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Mind-Controlled Blowjob Bliss Ch. 01

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His mom and sister are mind-controleld to him a BJ!
7.6k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/08/2022
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Blown by His Mom and Sisters

The Figure puts the last touches on its next creation. Its next way to have fun. A belt. Brown leather. A silver buckle with the words "Suck" on it. A simple concept. The Figure is thrilled by this. It knows just where to place it.

Slipping through the mist into a mortal world, it slips into a department store. No one "notices" the figure. They see it, but their eyes slid over it like it is the most unimportant thing in the world. The figure passes a display with novelty belts that have their own brash, funny, or trite phrase on the buckle and slips his on onto the hook.

The figure is gone before Neil comes along and sees it. The word, suck, lights up the youth imagination. His horny mind pictures the girls from his school sucking on his dick. With his cock throbbing and lust out of control, he buys it.

* * *

I couldn't believe I bought this.

I slid the brown, leather belt through my jeans' loops. Yesterday, it had made my horny mind come alive. I had been so excited by the idea I couldn't help but buy it, though the cashier seemed to have forgotten to ring me up for it.

"Come on, Neil," my mother called through my bedroom door. "It's breakfast."

"God, Mom's going to kill me," I muttered as I kept thrusting the belt through my loops. It slid through the denim as I wrapped it around my waist. I buckled it on, the world "suck" written in letters that flowed from one to the next. "The fuck was I thinking."

I wasn't.

I cinched it tight, my cock swelling hard. Of course. Those ideas of getting blowjobs from the girls at my school were filling my mind. For the last few years, it seemed like I was hard all the time. I wanted to jerk one off, but Mom was calling for breakfast. I shoved my shirt down to try and cover it and swallowed.

Why did I buy this? It was so dumb. I should take it off.

"Neil!" my mom called again.

A fist hit my door. "Come on, slug," my older sister shouted. "Listen to Mom."

She was a weird one to say that. She did everything to piss off Mom these days and yet if I tried to defy Mom, Shelly would be all over me. She had dyed her hair blue and cut it short, and even got herself a tongue-stud. She was twenty-one and did what she wanted.

"I'm coming," I muttered, gritting my teeth. I hated it when she called my slug. I wasn't something oozing around in here.

Just because she had spotted some cum stains...

I opened the door and headed downstairs, shoving down my shirt to stay over my belt buckle and that word. What would Mom think? The girls at school? I swallowed, my sock-clad feet whisking over the carpet.

"I'm going to get to play the solo," my younger sister, Lisa, was saying. She was an excited girl. "Me, me!"

"I know, dear," Mom said with patience. "See, all that practice played off."

"Yeah, blowing on a trumpet is great practice," said Shelly. "When are you going to start playing the skin flute?"

"What?" Lisa asked while my dick throbbed. I didn't want to think of my little sister doing that.

"Shelly, don't say stuff like that to your sister," Mom admonished.

"What's a skin flute," Lisa objected.

"When you're older," Shelly said. "Slug, get your ass down here! You're going to make us late for school. It's breakfast."

"Don't call your brother slug," Mom said with patience.

"I am too old enough to know," Lisa whined at the same time. "I'm eighteen. I'm in college now! I have a solo! What is a skin flute?"

"She's just teasing you," Mom said. "Neil, honey, come on."

"I'm cumming," I said, my dick fully hard and needing adjusting. I fixed that and hoped no one would see my bulge. Especially not Shelly. All I needed was, "The slug's looking active. Watch out, or he'll slime you, Lisa."

Like I would do anything with my little sister. That was gross. Now Tracy the cheerleader or Mrs. Jun the hot Korean teacher or Veronica or Linda or Carla or Lacy, who was Tracy's twin sister, would be a different matter. Even Mrs. Daniels across the street would be awesome or Mrs. Travers, my friend's mom. Those beauties all floated through my mind as I drifted into the kitchen/dining area. The table was right by the kitchen and flowed into the living room with no real break.

"There you are," Mom said, smiling at me. "Good, we might be late, but we'll get our breakfast."

"Yep," I said as I headed to the table and... Mom moved up before me. "Uh..."

She fell to her knees before me.

"Uhhhh...?" groaned from my mouth.

Mom, humming like she was cleaning, grabbed my belt buckle. I gaped at her as she didn't comment at all about the word and just undid it. I stood there so stunned that I didn't know what to do as she uncinched my belt and then popped the fastener of my jeans. My zipper rasped down, my blue boxers peeking out.

"Uhhhhhhhhh?" I still couldn't find the words. What was she doing?

"Oh, no fair," Lisa said as she darted to the table with a plate covered in scrambled eggs and bacon. Her light-brown hair was gathered in pigtails, her blue eyes bright. She was a petite girl in a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, still looking too young to be going to my college. "I wanted to suck him off first. No fair! I'm next."

