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Mistress Takes It All (F/F)

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Wife is exploited by husband's mistress and her mom.
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Categories: gradual lesbian humiliation, findom, cuckquean, foot worship, trampling


Michelle and Kevin are seemingly happy and prosperous married couple. While Michelle is rocking the corporate world climbing career ladder, her husband, who considers himself a promising artist, is mostly at home working on the next masterpiece that just doesn't work out. Or at least that's what he tells his wife he's doing.

His mistress Vanessa likes him a lot, but she's not satisfied with him not making any money. Sly Vanessa has found a way to completely live off her lover's wife, having fun with her husband while she's at work. But her ambitions are far bigger. And soon she gets a chance to realize them, with the help of sudden misfortune and the help of her mother.

And again, completely at expense of her lover's wife...


I had just come home after another long day at the office. At just 28 years old, I was an office manager at a consulting firm and had built a decent career for myself. I took home a $6,500 a month salary, and there was sure to be promotions in the future. I walked over to my husband, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the bedroom to freshen up.

My husband was the love of my life. Just a year older than me at 29, he was attractive, with strong arms, soft dark hair, deep brown eyes and a great body. While he was easy on the eyes, his artistic nature deeply attracted me. When I'd arrived home, as usual, he was sat in front of his easel, working on his latest piece.

Things hadn't been so great for him lately. He'd sold a few pieces of art for small sums - $100 there, $250 here. But I believed in him! I thought his work was incredible and soon he'd finish a piece that sold for a fortune.

He believed in himself, too. He often reminded me that he'd once sold a beautiful piece for $50,000, and both he and I knew it was just a matter of time before he produced a work of art that would sell for the same, or maybe even more. I was more than happy to support him financially - one because I loved him, and two because I knew he only needed a few inspired pieces to make us more than enough money.

I took a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. I kicked off my black heels, worked my black pencil skirt down my legs, and unbuttoned my shirt.

Staring at myself, I reminded myself of a conversation my husband and I had a few weeks ago.

I'd quizzed him on why he hadn't produced many finished paintings lately.

He'd sighed - slightly rolled his eyes.

"Michelle... being an artist is a process. I know you work hard all day to support us financially, and that I agreed that since I stay at home and paint, I'd take care of the household. But every time I have to get up to clean, or fix something, or run an errand, or start dinner... it disrupts my flow. Once that happens, I have to start all over again. That's why it's taking me months to finish any decent piece."

I'd nodded. It made sense. I understood art required total focus and tranquility. I knew that distractions limited the beauty of the art. I'd held his hand in mine. I melted, staring into those perfect brown eyes of his.

"You're right, Kevin," I'd said softly, "How can I help?"

He'd smiled. Such a gorgeous smile. He'd leaned in and kissed me.

"I love that you have a successful career," he'd said, "But Michelle... when you get home from work, I need you to be a better wife."

Another soft kiss. I'd cuddled into him.

"I know you're going to produce an incredible piece of work soon, babe," I'd said, adding "Until then... I'm going to try to be the perfect wife for you."

Looking at myself now in the mirror, as I did every night since that conversation, I reminded myself what being a perfect wife meant.

I pulled my hair out of my ponytail, running my brush through it. He liked my hair down. Long-haired brunettes with blue eyes were his thing - and I certainly fit that description.

I snapped open my plain black comfort bra, slid off my black panties, and walked to my closet. I picked out some red lace lingerie, wrapping a short red silk robe around myself and tying it. Kevin found the click clack of heels on tiles to be therapeutic, so despite my feet being sore from being in heels all day, I completed my seductive red ensemble with matching heels. I returned to the mirror, touching up my makeup, making sure my hair was perfect, glossing my lips.

I smiled. My husband deserved the perfect wife, and I felt I looked like one at that moment. The robe provided ample cleavage and a view to the lace bra that held my 32c breasts. The red silk cut off at my upper thigh, revealing my toned, tanned legs. Like every night since our conversation, I looked the perfect housewife. And like every night since our conversation, I'd now go and act like one.

I didn't disturb him, but I felt his eyes look me up and down as I walked past him towards the kitchen. I cleaned up the mess he'd made in there during the day, washing his coffee cup and lunch plate, sweeping up breadcrumbs from the sandwich I'd prepared for him before I'd gone to work.

