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Moms & Lovers Ch. 02 Mary and Drew

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Mom surrenders herself in son's favorite story
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/11/2016
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Andrew (Drew) Williams lives with his mother Mary in a smart little ranch house in central Florida. The family pool is oval with a waterfall connecting it to the hot tub at one end. The pool area boasts a high brick wall to keep out prying eyes. Late August brings hot, muggy days to this part of Florida as Drew and his mom cool off after coming home from work on Friday afternoon. As Drew and his mom sit in the cool shallow end of the pool under the shade provided by the portico, Drew nervously speaks to his mom.

"Mom, I want you to read a story that I just finished reading on my favorite websites. This has inspired me to become a writer and I think I can be a great writer because I have found my genre. The story is a lot more erotic than the romance novels you like reading, but I want you to read it anyway. I think you'll enjoy it and it puts into words some of my own thought and feelings."

Really perturbed, Mary responds; "You go to college, get a Master's Degree in psychology, hold down a good paying job at the ad agency and now you want to become a writer? Write what, books, novels, romance novels, what?"

"I'm going to try my hand at provocative literature. See, the story I read is more of a romance than an erotic romp in the hay. Please read it and tell me what you think. When you read 'Moms & Lovers', let it bring you into the story. Embrace the scenes and hear the whispering in your mind. The words will soothe and excite. That is what I want my stories to do to my readers."

"Very eloquent. Well, that certainly shows your talent for description. Drew, you are beginning to sound more like your father, god rest his soul, he was a dreamer, too. I miss him."

"I'm sorry to stir up that pain again. I know you miss dad and that's a bit about why this story touched me so deeply."

"Fine, I'll put it on my reading list and look at it this weekend. What's it called?"

"Mom, I'll send it to your tablet right now so you can read it before you go to bed tonight."

Drew rose from the pool to get his laptop from the sun room.

"I'll just sinc it up to your tablet now. I promise you won't be disappointed. I don't tell you often enough that I love you. You are my most trusted confidant and, in many ways, my muse.

"Flattery will get you nowhere, young man, but that's really nice to know. I love you, too."

Mary lost her husband when Drew was in high school and has not dated much since then. She kept her figure over the years by going to yoga classes twice a week and eating healthy. While she continued working, she was left financially comfortable after Drew's dad passed away.

The late afternoon sun set to a vivid orange sky. Drew and his mom retired to the kitchen where Mary prepared a fruit salad for them to share. Behind his sunglasses, Drew watched his bikini clad mom's butt as she bent to retrieve the salad makings from the fridge.

"You have a really great figure for a mom."

"Don't be checking out my butt, young man. That is really way too freaky for your old mom."

"Mom, you're only forty-four and that's not old. You should be dating. My friends at the agency would give their eye teeth to date you. Even the men in the neighborhood would like to do my mom."

"Enough of that kind of talk. I am not in the market for some roll in the hay for the sake of having sex. Besides that, most of the men around here are too old for sex or married."

"Okay, just a thought. I want you to be happy and I think a man in your life would do wonders for you."

After finishing their dinner, Drew and Mary stood at the sink doing the dishes. Mary was still in her yellow bikini and playfully splashed Drew with the rinse water.

Mary drying off her hands from the dish water said: "I'm going up to shower before I go to the library for some books. Do you need anything from the grocery store? I'll be picking up more fruit for our salad tomorrow. I should be back by nine. What do you have planned?"

"My friend, Tom, and I are going to pick up his fiancé at the train station. I will be gone for a while. Please read the story I sent to your tablet and we can talk about it when I get home. See you after nine."

After showering, Mary toweled off and put on her favorite yellow sundress for the trip to the library. As she brushed her long brown hair, she took stock of her appearance in the full length mirror. She wondered if her sleeveless sundress might be a bit too short and that the scoop front showed a bit too much cleavage. She convinced herself that she was over thinking her choice of clothing and dismissed her guilt. She wondered to herself, who she was dressing for and who was she trying to impress.

Mary knew she still turned heads in public with her tight butt and luscious boobs, but it had been so long since she allowed intimacy into her life. She was wrestling with those feelings more and more these days.

