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Mom Couldn't Hold It and Soaks Me

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Mom wets me while I was carrying her to safety.
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I can't believe what I am about to tell you. It still blows me away. I am Marnie, A Widowed mom to my 18-year-old son Max, and this is my Story.

I am 36 years old, 5' ft. 2" tall, and weigh 105 lbs. I am a gymnast instructor in Vermont. My son Max is 6'2" and 180 Lbs. and is a senior in Highschool. Max plays Baseball and soccer and loves them both. For his 18 birthday, we went to Phoenix for a baseball game; I'll never forget the day June 23, 2017.

We had never been to Phoenix before, and we were only here to see the Philadelphia Phillies, my son's favorite team, take on the Diamondbacks. We also wanted to enjoy some sunshine, so we picked Phoenix for the weekend. The game was at 3 pm, and that gave us 2 hours to get to the hotel and check in before we went to the game.

We got out of the airport, and the heat hit me like a blast furnace right in the face. Never in my life have I been so hot. It was 112 degrees outside; my Vermont mind could not fathom this type of heat.

We got a cab and went straight to our hotel. We hauled our small weekend bags into the hotel and were relieved to be inside the air conditioning.

I put on a little light sundress and skipped the slip as it was too hot out. I put on panties, and they showed through my dress way too much, I had a pair of no-line panties at home, but I didn't bring them with me. I didn't want to go out with no panties on, but I didn't want to show my panties through my sundress. Finally, I decided to risk it, and go commando, something I haven't done since I was a teen. I keep my pubic hair waxed, so if the sun shone through my dress, you wouldn't see much.

"Mom, hurry up; we don't want to be late," Max said

I put on a bit of makeup that would be ok in this heat and some perfume.

Max handed me a sun visor hat, and out the door we went. The Taxi told us that this was as close as we could get to the stadium because they were working on the road surrounding it. We saw people walking with all their baseball gear toward the stadium, and we just followed the crowd.

"My feet are burning, Max. I wore the wrong shoes. It's starting to hurt."

Two more minutes, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I ran for a shady spot against a building. My feet were still burning in the little flats that I thought would go well with my sundress. I kicked off my burning shoes and stood on the hot cement.

"OWE, OWE, OWE," I screamed.

Max took off our little backpack and put it on the ground for me to stand.

"Mom, are you ok," Max said with a face full of worry.

"I'm ok now that my feet aren't on the lava that Phoenix calls sidewalks," I said with as much sarcasm as possible. We both laughed a bit, and I couldn't help myself. I had to say it.

"Well, Max, we aren't in Vermont anymore, are we."

We both laughed.

"No, mom, I think this is a completely different State."

"No, Max, This is a different planet than Vermont. How the hell can anyone live in this hell-fire furnace they call a Town?"

After we laughed for a few minutes, we decided that I couldn't walk in my shoes, and there were no shoe stores or shops anywhere near us, so I would have to be carried.

I jumped up on Max's back for a piggyback ride to the stadium. This only lasted a few minutes until I found I couldn't hold my weight on his back without some help. Max put his arms behind his back and held me up while we walked. Max's Thumb bone wedged under my dress and split my pussy lips wide open as I dripped on his hands.

"NOPE, NO, THIS WON'T WORK. Put me down, please, Max."

I was red-faced and sweating from every pore on my body. I was regretting not wearing panties.

"Hot, Hot," I said as my shoes soaked up the pavement heat.

Max just picked me up and put me on his hip like he was caring for a Baby. My pussy slammed into his hip bone, and I cringed. He held me tight with one arm because I had both hands trying to keep my dress pulled down so everyone could not see my ass.

The stadium was way ahead of us, and the path to it had no shade on either side. Max thought it would be a good idea to walk fast and then do a slight jog. I bounced on his hip, my pussy ground into his side, and my clit had direct contact with his hip bone. I made it about 1 minute. I let go of my dress, wrapped my arms around max's neck, and came all over his side.

