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Miss Miller's Summer Vacation

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A virginal school teacher finds the man of her dreams.
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Miss Miller's Summer Vacation

Dinah Miller smiled as entered the last of her students' grades into the computer. It had been a long year. The students had been hard to control, especially in the last grading period. Dinah taught math at the local high school. She took great pride in her work, and felt that she was very good at what she did. In the 6 years that she had been teaching, she had been given more responsibility each year. She had started out teaching basic mathematics, but her obvious mastery of the subject matter, her work ethic, and the success of her students had inspired the principal of the school to assign her higher classes to teach. She now taught Calculus, Trigonometry, and Advanced Algebra. She had the best students, academically, in the school, even though they were not always the best behaved.

Dinah had great satisfaction with her job. Her students often came back after they had graduated and told her how well they were doing in college mathematics. This year had its distractions, however. Several high school boys had a "crush" on her. They would write little notes on the papers they turned in, telling her how pretty she was and other innocent comments. This year, however, a couple of boys had bordered on being inappropriate. One had written her letters about how hot he thought she was and how he loved her breasts and legs.

Another was even more inappropriate in his comments and had actually asked her to meet him for sex. She knew that she should have reported these students, but she didn't. In fact, she kept their letters in a special place at her apartment. She would get them out and read them sometimes when she touched herself. She did nothing to lead these boys on, though. Instead, she just ignored them and never responded in any way to their notes or letters.

Occasionally one of her students would tell her to her face that she was pretty, to which she always told them 'thank-you'. A couple of boys had commented on her figure and she had immediately told them that their comments were inappropriate and that they were not to say such things again, even though their comments excited her a great deal.

Dinah realized that she was pretty. She had a good body, but she never wore clothing that emphasized her assets. The truth was that she had been a late bloomer and was considered "boyish" in high school. She had been a star basketball player and had little time to think about dating. She was also a very diligent student and was considered to be a nerd. Few boys paid much attention to her and she wasn't really interested in them.

Her body developed rapidly after high school. She was playing college basketball and, as her breasts suddenly developed, she thought that they actually hindered her mobility and her jump shot. Later she realized that she was only rationalizing the fact that she was just an average college player, whereas she had been one of the top players in high school. Boys and men began to notice her and flirted with her often. The fact that she had always been ambivalent about boys, however, left her ill-equipped to know how to handle their advances. She had only been on a couple of dates in high school - and those were with guys who were as nerdy as she was. They hadn't even tried to kiss her!

When she started college and guys flocked around her, asking for a date, she didn't know how to handle it, so she just automatically turned them down. She figured that the right guy would eventually come along, but he never did. She became more and more uncomfortable when guys lavished attention on her.

So, here she was - 28 years old, a virgin, having never even been kissed. The more time passed, the worse her fear of dating became. She could look in the mirror and know, academically, that she was a desirable woman. The number of male admirers who had made all kinds of comments about her proved that she was attractive. She was very attracted to men - extremely so - but she was almost phobic about being alone with one.

She had resigned herself to a life of spinsterhood. She had bought several sex toys online with which to pleasure herself and was quite satisfied to just please herself instead of developing a sexual relationship with a man. As a college student she had broken her own hymen, quite accidentally, with her first vibrator. She was upset, at first. As time went on, however, and she purchased various kinds of sex toys with which to stimulate and penetrate herself, she looked back on the accidental breaking of her hymen as a blessing. She still preferred a vibrator to anything else, but she had various types and sizes of dildos. She had recently purchased a G-spot toy that had given her many fantastic orgasms. Sometimes she would use one of these toys for penetration and another to stimulate her clitoris. Sometimes, if she was in just the right mood, she would lubricate one of her dildos, or a vibrator, and insert it into her ass. The orgasms that she had when she did that felt different, but she enjoyed them in the extreme.

Dinah usually spent at least a month each summer at her parents' home, some 50 miles from where she lived and taught. They usually went on vacation together. They would visit various National Parks, or go to the mountains or, her favorite, go to the beach. Her father, Jerry, had told her mother, Cindi, and Dinah to choose where they would go that coming summer. They had immediately told him that they wanted to go to the beach.

