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Mom's Makeover


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Next week we drove our car to mom's ancestral village. We were at wedding a day before but our ancestral house was so packed that me and mom rented a room some 10 KM from village. As our car was with us transportation was not an issue. We both were so tired after long drive that whole night we slept like we haven't slept for days.

Wedding day we supposed to be at wedding location in evening so we rented a movie for time pass. It was kind of C grade movie very raunchy and vulgar that it could have been easily porn movie. Particular part of movie which showed ways smuggling of diamonds initiated debate between me and mom. In the movie they showed that a woman of 30-35 would travel with a ball containing diamonds in her pussy and another in her asshole. And custom officers won't be able to catch her.

"This is too much."I said laughing dearly.

"Yah it's too much but can be practical." She said for no reason defending writer and director.

"Come on mom even though it's possible she insert that ball in her pussy but how she can hold it? And after some time won't it hurt?" I asked her my doubts.

"I think with practice you can do that." Mom said seriously this time.

"It's very difficult hold that for so long like 8 to 10 hours." I doubted further. Still mom would not let go her point.

"Ok mom we can verify that easily enough." I said finally to close matter.

"How we can do that are you insane?" she asked with awe.

I took two balls from my bag of average size not too big made of plastic.

"See mom you are wearing sari today and then you can wear panty as well then larger one will go in your pussy and smaller one will in your ass then we can attend wedding which will be for hour. If you can hold it for that time I will accept your claim it's possible to smuggle diamonds like that. Also your sari can possibly cover any mishap occurs during wedding." I explained her plan.

With her natural tendency to accept challenge she agreed to insert balls in her pussy and asshole. As decided we both were naked in shower 3 hours before wedding.

For half an hour we played in water. Then I wiped water from her body with towel as she did same for me. I took smaller ball and lubricated it nicely and inserted into her ass hole. Within couple minutes when I was lubricating another ball first one fell out.

"See mom you couldn't even hold it for couple of minutes. So now you accept it's impossible?" I asked her with big smile on my face.

"No way, I am not done with these balls." and she picked it and asked me to insert both balls simultaneously and she wore panty up to her knees so that I can pull panty upwards as soon as I inserted both balls. Finally after some 10 minutes I inserted both balls and pulled her panty upwards.

"That's my good girl holding both balls." I teased her as she wore bra. I started to wear my suit. When I was ready with my dress mom was ready for hairstyle and makeup. When I finished with makeup she was looking so fabulous in sari I was desperate to kiss her.

"No man not now. I will kiss you if you win your bet." She reminded me my bet.

"Of course darling I will wait. But sometimes it can be very hard when you are with lovely sexy woman." I complimented her.

"Thank you very much dear. Let us move on." She pointed towards door.

When we reached wedding venue it was semi packed and we managed get good seats in front rows. Mom was looking fabulous and so classy that my aunts who disapproved mom's attire last year were complimenting her. I felt so proud at that moment. After cursory hi and hellos we parted towards gents and ladies rows respectively. Then came bridegroom and bride took center of attraction. After that everybody settled down and I took corner seat. For next half an hour some rituals were followed by both set of families.

I received a SMS from mom.

Hey buddy, I do hope you remember your bet. I am holding both balls firm on my holes. Loosing bet doesn't hurt right? :D :D :D

I replied her back instantly.

We will soon know loosing hurts or not. One thing though I suggest shift away from aunts to corner seat for your own benefit. Start countdown for climax it's around corner.

She replied again

:D :D lol rofl

Mom I insist you to move across

I saw her moving towards corner and relief came to my mind. Suddenly I heard Celebrant saying

"Do you, Bryan Lynn take Kelly McLaren to be your lawful wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Kelly McLaren take Bryan Lynn to be your lawful wedded husband?"

"I do."

Everybody clapped hard.

"Now I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

At the moment Bryan kissed Kelly, I took remote and pressed button 1 and looked towards mom and found expected incredulous look on her face. Same time fireworks started suppressing all noises. After few seconds I pressed another button on remote to start second vibrator as well which practically blew her away as she told me afterwards.