"What!" Shelly said as she followed Lisa to the table. "I'm next!" Her short, blue hair swayed about her lush face. She wore a crop top that showed off her cleavage and her jeans were skin-tight and rode low, a red thong peeking out.

"I called it!" Lisa said.

"Your sister called it," Mom said and then pulled out my cock. "Oh, Neil, just what your mommy needs."

"What?" I finally spluttered as she pulled my hard cock to her lips and...

Kissed the tip.

A shiver of heat ran down my cock. I gasped and stared down at my mother. Her blue eyes stared up at me with motherly warmth, her black hair spilling about her face and falling down to her shoulders. She wore a lilac house robe. Her hand gripped my cock. She stroked it as she smooched over the crown of my dick.

My mom was kissing my cock.

Her tongue flicked over the crown.

My mind short-circuited. This couldn't be happening. It was my mom. A girl--a woman--was finally touching my dick, and it was my mom? My brain tripped over the thought. I didn't know what to do while my sisters just watched on with excitement, looking eager as they ate their breakfast.

I must be dreaming. That had to be. This was a wet dream and...

"Fuck!" I gasped.

Mom's lips had slid over the crown of my cock. The warm heaven of her mouth surrounded my dick. It was so unlike masturbation. Her tongue danced around it. I gasped, my hands balling into fists as she suckled on my dick. My heartbeat rapidly, carrying the pleasure of this moment through my body.

Mom nursed. Suckled. Moaned. She swirled her tongue around the tip of my cock as she blew me. Her eyes stared up at me with such blue warmth. She still hummed, which just made her sucking even more intense. I finally got why this was called a hummer.

"Mom?" I gasped. "You're sucking my dick."

She just winked an eye at me and bobbed her head. I gasped as the blowjob grew even more amazing. Her lips slid down my shaft, the crown brushing the roof of her mouth and her tongue. Then she slid back up, the suction becoming incredible. Her cheeks hollowed. My balls twitched, aching with a load of cum.

"You're sucking my cock!" I gasped.

"I get to suck it next!" Lisa said excitedly. "I called it, Neil!"

"I should get it next," muttered Shelly. "I want to suck down all that slime. God, I bet your cum is just the best, Neil. I can't wait to try it."

Lisa nodded. "What's playing the skin flute?"

"Watch Mom. She's doing a great job." Shelly smiled at me. "Right, slug?"

"I... She..." I stared at my older sister. Her tongue flicked over her lips, her silver stud flashing. "Has everyone gone insane?"

"I just want to suck your dick," Lisa moaned, squirming. "I really, really, really want to suck it. It'll be amazing."

"Yes," Shelly moaned.

I couldn't believe this was happening. It had to be a dream, but they never felt this good. I shuddered, the pressure in my balls was rising. I wanted to last longer--even if it was my mother sucking me off--but this was just too intense.

Mom's lips slid up and down my cock as she sucked and hummed. The ache at the tip of my cock swelled so fast. My hands balled up into fists. I groaned, my face scrunching up. This was intense. My mom was blowing me.

My fucking mother.

"Shit!" I gasped.


I fired my jizz into my mother's mouth. Just spurt after spurt of my cum into her maw. I groaned as the pleasure rushed out of me. I fired blast after blast of my spunk into her mouth. The rapture slammed into my mind. Stars burst across my vision. An intense shudder swept through me. My heart beat fast. I sucked in deep breaths, blinking eyes.

"Oh, my god, Mom!" I groaned as she swallowed what spurted out of me. She gulped it down, humming louder. Her blue eyes glowed with delight. My toes curled and my ass clenched. I erupted a final time. "Fuck."

Mom moaned in delight and then slid her mouth off. Drool and some of my cum spilled down her chin. "Oh, that was wonderful, Neil. I needed that. Mmm, you have such great cum. Better than your father's."

"Eww, gross," Lisa said. "Don't talk about Daddy's cum."

"Great jizz, huh?" said Shelly, her eyes bright. "Well, I'll just--"

"NOOOOOO!" Lisa bounded to her feet and darted over, her pigtails flying. "I'm next. I called it."

"Yes, you did," Mom said as she rose.

"Well, hurry up," Shelly said. "I really, really need to suck his cock."

Mom rose, adjusting her house robe. She patted her black hair and hummed as she turned from the table. Lisa took her place, kneeling before me, a bright smile on her lips. She grasped my cock with both hands and...

I was still hard. I hadn't gone soft.

"Oh, Neil, you have such a cute cock," cooed Lisa. "I've never seen one in real life. Ooh, you're leaking something. Precum?" She licked the slit of my cock. "Yum!" She licked again.