"What the heck, I'm going braless and see what sort of looks I get", Mary said aloud.

As Mary drove to the library, she wondered why Drew was so insistent about her reading a story and why he liked it so much. On her drive back from the library she stopped at the food store to pick up more fruit for salad makings. Mary noticed an older gentleman eyeing her as she shopped. Just for fun, Mary reached into her top as if she were adjusting her bra strap. Mary smiled to herself to see the man nearly run into a display watching her.

"You still got it, Mary, and you are wicked cruel", Mary thought to herself.

Mary stopped in the liquor section of the store to pick up a nice bottle of wine to go with her quiet evening of reading. At home Mary parked her car in the garage just after eight and took her groceries and library book into the house.

Mary poured a glass of wine to take to her reading chair in the sunroom. The sunroom was now bathed in evening dusk and she turned on the light next to her chaise. Mary opened her book and read the forward only to realize she had read this romance some years ago.

"Damn", Mary thought as she knew it was too late to go back to the library for another book. "There's always Drew's story", she thought.

Mary took a sip of her wine and went to get her tablet from the kitchen counter. After logging in and searching for Drew's story, Mary settled into her comfortable lounger and put her feet up. The story was from an erotic website. Mary wasn't surprised that Drew visited such sites on the internet, but this one dealt with romance and incest. Mary is pretty open minded, but incest? The story Drew sent was 'Moms & Lovers'.

Mary kicked off her sandals and decided to at least skim through the story for Drew's sake.

As Mary read further into the story of two women seducing each other's son, there awakened feelings in her she hadn't had for quite some time. She could feel her own breasts tingle and nipples become erect at the vivid description of passion in the story. Mary felt her panties getting wet at the thought of being a part of the story. She immersed herself in the restaurant scene imagining her own pussy being violated by the probing fingers of her date right there in public.

Thinking that it certainly wouldn't hurt, Mary went into the kitchen and selected one of the nicely shaped bananas from the kitchen counter. When she returned to her reading chair, Mary drained her glass of wine and looked out at the pool to be sure no one was in sight. She reached up under her sundress and removed her wet panties. Tucking her panties under the library book, Mary hiked up her dress a bit as she sat down to continue savoring her story.

As she read on in the story where Jean instructs her date to run his fingers up to her wet pussy, Mary placed her cool banana against her own slick clit and squeezed her thighs together. She read on and opened her thighs to begin plying the banana gently to her clit. She moved it further and began teasing the entrance to her womanhood.

Mary read further and raised her knees to open her moist pussy wider to her slow massaging of her clit with her chosen weapon. When in the story where Jean's date inserts his fingers deep into her throbbing pussy right there in the restaurant, Mary pulled her banana gently into her slick vagina. Mary put down the tablet and turned off her reading lamp. In the dark, Mary used both hands to manipulate her imaginary penis deeper into her vagina. Mary hunched forward, moving her banana in and out as she arched her hips to receive her imaginary lover's cock.

Mary cried out as she pulled her lover deeper. Her hips bucked as she pulled her dildo deeper. She came in the dark to the thought of her own son's cock inside her and not this banana. She wasn't sure where that image came from. Horrified at the thought she might actually want to have sex with Drew made her think. Well, Mary reasoned, he did say he loved her and that she was his confidant and his creative muse. She needed to talk to Drew and the sooner the better. Had she been harboring feelings for her son? Did she really want to be intimate with her own son? Mary knew she needed to talk to Drew about this. She wondered if that was the reason he insisted she read this story about romance and incest. Maybe he had the same feelings for her? That just could not happen, could it?

As Mary was rinsing the washcloth she had used to wash away the evidence of her pleasure, she heard Drew call her from the kitchen. All Mary could think is how she had left evidence in the sun room and would Drew notice anything different about her. Mary decided to play it by ear and let Drew know what she was thinking.

"Where are you, mom?"

"Right here, darling." Oh crap she thought, where did the 'darling' come from, she didn't know. What was she thinking? Mary came out of the powder room next to the kitchen to find Drew in the sun room with the reading lamp on its lowest setting. Drew was holding Mary's notebook and looked at his mom with a big grin on his face.