As people started to move towards stage to congratulate couple I went straight to mom. She hasn't moved inch in last 5 minutes or so.

"How are you mom? I hope everything is ok." I teased her with broad grin on my face.

"You rascal, stop it immediately. I already climaxed twice. Please stop it." Her tone changed several notes in a sentence which I could hear over noise of fireworks. I pulled remote from my pocket and increased speed accidently. Look on her face was to kill me if she could grab me and do not feel sorry for it.

"Sorry mom." I switched off both vibrators.

It took mom 10 minutes to recover from shock and regain some senses in her legs. We moved towards stage to congratulate couple. When we were back I looked towards her and winked. She looked outraged.

In couple of minutes wedding organizer announced traditional dance which kicked off by newlyweds. Everybody including us joined as dance kicked off by Kelly and Bryan. In our family tradition lights goes off for 2 minutes and Its believed that kiss in dark between newlyweds bring love, joy, and wealth in their life. As per tradition lights gone off after couple of songs; and I felt mom lips on mine tenderly caressing me. I responded her silently with same intensity. That kiss was so passionate that we forgot our surroundings. Fortunately we broke apart seconds before lights came back.

For next 15 minutes we danced on sensuous and romantic songs without any words our eyes did all talking. After that we had dinner and moved in car for our journey back to room. Once inside car mom took driving seat and finally she found her voice back.

"You are rascal and I thought of killing you." She said forcefully.

"I know that." I said grinning. She casted mock angered look.

Mom drove us out of porch and took unfamiliar road. I thought due to dark I got confused. But after driving for couple of miles mom stopped car and got out of the car and lighted cigarette; confused with her actions I too got out of the car and with my eyes asked what happened.

A pensive look came on mom's face and then she said "Do you see those sugarcane fields? I and your father used to meet here every day." It was first time she was telling me about my dad. I turned my whole attention towards her words.

"One fine day we had sex here in fields. First and last time but that was enough for me to get pregnant. When my dad came to know about my pregnancy he tracked down him and threatened him for his life. As rich person as my father that time has turned whole village against him and next morning he fled away from village and no one heard about him afterwards." She continued as though talking to herself now. I was standing still so as not to disturb her. Suddenly she extinguished cigarette and started car. We drove back to hotel in half an hour or so.

Chapter 12

When mom parked car I could see pensive look still on her face and I decided to cheer up mom. Once both of us inside room I closed door and started camera.

"Good night friends we are bringing you another exciting episode from Keep up with Sheila." I announced grandly. Mom looked surprised but adjusted her expression and smiled to camera.

"So Sheila we heard you have exciting wedding tonight. Would you like to share your experience with our viewers?" I asked from behind of camera.

"I glad you asked this. Yes I had most enthralling wedding of my life and I would like to kick someone's ass for that." She said with laughter.

"Holy fuck! Can you tell us your enthralling experience?" I asked.

"When Bryan kissed Kelly, a vibrator started in my pussy I was so surprised and shocked that I could have shouted but somehow I managed not to shout. In few moments another vibrator started in my ass this time, I shouted with surprise but all sound suppressed by fireworks. After that I climaxed twice before this rascal switched off vibrator." She pulled me towards her and acted like kicking me. While kicking she got off balance and grabbed me for support and started vibrator which still inside her pussy and ass.

Suddenly she started to act like crazy; I couldn't understand her sign language so she finally shouted "Turn off those damn vibrators."

"Oh! Someone is having fun kicking me." I teased her. She looked outraged. I pulled remote and stopped vibrator and kissed her. She undressed at top speed while camera was still on and threw both balls at me with ferociously. One of them caught me on my face causing me lot of pain and like soccer skills I started roll on floor to get foul from referee.

Mom who looked nothing wrong hitting me like that got very worried watching me rolling in pain like that and came close to me to inquire about my pain. I pulled her towards me planted big kiss on her lips.

She threw disgusted look towards me and said "You frightened me like hell. If you do anything like that again I will kill you."

"And there will be punishment for you. You will eat my pussy and I won't suck your cock tonight." She had big smile on her face.

