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Mississippi ReTreat Ch. 01

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Lesbian Domination in Public Place.
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Day 1: July 2nd Friday 2023

After a long days drive from Charlette, NC Kati & Debs finally arrive at the Delta Music Fest near Biloxi, MS.

"I'll take the heavy stuff. You can just find a spot to post up, babe." Said Debs, pointing towards the open clearing surrounded by a patch of trees. Kati grabbed her designer purse and the cooler bag & quickly whisked her skinny pale butt in the general direction of Debs giant fingers.

The scene was lively. Country rock & blue grass bands were playing in the background. Hippies smoking grass everywhere. Loud country folks drinking & frolicking all about in camping area. There were three stages but only one was visible to Kati. She plopped her cute butt down in a spot mostly concealed by a few oak trees & waited for Debs, claiming a good spot.

"Hey, right here! Debs!" Kati yelled out.

Debs waived back, lugging the heavy tent gear & several bags over her big, brawny shoulders.

"Yeah, I can see you! I'm a giant, Kati. I'm 6'2", even the guys are shorter than me," She replied as she walked up to Kati.

"Urrrr!" Debs grunted as she roughly slammed the heavy burden down, slamming the bags into the dirt, causing one of the foldable chairs to snap apart.

"Ops, .... G_D Damn it!" She cried in frustration.

"Oh no! How are we going to sit without a chair.... I was looking forward to setting them up by the stage...." Kati blurted out in utter disappointment, although trying not to make Debs feel too bad. Afterall, she did carry all the heavy bags, chairs, and the tent by herself. "I could've helped you carry it if it was too much, Debs."

"It wasn't too heavy, I just slammed them down with too much force!" The amazon replied with disdain. She doesn't like when people don't recognize her physical strength. It made her different & special from everyone else.

"Oh, I guess your right, dear. No worries, we have the blankets. Maybe we can borrow or buy a chair from someone." She suggested as she wiggled her pretty, manicured fingers towards Debs so Debs could pull her up and she could give Debs a hug.

Debs jerked her up quite easily, albeit roughly. "Oww, not so rough Debs, don't hurt me, dear. Be gentle with me girl, okay...." Said Kati, wrapping her thin, boney arms around Debs torso. Her long, pale skinny fingers lightly grazing Debs solid, chiseled muscular back & shoulders. "Mmm, I love to feel you up. You're just so amazingly strong Debs! It makes me horny every time I feel your arms, and shoulders, and legs, & ...." She couldn't finish complimenting her own personal she-hulk before Debs grabbed her ass with her thick, sturdy fingers & lifted her up off the ground as they passionately kissed each other, each getting off on the public display of their lust for one another.

"Woo! He he. I love it when you lift me like this, baby! It's so hot.... I'm getting wet already...." Kati whispered in Debs ear's she looked over her big, broad shoulders to find two guys staring hard at the surprise couple, each the opposite of the other.

The two young boys, both overweight & ugly, just continued to look with awe as Debs easily held up the pretty & petite Kati within her enormous paws as Kati dug her long, sexy French nails into Debs tanned shoulder's & back, relishing in Debs incredible physic.

"I love that, Baby girl... It lets me know how wet you are." Debs said with a soft, low-pitched voice. You're my lil' sex kitten. My feisty lil' sexy kitten!"

The two boys pretended not to be turned on by the open spectacle and just smiled awkwardly before turning back around towards the stage.

"Nice to meet you boys! I'm Kati & this is Amazonian Goddess is Debs. Y'all don't have an extra chair by any chance, do you?" Kati blurted out to them. Debs turned around & held out her right hand, still holding Kati up with just her left hand under Kati's little sexy butt.

"Hey boys!" She said, walking towards them as Kati continued to nibble her earlobe. "I guess we're neighbors for a few days. I'm Debs. And if we don't find a chair soon I'll be forced to lug this sexy girl up on my shoulders all night...Afterall, I was the one that broke one of our chairs, so..."

"Howdy, I'm Bill & this here is Ted, like the movie...You know...Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures!" Bill exclaimed with enthusiasm while Ted drunkenly started to play his 'air guitar'.

Debs gave each a heavy handshake, enough to show off her powerful grip. "Nice to meet you boys! I remember that movie coming out. I was a little kid. But I'm a fan.