I gushed like a fire hose as I came. Liquid poured out of me and ran down Max's leg and into his sock and shoe. Max just turned and walked 90 degrees away from the crowd and straight towards an overpass. I kept coming and coming; I couldn't stop. The direct clitoral stimulation didn't stop, so my Orgasm decided it wouldn't stop either.

It was the longest Orgasm of my life. Never have I been trapped and unable to stop or push away when I was done with my Orgasm. I was forced to endure while Max kept walking to the overpass, finally jogging the last 200 feet. BOOM BOOM, my head exploded again. I gushed out more liquid than I knew my body carried, and I was convulsing on Max's hip; when he finally stopped, I was near comatose.

Max walked way back under the overpass to where the sun never hits and sat me down on a concrete divider. He had to hold me for a minute, so I didn't fall over.

As I sat there, I ran every excuse I could think of in my head and finally came up with a lie that wasn't terrible.

"Max, I'm so sorry. I couldn't hold my bladder, and unfortunately, I pee'd on you." I said in my most contrite tone.

"YA right, Mom. I'll bet you that was the best pee you have ever had in your life.!" Max said, laughing uncontrollably.

"Maximus Santiago Dion, you watch your mouth, young man!"

My outburst never even slowed down Max's laughing, and gradually, I joined him in his making fun of me.

"Fine, you win. I had an Orgasm, I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it under the circumstances."

"One orgasm, mom. Are you kidding me? That must be the longest orgasm on record. We better call Guinness book." Max jokingly said.

"Ok, Max, I get it, I'm sorry I tried to lie to you, but I was embarrassed and didn't know how to handle it after having that world-record orgasm. My brain wasn't working very well after that."

"If we are being totally honest here, mom, then I must admit I had a similar accident."

"NOOO, you didn't, did you?"

"Yes, Mom, I came in my shorts."

Max turned my way and pulled his shorts down in the front. His come-covered underwear and his thick cum covered cock came into view, and my mouth dropped open. I was surprised that he would just whip out his cock and show it to me and by how big it was. All this was done with a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice. All I could do was laugh with him.

After a few minutes of fun talk, Max asked me why I didn't wear any panties. I told him everything, how it was too hot to wear a slip and that my panty lines showed way too much, so I took them off, and I debated not going commando but then said, what the heck, and now here we are.

"Now it's my turn to ask the embarrassing question, Max. How come you had an Orgasm without anyone touching you, and be honest?"

Max turned red, and I thought he was going to brush me off when he stood up straight, looked me right in the eyes, and said.

"Mom, when you climbed on my back, and I held you up, my thumb went right between your pussy lips, and my cock went hard as a rock in seconds. I loved it until you said no, this won't work. I was devastated until you couldn't stand on the ground because of the heat, and I had to pick you back up again. When I put you on my waist, your pussy pressed right into my side, and your legs wrapped around my waist, I was in heaven, but when you came, your orgasm ran down my shorts and down my leg; I almost came."

"When did you come then, Max?" I said Puzzled

"Just wait. I'm getting to it, Mom. Now, where was I? Oh, ya. I looked around, and the only thing I saw was the overpass, so I turned and headed that way. But your orgasm kept going, and you were convulsing and squeezing my waist. Your eyes rolled back in your head, so I started jogging to the overpass. That's when you went crazy and squirted on me all over again, and that's when I came in my shorts. Just before I put you down."

"Wow, that's a lot for your mom to take in, Max. It might take me a while to comprehend the situation and decide where to go from here."

"Well, Mom, I know where to go from here, and that's the BASEBALL GAME!!!!" Max roared with a laugh rolled in for good measure.

I looked at Max with pleading eyes. "How am I going to get there, baby?"

Max thought about it for a few seconds and then smiled. He took off his shirt, put it in the pack, got out a water bottle, and wet his entire pair of shorts, so it was all one color now: WET.

Max put on the backpack and kneeled in front of me.

