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Minerva Gold and the Wand of Silver Pt. 13


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"Quite fine!" Minerva said, coughing and blushing.

Harry shook his head. "You don't need to do any training any more, not after this. We'll try and avoid you getting into any duels." He took her hand, squeezing and patting her knuckles. Minerva chuckled, then shook her head subtly at him.

"I hope so too," she said, making sure to shake her head again.

Harry noticed. Kat noticed.

Gina didn't. "Bugger that, dueling seems great fun - though, next time, we'll avoid swords, stick just to wands." She mimed flicking her wrist, casting a spell without a wand. "Less of that nasty stabbing business."

"I'll ensure to be as offensive as possible to get the challenge, rather than the other way around." Minerva grinned. "Promise."

"Excellent plan," Selene pronounced. Kat ruffled Minerva's hair, then glanced left, then right again. She leaned forward, and her croon sent an excited thrill along Minerva's spine.

"I'll be bringing you that newspaper..."

And bring it she did. Of course, she did so in the dead of night, the paper rustling softly as she set it beside the table. Minerva shifted sleepily, her eyes fluttering open, only to find her arms pinned above her head. Momentary panic and confusion faded to nothingness as she saw the glittering gold of Kat's eyes above her, catching and reflecting a thin sliver of moonlight that came through the windows. Minerva opened her mouth, only to find warm, soft lips pressing down into her as Kat's body pinned her into the bed. Kat was careful, though. Careful to keep her legs spread, to not press her belly to Minerva's belly. To leave Minerva enough slack that her wound did not ache so. When she broke the kiss, Minerva was panting, her head swimming, and the first thought on her tongue was: "H-Here?"

Kat chuckled. "Here." Her rumble buzzed in Minerva's ear like a flight of aeroplanes.

"B-But the nurse!" Minerva squeaked.

"Then you'll need to be quiet," Kat whispered. She did not rumble the blankets, nor draw them aside. Instead, she ducked down. Down. Minerva realized where she was going in a flash and grabbed onto her mouth with her hand to keep from crying out in sheerest surprise. Then the blankets shifted and Minerva felt the warm breath of her lover against her thigh. She knew that they needed to talk...but at the moment, she wanted to do nothing that might draw the nurse's attention...

And so.

She laid very still as Kat's strong, strong hands grabbed onto her thighs, lifting her. She listened to the crinkle of the sheeting under the moon - and knew that it could not possibly be as loud as it sounded. Then Kat's lips found the slit of her sex, flicking slowly from base to top, just...teasing her with the warmth and wetness of her tongue. Then all MInerva could focus on was biting down on her knuckles. Even so, the whimper that escaped in the quiet of the infirmary felt terribly loud, and she warred with fear and eagerness...if they were found...but then Kat gripped her buttocks with both hands, drawing her closed. Her lips closed unerringly around Minerva's clit, sucking fiercely.

Minerva's back lifted. Her hips clenched. Her shoulder trembled. And pain laced through her belly - warning with pleasure. Kat put her hand gently on Minerva, pinning her back down again, and the pain eased as Minerva closed her eyes, tears of sensation - pleasure and pain both - streaming down her cheeks as she closed her eyes...and focused on Kat's tongue. Delving. Thrusting. Crooking within her, finding her center of pleasure. Minerva's knuckles withdrew and she gasped in - then clapped her hand over her mouth as a moan tried to escape from her throat and reveal her to the sleeping nurse.

And still Kat showed no mercy. Her tongue continued to feast upon Minerva's sex, as if Minerva was a banquet and someone had starved the werewolf girl for years. Her hands continued to hold Minerva down and...past the pounding of her heart, the only thing that reached Minerva's ears were soft, soft wet noises and the faint squeak and squeal of the bed beneath her. was all unstoppable, her orgasm rushing towards her faster and faster. Minerva clenched her mouth shut, and clapped her hand over her mouth so tightly she was sure she was going to leave marks and it was too late, it was all too late.

She saw white.

She flared her nostrils, drawing in air.

She trembled.

She crested a plateau...

And Kat sucked on her clit once more and thrust two warm, warm fingers into her and Minerva found that a girl could reach another plateau beyond the first. Her body burned with sensation. The touch of the blanket against her nipples, her arms, her belly, her shoulders, was an agony of pure sensation. She rolled her eyes back into her head and Kat...

And Kat...

Kat crooked her fingers.

The clenching tightness that outlined those fingers shocked Minerva. She had not known muscles like that could tighten like that. She had not known that pleasure could coil and writhe through her body like this. And then, mercifully, Kat withdrew her fingers, her mouth, and swept the blankets back so she could stand before Minerva, who gasped and trembled and closed her eyes so tightly, so very tightly.

Those wet, wet fingers touched her lips. Minerva sucked them. She made a soft noise that was so shamefully submissive that it made her cheeks burn. Worse, Kat crooned: "Good girl. Good little girl."