Dinah had packed the previous evening so that she could head to her parents' house right after school. She dropped by her apartment to double check with the landlord and to change clothes. She decided she would check in with her brother, Rob, with whom she talked nearly every day. She was hoping that he might be able to get off from work and join them on their trip to the beach.

Rob was a year older than Dinah and they had been best friends ever since they were small children. Rob had been married several years previously, but his wife had left him for another man. Rob had talked to Dinah nearly every day during that period of his life. He was heartbroken and could find no solace anywhere except with his sister. She had a way of making him see the light at the end of the tunnel. They didn't get to see each other very often, as he lived some 30 miles from their parents' home, which made him and Dinah some 80 miles apart.

Dinah was almost 6 feet tall with auburn-red hair and green eyes. Her breasts were a very full C-cup, which looked great on her slender body. Her skin was naturally pale, but she got a good tan every summer. She had freckles over her face and body, but she didn't consider them unattractive and hardly wore any makeup. She kept her hair cut to shoulder length and sometimes wore it in a ponytail, especially if she was dressing casually. She dressed in tight denim shorts and a HOTLANTA tee-shirt, along with sandals. Her legs were, of course, very athletic. Even after she graduated from college, and stopped playing basketball, she ran several times a week and went to the gym on a regular basis.

She grabbed her cell phone and dialed her brother.

"Hey, Rob, what's up?" she asked, cheerfully.

"Hey, Sis! I was just thinking about you! Are you finished with school?"

"Yes. I'm just getting ready to drive home. When can you come over? I can't wait to see you!"

"Well, I think I can come this weekend. I would have to drive back on Sunday night, though," he told her. "We're pretty busy at work. Everybody's computer goes down at the same time." Rob was in charge of keeping the computers running and updated at his job.

"That would be great! Hey, I was wondering. Can you go to the beach with us? You haven't gone on vacation with us in, like, two years."

"Well. Maybe. They owe me like 20 days' vacation, I think. If I can get caught up and train this new guy to do part of my work... When?" he asked.

"I think the 3rd week of July. Please say you can!" she begged.

"Okay, checking my calendar. Hmmm... I think that would be okay. I'll talk to the boss man today. You gonna wear a bikini and show that hot body?" he teased.

"Shut UP!" she giggled. "You're not supposed to talk about my hot body!" She was smiling from ear to ear. She knew that Rob liked to tease her and she was more comfortable with him than anybody else.

"Well, nobody else is talking about it! Or...Are they?" he laughed.

"Nobody but my silly students. Kids these days just say whatever pops in their perverted little minds," she commented.

"You think they're perverted because they think you're hot? I call that NORMAL. School boys have always had the hots for their teachers. There was even a song back in the 80's..."

"Yeah, yeah. I've heard that song. I assure you that I don't flirt with them. Some are pretty good looking though!" she laughed.

"I used to have a crush on Miss Douglas. Remember her?"

"Yes. She was a good looking woman, for sure. I think all the guys had eyes for her. Didn't she get accused of having sex with one of her students?" she remembered.

"I think it was after they graduated," he informed her. "But I heard it was a gang bang. Hot huh?"

"You are lying. I don't believe that at all!" she said, but the image of the beautiful young teacher, naked, in a room full of young studs, interjected itself into her mind.

"Well, I guess it was just rumor, but she was as hot as a firecracker...and she flirted with a lot of guys. Not me, of course."

"If I was her and I was gonna flirt with a student, it woulda been you, Robbie!" she teased.

"You're sweet, Sis. And you're as sexy as Miss Douglas, just for the record. Hey, I gotta get back to work... call me, okay?"

"Bye, Robbie. I love you!"

"I love you, Little Sister," he replied. "Hey, by the way, remember I told you that they are talking about transferring me?"

"Yes. Please don't move farther away!"

He chuckled. "Well, nothing's for sure, but they're talking about moving me to Beacon City." Beacon City was where Dinah lived and taught.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!! Please, please, please, please! You can move in with me! I have two bedrooms. And you can pay half of the rent," she laughed.