I dropped to my knees and planted big kiss on her pussy. "You will have another surprise tomorrow." I informed her as went bathroom with her for wash.

I ate her pussy before she exhausted with pleasure and we both slept well until 9 in the morning.

Next we met Linda and had lunch with her in our ancestral house. I excused myself during their catch up for last few years and went to village some shopping.

Around 4 we started towards room. I was in driver's seat that day took same route mom took last night. Mom looked surprised and enquired with her eyes. I just nodded. After couple of miles I stopped car and pulled black windows of car.

"Here is your surprise." I presented her school uniform; a white shirt and blue skirt and brown tie and pointed towards sugar cane fields.

"What?" she looked shocked.

"Yes. Change fast we are going in there." I replied calmly.

"Are you going to fuck me?" she asked wearing uniform.

"We will see." I said with straight face. She laughed and kissed me on cheek.

After looking for any sign of human being we stepped out of car and went straight inside fields. We walked deeper into fields until we found suitable place. She came towards me looking transpired into that era and kissed me it was kiss like nothing before she was one who clearly from past.

We kissed for long time again and again. Then I undone her shirt button one by one slowly and started to fondle her boobs which clearly transferred us out of this world.

Suddenly we heard some noise and then some voices. Though it was from distance mom panicked and due her history she asked me to run away immediately. Getting caught with mom in such position would have been end of our life in society even world may be. We ran towards car as fast as we could and went straight towards our hotel. And nothing to do in village we decided to checkout of room.

Mom who was wearing school uniform remains seated in car while I gathered our luggage and paid bills. Once we out of village by some 25 miles mom started to laugh.

"That was great surprise a real surprise." I could not identify her motive behind her sentence.

"I am sorry mom. I didn't mean to get us in trouble." I decide to be on defensive.

"No darling I am not blaming you. It was really great surprise but I knew the dangers in plan I shouldn't have agreed to you or at least told you but I was overwhelmed when you asked me to go in sugarcane fields. It's ok." She said patting on my back.

2 weeks after wedding we got our first payment for our successful execution of project and completed another one so we decided to throw party for some of my friends and her office colleagues and 2 potential clients.

I invited all my soccer teammates and couple of friends from school. Mom invited all her ex colleagues and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kay and Dr. Lynn our new potential clients.

Party was in lawn of our new house which we purchased just in outskirts few days back. This new house is duplex with lawn in front. We arranged food and drinks in lawn.

Mom chose to wear stunning blue sari and backless blouse with light makeup and hairstyle was center of attraction of male in party until Mrs. Katy Ryan stepped into party wearing party gown low neck showing her cleavages. Backless gown was just started above her ass.

"What she is doing in my party Whore." Mom asked me.

Mrs. Katy was absolutely sex driven lady and rumored to have slept with half of my class boys and all rich men in town. Her only son, Tim was my best friend who came with his girlfriend.

"Mom, when I went to invite Tim to party his mother was there and I had to invite her." I explained her.

"Hopefully that whore doesn't ruin party." Mom said looking towards Mrs. Katy who was flirting with our new client.

I and Tim get along so well because neither I showed any interest in his mother nor I did talk anything about her with him. My problem with early climaxing made me shy around bold and beautiful girls those days.

When Katy started to flirt around Tim got uncomfortable and left in middle. Around 1 o'clock party was almost over and everybody started to leave Katy asked me if I could give her lift towards home.

Towards end of party when most people started to leave, Katy lost interest in other people and she asked me for her company. Glad enough to be obliged I started to talk to her. Her funny stories made me laugh and improved my mood after such boring party for long, going at same pace. Clearly we lacked party tactics but people in party also didn't helped either.

After some 10-15 minutes Katy asked me to drop her in city. I thought to inform mom and went near group of people she was saying good bye.

"Mom, I am going to drop Tim's mother to city will be back in half an hour." I informed.

"No wait." She said loudly made me jump. "I mean I will drop her will also drop Mr. and Mrs. Roy in city. You take care of house." She told me.

