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Misty's Halloween Trick and Treat

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Misty finds magic at a delightful party with a mystery man.
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At first, I was undecided about attending the Kinky Kourt Halloween party my friends Abigail and Kevin hosted every year, rain or shine. But this year was bittersweet. My husband Aiden, my dom, passed away 10 months ago. He was a cop and was killed on duty. I missed him every day, but I needed to move on, he would want that for me. And what better way to do that than Abby and Kev's annual Halloween party? "I'm going to go," I finally told myself.

So here I was, like a good sub, obeying the edict to "cum in a kinked up costume" by wearing a very mini red plaid skirt with no panties, white socks, and saddle shoes, white shirt unbuttoned halfway to my waist (no bra), and a big bow in my hair. I was sporting a flame-red curly wig and I had a rhinestone mask with a matching dog collar. I had a plastic bag of condoms in my purse. Just in case. I was hoping to have fun, but I just wasn't sure if I was ready for sex again. Aiden was still in my heart, my mind, my thoughts. But I knew he would want me to date again, to love again. This party was a start.

I felt bad that I arrived so late, but I seemed to delay and delay until finally I just pulled out my costume and threw it on, and left before I could change my mind. I guess I was still undecided, I told myself. "Just do it," I said aloud.

As soon as I walked in, three guys singled me out and made a beeline to me. I recognized one of them - Aiden and I had hooked up with him and his fiancé at last year's party, but it looked like he was alone. And drunk. He leaned over me and tried to shove his hand down my blouse without saying a word. I could smell liquor on his breath. He tweaked my nipple, and I leaned down and tweaked his cock. He stepped back.

"Give me a minute to catch my breath, Chris," I told him.

"Oh. I thought, with Aiden gone...I might...I thought you'd want to...I don't know." He confirmed my impression of him as a jackass. "You're looking for a dom, right?"I waved him off, and turned to the other two guys. I didn't know either of them, but one was bearing a couple of drinks and the other a trick-or-treat bag. And neither was trying to grab me by the boobs.

"Good morning little schoolgirl," the one guy said. Or rather sort of sang the line from The Grateful Dead song. He handed me a smoking drink.

Dry ice, I thought. Good touch, Abby.

"Are you a deadhead?" I looked at him. "You don't look old enough."

"Betcha bottom dollar." He leaned down and pecked me on both cheeks, then patted my ass. "And neither do you, but you got the reference." He pointed to the other guy and said, "We're together, but we couldn't help but be intrigued. You look pretty fine as a schoolgirl. And I'm glad you got that because not many people our age are fans of the Grateful Dead." He pointed at himself. "I'm Terry and this fine man is Jason."

Jason bowed.

I gave them the once over. They were both cowboys, complete with Stetsons, one with a traditional white hat, one black, and both with boots and spurs. The big difference from the old Wild West cowboys was that these cowboy duds didn't cover their backsides, nor their ripped chests. The guy with the trick-or-treat bag, Terry, was wearing a leather collar and the other guy had a leash. I saw Terry was the one in the white hat.

"You're the good guy?" I asked him.

He giggled. "Depends on what your definition of good is."

I may have drooled a little. " You guys look pretty spiffy yourselves. So, what's in the bag?" I pointed to the orange and black bag with "tricks/treats'' written on the side.

"Well, which do you hope it will be?" They both said, snickering furiously. "A trick? A treat?"


Terry held the bag out and I reached in. I pulled out a folded piece of paper and glitter sprinkled the air.

"Trick," it said. I laughed. "Perfect. What's the trick?"

"You have to wait for the universe to tell you. I have to mention, Jason is a warlock."

They both grinned and said, "Bah ha ha" in an evil chuckle.

"I was hoping you'd do some magic. I could use some magic."

"Magic will happen. We'll look for you later, and we'll show you magic," Jason said, "and maybe the three of us can have some fun. We'll find a trick or two then."

"Maybe," I said, blowing them a kiss. I wondered if I was ready to have fun here. Aiden's memory was still so strong in my heart. I didn't even know if casual sex would be a possibility, but the cowboys looked like candy. Okay, I was ready. I thought so anyway. Here I was again, vacillating.

They sauntered off, their beautiful naked butts moving in sync.

I wandered through the house. A lot of people recognized me from the annual parties and expressed their sympathies.