"Well, don't get excited just yet. They're supposed to let me know any day, though. I told them I would prefer to move there than anywhere else. I gotta go now, Sis. Love you!"

Dinah took her clothing back off. She went to her dresser and, underneath some clothes in the bottom drawer, reached into her stash of sex toys. She chose a phallus-shaped vibrator. She fluffed up a pillow and made herself comfortable. She had not planned on this, but the conversation with her handsome brother and the image of the sexy teacher with her students, from a decade earlier, had gotten her juices flowing. She imagined her brother with Miss Douglas, how eager he would have been. She imagined the young teacher's sexy body presented to Robbie's view, her legs spread in welcome.

Dinah turned the vibrator on and touched it to her sensitive nipples, then slowly moved it down her flat abdomen toward her nearly-trimmed pussy. She knew she was wet, already, and her clit was swollen in anticipation of the delicious waves of pleasure that the vibrator would provide. She tentatively touched the vibrator to her clit. "Ohhh, yessss..." she groaned. She needed this more than she had realized. She applied more pressure against her swollen, eager clit. "Fuck!" she moaned. Dinah never, ever used such words, except when she masturbated, when the words sprang from her lips, unbidden.

Suddenly her image of Miss Douglas welcoming Robbie between her legs transformed into her, Dinah (who, after-all, had a similar body to that of Miss Douglas), who was laying naked on the bed with Robbie crawling between her legs. Dinah normally would not allow such thoughts to dwell in her mind, but when she masturbated, anything was okay. Anything that gave her that wonderful release. Anything that gave her those intense, beautiful orgasms that she needed so badly!

Dinah heaved her hips upward as she continued to stimulate her clit. Then she drew the vibrator down toward her opening. She opened her legs as wide as she could, her eyes tightly closed. She imagined Robbie between her legs as she began to push the 6-inch vibrator into her hungrily-clasping cunt. "Ohhhh, Robbie! I am cummmminggggggggggg!" she gasped as her orgasm shook her from head to foot. She pushed the vibrator deeper, suddenly wishing that she had used one of her big dildos...her climax continued to grip her delightfully for several seconds before she began to come down. "Ohhh," she groaned. "That was so goooood!" She always orgasmed very easily and could usually have several of them. As she eventually got her breathing back under control, she felt slightly guilty. It was one thing to imagine her brother, or someone else, fucking another women, but she certainly shouldn't imagine him doing anything with her, his own sister. That was just wrong.

Dinah made sure she included the vibrator and an assortment of other toys in her luggage. She was soon on the road toward her parents' house.


Jerry and Cindi made their way out to the patio when Dinah drove into the driveway in her Honda Accord. They had presented it to her for her high-school graduation and she swore that she loved it so much that she would never trade it. It now had well over 200,000 miles and had never given any trouble at all.

Jerry and Cindi had both been teachers but had both retired as soon as they had completed their 30 years of service. Although they both loved education, they agreed that education had been made into a political football by the government. Jerry was of the opinion that anything that was run by the government was, automatically, going to be inefficient. Added to that was the fact that children had gotten more disrespectful and hard to deal with. It was against the rules to use any form of punishment that actually worked. Jerry enjoyed reading, watching sports, and often contributed opinion pieces to the local newspaper. He and Cindi both loved working in the lawn and often went bird-watching. Cindi was active in several organizations, including a book-club and a sewing club. They both wondered how they had ever had time to teach.

Dinah hugged her parents and Jerry helped her carry her luggage into her room. Cindi had been cleaning all day and the room was spotless. Dinah chastised her for spending time cleaning her room, telling her that she was a grown woman who could clean her own room. Cindi just smiled. She was the mother - she would always treat her offspring as if they were children.

For the next week, Dinah talked to Rob almost every day. Some days they would Facetime so that Jerry and Cindi could join in the conversation, as well. The siblings were careful not to tease each other as much when their parents were listening, however. They knew that it was all innocent fun, but their parents might not understand. Rob had gotten permission to take off from work and would be accompanying them on their trip to the beach.

