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Mistress Nurse Ch. 01: Golden Beginnings

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Exotic Nurse and I begin our kinky medical fetish adventures.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/17/2021
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Mistress Nurse Pt 1 - Golden Beginnings

Look for future installments (already written, just need editing):

Part 2 - Golden Date

Part 3 - Golden Checkup

Part 4 - Golden Origins

Part 5 - Golden Games

Part 6 - Golden Dinner

Part 7 - Golden Enemas

Part 8 - Golden Pregnancy

Part 9 - Golden Changes

I'm also working on artwork for an illustrated version of the story. If you want to help with that, please PM me.

Also, i have comments and voting turned on. Please don't read this story and vote it down if you are opposed to enemas, medical fetish play, femdom, peeplay/golden showers, cross dressing, or forced feminization. You've been warned!

Exotic Nurse and I begin our kinky adventures

This story was loosely inspired by Golden Shower Virgin, by Raynedoor. If you enjoy this story, you'll probably enjoy that one too. One character in the story is a quasi amalgamation of two people I vaguely know (who provided some basic foundational back story) plus a whole bunch of speculative fantasy folded in and blended up to produce an unusually kinky confection.

No Shit Disclaimer (borrowed): "All of my stories are purely FICTIONAL (unless specifically expressed otherwise). The people depicted within these stories only exist in someone's IMAGINATION. Any resemblance between anyone depicted in these stories and any real person, living or dead, is an incredible COINCIDENCE too bizarre to be believed. If you think that you or someone you know is depicted in one of these stories it's only because you're a twisted perverted little fucker who sees conspiracies and plots where none exist. You probably suspect that your own MOTHER had sex with ALIENS and COWS and shit. Well, she DIDN'T. It's all in your head. Now take your tranquilizers and RELAX."

Double No-Shit Disclaimer: don't try this at home. It could seriously fuck you up. Unless that's what you want. Then, be sure to figure out what your story will be when you or your significant other has to take a ride with you to the emergency room. Oh, don't forget to have fun!


I came to with a splitting headache. My car was totaled. I was no longer completely in the driver's seat, but was bent over the console. Everything hurt. I'd been driving to work when I was T boned. I found out later the other driver was a ditzy teenager who had allegedly been texting her BFF. The medical bills would suck. I had health insurance I could barely afford; a high deductible plan. This would shoot it straight to hell. Dammit. Hopefully my auto insurance would spring for a cash settlement large enough to upgrade to a nicer car. Or even score an equivalent? Hell, at this point I would really just like not to have to sue them to get enough for an old clunker.

Thankfully, I didn't actually break anything. I was out for several minutes though, so they were worried about brain injury. At least I wasn't comatose. Or a vegetable. I was frustrated and bummed. Not angry per se. Just overwhelmed by all the grown-up responsibilities I now had. Thankfully I'd graduated college last year and was working full time in IT. I made good money, but with student loans to pay off, I was hardly going to be flush with cash for more years than I liked to think about. Maybe I could afford to have a life when I turned 65... Ugh.

The ambulance picked me up and hauled me away to the hospital while the tow truck picked up the corpse of my car and hauled it to the automotive morgue. I was glad it wasn't the other way around. The distracted driver who'd created the whole clusterfuck seemed uninjured. She was also very, very apologetic. The ambulance was remarkably smooth and quiet inside; a minor mercy. I just wanted to go to sleep, but they keep talking to me, keeping me from drifting off...

When I arrived at the hospital, I was taken directly to imaging. Nothing broken or out of place, thankfully. They wanted to keep me for observation for a while though, just to be sure there wasn't a slow bleed artery in my head. An aneurism would definitely ruin my day. I was wheeled to the second floor. For whatever reason I had a room to myself.

Despite being adjustable in so many ways, the hospital bed was NOT comfortable. The television offerings stunk so I just stared out the window while mentally assessing the proverbial impact being hit was going to have on my life.

If I'd only known then all that would ensue, I would have profusely thanked the girl that hit me. That accident kicked off a chain reaction of the best things that ever happened to me.

As I sat on the bed, semi reclined, a nurse walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was like a model, or a centerfold.

I'd half expect her to be someone's "get well-wisher" kind of like a singing telegram--except she wasn't dressed in a sexy nurse uniform. That didn't stop my mental fantasy from forming though.

