The cum tasting after oral is good. (rated it a 4) I would have given you a five, and easily, had you described hairy pussies on the girlfriend and mom. (Moms / mature ladies, they are always hairy - thick hairy - untrimmed and sopping wet.)
Would really like to see where this will go. Plenty of avenues to explore! Although it may not have been planned, continuing is encouraged...
Interesting twist on the mother son story. Chase is innocent, Ginny is a spoiled brat, the Senator is a typical politician throwing around his influence & power, and mom is a conniving, selfish bitch. I like it. Lots of possibilities.
I liked it but it was a bit blurry at the start waiting for more gave it a 4 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
your new story, "mom, what if dad and sis find out" dropped today, exactly four months after this one did. I always check for new stories first thing, then go to the full list of stories. This one looked familiar, especially cuz I'd read me some VCDC before. Abandoning the new story, i started in to this one, finding i indeed had read it before. Pretty fucking juicy story!
But... it still doesn't have an ending! None of us out here in Readerland think this is all of it, yet there is no 'chapter 1' at the top, nor a 'to be continued...' at the end. It's only been four months, yet i have an uneasy feeling you think this is complete.
Maybe the Senator bribed you into silence, crossing the fourth wall to do so.
I would like to see the senator and his daughter go away. It all goes back to procession for me. It wouldn't matter if it was my mother. My daughter. Or my sister. I'm not sharing my pussy with any man. And if mom is good with me fucking my baby in her then that too will happen.
I had a relationship with my older sister. We are still together today. And it was understood from the beginning that I was not sharing her with anyone. A few years into our relationship she told me she wanted a baby. It's been 20 years since I took her virginity, and we are still in love with each other more than we were that first night that we made love.
So once more....I'm not sharing my lover with anyone.
Well, Ginny, Mom, and Chase could get together while the Senator is out of town for some practice.