She finally let go of Ted's hand after messing with him, gripping it tightly. "Oh, did I hurt, big boy?" She said, half in jest.

"Well, no maim!" He replied automatically. He tried to conceal the fact that she slightly hurt him. "Y'all want a drink? We got good smoke too, maim." He continued, trying to sound like a big boy to the older women.

"Well yes please." Kati said, still enthralled at Debs strong body lugging her around like she was weightless. "Make me a double shot of that top-shelf whiskey, with a chaser please!"

Bill went and made out Kati's order while Ted passed his joint to Debs.

"No, not for me. I'll be working tonight. Here Kati, baby. Want to hit this joint?"

Kati took the joint between her two slender fingers & puffed away, allowing Debs to pamper her while she indulged herself further.

- Kati Coughing - Then she handed the joint back to the cubby Ted.

"Thanks kid. It tastes like premium weed. Y'all got anything else in your bag of goodies?" She asked bluntly before downing the large shot Bill handed to her.

"Well, it ain't hard to find just about anything 'round her, Miss Kati." Bill replied earnestly. "Ted, does your sister have any beans left over?"

Ted put his finger up to his lips. "Dude!" Ted yelled. "Not so loud with that shit."

Bill, looking unfazed by his friends scolding just shuck his head. "Man, we're gonna be neighbors for the next three days, bro. Who cares? They're gonna find out sooner or later anyways."

Ted looked back over to Kati, who was following very word. "Oh my, we would be SOOO grateful if we could buy a couple. Please... Pretty please!" Said Kati in her best cute, girly voice while she fluttered her long lashes & big blue eyes at Ted, hoping to use her sex appeal to cope some good drugs.

Debs just stood there, trying not to look too surprised at Kati's level of self-indulgence, which to her was an additional turn on.

"Alright, I have a couple on me. They're $25 a piece. How many did you need, maim?" Ted asked somewhat reluctantly.

"Cool! I'll take six, please, sir." She wiggled her compact little bubble-shaped butt as Debs calmly readjusted her steadfast grip underneath without difficulty, making sure her beautiful party girl Kati was as comfortable as possible as she held her lightweight body without a sign of strain or stress.

Kati motioned for her purse as Debs bent down and snatched it with her superior reach, handing the tiny, black leather Fendi handbag to her Princess.

Ted exchanged the funny looking pills with Kati as she handed over the money.

"We'll be rollin' hard later on tonight, if y'all want to you should come by & hang out for a bit!" Bill said, looking longingly at Kati.

"We might do that!" Deb chimed in. We're about to head over to the stage in a minute." She sounded off. Her voice husky & sober.

Kati reached into her purse and dropped one of her beans.

"Be careful, baby. You're so small & they might be stronger than you expect. Especially mixing it with your Vicodin prescription..." The sober amazon said with a hint of worry to Kati.

"I know. I'll be careful, okay dear. I just want to loosen up while I'm here, with you. I like to have a little fun. Don't worry, it won't be my first rodeo, dear. And if I can't walk, well, you can carry me, right?" Said Kati, very matter-of-factly. She kissed her friend on the lips. Her pale fingers slowly running down from Debs sweaty checks and then gently caressing her thick, sturdy neck & shoulders as she lovingly danced her tongue inside Debs mouth, instilling Deb with a burst of passion as she held Kati in her arms, steading her upright. She placed her left hand behind Kati's narrow back while her right hand continued to prop Kati up. Kati allowed Debs to hold her, loosening her own muscles and relaxed her body while Debs held her up and kept her body in place for her, allowing her to focus on ravaging Debs with her wild, passion-filled kisses.

Ted's sister & her boyfriend walked up & waived curiously at the two of them. "Hey y'all!" She said. Kati waived back, pausing her lust momentarily. "You look like a queen, girl. Is that your man?"

Debs turned around, annoyed by the interruption and by the woman thinking she was a man. "I'm her girlfriend. I'm Debs. How are you?" She said flatly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see your face. It's dark out, sorry...I'm Nicole...& this is Cam." She said, shaking Debs hand. "Wow, you're really strong!"

"Hi, I'm Kati. Nice to meet you two. We were just getting to know your brother & his friend." Kati lightly clasped Nicole's fingertips with a feminine greeting. "Hi Cam, you're a strapping chap!"