I didn't want to be creepy and definitely didn't want to be caught checking her out! I averted my eyes, looking down at myself, at the walls, the celling. Everywhere but at her.

She spoke to me firmly and with confidence. She had a noticeable accent though. Eastern European? Russian? Ukrainian?

"Hello Jake" she began "my name is Oksana--I'm a nurse here at the hospital and I'm going to be periodically checking up on you this afternoon until you are cleared to go home."

She didn't ask if it was ok that she was my nurse, nor did she didn't ask my permission for anything. I didn't notice it at the time, but later I realized it was simply the way she was. If she wanted something done, she did it. I found that level of assertiveness to be a highly desirable trait! As a typical "nice guy" I love a confidant woman.

"I'm going to ask you some questions, and make some checks..." she continued.

I didn't pay close attention to what she was saying. I hoped I was nodding at the right times to allay suspicion of reduced mental capacity. Shit I hadn't been THAT bright to begin with. I couldn't afford to take the down escalator over this.

Every time I looked up, I found she was staring me down. She was quick to make eye contact too. It was as though she could see through me even more thoroughly than the MRI and CT machines in Radiology just had.

I felt naked before her, notwithstanding the hospital gown. The magnetic pull I felt, the attraction to her--was painfully strong. It was unbelievably hard to ignore. It helped to acknowledge that such a perfect specimen of feminine architecture wouldn't have the faintest interest in me.

For one thing, she was really tall. I'm 5'10". Turned out she's an inch taller than me. If she were in heels, she'd positively tower over me. That's not the kind of dynamic women want. They want to doll up in heels and still feel dainty and small next to their man. I couldn't ever give her that.

"Jake, are you listening to me" she questioned gently. I whipped my head up and looked at her directly. I couldn't tell if there was a suggestion of amusement or of concern in her expression.

"Ugh, sorry Miss, my mind wanders sometimes; what was your question again?" I hesitantly asked, staring at her while my hands moved together nervously in my lap.

"Actually, it's OK we're about done here. I'll be back in a while though. Try to pay closer attention when I speak to you though; everything I have to say is important." She gently corrected.

I felt sheepish. I'd actually been trying not to mentally undress her. And failing.

While she was gone, sexual thoughts about my exotic nurse kept intruding. Did she shave it or just trim it? Or was she one of those European girls who went all natural? That thought cooled my passion noticeably. Perhaps she's only into other women?

But then I came back to her pussy. I wondered what her pussy looked like, what it tasted like. I wondered if she liked having her ass hole worshiped. What would it be like to lick her behind? Hell, even if that was all I got to do with such a beauty, I'd be thrilled!

She came back an hour or so later, and repeated the questions and the checks. She actually reached out for my chin, turning my head to face her. It was so awkward because I was staring directly at her chest. 34 A or B was my guess. Probably soft and perky. I wondered if the nipples pointed down, out, or turned up? Just as this pensive moment really got my curiosity going, she flashed me!

Ugh. Flashlight to the eyes. Check.

Just then, my sister and her best friend arrived. Nurse Oksana quietly finished up what she was doing but stopped short of leaving the room. She stood off to the side, scrutinizing her clipboard and apparently pretending to be busy with some interesting and necessary medical task. But I learned later that really, she was studying me for an entirely non-professional purpose. Observing the family interaction.

"Jake, are you OK?" my sister effused.

Emily is a very intense and dramatic person at times. I'm sure that's part of why I'm not. We balance out as siblings. We have a pretty good relationship though.

"I can't believe some bitch hit you! Seriously, whatthefuck? did she even have insurance? FUCK!" She was really starting to get spun up now, finding traction with Amanda her bestie, as backup. I tried to diffuse the issue before Emily had the lawyers swarming.

"It' wasn't that big of a deal. I'm fine, really" I tried to calm her down.

She kept huffing and puffing though, and Amanda chiming in didn't help. After a few minutes, I was tired of their minor production. Perhaps the nurse picked up on that. But she didn't interrupt the little drama that was unfolding in room 205. May she's a Springer fan.

