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Mom Went to Work Ch. 08


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I had to get to my assigned lab, so Grandma's frustration would have to wait. Later I found out, Sophia came home and took care of Grandma's ass, for her. Grandma told Mom that if things between her and Paul didn't change, she was going to leave him.

It was less than a week after Donna's family night that she went into labor. Mom claimed it was her wild night that brought things on early. She had a nine pound baby boy and named him Jason. He definitely looked like Stephanie. And as he grew older, he looked more and more like her.

He had two moms to feed him. The day Donna brought him home, he started crying. Donna, handed him to Mom, saying, "Your turn." Mom looked at Donna, puzzled at first, then smiled and opened her blouse. She gave the little fella her nipple and he latched on. It was a different tit and he pulled back as he scrunched his face. Mom gave it to him again.

He knew it was a different tit and explored it with his lips and tongue, before he began sucking. Again he pulled back. He spit some of Mom's milk out. His little tongue was sticking out, wiggling around as his lips kept pursing. He knew the milk was different and not his mother's. He began searching for Mom's nipple again. This time when he latched on, his expression relaxed and he sucked away.

Mom looked at Donna and said, "He knew it wasn't you. But, it looks, and feels, like he doesn't mind."

The little bugger had two moms and he didn't get it all. We got to take care of what he left behind. Things calmed down a lot with the new baby around, thank God. 'Finals Week' was rough, with him in the house. The girls didn't do as well as they thought they would. That was good for me, because it changed their minds about getting pregnant. I managed to barely make honor roll, surprising everyone.

When Easter rolled around, Grandma left Paul and moved back in with us. She just couldn't take how prudish he was. The first thing she did was have what she called a 'Donna Session' with everyone watching her getting fucked. She had Dad, Stephanie, Tim, Sophia then me. That was the nastiest sloppy pussy I ever fucked.

She also had Dad and Sophia fuck her ass because she liked the way they did it, best. She didn't leave Mom, Liz or Donna out, so her's wasn't exactly like Donna's. When Dad fucked her, she ate Mom's pussy. When Tim fucked her, she ate Donna's pussy. And when I fucked her, she ate Liz's pussy. It pretty well took everything out of her, so Mom and Donna cleaned her up and put her to bed.

After a month, Paul contacted Grandma. He wanted to try and work things out. Grandma said she was in love with him and hoped they could. She made him meet with all the women, one on one. Basically, he was going to have to accept the open sexuality, Mom started.

Each of them explained things, in their view. They then worked on him until there was some kind of sex. After which they passed him to the next. It broke down his defenses and made him compliant. He actually became submissive to Grandma. She was in control and really seemed to like it. It became Paul's job to eat pussy. Any pussy. For several months, Grandma had him eating one of the women's pussy constantly. She would just point at one of them and he would go eat pussy. I got the idea, she wasn't fucking him either.

I asked Stephanie about this chore of his, since two of them have dicks. She said, "Well, he has to eat us. That means he sucks cock." She also told me that Sophia gets mean. "Sophia will hold his head and forcefully fuck his mouth." That made me cringe, because I don't like force.

During this time, Paul wasn't allowed to join in on family night. Grandma would bring in an old wooden desk chair, have him sit, and handcuff him to the back of it. He had to sit there all evening and watch. Grandma would go to bed with someone else, leaving him in the chair all night.

One morning, I got up and heard something in the living room. When I got closer, I heard Grandma say, "That's it. Lick it good. That's Gene's cum you're cleaning from my pussy." When I peeked around the corner, Paul was on his knees holding Grandma's ass, as she stood over him. In that position, I knew her pussy was draining into his mouth. I watched until Grandma said, "That's it. Oh God yes. Make me cum."

I had to go on a three day lab field trip and when I returned, everything had changed. Paul was no longer, one step behind Grandma, doing what she said. They were a couple again. He was smiling and joking with everyone, instead of remaining silent and obeying. They were kissing and fondling like the rest of us, which is something I'd rather see.

Family night and Paul was with Grandma. They were the attraction. It was nice to watch them make slow passionate love. The man, who absolutely wouldn't do it in front of others, did it beautifully with obvious passion. Then the ultimate. He gave Grandma an ass fucking, that had her moaning and wailing in ecstasy. The climax was hearing Grandma. Each time he thrust into her asshole she said a word. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Fill my ass baby. Fill my ass with cum."