I was a little teary but was trying to enjoy myself, nonetheless. I kept fingering the collar. Aiden had bought it for me, and I sometimes wore it out in public with him. Now, touching it, was like having him beside me again."Love you Daddy," I whispered to him. I felt his spirit with me.

I noticed a Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy couple, both with cutouts for the pertinent body parts and jeweled butt plugs showing. I laughed. Andy wore a cute sailor suit and hat over his red curls, which nearly matched mine in hue, Ann had a flouncy white apron over a gingham dress. The outfits ended where their butts began, and Ann's dress was cut low enough to see an enormous cleavage. They wore matching white vinyl masks, and both wore bright red lipstick. I didn't think I knew them, but I was sure I'd seen Ann's breasts before. I smiled at them as they passed.

"Happy Halloween," I called.

Ann blew me a kiss.

Abby and Kevin came up to me, she dressed as a sexy witch, he a sexy warlock. She wore a floor-sweeping purple gown, nearly totally transparent, and he wore thin black pants with a long red cape. We all hugged and kissed, and then we talked about Aiden for a few minutes.

"Oh Abby, he loved these parties so much," I told her.

"We loved him. And we love you. I didn't know if you'd come this year, but I hoped you would. I thought it might do you good."

"I'm glad I came," I said with a smile at her.

" I know you've been holed up in that little house of yours," Abby said, "and every time I called you, you had some excuse not to go to lunch with me or go anywhere or even talk to me."

"I'm sorry. It's just been so very hard."

"I know it is, sweety. I can't even imagine. But look, this year's party is all about magic. I hope you find some here. There are a lot of safe guys. I saw you talking to Terry and Jason. They're two of the best guys you could meet." She held me in a warm embrace."No expectations, remember? Just have a good time."

"I'm sorry I arrived so late. I thought I was decided about coming, but then I seemed to find all kinds of reasons why I shouldn't come."

"I'm so glad you did. And I understand. It's a big decision." Abby changed the subject to the caterer that they'd hired this year. "Truly magical!" she said. And they both chattered as they led me to the food and drink tables, telling me who they'd seen and what costumes they were wearing, and talking about the games and surprises in the various rooms. I was grateful I was here. This was the perfect thing to get me out of my grieving funk.

I waved goodbye to them as they walked off to visit with more quests, and I surveyed the huge banquet table full of food. I took a black plate from the stack of black, gold, and orange plates, and filled it to overflowing with luscious Halloween snacks. The caterer was truly skilled. There were piles of shrimp mounded to look like brains on a bed of blood-red cocktail sauce. There were black cookies with orange filling and skull-shaped cookies with decorative icing. There were tiny hot dogs wrapped in pastry to make them look like severed fingers, and tiny sandwiches with orange bread. I saw little round quiches, and one of my favorite snacks, baby crab cakes. I love to eat, and I was in heaven. My plate was a small mountain of food when I finished.

A man in a full black latex bodysuit quietly moved up to stand next to me. I couldn't tell who he was. The only thing I could see were dark eyes set behind a dark full mask in the dim lighting of the party. The disco ball flashing overhead glittered over his costume, making his whole body sparkle. He seemed to be staring at me. It was a little creepy, I thought. A chill ran down my spine.

"Hi, there," I said, hiding my feelings and trying to be friendly. He was probably not actually staring, but that mask made it look that way. "Sure," I answered myself."

He reached to the table, picked up one of the snacks, and then he leaned across me to put it on top of the mountain of food on my plate.

That startled me. I stepped back and looked away from his glittering body to my plate. "Oh my God," I shrieked. "Baklava! I didn't even see it. I love baklava!"

The latex man leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I know." He patted my hand with his gloved hand.

I giggled. "Now how would you know?"

He moved closer and reached over to touch my shoulder. "I know you."

At his touch, my shoulder tingled. I didn't know whether to be creeped out or amused. I was leaning toward creeped out, but then I told myself, it's just a Halloween costume party and it is supposed to be mysterious and kinky. Go with it." Come on Misty," I said to myself, "get a grip."

I reached out to rub his chest, and he leaned his head back in a gesture so reminiscent of Aiden, that my heart did a flip flop. I pulled my hand back as if his body burned me.

"Don't stop, that was sexy," he whispered. "Touch me again."

I moved my hand down to his belly, then lower... "Want to walk around and see the sights?" I asked him. I could feel heat searing my pussy, and I just wasn't sure I wanted that to happen. Or at least happen just now. Or ever again. I was so confused! Why did I come here if I wasn't looking for a good time?