I groaned as the pleasure of my little sister licking my dick flowed down my cock. This shouldn't be happening. Mom and my sisters shouldn't be the girls sucking my dick, and yet it felt so amazing it was hard to care.

Lisa bathed the crown on my dick with fluttering kisses. Her pigtail swayed. She gripped me with both hands, my cock throbbing in her grip. Little flares of pleasure flowed down my shaft with her every quick smooch placed on my spongy tip.

"You're never going to get him off like that," Shelly complained. "Hurry up, Lisa. I want my turn."

"I'll do it how I want!" Lisa squeaked in indignation. "I'm not a little girl. You can't boss me around, Shelly."

"Yeah," I said.

"Fine," Shelly said. "Just... start sucking him or something. I want to blow him. I need to gulp down all his cum."

This was insane. It couldn't be a dream. It was still going on. Dreams didn't go on like this. They changed. Mutated. And I had cum. I always woke up after cumming with sticky pajama bottoms. But this...

Lisa slowly slid her lips around the crown of my cock. I gasped at the feel of my little sister's mouth sliding over my tip. She massaged my sensitive glans with those soft lips. Then she sealed her lip about the base and sucked.

"Oh, fuck," I gasped. "Oh, fuck, Lisa. You're sucking on my dick."

"And doing a good job," Mom said, nodding her approval.

"If she was doing a good job, he'd be cumming," muttered Shelly. She took a bite of her eggs. "Come on, Lisa, get him off."

Lisa squealed in frustration and sucked harder while Mom said, "She just started. Your brother got off quick with me, but that was his first cum of the day. I bet he lasts longer with Lisa. She'll get to really enjoy his cock in her mouth." My mom smiled. "It's amazing."

"I know," Shelly groaned. "That's why I need my turn. Lisa! Get him off!"

This was so crazy. My fantasies with the belt buckle were just fantasies, but my sisters and mom were into sucking my dick now. They didn't care that it was incest. Shelly was... desperate to suck my dick.

How desperate?

My perverted mind burst with ideas. As Lisa nursed with naughty hunger on my cock, I said, "Shelly, if you want me to get off faster, take off that top. Let me see your tits."

Shelly popped to her feet and ripped off her crop top. Her breasts were held in a red bra with black lace. She slipped her arms through the straps, twisted her bra around, her breasts spilling round and firm out of the cups, and then unfastened the band when it was beneath her boobs. She cupped her tits, jiggling them at me.

"There?" she said while I stared at my first pair of live tits. Sure they were my sister's breasts, but they were still delicious to see. My cock throbbed in my sister's sucking mouth. She nursed on me with hunger. She suckled with such delightful passion. I groaned, my hands flexing and relaxing as she blew me. It was incredible to feel. "How's that? You like my boobs?"

"Great," I said. She really did it. She showed me her tits just to blow me faster.

My cock throbbed in Lisa's warm and inviting mouth. She nursed on me and fisted me with both her hands. She didn't bob her head. She felt so much more inexperienced than mom. A virgin like me. That was hot, but...

How far could I push this?

"Mom, do you want to suck my dick again?" I asked.

"Oh, yes," she said. "But Shelly can go before me." She flashed me a motherly smile.

"Well, if I can see your tits, too, then this will go even faster. Then you'll be able to suck my dick again."

Her eyes brightened. "Oh, yes, boys are so visual."

She unbelted her house robe. My dick throbbed in my sister's mouth as Mom slid that off. She wore a nightgown beneath. She drew it up and up her legs. They were shaved and toned. She was a fitness buff. Always riding her bike and doing cardio. She revealed a pair of bronze panties, a full cut not a thong like what Shelly was wearing. Then she kept drawing the nightgown up.

She revealed her flat stomach. My dick throbbed in my little sister's hungry mouth. I saw the start of Mom's ribs. I groaned, so close to seeing my mom's tits. Lisa suckled away, her tongue fluttering up and down the slit of my cock. Then Mom pulled her nightgown over her boobs. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her large and soft tits spilled out, her nipples fatter than Shelly's, a darker shade of pink, too, with wider areolas.

"There," she said, her hands kneading her tits. "Mmm, you used to suckle from these boobs."

"Fuck," I groaned, staring at them. "Now kiss Shelly. Press those tits together. That'll make me explode in Lisa's mouth. Then you'll both be closer to sucking my dick."

Nodding like that was a perfectly reasonable request, my mom and sister came together. The pressure swelled in my balls as I realized the power I had. They wanted to blow me so badly, they would commit incest. Their tits pressed together, Mom's so soft and Shelly's so firm. My sister threw her arms around Mom's neck and kissed her with passion on the mouth.