All of the abuse Paul endured was for one thing. Break down his aversion to the 'ol' shit chute.'

"Give me what I need." Was all Grandma told him when he came back. And she never said it again.

It happened while I was gone, and Grandma told me about it. Paul kissed her, something he was allowed to do. Then he turned her around. She thought he was going to eat her pussy from behind. She made him do it that way because it kept his nose in her asshole.

He didn't kneel and she felt his dick touch her pussy. She covered it with her hand and told him, "NO." Then she felt the lube on her asshole and moaned. She said she thought to herself, "Dear God. Why did you wait so long?" As Paul lubed her up she got weak and her legs were shaking. She said that when she felt his dick push into her ass, she was in heaven again. Because the man she loved was giving her what she needed. After that, the abuse ended, and Paul was fully one of us.

Sophia had used the situation to get rid of her anger over the way men treated her, because she had what they did, in the past. I heard her crying and talking about it with Mom. She was really sorry she held Paul by the ears and fucked his mouth, like she did. Mom told her to tell him and apologize. I think she did, because I saw her sucking him off that night.

Some time passed and Mom asked me how I'd feel about having a little brother or sister. That threw me, cause I thought Mom was fixed. She could tell what I was thinking and said, "Not me! Sophia. Would it bother you if Sophia had your father's baby?"

I was confused again and said, "But, she's sterile! Isn't she?"

"There might be a way around that. They can use my egg. Put her DNA in it. Fertilize it with your father's sperm. Then put the embryo in her uterus. Walla, she has your father's baby."

"Don't you mean. She has the three of you's baby, since you're all involved."

"That's right! I would be the mommy, too."

Liz didn't mind, since it helped her justify what she wanted. And, Stephanie and her could use it as a project toward their pre-med degree. It would be a while though. Things had to be worked out and Sophia wanted to be pregnant during her residency requirement.

I thought all of that was nonsense. Sophia was a practicing physician with three medical degrees in Switzerland. Still she had to satisfy a medical school, take state boards and serve a residency, in order to be a doctor here. What can you do? Bureaucrats have to make themselves feel good, don't they. Kinda like teachers, and their self-importance. "I'm well educated. I know what's best."

As Sophia's testing started, Mom got kinky again. She found out Donny became an executive and chose to work in Section Four. That was Donna's section. Mom arranged, through Donna, to be Donny's new sexretary. Dad didn't like it. Mom had told him she was quitting since the family had taken on it's new dimension. Mom told him this would be her last hurrah. She could go out with a bang and make up for all the teasing she had done to Donny.

Donny still had to go through orientation, which included a personality profile. Mom was like a teenager getting ready for her first date. She already knew he liked certain clothes she wore, more than others, so she used his questionnaire to get what else he liked.

Mom also made arrangements with Donna to have a special video team in the office as well as the fixed cameras. "I get all the videos, they are not going in the archives." Mom told me. That's when I found out the videos were archived, in case anything legal came up.

All the women were excited about Mom's new adventure. It just seemed strange to me, that they would be so wound up and encouraging her to fuck a stranger. I was jealous and wanted her to stay with us. It was going to be her last little romp, and she wanted it to be a good one.

I asked Mom when she had to be there and what she was going to wear that first day. She looked at me questioningly, smiled real big and softly asked, as she touched my cheek, "You want to watch me get dressed, don't you?"

"Yeah." I said, looking down.

"I thought you were over that."

"Not hardly. I don't think I'll ever get over watching you get dressed."

"I'll wake you up, then." She hugged and kissed me, then whispered in my ear, "Dressing for you, makes me feel special. I've missed it."

"So have I, Mom. Can I start watching you again? It turns me on more than you know."

Mom hugged and kissed me again, before whispering sexily in my ear, "Oh my yes, sweetie. The look on your face as you watch me, makes me feel so warm inside. I Love It. I'm yours to watch, anytime." Hugging me she kissed my ear. It's true, watching Mom get dressed turns me on, more than any other woman. Yeah, they all go through the same motions. But, with her it's different. I don't think I'll ever get enough.

Morning came and Mom woke me up, shaking my foot. I got up as she waited in the hallway. As I stepped in the hallway and looked at her, I made a face.

"Something wrong?"

"Your hair's done."