I went out to see him. Not wanting to disturb him, I stood beside him and waited while his long paint strokes brushed the page in front of him.

"What's up, Michelle?" he asked.

I wrapped my arm around him, kissed his cheek, and whispered, "What can I make you for dinner, my love?"

He smiled. I knew he was happy that I'd taken our conversation so seriously and that I was working so hard to be the perfect wife, allowing him the time and to confirm to be inspired enough to do his best work.

"Fettuccini Carbonara," he said.

Another kiss on his handsome cheek, and I made my way back to the kitchen. I put a lot of effort into the meal. I wanted it to be perfect for him. I set the table, lighting two candles and decanting a bottle of his favourite red wine.

Soon, I was pulling out his chair, allowing him to sit. I placed his food in front of him and poured his wine. This was my favourite part of the day! No art. No housework. Just my incredible husband and I talking over dinner.

Well... he did most of the talking. I'd learned that hearing about my day only distracted him and messed with his artistic focus. I listened intently as he talked about the latest painting he was working on.

"Bright, vibrant colours at the top that represent light, fun, perfection," he explained.

"Through the middle, a dark storm. Conflicted emotions. You will see that the stormy strokes are working their way toward the vibrant colours. The storm knows the bright colours are its saviour. It wants to join the bright."

I nodded, smiling, entranced by his articulation of his work.

"And what's beneath the storm?" I asked softly.

He frowned.

"Bland, boring colours. Browns. Greys. Beige. The storm is trying to rise up away from the bland colours. It's drawn to the light. In fact, the storm is using the bland colour as a stepping stone as it reaches for the allure of the brightness."


"I love you so much, Kevin," I sighed.

"Love you too, Michelle," he mumbled before finishing his last forkful. "I think I've done enough work for one day though. Time to rest and recover."

He refilled his wineglass, headed into the living room, flopped down on the couch and put on one of his favourite TV shows.

I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and mopped the floors. Finally, the house was perfect. I went to the living room and sat next to Kevin.

I wanted him. I kissed him. He barely returned my kiss... but as I ran my manicured hand over his shorts, I felt his perfect cock stirring to life. He might not have been in the mood for sex lately - but he WAS a man, and even I knew how good I looked tonight.

His words told me, "Not tonight, Michelle. I have to order some art supplies for tomorrow."

But his cock told a different story. My hand worked inside his shorts, my fingers wrapping around it.

"Seriously, Michelle," he said, pulling out his phone, "I really need to research and order these supplies tonight."

I nodded. Reminding myself that he needed me to be the perfect wife if he was going to produce an incredible piece like the $50,000 one he had done so long ago.

"It's okay," I said sweetly, tracing my fingers over his cock, "You order your supplies, and I'll take care of... this..."

"Fine," he said.

I slid off the couch to my knees, crawling between his thighs, pulling his shorts down. Pressing my full lips to his cock, kissing along its length, then back to the tip... before elegantly drawing it into my mouth. Of course, I'd have preferred to be having sex... but my job right now was to ensure his comfort. Soon, he'd produce that perfect piece. And the celebratory sex we'd enjoy once that happened would be very much worth the wait!!

A soft pat on my head from Kevin made me smile. He was happy with me.


I can't stop giggling. The man I'm seeing is texting me while his wife is blowing him.

He just said, "The best part is that she thinks I'm buying art supplies. So she won't be suspicious about where all her money is going."

I replied. "Give her a little pat on the head from me for being such a good little money maker for me."

I'd wanted Kevin the moment I'd seen him. Sitting at a cafe one sunny Saturday morning with his wife. She was attractive - but he seemed distant. Bored. He was clearly an artsy type, good with his hands, I was sure. His wife was a lucky woman. But the more I watched them from across the cafe, the more I knew he was searching for something.

I began to compare myself to his wife. We were similar ages - maybe I was a year or two younger. We weren't dissimilar. Dark hair, blue eyes. But I had some advantages over her. I was 2 inches taller. Longer legs. A slimmer waist. And my breasts might have been one size bigger. Most of all, I was FUN! The way her husband stared off in the distance while she went on and on about her work... I mean... if it was me sat opposite him I'd have his full attention.