He put his arm firmly around my waist and directed me toward the French doors leading out to the acreage, decorated, I could see, with the usual haystacks and ancient rusting farm machinery, skeletons, and scarecrows. As always, Abby and Kev had decorated the property too, not just their magnificent house. I could see a mock graveyard in the distance, a replica of Stonehenge, and a mummy sarcophagus from where I stood.

"This is so good!" I laughed, delighted with the view."It's beautiful."

Latex man leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Not as beautiful as you are." He squeezed me lightly, then guided me past the graveyard and over toward some haystacks.

I realized I had missed a strong man taking control of me. His touch excited me. I put my hand on his butt and squeezed. "Good girl," he said in that throaty whisper.

My heart melted. I could hear Aiden in that whisper. My heart did a little dance.

"I'm Misty," I said and waited.

"Let's go for a hayride," he said. He pointed to a tractor pulling a hay wagon just loading up some customers.

"You are?" I didn't know if he realized that Misty was my name.

"Just call me Mystery, Misty. Misty and Mystery. Come on, let's go." His hoarse whisper was kind of sexy.

I followed his lead, and we hopped aboard the hay wagon just before it took off. We snuggled down into the hay, and he leaned over me and nuzzled my neck.

I could feel his hot breath, but in the twilight, I couldn't see anything. His black latex bodysuit covered every inch of his body. And yet, his tongue, his breath, his hands, were all over me within minutes and we rode around the acreage, into woods and out, across meadows, and I was gasping and panting, and wriggling down into the hay. When the wagon passed from trees into the moonlight, the light gleamed off the latex like a halo, and the full moon glittered from his head. Those slippery fingers were working their magic with me. "Maybe it is time," I thought. "Maybe."

It wasn't long until my hand felt for his cock. I could feel it pushing through the latex, pulsing with his own desire. I unfastened the flap holding his cock down. As soon as I had the flap open, his huge hard cock came bouncing out into my hand. I stroked and rubbed for several minutes, rubbing the tip, and running my hand up and down his shaft. He moaned. I could hear moans coming from other parts of the long wagon.

He stroked my breasts, my belly, the insides of my thighs.

I crawled down and took that long, throbbing cock into my mouth.

I heard someone in the wagon laughing and saying, "Looks like they're having fun, let's join in." A few laughs, and then the wagon got a little quieter as, I figured, others followed our lead. Straw rustled all over the wagon.

My head bobbed up and down, up and down, and he had his hands around my throat, grunting and moaning. I had missed this, the feel of a man's cock in my mouth, the smell of his cologne, his musky smell. His moans were so like Aiden's that it weirded me for a minute. Then I reminded myself that everyone moans and groans during sex, and we're all very much alike. As proof, I could hear moaning and groaning coming from the rest of the wagon. "See?" I told myself. "You just wish it were Aiden's moans and groans. I went back to work on his body, squeezing my hand around his cock as my mouth worked up and down his hard shaft. My hands caressed his balls, bringing them out into the cold night air. I dipped my head down to take them both into my mouth, greedily sucking at them while my hands rubbed his cock. Then his cock was in my mouth again, my tongue licking the tip, sucking the tip, nibbling along the length of him.

"Baby," he said, drawing it out in a long sound.

I moaned right back at him. "Mystery," I breathed softly.

He moved his hands from my throat to the back of my head and pulled me into him.

I went back to his cock, sucking, as he forced himself deep into my throat. I felt myself starting to choke, and just in time, he pulled out, then thrust again, deep down inside me. Again I choked, and again he pulled himself out and then thrust again, me choking and sucking, him groaning as he held me and thrust into me. My fingers worked my way to his ass, pinching him, pulling him, as he fucked my mouth. I felt him throbbing in my throat.

I thought of Aiden, but the thought now just turned me on, it didn't depress me. I was with Aiden again. I imagined him with me again. I thought I could feel him, smell him. "Oh Aiden," I thought, "I wish you were here."

Before the stranger came into my mouth, he pulled himself up, then pushed me down into the hay.

I shivered in fear and arousal. My heart raced. I was reminded that I didn't know who this man was. And he was powerful. Probably as strong as Aiden had been. I was letting him take control. Was I crazy?