Mom chuckled and took my hand. "The best is yet to come." She started leading me down the hallway. "Let's eat."

As we ate, I noticed she had done her nails in bright pink polish. Before I could move to look at her toenails, she turned and brought her feet from under the table. 'There she goes. Reading my mind again.' I thought. I looked and that bright pink polish, sure made her toes look good.

As we finished eating, Mom once again took my hand, this time leading me to her bedroom. As we entered I noticed Dad was gone and asked where he was. Mom told me he left early because he didn't want to see her getting dressed for her job. "He's a little upset about me doing this, since I was supposed to be quitting. If it weren't for the fact that Donny got his job, I would've quit. I just feel like I owe Donny for all the teasing. That's all."

Mom losing her robe and turned around, saying, "Would you mind."

I slipped the robe from her shoulders and mom walked away naked. I watched as she deliberately wiggled and looked back coquettishly. I think the turn on is how beautiful mom is, along with those looks she gives in return to my gaze.

Mom bent to check her hair in the mirror. I watched as her breasts swung down. I had a double view of them, from the side and in the mirror. As my gaze proceeded up, I saw a mom looking at me through the mirror with a smile. She knew how much time she had and she was going to give me what I wanted, a good show.

She slowly powdered herself before opening her dresser and getting her undergarments. It quickly became apparent that today's theme was pink. The hose had a slight pink tint. The garter belt was white with a light pink lace and darker pink flowers. The bra was entirely pink with pink lace cups. Her aureola were visible but not obvious. She had chosen a solid pink thong instead of panties. I was drooling from the sensuous way she put each article of clothing on.

Turning several times, she checked herself in the mirror, before saying, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!" I muttered wide-eyed.

Mom smiled, turned and walked to her closet. I was already hard and getting harder. She produced a garment bag and carefully laid its contents out on the bed. There was a pink accented pantsuit, a pink halter top type dress, a pink accented spaghetti strap dress, and a pink skirt blouse combination.

"Which should I wear first?" She asked.


"Yes. I'm going to wear them all today. So which one should I wear first?"

I preferred the skirt and blouse combination but I said, "Pantsuit."

"Pantsuit?" Mom said cocking her head.

"Yeah, the pantsuit. It's his first day as boss so be business like and progress from there."

"Mmmmm, you're right. Open up as the day goes on."

Mom came over and gave me a kiss then returned to the bedside and put on the pantsuit. It hid her charms but still looked good on her. She checked herself in the mirror and retrieved a box of breast pads from the dresser, saying, "Gotta wear these, can't be leaking through at work." Mom hadn't had to use them since someone was always nursing here at home.

Mom looked at me and walked over straddled my lap and sat down. "I need you to do something just before I go." I gave her a funny look. "I need you to nurse hard and get my tits really empty. But first I'm going to suck you off, okay."

"Yeah okay!"

"But don't touch me. I don't want to get mused up." Mom slid off my lap and squatted on her heels. She pushed the leg of my boxers up and pulled my hardon into the open. She stroked it a couple of times and said, "Don't hold back there isn't much time." And she began stroking my hardon and sucking me off.

I was already excited and just let the sensations quickly build. Mom gives such good blow jobs that she can make me cum quickly anyway, when she wants to. I wanted to hold her head but restrained myself as she quickly claimed her prize of a mouthful of cum.

She put my soft dick back, sat on my lap and kissed me before exposing her breasts. "I'm going to have you suck each one until it begins to hurt. That way they will be good and empty. And it'll take longer for them to fill up again." Then mom pulled my mouth to her breast so I could feed.

It was over way too fast, I wanted more. But mom pulled her breast away and covered them up. She gave me a passionate kiss and said, "Bye." Then she quickly grabbed the breast pads and her purse and hurried off to work.

Jealousy at the thought of Donny having her all day began to run through my mind.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a3 months ago

With all that has gone on in this family over the past 7 chapters, how can the husband and son suddenly get jealous?

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
They should have a ceremony for Liz and Will

Since Liz and Will are going to think of themselves as husband and wife, then they should get married. The whole bit with a wedding ceremony and rings.

It would be great if he knocked both of the girls up at the same time.

Thanks for the good chapter, it's still a hot read.

mbaabdmbaabdover 13 years ago
I am so glad

that you are continuing the story. Thought you might stop with the last chapter. Like the events as they have played out.

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