Minerva opened her mouth, panting. "Kat..." She groaned.

"I have to be going now," Kat whispered. She leaned down. "For now, think of it as a good dream, yes?"

Minerva moaned into her mouth. Her tongue conquered her lips, just as easily as it had conquered her sex. Then Kat was away, vanishing into the dimness and silver of moonlight, while Minerva trembled. Her hips bucked once or twice as she felt the aftershocks of the pleasure radiate through her.

"Oy..." she mumbled, then let her head thump back into the pillow.


The next morning, Minerva was brought a fine spread of breakfast by a mute, nude fae man who's pendulous cock hung at almost her exact eye level. For whatever reason, it had the awful effect of reminding Minerva that not long ago, she'd drunk a love potion to climb atop Harry Perry.

"Is there anything more I can do for my convalescing mistress?"

"N-No!" Minerva focused her eyes forward and tried to not think of what that mistress meant. One thing at a time, she thought. When the fae left, she was admiring the waffles and eggs and...the bacon. She sighed and tried to think of the best way to quietly get rid of it - it seemed that this fae hadn't been as attentive as Gina's house servant. Either that, or he had been polite enough to not mention whoever ran the kitchens. She started to unfold the newspaper, wondering what it was she might catch up.

What she saw was horrifying.


She flipped through and found the attack had been carried out in Marseilles - the King of Yugoslavia had been visiting for a reason that remained obscure in the paper, which spent a quite remarkable amount of ink and time lavishing remarks on Lieutenant-Colonel Pasteur-Lefèvre and his heroic actions. And while Minerva did not want to undersell the heroism of charging a mundane assassin who had been armed with some kind of submachine pistol and sprayed nearly a hundred rounds into the automobile and the crowd, she found it a bit distressing that the newspaper didn't...say...mention any of the ramifications of this event, leaving her to close the paper and mull on it all.

They weren't even worrying or clucking about the potential of this sparking a new world war, which was the first worrying thing that came to Minerva's mind. She shook her head slowly as she grumbled under her breath.


She closed her eyes and she considered.

Doing schoolwork in bed. Reading in bed. Resting. Waiting. Watching the sun rise and set. These made the week crawl by on their hands and knees, and every newspaper she managed to get was an entire day out of date thanks to the long ride through the astral plane it took to get there, and each one seemed to be obsessed with the minutia of the wizarding world, rather than the storm brewing in Europe. When she, at last, was released from bed, she was overjoyed to find that war had not been declared and that Europe seemed to be merely teetering on the brink of things.

The only thing that soothed her nerves was that every time she asked for rumors, none of them mentioned that a big arrival of officials from the British government was expected - until a day before her convalescence was done, when Gina mentioned that three days from now, there was going to be a 'big to do' about the arrival of 'some General or another' that a few questions had revealed to be General Miller.

That gave Minerva just enough of a chance for her plan.

The first step of her plan was to ask Clyve, at one of his evening chess games: "Is it all right if I invite friends from other houses to our Home Room? Just to spend time together?"

Clyve frowned. "Nooo, that's a bridge too far, old girl. But you can meet in an empty classroom?"


On the afternoon a week after the murder of the King of Yugoslavia and a few days before the arrival of General Miller, with her belly still tender and her nerves still jangling, Minerva called together her friends. Harry, Gina, Kat, the other's surprise, Selene. But Minerva knew that Selene would appreciate her. Once Kat had kicked the door closed, Minerva drew a breath, squared her shoulders, lifted her chin, and said: "I am planning to steal the Wand of Silver from the depths of this school and spirit it away before General Miller arrives."

The other students gaped at her. Gina's gape of shock turned into a huge smile. "And leave Vane Villamont with egg on his face, huh?" she asked, then hopped up onto a desk. She kicked her legs. "Bully! How are we going to do it?"

Minerva smiled as she saw the others nodding. She breathed out a slow sigh, then nodded her head forward. "By correcting another crime," she said. "Beneath this school is a woman that they have kept prisoner for a hundred years. She...deserves to be free. If she escapes and the wand goes missing, then the authorities will assume she has taken it - and thus, not look at any of us for the potential theft. They would be hunting after her either way, so, it is no extra burden to her..." I hope. "...and we can hide the wand in the Lake. It does seem to be the right place to hide weapons of great and mystical power, eh?"

Harry shook his head slowly. "I...this...this is insane!" he exclaimed. "It's illegal, as well-"

"We have to do something," Minerva said. "Do you want Vane Villamont to have that thing? Do you want to just let Ars Magicka march into the halls of power?"

"No, but..." Harry cut himself off. "There is no but, is there?"

"Not when dealing with fascists," Kat said, quietly. Her hands were in her pockets and her grin grew fierce. "Who is this woman beneath the castle?"