"Yeah, well get better soon bro, you're behind on cleaning AND laundry. Oh, and I'm going to need a foot rub, like stat. We're going shopping tomorrow, and you know how grueling that is..." she trailed off with a tone suggesting the seriousness of her predicament. I sensed that she was being pushy about her needs because if I stepped up and met them as usual then it would mean that I was really OK and things would be fine. If I didn't step up once again, then she would KNOW something was wrong, and this could quickly escalate into a full-blown academy award-nominable performance.

I readily agreed to all her demands. Knowing that she really did feel some meager measure of sibling affection for me made it much easier not to take offense at her demanding nature.

As we exchanged in our typical brother/sister roles, Oksana must have figured out that I'm not romantically involved with Amanda. Rather, I'm like a pathetic mascot. My sister is definitely the alfa in her group of friends and she is in charge of her precious (nay, pathetic?) only brother's life too.

I couldn't recognize or admit it to myself at the time, but I was generally a completely pussy-whipped serving boy to my sister and her cadre. I should clear up now though, I'm not effeminate at all. I'm completely straight. I just haven't ever had any luck attracting the sort of girl I'm interested in.

Sheer desperation for some proximity to the feminine eventually drove me to drastic measures. The closest thing to getting in a girl's pants I could find, was slipping into girly underwear. Mostly my sister's. Doubly pathetic right? Yeah, well it's how I get cheap sex thrills.

And yes, I'd been caught in my sister's panty drawer. She'd originally been pissed, but after cooling off for a couple days it seemed to be a non-issue. I'd had to satisfy myself with the pairs I hadn't returned as I didn't dare sneak any more. Not long after Emily had laughed herself silly when my shirt rode up flashing a whale tail while bending over wearing a thong I'd just purchased. Truth was I'd wished it was her thong. How messed up was it that I fantasized about getting into my sisters' panties. To wear, I mean. I will say I've had some very nice compliments on how nice my ass is so at least I don't feel TOO out there about it.

Anyway, in later conversation I learned that Oksana observed that I didn't radiate a homosexual vibe in the least. I just had an air of unimportance, as though I decided that I don't matter, and that on a subliminal level I want the whole world to mirror that belief back to me. I thought it was a very interesting observation on her part--and it made sense in a new-agey sort of way. But I digress. Emily and Amanda were still going at it.

"Can you believe how tacky that getup is" Em asked?

Amanda piped in "How embarrassing would that be-- to get stripped at a hospital only to be found wearing your sister's panties!" she teased loudly.

I couldn't believe my ears! She'd just outed me to the "easily qualified to be a Victoria's Secret Alum nurse" attending to me?! F.u.c.k.

So yeah After getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar ages ago, I went out of my way to take care of things for "Em". She must have appreciated it because it wasn't very long afterwards, that I came home to find one of her hand-me-down panties sitting on my bed along with a note "don't take anything of mine without asking; oh and I don't want these back." Fine, i could totally respect that. Especially if she was going to periodically gift me a pair she had worn. They'd been recently worn and I sniffed, then licked, and finally jerked myself silly to them.

Somehow it was better knowing that she knew and was OK with it. To my shame, once all traces of her were lost, I'd worn them pretty regularly. I didn't realize her friends all knew though. I was horrified. Could I ever look any of them in the face again? I wanted to deny it and try to preserve some measure of male dignity but I also knew it was true and I could never lie convincingly. So, when Amanda aired my literal dirty laundry in the hospital room, I didn't respond.

I was so engrossed in all of this that I didn't notice Oksana looking on with rapt attention. Of course, looking back on events now, I understand that she was thinking things through and deciding if I was in fact a submissive male who was used to playing the female gender role.

Spoiler alert.

That's EXACTLY what I am...

When I didn't answer her "how embarrassing" shot across my bow, Amanda reached for the bottom hem of the hospital Johnnie I was wearing and lifted it up enough to peek beneath. Her face fell a little and she conceded "ok, that's just boring--no girly underwear today" and dropped the flimsy fabric. "But we all still remember when you got caught jerking off with your sister's panties" she announced self-righteously.

I closed my eyes, completely aghast. Apparently, the nurse had heard enough and decided to take pity on me. She interrupted the verbal melee with a stern directive to clear out, which they reluctantly did. Amanda turned to look back at me, lifted the back of her shirt and bent forward with an evil grin. The T-back of her thong was on display.