"They are camping next to us. We might all party later," Bill remarked. "They want to get close up to the front stage for now."

Nicole looked on, curiously at Kati & gave her a wink. "We'll, we planned the same, y'all! Cam is gonna let me ride on his brawny shoulders, girl. I think we'll see you up there!" Nicole said excitingly, again winking at Kati.

Kati reached out her frail, feminine fingers as Nicole took them in with her own and gently kissed Kati's palm. "I'm so excited to meet you, hunny." She said, ignoring Debs as she subtly worshipped Kati. "I love your style, cutie! See y'all up there." She gently let go of Kati's hand after rubbing it with her smooth, soft hand.

"Bye guys! Talk later!" Debs yelled. She hurried away with Kati wrapped tightly in her muscular arms and jetted towards the front stage, away from Nicole.

"Bye!" Kati blurted out as she waived her dainty fingers back at Nicole while Debs hustled away beneath her, using those massive legs as she powered them both to the front, nearly running into people on the way. She was obviously jealous as she carried her lover like a baby, hoping over all obstacles while never missing a step.

"Hey! You're embarrassing yourself, babe." Kati whispered in her Amazonian's ear, with her wet tongue right behind her words to reassure Debs insecurity. "Nicole is just 'blowin' the fuck up, she's high! Don't be possessive! It's a turn off!" Kati's mouth started chattering. "You see, like me, babe. So what if she finds me sexy? You must be willing to relax and let me make friends. It doesn't mean I'm going home with her after the weekend...." Kati continued while chattering like it was 20 degrees and not 82 degrees and muggy.

"Are you cold, dear?" Debs asked with concern, hoping to change the subject. "I've never partied like this before, cut me some slack. She can kiss you if you want her to. Just don't neglect me, baby. I am going to be carrying you around all night so you can have fun, dear..." Debs replied, now seemingly more collected. "You're the most attractive girl I've ever been with. Plus, I've never seen anyone high on ecstasy before, either. Okay. I won't get in the way if you want to play around a little. It must be wonderful to be the subject of everyone's fantasy!"

Debs became lost as she gazed at Kati's beautiful, big blue eyes. "You're pupils are really large, by the way. Are you okay?" She asked Katie, still stunned by her beauty.

"Ohhh, yessssss.....[Chattering her teeth] I feel fucking fantastic, Debs. I love you! It feels wonderful to be pampered like this, you have no idea! Mmmm I LOVE IT! ... [Chattering teeth] mmmm.... Put me up on your shoulders....I want to see the stage!" Said Kati, moving on from one sensually pleasurable moment to the other, unable to remember what they were talking about.

"Yes, maim!" Debs chuckled as she held Kati's arms up, steading her friend while kneeling and slipping her sturdy neck and shoulders underneath Kati's butt. Then she stood up, slowly, and held Kati's soft, delicate hands with a firm grip, carefully so as not to squeeze too hard and brake Kati's hand.

"Wee!!!" Kati yelled with exhilaration as Debs stood fully upright. "My goodness, I'm SOOO high up!"

"Are you okay, Hun. Can you keep your balance? I don't want you to fall!" Debs asked, still worried.

"I feel wonderful, dear. Fabulous! You're so sexy! I love you're big, giant muscles! I feel like I'm as light as a feather!!!" Kati exclaimed as she wiggled in to her comfortable seat that was Debs broad, bulky shoulders. "Can you rub my legs, and [chattering teeth] mmmyyy fffeeetttttt, pleassssse!" She politely ordered Debs as she sat 6' 2" feet high, dangling her feet without a worry. She bent down into Debs ear, telling her how wet her pussy was while rubbing her soaked crotch, grinding it openly against the back of Debs rock solid, stout neck.

"Mmmm, that feels SOOO GOOD! I LOVE THIS!" Kati yelled out loud, her voice carrying over the loud music as people turned to watch her pleasure her itchy crotch against Debs thick, girthy neck while Deb attended to Kati's fabulously attractive, pale feet. Debs gently rubbed them, enjoying how soft her skin felt.

"You have the sexiest feet, they're tempting me!" Deb yelled to her carefree friend as she sensually caressed Kati from her toes & feet up to her ankles and calves. "Does this please you, princess?" Deb blurted out, trying her hardest to satisfy Kati. "I'm your slave tonight! I admit it! I'd do anything you asked me to!"