"I see you're reading the story. You've made me very happy. Can we talk about it?"

"Actually, I haven't finished it, yet. Something came up during my second reading and I was distracted."

"Second reading? I see that. Will you sit down and let me read it to you?"

Mary sat in her chair facing Drew who straddled the end of Mary's chaise facing her. The expression on Drew's face told Mary that he wanted to do more than read a story to his mom. Drew lifted the tablet to where his mom had left off. He saw that the couples in the story were in the restaurant.

"Close your eyes and listen to the story. This is my favorite part of the story, mom. Jean is describing to Barbara and Ronald how Richard is fondling her breasts and inserting his fingers into her drenched pussy right there in the restaurant booth. Barbara and Ronald are listening intently and watching Jean's expression as she enjoys Richard's penetrating fingers." Drew goes on to say; "You can feel the sexual tension between the couples as Richard runs his hand up the inside of Jean's thigh. This is the part where Jean opens her legs to allow Richard to explore the recesses of Jean's open and dripping pussy. This is where I came in my pants. Mom, let my voice come to you in the dark. I know this story well enough to describe the scene without reading. Lose yourself in the story and become Jean."

Drew leaned forward and turned off the table lamp next to his mother. Doing as her son instructed, Mary was soothed by Drew's voice as he quietly told the story in the darkened room. Listening to Drew's voice and feeling the emotion in the story take over her body, Mary felt her vagina become wet again and start to pulse with anticipation. She couldn't just reinsert her banana with Drew sitting there in the dark; so, Mary decided to push this encounter with Drew further.

"Drew," Mary said, "I need to tell you some things I am not comfortable telling, but they need to be said considering what is happening with me right now. I think I know why you wanted me to read this story, but let me describe what happened tonight. Please don't interrupt or question me until I am done. I became immersed in this story. As you suggested, I let the words take over my emotions and to envelop me into the story." Mary purred, "I found myself in the character of Jean and how she took control of the entire date. I felt myself in the restaurant with Richard's hands on me. My nipples were so engorged and your mom's vagina was so wet, I did something to satisfy my longings."

Mary reached under her book and pulled out her wet panties showing them to Drew.

"I soaked these while reading this story. I got up and went into the kitchen to get this", pulling her banana from under the chair cushion. "I am not ashamed to say that I used this banana like a dildo to satisfy my craving for a cock. Drew, this story was great, it brought urgings I haven't had in a long time. It made me feel like a slut and not your mother. I came a lot. Tell me the rest of the story while I sit here and let your words flow over me, please? I promise to pay attention to your voice. The lights by the pool are setting just the right mood. Although, I insist you do more than just read to me."

Mary looked into Drew's eyes, bent her knees up and opened her legs to expose her naked, glistening pussy to him. The lights by the pool gave off a soothing glow to Mary's sun dress. Drew began to give instructions as he told the story.

"Close your eyes while I continue. You're now Jean. You asked me to remove my boxers and I did that. When I sat next to you in our booth and you began to tell Barbara and her son what you wanted me to do, this is what happened. Mom, lean forward. You told me to run my hand up your back to find that you had removed your bra."

Mary did as she was told. Leaning forward, Drew unzipped the back of Mary's sundress to reveal her smooth, tanned skin. She was not wearing a bra under her dress. Drew started to refer to Jean as Mary.

"Mary, when you instructed me to insert my hand under the fabric of your dress and cup your breast, my breathing quickened with anticipation."

Drew slid his hand into the top of his mother's sundress to cup her breast. Mary hunched her shoulders forward to allow her dress to billow out to reveal her breasts.

"I gently squeezed your nipple between my thumb and finger."

Mary slid her shoulder straps off, still keeping her eyes closed. No longer needing the tablet Drew placed the computer on the light table. He moved his hand between his mother's legs and edged his fingers to Mary's pussy. She opened her legs wider to encourage Drew's exploration. As Drew's fingers probed her pussy lips, Mary purred, urging him to go on.

"Please keep going. Your voice is so soothing and I want to be your Jean."