I groaned a little and she winked and stuck her tongue out at me. She made a kissy sound and announced "I'll leave these for you. A little homecoming present to look forward to" as she disappeared around the door.

None of Emily's friends had done anything so brazen before and I was shocked at Amanda's timing. When visiting, she was a fun addition to the atmosphere, but as often as not she was a real cunt. I mostly sucked it up and took her abuse for the sake of domestic tranquility, but this was really amping up her game.

I also wondered if she was serious. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't wanted to get a pair of hers. A pair of each and every one Emily's friends' panties actually... I seriously thought about it when they'd had a mass sleepover. But I couldn't figure out how the hell to pull off a mass-panty raid. Damn it for not being uber clever.

"Well that was really something" Oksana said more to herself than to me. "You know Jake, you're pretty shy aren't you" she stated softly.

I didn't answer verbally. My body language of trying to make myself as tiny as possible confirmed her assessment. She stepped over to me once again. I turned my head away, too ashamed to be seen. I sensed movement, then felt her hand on my face.

"Why don't you look me in the eyes?" she said while casually lifting my chin once again.

I was shocked by the touch. She drew my face in her direction and she stared into my eyes for several long moments. I didn't know if I was supposed to speak! Her soft hands on my face had a definite effect on me. A small jostling in my gown. I hoped it wasn't visibly suggestive of my growing erection. That was one nice thing about being as average sized as average could be. Five inches. Five and a quarter if I was being generous with myself. At that size, a random erection isn't especially noticeable.

"Jake. You seem to be intent on looking everywhere in the room but at me. It's OK to hold eye contact" she said softly.

I felt my heart flutter. Holy shit I wanted her. I was in agony though. She knew one of my dark humiliating secrets. Add to that the fact that she was way, WAY out of my league; not even the same game, actually.

"Was all that true?" she asked. She didn't elaborate on what she wanted confirmation of. I just closed my eyes and tried not to tear up.

And then I nodded once, very subtly.

"I see" she said, her tone softening further "You know what else Jake? It's even ok to check me out. I see that you've been trying not to, but I don't mind if you find me desirable".

Her words hit me like a freight truck. My eyes shot open. She was smiling kindly. If she was teasing me, I couldn't make sense of it. Had she really just invited me to check out her body? She half smiled and took a couple steps back, watching my eyes closely as I screwed up the courage to accept her invitation. My eyes scanned her body. Apparently, she noticed I didn't dwell on her breasts for long. In that moment I figured B cup. Maybe even an A with a padded bra. I can tell you now, that they are a very firm and perky. A generous A-cup. The perfect size.

Oksana seemed to be enjoying this. She turned to one side, then the other, and finally turning her back to me. She has the most incredible ass. And that's saying something considering how decidedly un-flattering scrubs are to the female frame.

She was pleased to see that I was fixated on her legs, waist and ass. She held that pose for a long moment. All I could think about was the place beneath her scrubs, where her legs came together.

I wondered what kind of underwear she favored. Probably comfortable and functional white cotton panties. Everything is centered around comfortable and functional in a hospital. It has to be when you work 12-hour shifts.

Suddenly she turned back to face me, but her professional demeanor had returned.

"I'll check on you again in a while, but based on your results I expect you'll be released shortly." She deposited the clipboard back in the slot at the end of the bed and walked out without a backward glance.

What the hell had happened? I couldn't understand.

The entire scene played out over and over again for the next few minutes. A male orderly arrived with a wheelchair. I got dressed and he wheeled me to the admissions desk where I had to submit insurance information and sign away my life.

Then he wheeled me out to the curb. My sister hadn't waited for me dammit. But it wasn't long before a cab arrived and drove me home.

My sister and I shared a basement apartment and I was relieved to find the place deserted. I headed to my room. When I opened the door, I was shocked to find a thong sitting on the bed. I was pretty sure it was the one Amanda flashed at me on her way out the door.

Well, at least some little bit of sunshine in my life was breaking through.

I balled it up and sniffed it. It smelled divine. She smelled divine. I'd have to satisfy myself with that, knowing it was as close to her moist folds as I'd ever get. I tucked it under my pillow and slept for 18 hours.


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