When I was putting last set of dishes and bottles inside house after everybody left mom came back looking exasperated. With my eyes I enquired her about her exasperation.

"That whore Katy went to one of our client's house for coffee in night 2 o'clock Bitch." Mom cursed Katy.

"Yah I know that she told me to drop his place only." I said while we took last table inside.

Actually Katy asked me to visit their house next day to pamper Tim and tell him she behaved very decently in party.

"Also she asked me to visit her tomorrow in evening." I informed bit of mine conversation with Katy omitting reason which I thought was not important at all.

"And what did you said?" she asked me to my surprise. I could sense she was jealous about her for getting so much attention party but I couldn't understand her questioning about my visit to Katy's house. Usually I would tell her everything but she never asked me to tell her anything.

"I haven't confirmed anything but I told her after my soccer practice I will make visit if possible." I told her another part of conversation clearly puzzled with her behavior.

"Good, then call her and tell you won't be able to visit as we need to come here again tomorrow and arrange few things." She said and stepped outside so that I could lock door.

Chapter 13

Next day after my soccer practice I met Tim after shower and told him about his mother good behavior in party as promised. Mom was waiting outside in car for me. She was wearing pink top and shorts for house old work. Her long and beautiful legs were on display caught my attention. She asked me to behave with beautiful smile. When we reached to our new house a truck full of goods were waiting for us. For next 3 hours I and mom were arranging our new house. It's amazing to arrange house with your loved ones.

For dinner we had Pizza in Italian restaurant and around 10 we were back in our city home. It was busy day for me felling like tired a little. First I took shower and came out really quickly. When mom was in shower I switched on television. Same C grade movie was telecasted on one of the channel. I decided to watch it until mom came out of shower. Entire episode of wedding repeated in my mind. Mom came out of shower when lady was inserting ball in her pussy. I glanced towards mom and winked at her. She too clearly remembers events at wedding scolded me without any anger. Then we started to laugh remembering all that ended up in kissing each other.

Mom who only wrapped in towel was naked when we broke from kiss as our passionate kiss loosened towel from her body. She who threw her towel on sofa asked me to switch off TV as she pulled my boxer and freed my cock.

She sucked my cock for next 10 minutes or so. Now I was able to hold my climax back for long time felt frustrated when she got up and kissed me. When I opened my mouth to ask her what happened she asked me to eat her pussy. I obliged to her strange wish and ate her pussy for few minutes when again she stopped me. My cock was hard and rigid growing to its full length of 10 inches and her pussy was on brink of cumming and yet she stopped me again. Feeling utterly puzzled I sat on sofa as she directed.

Then she walked towards me and took my cock in her hand and said "Would you like to fuck my pussy darling?" she asked so abruptly that it bamboozled me.

I was so blown out that instead of saying yes with joy I said "What?"

"Oh! Dear I know it's hard to believe for you but I was thinking of fucking you ever since you took me sugar cane fields. And last 2 weeks I thought on and on only about fucking you. And more I thought it felt right." She explained me.

"Wow! Mine pleasure to oblige your wish." I said containing my excitement somehow.

"Oh! My god James are you sure you want fuck me?" she asked with mixture of multiple emotions.

I Pulled her towards me. "Mom, sit on my cock its waiting for way into your loving pussy." I said her.

"Few months back I wouldn't have thought I would touch your cock let alone let it inside my pussy. I am still not sure it's correct or not." She said rather to herself as she positioned her pussy directly above my cock. For me it was like dream come true. There was nothing right or wrong it was highest pleasure for me.

She lowered herself ever so slowly that frustrated me beyond anything but in fear of changing her mind I kept silence. After like ages for me I felt her pussy touching my cock. The thought of fucking her aroused me even more. I could feel tip of my cock inside her pussy. Slowly she started lower herself taking my cock inch by inch into her pussy.

"Oh! Mom you are so tight. I feel like squeezing my cock. I am feeling like cumming! Oh mom it feels so great!" I exclaimed.

"Yah darling you are are so big. I feel you all the way up. Oh! My god this is incredible." Mom exclaimed.

Soon my cock was nearly inside her when she stopped lowering herself.

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