"She's...a vampire," Minerva said. "Her name is Cecillia Morganna-Wellesley II."

Harry jerked as if he had been struck. Gina, not noticing, snorted. "Never heard of her!"

Minerva shot Harry a look, arching an eyebrow. Kat grinned. "Harry..." she leaned in. "What are you being knowing of this here vampire?"

"I, ah, it's just...a familiar name," Harry said, coughing. "We may need to add another member to this conspiracy." He sighed, then rubbed his palms against his face. "You, know my good friend, um, Robert?"

"Aren't you his fag?" Selene said. "Or is that the old fashioned term for it?"

Gina snorted.

Harry flushed. "His name is Robert Morganna-Wellesley. And he..." He frowned. "He's a vampire."

Minerva's eyes went very wide.

"Then the vampire scare-" Kat started.

"Professor Tweed came upon us as..." Harry rubbed his neck. "W-Well, I...feeding is...there' was was none of your business. But he does have an aunt who, ah, faced rather...that is, she is not much talked of in the family, though vampirism is a bit of a family tradition and..." He shook his head. "I must bring him here. Right now."

"Of course," Minerva said, her cheeks bright red as Kat grinned woflishly.

"You are always being most interesting, the more I learn of you, Harry Perry," Kat said.

Harry nodded. "I...I shall return."

He turned, opened the door, stepped into the corridor and was immediately bowled over by a student sprinting by. Kat exclaimed in surprise, and Minerva hurried to the door, reaching it just as Harry sat up. The student who had been sprinting was none other than Gregory, his blue and orange robes flared wide. He scrambled away from Harry, scowled at him. "Get outta my way - I have to find Minerva!"

"You've found her, what on Earth is going on, Gregory?" Minerva asked, grabbing onto Harry's arm, tugging him to his feet.

"You need to come to the homeroom!" Gregory said. "The wireless - have to hear this!"

"Then we'll all go," Minerva said. "The wireless is the only way to get news at a decent clip down here in the astral plane."

Gregory shot a look at the rest of the group, at their non-blue, non-orange robes. Minerva, rather annoyed by this point, scowled and said: "Good heavens, if it's vital enough to drag me back to the homeroom, then they can come in and listen with us."

Gregory, to her surprise, didn't argue. He turned and started off, and they all followed - that alone made Minerva wonder just how serious this was. They came to the Sildanus homeroom and the door swung open to find that every single student from HOuse Sildanus were gathering around the wireless, which had a glowing aura shrouding it, a wand held by Penny, who was shouting: "I'll have it continue playing from the start once we're all- ah, Minerva's here, now, shut it! Shut it!" She glared around herself, while the crowd all looked at the wireless, not even noticing Harry, Gina or Selene.

The wand whipped away from the wireless.

Minerva frowned as the voice started speaking, mid sentence - as if it was a record who had been stopped and started at the same moment, the needle already in the groove.

"-this remarkable announcement has been sent to every news agency - magical and mundane - around the world! We repeat, the Premier of Soviet Russia and her imperial subjects has given the following speech, translated from Russian to English, to her subjects: Workers and Laborers of the Soviet Union, I stand before you to reveal a new era of peace, prosperity and plenty for the people of our glorious socialist state. For centuries uncounted, unknown to the majority of the world's population, there has existed a secretive world that has interacted with, guided, influenced the activities and actions of Europe and, through Europe, the world. This secretive world contains a power, a power greater than the railroad, more transformative than the electrical grid, more intellectual vital than the printing press itself - and this power, thanks to our comrades and allies within this secretive world, is now to be shared not merely with the Soviet Union, but with the whole world..."

"No," one of the older Sildanus girls whispered next to Minerva. "No, no no no no!"

"The power of magic is real, and like all other forces, it can made subservient to the will of the workers of the world," the announcer said, his BBC inflected, precise English fluctuating a sliver, as if even he couldn't quite believe what he was reading. "The wizards and workers of the Soviet Union have already produced fields that can feed an entire city with the labor of but a few willworkers, created factories that can forge from base elements and matter entire complex apparatus that would have taken a thousand technicians to assemble - and done so within moments, not months! They have made airplanes that need never fuel and automobiles that can take to the skies as easily as-"

A scream came from somewhere in Hexgramatica, echoing down the hall to the open door. A man next to Minerva put his hands to his face, as if he was struck.

"Commie bastards!" Gregory snarled, then punched the wireless hard enough for it to warble and squeal.

"The masquerade, they can't-" Penny said.

"They have!" Bellatrix exclaimed. "I...I have to write to my parents!"

"What do we do!?" Clyve grabbed onto Gregory, squeezing him. "What do we bloody do!?"

"No way the rest of the world believes this!"

Minerva, unable to stop herself, thrust her arms into the air.

"YES!" She screamed. "HAHAHA, YES!"

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