"Climb on, Mom." was all he said

I swung a leg over his shoulder and the second leg wrapped around his neck, and he stood up with me on his neck. It was a great view from up here. I must admit it was fun being 8 ft tall. It didn't take long for my clit to start rubbing on the back of Max's neck, and soon I could feel another orgasm building.

"I'm going to come again soon I whispered to Max."

That was all it took as Max started to jog towards the stadium with a big grin. The stadium was now only a block away, and I came three times so hard. I came all the way to the stadium, where Max found a quiet nook to put me down. Max was laughing so hard he couldn't even talk. My Liquid was running out of his shoes, and he couldn't have cared less.

"Best day ever, Mom. If I died today, I would die a happy man." Max said with a laugh.

"Keep it up, buster, and I might kill you myself!" I said jokingly, trying to catch my breath.

Max took another water and dumped it on his head, making sure he got lots down the back of his neck to rinse off all my juices. He looked amazing, with water dripping off all his muscles. Oh my goodness, my son is making me horny, and I don't even care. What the fuck is wrong with me.

Max took my hand and held it as a boyfriend would. We walked to the gates trying hard to keep out of the sun. Our seats were in the shade way up high, and we were so happy that someone told us what seats to get for an afternoon game. Philadelphia won, and Max was delighted. The sun was gone, and Max and I just walked around talking.

Now that there was nothing we couldn't talk about, Max opened up like a jabber box; He told me all about his girlfriends and how many he has slept with. At 18, he had three notches in his belt, so to say. Max was talking so much, I just listened and went. "Wow, really, No way."

Then Max told me about his golden shower experience. I was about to say stop, but I didn't want to ruin this bonding moment. While showering with his friends-with-benefits girl Brenda, he pee'd on her toes. So she laughed at him, pointed her pussy up, and pissed all over his cock and balls. Both of them were amazed at the reaction from Max's cock as it sprung to life just minutes after he had come. Max's new fetish had just been born, and Max and Brenda spent lots of time experimenting with it.

When Max was finished, I didn't want him to think I was judging him or his sex life, so I said wow, that's amazing. I might have to try that one day.

"Oh my god Mom, that would be so awesome. I have it all planned out!" Max continued to talk, but my ears stopped with the realization that my son wanted to play water sports with me. Somehow he thought we were sexually connected and will continue to explore each other's sexuality.

I was grasping at what I could say and how I could divert his enthusiasm without blowing up this chance to be closer and bond with my son. WHY, WHY did our bonding have to be sexually orientated?

I smiled, rubbed his arm, and cuddled against him while we walked back to the hotel.

It's funny that 90 degrees at night feels cool when it was 113 during the day. We had been here only 9 hours, and our lives had changed forever.

After a lovely dinner that was more like a date than dinner with my son, we walked arm in arm through the park on the way back to our room. All Max could talk about was sex and his fantasies, hopes, and dreams of what he believed he will be able to experience with his mother.

I was starting to panic as I saw Max building his hopes and fantasies on the assumption that I would join him in all his sexual desires. I made my plan to let him down easily when we got back to our room. Max unlocked the door and let me walk in first. I heard the door click shut behind us, and I planned on sitting on one of the beds and explaining that we couldn't risk our relationship by getting involved sexually with each other.

I planned on explaining how thrilled I was that he had told me all his secrets, passions, and fantasies. When my little sun Dress flew up over my head, Max buried his mouth in my neck from behind.

All I could do was moan as Max's left hand went to my breast and his right hand gripped my bare ass. All my plans went zinging out of my head, and I melted in Max's arms. Somewhere far off in my brain, my conscience went no stop; this isn't right. But an inferno of heat melted it into silence as I spread my legs and let Max have me forever.

Max put two fingers in me as he moved around in front and molested the other side of my neck. He curled his fingers into my G spot. I came in 5 seconds, falling on his hand as my legs gave way.

The extra pressure of my weight on his pussy hand made me squirt on his legs.

Max picked me up and kissed me hard with a passion I had never known before.