Plans were made to rent a 3 bedroom condo on the beach. Jerry had a friend who had a time-share and had arranged for it to be available to them. They planned to drive the 300-plus miles to the beach on a Saturday and to return home the following Saturday. Everyone was extremely excited, especially since Rob had been unable to accompany them on vacation the previous year. They had always been a tight-knit family and thoroughly enjoyed each other's company.

Dinah's bedroom was on the opposite end of the house and upstairs from her parents' bedroom. She was particularly happy about this because, when she masturbated, she could hardly control her moans and words of passion. She was always careful to turn the TV or radio on to mask the sound, just in case. Every couple of days her mind would start wandering. She would think about some things that her students had said to her or written to her. She would even think about her very handsome brother who, although she knew he was teasing, often made remarks about how pretty or even "sexy" she was. It was all fantasy, after all, so what did it matter what she thought about while she masturbated?

Dinah's favorite thing, if she had plenty of time, was to do a strip-tease as she watched herself in the mirror, as a precursor of her masturbation sessions. As a teenager, she had been skinny and shapeless and had longed to have a nice shape like most of her friends. Then, not long after she graduated from high school, her body suddenly blossomed. Her breasts grew, almost overnight. They sat proudly on her slender body, with small, pink, conically shaped nipples. Her hips flared and her legs became shapelier. In short, Dinah loved her body. She had turned men's heads for around 10 years now. She knew that men liked looking at her, especially when she appeared in a bikini at the beach or at a pool party.

She had no sexual experience, of course, and now was of the opinion that if she was ever to have sex, it would have to be a very special person. She was too old to start having casual, meaningless sex - besides, she had been brought up to believe that sex was a sacred, special act. She wasn't going to give her body to someone that she didn't love. That was that, even if she never had sex her whole life. There were many things more important than sex.

A few days before they were to leave for the beach, they received a phone call from Dinah's cousin, Melvin, informing them that his mother, Aunt Nancy, Cindi's sister, had suffered a heart attack. They didn't think that it was life-threatening, but she had wanted them to know. Jerry and Cindi immediately packed and took the hundred-mile trek to the hospital. They would be back by the end of the week, hopefully, they told Dinah.

One night while they were gone, Dinah went to her room and selected a large dildo and a vibrator from her hidden stash. Then she did a slow, sensuous strip-tease in front of the mirror. She hefted her breasts and marveled at how perfectly shaped they were. She tweaked the nipples, causing them to harden. She wondered what it would be like for a man to lick them or suck them.

Dinah had seen pictures of naked men and had even seen a few videos of men and women having sex, but her strong morals didn't allow her to do that often. She rarely felt guilty when she masturbated, but did have guilt pangs if she allowed herself to seek out images or videos of a sexual nature. She had come across several images of men with rather large cocks one day, however. Most of them were black men and she was quite surprised and entranced by the images. That inspired her to order a very large, 10 inch, black dildo. It quickly became her favorite and, while she rarely allowed herself to seek out images of black men or other well-hung men, she could still see them as if they were burned into her brain.

Dinah stretched out on the bed and began to slowly feed the thick black dildo into her slick pussy. She was so tight that it was not easy to force the rubber phallus inside, but it felt good. When she got a few inches in, enough to keep her vaginal muscles from pushing it out, she reached for the vibrator. She turned it on and, holding the dildo in place with one hand, began to rub the bullet-shaped vibrator on her nipples, down her stomach and then lower, along her thighs and up to her pussy. She very tentatively touched it to her clit and almost had an orgasm just from the first touch.

"Fuck!" she groaned. Then she almost laughed. It was amusing how she totally lost control of her words when she was masturbating. She wasn't sure that she could be quiet if she had to do so. She ran the vibrator on her labia and back up to her clit again as she pushed the rubber dick deeper inside her. The dildo was so thick that she couldn't possibly force the entire thing inside her hot pussy, no matter how turned on or how wet she was. She usually got about half of it inside her; sometimes a bit more. She loved the feeling of the fake cock stretching her.

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