I groaned at the lesbian, incestuous sight before me. Depraved pleasure rushed through me. My balls tightened at the sight and the pressure of Lisa's sucking. My little sister nursed on my cock, the suction swelling that explosive ache. My mom and older sister's tongues danced.

"Yes," I groaned at the sight. "That's so hot."

Mom grabbed Shelly's ass through her skinny jeans. They both moaned, their lips working together. They were into it. They wanted to make it as sexy as they could so I would erupt as fast as possible. I groaned, my little sister's warm mouth suckling with all her might on my dick.

"Fuck!" It worked.

I erupted again.

Powerful jets of pleasure shot through my body as my cum pumped into my little sister's mouth. I groaned, my chest rising and falling as I savored the pleasure spurting out of me. The dizzying rush swept through me. Stars burst across my vision.

My little sister moaned her delight. She sucked hard and nursed on me while I watched our mother and older sister kissing. They held each other tight, boobs pressed together while my little sister swallowed every drop of cum I had.

And I was still hard.

Lisa slid her mouth off and moaned, "How good was I at playing your skin flute?"

"Amazing," I croaked. I glanced down at her. A lot of my cum had spilled out of her mouth. It coated her lips and chin. "Go kiss Mom. Share that cum from me or you won't get to suck my dick ever again."

Panic swept through her eyes. "I will. Mom! Mom! We have to kiss!"

Mom broke the kiss with Shelly and purred, "I heard. Mmm, come and kiss your mother."

Shelly broke away from Mom, round tits jiggling, and darted around Lisa exuberant form as she rushed over to mom. Shelly grinned and advanced on me, her tongue flicking over her lips again. She had that stud. What would that feel like?

"Mmm, you're going to love this," Shelly said while Mom bent down, placed her hands on Lisa's shoulders, and kissed my little sister right on the mouth. It was even hotter than her making out with Shelly. Lisa was so innocent, and yet her tongue was dancing with our mom's.

Jesus, how far could I take this? Could I fuck my family? My little sister. She was... Fuck, she was cute, her pigtails swaying. She was a virgin. Not like Shelly or my mom. I could be her first and--

"Down here, slug," Shelly said. "Mmm, you're going to enjoy this."

I glanced down at my sister, her tits jiggling. She winked at me. "Don't call me slug or you won't get to suck my dick."

"Mmm, you like being commanding, huh?" She shuddered. "Sure, Neil. Let me show you what a blowjob is."

She opened her mouth wide and engulfed my cock. Her lips slid over it and then her tongue and its stud pressed on my crown. I gasped at the feel of that round, hard point rubbing on my dick. My face scrunched up at the pleasure of this moment. It was insane but awesome.

My older sister danced her tongue around my crown, letting me feel that stud sliding over my spongy tip. I gasped at how great it felt. Two cums already, and I was hard and eager for more. I didn't know what was going on, but this belt buckle I wore had done something to my mom and sisters.

Something fantastic.

Mom and Lisa kept making out while Shelly worked her tongue around my cock and sucked. It was incredible. Slow sucks. Hard sucks. Fast ones. She varied it up as she shifted her mouth around. Lisa had been inexperienced, Mom a delight, but Shelly was a master at this. I knew she had a rep, but this...

"Fuck, Shelly," I groaned, looking down at her and her warm, brown eyes staring up at me. "Oh, fuck."

She winked at me and sucked hard, her tongue stud massaging my crown.

I clenched my fists at how great her blowjob was. It was the best thing in the world. Just amazing. She bobbed her head, working her mouth up and down my cock. The stud slid along the shaft now, giving my crown a reprieve from the hard massage. But not for long.

When she slid back up, the stud pressed right against my crown. It burst with such pleasure. I groaned at that. I shuddered, savoring that exciting rush of bliss surging down to my balls. A big smile spread over my lips as I enjoyed this moment.

"Oh, fuck, yes," I groaned. "Oh, damn. That's good. That's amazing. Just keep sucking hard. Oh, yes. And mom... Strip Lisa naked. You got to do that."

Mom broke the kiss with Lisa and smiled. "Mmm, yes, yes, your big brother needs to be inspired."

"Okay," Lisa said. She flashed me a big grin. She still had some of my cum on her chin. "I loved sucking your cock, Neil. It's amazing. I want to do it again and again."

"You will," I groaned, my dick throbbing in our older sister's exciting mouth.

Incestuous bliss rushed over my cock, stirred up by my sister's licking and sucking. By that amazing tongue stud. She knew just what to do to make my balls simmer. As she did, Mom pulled up Lisa's t-shirt to reveal a pink bra with white lace cupping her small breasts. She must be an A-cup. She didn't need a bra, not really, but that looked cute on her.

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