Mary caressed Drew's wrist pulling his fingers deeper. Drew's fingers had penetrated past Mary's labia and slightly into her vagina. Gasping slightly with pleasure, she whispers:

"I want you in me, all of the way. You feel so good in there and only one thing would make me happier. Tell me true, Drew, do you really want to make love to me, your mom? You know, put your penis inside me? Really, no hesitation?"


Drew's fingers pushed into his mom's wet pussy. Two fingers gently, slowly into the deep recess of Mary's pussy. She gasped and pulled his fingers as deep as they could go. Drew leaned in to kiss Mary and she responded with her tongue darting into his mouth. Her right hand pushes past his belt into his shorts to discover his hard cock straining to be free.

Mary urged Drew, "Stand up and take off your shorts."

Mary stood and, still holding Drew's penis, uses her free hand to drop his shorts to the floor. Drew's fingers had found his mom's clit and massaged it gently. Mary's moaning became louder and her hips began to push against her Drew's cock. Drew removed his fingers from Mary's snatch.

"I want your cock in me now. Take me like Jean's date took her."

Drew, facing his mom in the darkness, lifts her sundress over her head revealing Mary's stunning figure. Mary shakes her hair loose and looks into Drew's eyes.

"You will be gentle. I really need you tonight, right now."

Drew straddled the chaise in front of Mary. He kissed Mary, her neck, her breasts, her nipples, her belly all the way down to her pulsing pussy. Mary straddled Drew and lowered herself onto him. She slid down slowly rubbing her belly, then her breasts against his kissing lips and then his chest. Still lowering herself, she bent her head forward to kiss her son deeply with her tongue. Drew reached into Mary's pussy lips to explore her deeper and open his mom for his throbbing cock. Mary gasped and lowered herself to feel Drew's cock at the entrance to her gushing vagina.

Mary gave out a little whimper and lowered herself onto Drew's erect manhood. Drew pushed up at the same instant Mary engulfed his cock. Mary filled her wanton pussy with her son's eager cock. Together they moaned with pleasure. Mary began gyrating on Drew's dick. Drew responded holding Mary closer, continuing to kiss her.

Their lips were locked in passion as their hips ground against each other. He held her tight as she wrapped her legs behind his back and squeezed him tighter. Mary exploded in orgasm for the third time tonight, only this time it was more intense. Drew held Mary as her whole body wracked in orgasm. He could hold his cum no longer and exploded inside Mary. Drew pulled his mom's pussy tighter to his cock. If he could climb inside her, he would. This fabulous woman was beautiful, sexy beyond belief, a fantastic lover and his mother. Wow!

Mary was out of breath. Holding on tight to his mom, Drew intoned:

"Don't pull away, mom, I want you to stay in you while you use your pussy muscles to squeeze every drop from me."

"I can't stop cumming, honey, I couldn't pull away if I wanted to. This feels delicious, I don't want to stop. Lay me down on the chair so I can look into your eyes as you move in and out of me."

Drew stayed in Mary and lowered her to the chaise lounge. His mom was still impaled on his cock. Mary placed her hands on his chest and stroked his cheek with her fingertips. Drew could feel Mary squeezing every drop from his cock. It was getting hard again. He moved in and out of Mary to her great delight. Drew paid closer attention to Mary's breasts and swollen nipples. He squeezed her nipples at the same time and, then, moved his thumbs down to her clit. Drew explored Mary's labia and separated them and encouraged Mary to hold them open and watch his cock sliding deeper in and out of her. Mary did so and gasped with delight.

"Close your eyes, mom. You are now Jean again and this time another man wants to make love to you. I am going to carry you to your bed and make love to you as another man. Is that all right with you?"

"I'd like that. I'm bringing my banana. I will show you why when we get there."

Drew lifted Mary off his throbbing cock and cradled her in his arms. Mary encircled Drew's neck with her arms and held tight as he carried her into her bedroom. All the way, Mary tongued Drew's ear and neck. Drew laid his mom on her bed and began his assault of passion by nibbling her waiting nipples. Mary moaned again and again in pleasure. Mary was ready to entertain her lover's cock in her welcoming womanhood.

Drew begun manipulating her ever hardening clit with his fingers. Mary gave Drew her banana saying:


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