He hovered over me, the moonlight silhouetting him, and then his hands were on me again. He gasped when he touched my bare pussy. And almost immediately his smooth latex-covered face and hot tongue were working on my clit and into my pussy. One of his hands stroked my breasts and the other slipped inside my pussy, fingering me and stroking my inner thighs, while his mouth worked my clit.

I moaned and gasped with pleasure, whining for more. I trembled. I shivered. I cried out in little whimpers. I felt an orgasm working its way up and I said, "Daddy, may I?" out of force of habit, and he whispered, "Yes, baby girl, come for me. Come in my mouth."

And I did, gushing into his mouth, spraying his face, as he licked and tickled and stroked.

I heard a cry from elsewhere in the wagon as someone else came too, and I found myself coming again at the sound and the sensation and the excitement of the night and his tongue.

I was coming so hard, I knew I was spraying all over him. My pussy clenched and my thighs quivered. I held onto him for dear life.

This was my first orgasm in 10 months. I hadn't even been able to use my toys to climax myself, and this orgasm was long overdue. I came and came and came, gasping for breath as my juices sprayed out over him. I swear he made slurping noises, which excited me even more. I was shaking with the thrill. My hands gripped him as if I wouldn't ever let him go.

Then he was over me, working his cock into my pussy, me wet around his shaft, his breath warming my neck in the cool October air, the straw pinchy and scratchy against my butt.

His cock thrust in and out, and I grabbed his latex ass, digging my fingernails in, pulling him tight inside me.

He moaned into my mouth, and I moaned right back.

"Give it to me," I screamed.

And he complied. Instead of my throat, it was my pussy that felt that hard, thick, long throbbing cock deep inside me. And then, he pulled out and with a hard, huge thrust, he came. I felt his hot cum splashing inside me. He was deep into me and he held himself there. I felt my pussy burning and throbbing as he released. His cock throbbed a few more times, then he kneeled over me and said, "Clean me, baby girl,"

And I did. He held my head by the long strands of the red wig, but I could feel the pressure against my scalp. I licked and squeezed and strokedhis cock, and licked some more, lapping him up eagerly, tasting both of our juices at the same time, smelling his scent, and listening to his groans. I went down to his balls and licked them too, again giving them attention and love.

And then we lay back against the hay bales, spent and happy, or at least I was, it was hard to tell about him when I couldn't see the man's damn face. But he was stroking my neck and nuzzling my ear, so I was sure he was happy too. I really didn't care though; I was in ecstasy.

We gazed up at the stars in the clear country air and listened to the sound of other lovers in the big wagon. I heard somebody squeal, "Oh baby, oh baby," and someone else mutter, "Now, now, now."

And then I remembered the condoms in my purse, back in the house in Abby's bedroom. I felt a rush of fear, but I stifled it. Surely one couldn't get pregnant in just one time. And wasn't tonight supposed to be magical? I guessed I'd cross that bridge when I came to it. For now, happiness and curiosity filled me.

"Do I know you, Mystery man?" I asked. "You seem familiar." My hand was in his and I could hear his breathing in my ear. We were lying side by side, curled into each other.

In answer, he stroked my face and whispered, "I come here every year."

It wasn't exactly an answer, but at least he wasn't some random guy. Okay maybe he was a random guy, but he must be a friend of Abby and Kevin to be so faithful in coming to the parties. I wondered who he was and if I did know him. And whether he was telling me the truth.

Soon I could feel his cock hard again, pushing against my thigh. I rolled over into him, and he guided himself into me. My leg was over his hip, my arms enfolding him, and I was digging my nails into his back. His strong arms held me up as he pumped in and out, gentler this time, but with all the thrill of the last time.

I moaned and cried out, my pussy throbbing against his cock. I felt the heat rising through my abdomen like a searing fire. I felt my thighs clench, and then I said, "Now, now, Daddy" and we came together in a great splashing orgasm, both of us crying out. He pulled out and spanked my pussy gently, and I thought of Aiden. It was one of his signature moves to pat me hard on the pussy after sex.

"I don't think I have ever had sex with you though," I said. "I would remember this."

"Maybe you do remember. Maybe the magic of the evening has blurred your memory. And maybe this is all new to you." He chuckled. "Just accept the magic."

"You ARE very mysterious," I said.

"As I should be," he replied, "for someone named Mystery."

The wagon arrived at the haunted house. He knelt and closed his costume and pulled me up. He whispered, "Let's see what they've done with the haunted house this year."


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