My head was spinning, and I wrapped my legs around Max. Our mouths and tongues fought a furious battle to feel and taste each other. Max's hands were holding my pussy up onto his stomach for our kiss, when I felt his cock poking at my pussy. My conscience poked its nose up again for a second, and before he could say nooooo. I slid onto the head of Max's cock. He was huge compared to my little vibrator. I gasped for air as he slowly let my body sink onto his monster cock. My mouth left him and opened wide. I was staring at the ceiling, trying to decide whether I should scream in pain or pleasure.

I have always had a delicate dance with sexual pain as I love my nipples twisted hard when I come. It almost doubles my pleasure. Also, I love my ass spanked when the opportunity comes up and in the right position. Spank my ass, pull my hair and tweak my nipple and I am almost comatose from an orgasm, While I flood the bed with my juices squirting everywhere.

Max lowered me and put my back down on the bed. I released my legs from his waist and put them behind my head. Being a former world-class gymnast has its benefits. Max looked at me with lust and love billowing out of both ears. He pounded into me with all his might forcing my body to bounce the bed deep into the coils.

"Pinch my nipples, pinch them hard, Max," I screamed at him.

Max Pinched them, and I went crazy. I squirted right through our bodies and soaked us both.

"I'm coming, Mom, I'm cominnnngg."

Max's body began twitching and flexing as we came together in what was the greatest pleasure of my life. Neither one of us wanted it to end; we went way past the normal conclusions of an orgasm. It was like Max was making a statement as to who owned my pussy, and I was making a statement that I could take whatever Max could give me.

The longest orgasm of my life seemed to last forever. 18-year-old Max, the soccer-playing baseball player, seemed to have the stamina to last forever when finally he opened his mouth wide.

"I'M COMING AGAIN, NOW, NOW, NOW," Max screamed.

He pounded me so hard the bed was folding in around my body, liquid shot out of me again, and I felt Max's cock grow inside of me, stretching my poor little pussy beyond anything I'd ever felt.

Max fell on top of me and kissed my face with heaving breaths coming out of his mouth. Finally, he realized I was still folded in half and raised up on his weary arms to let my legs fold back into their lower position. I spread my legs wide and kept Max's thick cock buried in my pussy. I savored the full tight feeling because I Knew that this was the best sex I will have in my life, and I wanted to soak in every detail and feeling.

Ten minutes of bliss with Max's cock still inside me and Max being kind enough to keep his weight off of me finally took its toll.

"Mom, I gotta roll over. My arms are killing me."

"Ok honey, I have to go pee anyways."

"Oh no, you don't, Mom," Max said as he rolled on his back and pulled me onto him.

"Mom, you're going to Piss in my mouth, and I'm going to drink it."

"Wow, you kinky little fucker Max."

I crawled up my son's body and deposited my pussy right in his mouth. Max knew exactly where to latch on so I could pee. That got me thinking that he's probably done this before. I pushed hard and fast. Max was ready and took it all down his throat like an expert. When I was finishing, Max reached up and twisted both my nipples and sucked hard on my pussy at the same time.

Holy fuck, I came again in two seconds, bucking wildly all over his face.

That ended our night, and we slept in each other's arms until the morning.

This was the greatest day of our lives. We both agreed that we would use each other for any and all fantasies we could dream or read about on Literotica. We will push ourselves to explore all avenues of our sexuality, and nothing can stop our love for each other.

"Mom, now that there are no secrets between us, can you tell me all about my dad."

I smiled at Max nodding, and screamed in my head Nooooooooooooo!

Please vote and leave me your views on this new story that popped into my head as I was trying to get to sleep one night.

I write stories in my head to fall asleep, and I'm sure there's a 1000 stories buried deep in my subconscious because I was too lazy to get up and write it down.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved the story please continue with it!!!!!! Gave it 5 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

letshavefun6t9letshavefun6t9over 1 year ago

Loved it....Write more

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 1 year ago

That was hot. 5 Stars. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The title isn't quite right since the actual story is told from the mom's POV.

kokonumber1kokonumber1over 1 year ago

please keep going.

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