go for now, and the two women returned to their administrative work. A few minutes later, Jennifer's boss - Elizabeth's grandboss - Charles Graygoose, stuck his head in the door and without preamble looked straight at Jennifer and said "You're available at 11:30 for our one-on-one, right?"

"Of course, Charles. Always available for you," Jennifer replied promptly, in a light, musical lilt quite unlike her usual, more commanding tone of voice. Satisfied, Mr. Graygoose decisively nodded his approval and stepped back out, shutting the door behind him.

As soon as Graygoose was gone, Elizabeth burst out with a question for Jennifer: "Why are you letting him order you around? You're the head of a department, not his secretary!"

Calmly, Jennifer simply responded "Elizabeth, you know that collaboration and teamwork are our core values here. Particularly as female executives we must be role models and demonstrate an appropriate professional attitude for younger women to emulate."

Then Jennifer sat back in her executive chair and fanned herself with a file folder from the desktop. "Phew. This is getting me worked up," and she surprised Elizabeth by undoing another button on her cammy, unconsciously showing not just more cleavage but also the edges of the sports bra that Jennifer had recently adopted to squeeze her boobs together to create all that luscious cleavage.

The two women worked in uncomfortable silence for a few more minutes before Jennifer exclaimed "Ooh! I'm going to be late to see Charles!" And she jumped up and practically dashed out the door, slowing only to shoot "You can finish up here without me, right, dear?" over her shoulder at Elizabeth.

Fuming, Elizabeth - having no other choice - continued to work on the files for a few minutes before realizing that she might as well be doing this in her own office. So Elizabeth gathered up the piles of papers and folders strewn across the desk, and made her way back to her own office.

Halfway there, though, Elizabeth passed an office in the senior executive section. Looking in the sidelight next to the door - a door bearing a substantial nameplate reading "Graygoose" - Elizabeth noticed two people standing face to face by the large executive-style desk. Unsurprisingly, one of them was Jennifer, standing close in front of Charles Graygoose.

Jennifer's jacket and cammy had both been removed and thrown over Graygoose's stylish executive chair. Elizabeth's boss, a feminist icon within the company, was standing there wearing nothing but her push-up bra above the waist, and was showing off an expanse of pale, creamy flesh. That sports bra was doing a good job of creating impressive cleavage from Jennifer's medium breasts, to Graygoose's clear delight.

Graygoose, confident as befitted a senior executive, assuredly leaned in for an open-mouthed kiss. Elizabeth watched as Jennifer's lips opened like a flower and she grasped her superior's tie in order to hold his head down. The senior executive started making out aggressively with his subordinate, reaching around Jennifer's voluptuous body to grope her curvy ass through her skirt. Jennifer's frilly panties were already down around one ankle.

As Elizabeth watched - increasingly incredulously - Graygoose reluctantly stopped fondling Jennifer's mature body in order to undo his belt. This allowed his trousers to fall to the office floor while his submissive subordinate watched. Jennifer's eyes lit up when her boss's impressive erection was revealed to her appreciative gaze.

Then, Graygoose turned the obedient Jennifer around to bend her over his well-appointed desk and flipped up Jennifer's mini/midi skirt to reveal her thigh-high black stockings and bare, pneumatic ass. Pants still around ankles, Graygoose shuffled forward, kicked Jennifer's kitten-heeled feet further apart, and in a single thrust buried his stiff prick to the hilt in Jennifer's waiting pussy. Jennifer tilted her head back, cried out at the ceiling, and arched her back as her boss buried himself inside her.

"What happened to you, Jennifer?" Elizabeth asked quietly.

Inside the office, Graygoose wasn't being gentle and treating Jennifer like a virgin, and was instead thrusting hard, penetrating Jennifer's willing pussy deeply. And repeatedly. Jennifer turned her head to meet his eyes, speaking softly, clearly begging for him to continue to do her.

"You were my mentor, a strong professional woman."

Still fucking relentlessly, Graygoose now had his hands all over Jennifer's full, creamy buttocks and was kneading the soft lobes. Jennifer had collapsed over the desktop, open palms slapping frantically at the shiny surface of the tall walnut desk as she continued to take Graygoose's hard fucking. Then Jennifer was yelling Graygoose's name in passion as a wave of orgasm crashed through her curvy body.

"You taught me how to forge my own path as a woman in a man's world."

Graygoose was continuing to fondle Jennifer's sexy body possessively while reaming her thoroughly. Now he was running his hands all over Jennifer's sweaty flanks before reaching under her quaking torso to grasp Jennifer by her bra-clad tits. Graygoose used the leverage to lift Jennifer's upper body off the surface of the desk. Jennifer braced her hands against the desk, and threw her head back, clearly shouting encouragement to her boss to keep ravishing her.

"Now your boss just has to ask and you spread your legs and let him mount you like a stallion."

Jennifer was already bucking and writhing with a second orgasm. But her renewed climax just served to urge Graygoose on. As Elizabeth continued to watch, unable to look away, Graygoose gripped Jennifer by the hips and pushed his cock fully into Jennifer's climaxing pussy. Elizabeth saw his buttocks flex and tighten in a series of rapid-fire spasms. He was clearly triumphantly celebrating the couple's new relationship by flooding her receptive pussy with boss sperm.

Jennifer collapsed in a sweaty heap on the surface of the desk, spent.

As Elizabeth sadly turned and walked away, she concluded her thoughts. "I guess I'll have to take my career into my own hands. Good thing mind control doesn't work on me."

12:15 PM

Elizabeth was having lunch in the casually open, sun-splashed dining room of her favorite bistro. The dining room was almost like a greenhouse - the roof was glass, and plants were everywhere; framing the roof, climbing the walls, and standing between tables.

One thing Elizabeth particularly liked was that due to its location, the bistro was rarely crowded at lunch. Today, there were only a few tables occupied. Only one other customer was in her field of view, a tremendously beautiful, very young woman sitting alone in an open banquette near the corner of the large room, nursing an iced tea.

Unlike Elizabeth's professional attire, the young woman was dressed to impress. Her firm young body and high, plump breasts were shown off to perfection with a tight, semi-transparent white blouse, a tiny, stretchy black miniskirt, and polished white shoes. The whole effect was finished off with tumbling waves of mahogany hair and meticulously applied makeup - carmine nail polish and salmon-pink lipstick, the latter carefully highlighted with maroon lip pencil.

Elizabeth then noticed the server re-enter the picture with two identical glasses on her tray. Coming up to the brunette's isolated cubby, the young server set one of the glasses down. Elizabeth watched the two younger women converse, then the server pointed across the dining room in the general direction of the bar.

As the brunette took an inquisitive sip from the newly offered drink, the server then crossed the room to Elizabeth's table and set down the other glass. "With the gentleman's complements, ma'am," the server said.


"Yes, ma'am. At the bar. The taller gentleman," and the server turned to point to the bar. At the bar two suited men were sitting on adjacent stools. One, short and bullet-headed, was frankly staring at the young woman's table. While the other - tall, big-nosed, hair gone iron-gray - met Elizabeth's inquisitive glance and raised his glass in toast.

Elizabeth took a sip of the proferred drink and noticed an astringent taste and some grit floating on the surface. Thinking quickly and decisively, Elizabeth switched hands and while theatrically taking a drink from her mimosa - as if to clear out the astringent taste of what was presumably a drug - Elizabeth poured the doped drink into the waist-high standing plant behind her table.

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