My mind went to what it would be like to be with this handsome, artsy man.

The wife went to the bathroom. I quickly finished my coffee and went in after her. Soon, we were side by side touching up our makeup in the bathroom mirror.

"You and your man seem like an amazing couple," I said nicely.

She turned to me. Giving me the most awful glare.

"We are," she said assertively, looking me up and down. Cocking her head sidewards, she added condescendingly, "Chin up, sweetheart. You'll find a great man one day."

What a BITCH!

Right then and there, my mind was made up. Her husband was mine!

I'd also noticed a nice little added bonus. The wife had on a rather rare pair of Jimmy Choo's and an expensive handbag. The artsy husband, I thought, must be quite well off, too.

I gave her a smile, saying "thank you", but thinking "I'll just take your man, you condescending bitch".

It had been almost too easy, really. Clearly, the couple were creatures of habit - returning to the same cafe at the same time the following Saturday. This time, when the wife went to the bathroom, I again finished my coffee and stood up. Only this time, instead of following her, I went to her table, sitting down in her seat.

"Hi. Vanessa," I said, reaching my hand across the table. The strong hands of the husband wrapped around mine. Our eyes locked.

"I'm Kevin," he said.

I knew I didn't have long before the wife returned. I cut to the chase.

"Your wife is really pretty," I said with a smile, "But honey - you are clearly bored out of your mind."

I added my trademark giggle, and he chuckled.

"Am I that obvious?" he asked.

I slipped him my number.

"Look - I get you're married. But it's important to have fun in life. If you want some... give me a call."

I knew I'd won. When his wife returned and started talking at him as usual, he couldn't stop glancing over at me. I'd smile. I was so sure that I'd soon have Kevin that I couldn't resist toying with his bitch of a wife.

When Kevin went to pay for their breakfast, I grabbed my bag and headed for the exit, stopping at the wife's table.

"Hi," I smiled.

She stared at me with a blank "do I know you?" look about her.

"Vanessa. From the bathroom last week. You told me you were sure I'd find a great man soon enough."

"Oh. Yeah. Good luck with that," was all she offered.

"Well, I just wanted to say you were right. I've found someone perfect! It's early... but I think it's going to work out amazingly."

She rolled her eyes. "Good for you."

I couldn't stop smiling.

"Well, see ya around," I sang.

Kevin had wasted no time. He'd messaged me first thing Monday morning and by 10 am we were sitting in the cafe, at their table, chatting. We talked for hours! Before we knew it, it was 2 pm!

"Damn, I really should get home. I've got so much to do..." he'd said.

I went in for the kill.

"Or... you could come to my apartment and do me..."

He was everything I hoped he'd be. Smart. Articulate. Incredible body. And amazing in bed.

Well... ALMOST everything I'd hoped he'd be. There was just one disappointment. The designer shoes and bag his wife had worn weren't bought by him. They were bought by her. In fact - everything they had was bought by her. While he was a good artist, Kevin was broke. His wife was the moneymaker.

That created a huge problem. As perfect as Kevin was in every other way, I simply couldn't be in a serious relationship with a broke man. I barely worked - I preferred to have fun. So any man I was with would have to be able to support me financially.

I was annoyed. Stealing Kevin from Michelle was no longer an option. I'd still sleep with him regularly - but I guessed I'd just have to let her keep him.

Still, Kevin came over every day for two weeks while his wife was at work. We got along so well and our chemistry was incredible. Whether we were out having coffee, walking along the beach, or rolling around in bed, we were perfect together.

Dammit - why couldn't he just have money?!

Everything changed one day when I told him I couldn't hang out because rent was due and I needed to go make some money. Without hesitation, he said he'd cover my rent for the month.

I'd laughed. "How are you going to do that? You haven't sold a painting in weeks because you've spent every spare minute with me."

When he told me he'd use his wife's money, my eyes lit up.

Let me tell you - stealing a man from his wife is thrilling in itself. But having the wife unknowingly supporting me financially while I enjoy her perfect husband? It's the best feeling in the world. I felt powerful, strong, sexy.

Everything was almost perfect. There was just one problem left.

His wife, Michelle, usually got home from work at 6 pm. Since she made all the money, it was expected that Kevin took care of all the cooking and cleaning. That meant he always had to leave me at around 3:30 pm to get home to take care of everything.