Kati smiled back down at her. The music was extremely loud where deb stood that she was unsure if Kati could hear her at all.

Kati started rubbing her shoulders, massaging her neck with her enticing hands. Deb's pussy was dripping wet now. She eagerly kissed Kati's elegant, pedicured feet. Then she licked Kati's toes as Debs could feel her pussy juices rushing down her legs.

Kati relentlessly stimulated herself against Debs rugged neck, rimming herself on top on Debs shoulders shamelessly while getting herself off. She was so sexually aroused that she her entire body began to quiver as she soiled herself on Debs shoulders, totally unabashed and letting out groans of pleasure as people in the crowd saw her entire body twitching with intensely. She continued to thrust her luscious wet pussy on her friend while Debs toiled below Kati, hoisting Kati's body around on her shoulders above the dense crowd. She relished her orgasm in opulence with Debs servicing her feet below, openly suckling Kati's glittering, brilliant toes. Kati finished soiling herself shamelessly, letting out loud whimpers of decadence from above the crowd before her releasing her final thrusts of stimulation & curling her glossy red toenails.

... Fifteen minutes later ...

Two gentlemen gave up their seats for the two girls on the edge of the crowd.

"You made me cum, baby!" Debs said softly into Kati's ear as she sat her exhausted Mistress down into the lounge chair. "I came when your legs wrapped around my neck and your body started convulsing.

"It was really noticeable, wasn't it?" Kati asked, only slightly embarrassed.

"Only like two or three guys next to me could tell what was really going on, I think...." Debs replied, half-heartedly. "I'm ready to get back out there again, when you've caught your breath!" Debs added.

Kati smiled. "You're the best friend a girl could ever ask for... How are you not tired?"

Debs rubbed her throbbing cunt. "I'm constantly on the edge of another orgasm with you. It makes me so serve you like a real Princess. I like being your submissive. You're my Mistress & I'm your slave!" Debs remarked as she continued to touch herself with the thought in mind.

"That's wwwwhat I'm talkingggg about [chattering teeth] .... Well...whhhhatttt are you whaiting for, slave..." She said as she laughed. Debs cracked a smile, staring into Kati's gorgeous face. "Suck on my toes while I rest here. Then I'll tell you when to lift me!" Kati ordered, this time sternly.

Debs obeyed immediately. Kati enjoyed being worshipped in public. People began to take notice of her dominance.

A few moments later Kati saw her new friend Nicole, who was riding on her tall, well-built boyfriend's shoulders in the back of the crowd.

"Lift me up, slave! Take me to see my friend Nicole! Right there! Now!" Kati snapped her fingers as she gave the order and Debs happily jumped up and scooped her right up using her giant muscled arms & hands. "No! No! You big dummy! On your shoulders, for now!"

Debs held her up steadily and swiftly stuck her head between Kati's soaked crotch, which was no throbbing once again.

"Rub my feet! Suck my toes! Massage my legs!" Kati ordered Debs. Kati gently massaged her friend's massive arms and shoulders as she was again smitten with her large, chiseled flesh and her physical capabilities. "I love this and thank you for being such a good slave tonight, okay baby..." Kati whispered softly into Debs ear, licking and nibbling her from the lobe to her neck, which made Debs bones stiffen as she groaned.

"My pleasure, Mistress." She grunted back in return.

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SirMasterPaulSirMasterPaul9 months agoAuthor

If you hate my stories then why do you read every one?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I see what you did here, Paul aka Lindsey aka Katie.

I see through you ;)

Dear readers it's exactly the same story as all of his other stories, main motive:

-pretty, pampered, spoiled person (named Paul, Lindsay or Kati)

- big muscular slave (either Amazon women or herculean man)

- public setting - spa, beach or concert

- the small person is lifted and carried

- the small person is dominating the bigger one

In all his other stories it's exactly the same theme, not much deviation. Check for it yourself ;)

But I must commend you this time! At least there is a description of orgasms here so that's a new element! Good!

I would love to see Paul/Lindsey from your other stories also being fuck to completion by Ray Ray.

I promised to give you 5 ****!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Not bad for a chapter one. I love how the dominate one is the smaller one. I can't wait to see what all Kati has Deb do in front of her new friends.


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