But every problem has a solution.

One day, after some mind-blowingly incredible sex, I laid in Kevin's arms.

"Hey. You know how you said your wife was bitching that you hadn't produced much art lately?" I began.

"Ugh, yeah."

"Wellllll... I have an idea."

That's right! It was ALL my idea. Him telling his wife that he couldn't focus properly because of all the chores he had to do. When he told me she'd agreed with him and would start being the 'perfect wife', I jumped for joy. Not only was this woman financially supporting me, she was now taking care of everything, giving her husband more time to spend with me.

So here I was, texting him while Michelle sucked his cock.

"Has she finished yet?" I asked.

"No haha. She's not as skilled as you. And besides, I've already had sex three times today."

Oh how hilarious!

"That's right, you have. With your favourite," I teased.

"Right! I told her about the painting I'm working on. She had no idea that I'm the storm in the middle, you're the vibrant light I'm drawn to, and she's the bland colours below."

Music to my ears. "I know that piece is going to sell. It's perfect. When it does... I think we should lay all the money out on my mattress and make love on top of it."

"OMG that's so hot. I love you, Vanessa."

"I know. I love you too. Give your maid another little head pat for me. Night babe, see you in the morning."


It had taken Kevin forever to cum. I knew he was distracted by his art supply order, but I was hoping my worshipping of his cock would have stolen his attention away from his phone.

At least he'd given me a couple of head pats to reassure me I was doing well.

"This orders really expensive, Michelle. More than some people's rent," he said.

Ugh. I made good money but he was spending a LOT on art supplies lately. But I wanted to keep being the supportive wife for him. I took his dick out of my mouth just long enough to say "Whatever you need, babe. My money is your money".

Suddenly, he tensed up, smiling, taking my head in his hands and thrusting into my mouth. Within moments, he had cum, looking down at me proudly as I swallowed.

That night in bed I was deep in thought. I was frustrated that we hadn't had sex in a while and the 'perfect housewife' routine on top of working all day was tiring. Plus, despite my income, we weren't saving much because he'd been spending so much on supplies lately. But laying in his arms with my head on his powerful chest, I knew it would all be worth it soon. He's master that perfect piece - maybe the stormy one he was working on now - and everything would be perfect again.

Unfortunately, things would take a lot longer than I imagined. The piece he'd been working on did sell for $1,000 - which was his best return in a long long time - but that wasn't nearly enough.

It was, however, enough to prove that with me being the perfect house wife, his work had improved. It hadn't turned out to be the incredible piece we thought - but it was a step in the right direction and it meant that he was now closer than ever to delivering a masterpiece. I committed even more aggressively to ensuring his comfort, constantly encouraging him. Soon! It would happen soon!

I had an opportunity myself to make some more money. A business trip that would provide us with some bonus... But it would mean I'd be away for a whole week. I was worried about what Kevin would say. His work seemed to be progressing well and I worried that me not being there to take care of him for a week might derail him.

But he surprised me. Wrapping me up in his arms and kissing me.

"It's an amazing opportunity, Michelle! You take such good care of me. This time it's my turn to take care of you. Go! Have a great time!"

I was smiling. It was the most supportive he'd been in months. I packed my bags, and he even dropped me off at the airport, waiting with me until I boarded.


I was having the time of my life.

"The Storm" painting had been Kevin's best ever selling work. My mother, Maria, knew some people. When she told them the story about the painting, they were intrigued.

Tortured artist painting the story of his wife becoming a doormat for his vibrant Mistress. They'd paid $25,000.

My mother had taken a $4,000 commission. We'd put $1,000 into Michelle and Kevin's bank account - just enough to make Michelle realise that her devoted housewife routine was working. And, to hide the real proceeds from her, the remaining $20,000 had gone into my account.

Up until now, Michelle's money had been covering my rent, bills and necessities. Now, with that $20,000 in my account, her money was going towards my wardrobe. New shoes, bags, dresses, tops, skirts. And of course lingerie that I modelled for Kevin.

Now here she was, boarding a flight, leaving her husband with me for a whole week. She blew Kevin a kiss, and as soon as she disappeared down the tunnel, I slid my hand into Kevin's. We shared a long, passionate kiss.

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