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Mom's New Family Affair Ch. 09

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An evening with Mom and Beth to remember...
14.7k words

Part 9 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2015
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As I arrived back home, I saw Mom's car parked next to Beth's, pulled up behind it and wondered just what they would have up their sleeve with the sudden impromptu shopping trip.

It was evident Mom and Beth seemed to each have a very mischievous streak in them in common, and I knew I'd reap the benefits of it.

I walked in, saw no one and yelled "Hey, I'm home!"

I heard Beth's giggle faintly as they started down the stairs. "So, did you have a good time at the pub?" asked Mom as she led the way with Beth following closely behind her. Both were dressed in the shorts and tops they had gone shopping in earlier.

"Yep, Jerry was there and I got the chance to beat the socks off him in 8 ball... at least at first. I said with a chuckle, "Then he got better when we started playing for drinks... So, how was your shopping trip? Find what you're looking for?"

Mom smiled and said "Yep, and got to go on my first shopping trip with my newly adopted daughter! The first of many I hope..." she added giving Beth a smile. Beth just beamed and didn't say a word.

"Good, she could use a little spoiling!" I said giving Beth a wink.

"Oh, I think I can do that!... Are you hungry? We're famished!" exclaimed Mom.

"So am I" I answered with a laugh and headed toward the grill to get it fired up.

Mom had splurged and bought beef tenderloin fillets along with the tiger shrimp which she took out of the refrigerator to get room temperature before cooking. As Beth started as salad, Mom pulled the cork on two bottles of Merlot wine and poured three glasses for us to drink as we cook while letting the other bottle breath for the actual dinner.

It felt pretty good fixing dinner with them, All of us were in a really good mood as if this was just a normal, happy day and not shadowed by the sexual heat of earlier in the day or the sexual tension or expectations of the evening.

I noticed both Mom and Beth working together and how both of them took full advantage to touch or come in contact with one other as they moved working next to each other at the counter. I had noticed this earlier and now I started to sense it wasn't intentional, it seemed natural between them.

This relationship I saw blossoming between Mom and Beth was a bit unexpected, but very nice surprise to me and made me as happy as it apparently made them.

I went out to check on the grill, but found it only lukewarm. The flame had gone out only to find out the propane tank was empty.

I quickly disconnected the bottle and passed through the house to tell Mom and Beth I was going to the hardware store north of town to get a replacement. They were just finishing the salads and sides and told me to hurry back.

It had taken close to 20 minutes to get to the hardware store, get the propane and get back.

When I arrived, they were not to be found in the kitchen or patio but it didn't stop me from connecting the new tank and starting to preheat the grill.

I went back into the kitchen to get the fillets and shrimp and noticed their wine was gone too. Basically, all their kitchen work was done preparing for dinner, so I assumed they were upstairs doing something like finishing putting Beth's things away. I yelled up the stairs that I was back and was restarting the grill.

It was a while before I saw them again. I was out tending the fillets on the grill, trying to be careful cooking them to get them just right when Beth came out with her glass of wine and slid her arm around my waist, leaned her head against my shoulder temporarily and gave me a hug.

I put my arm around her and felt the silky material of her new robe as I focused on turning them as I hugged her back. The material had gotten my attention and my eyes went from the steaks to checking her out.

I glanced at her noticing the aqua blue silky short robe, especially the cleavage she was showing too and responded with "Wow, that looks nice!"

Beth giggled. "Thanks. Mom thought it would be nice to dress for dinner."

"So I take it you enjoyed your shopping trip with Mom?" as I held her close as we both watched the steaks cook.

"Yesssss. Very much so. I just don't know how to take all the gifts, I've always fended for myself."

"I think she knows that and it's probably why she wants to spoil you a bit. I wouldn't consider them gifts anyway; I think her intent is more like provisions where she feels she's providing for you.

If you were a material girl, she'd probably tell you to go pound sand" I said with a chuckle."What did she buy you?"

"Oh a couple bra and panty sets, shoes, among other things like this robe. They call it a kimono style. And all the things she bought me were really quality items. I never imagined I'd be getting Victoria's Secret this summer! It's been like Christmas and my birthday rolled into one!" she said with a giggle.

"Really?" Cool! I bet you'll look hot in them knowing your and Mom's tastes."

"Mmmmmmmmmm! Yes, and Mom has such elegantly seductive tastes too..." Beth said with a soft smile.

"Heh, yeah, and in more ways than one" I said intending the pun. "Going to model for me later this evening?" I asked lifting an eyebrow as I let my eyes roam down over her body, taking advantage to get long glance at her cleavage.

It was carefully framed by the robe and knew she had some of those new undies on right now creating what I was seeing. I also noticed the opened toed shoes which I estimated as being heels from her added height.

"Maybe" answered Beth giving me a sultry grin. "Maybe Mom and I both will."

I gave a musical "Hmmmmmmmmmm" as I added the shrimp as the steaks were finishing.

As we were cooking on the grill, Mom went upstairs and returned shortly afterwards with a long black pouch which she slid onto the bottom shelf of the end table next to the couch, then came out to join us for the last minute or two of cooking.

She looked stunning. She too had a new robe of the same style except in black and was also wearing heels... one's I had never seen on her before because I immediately saw they were backless fuck-me shoes. I grinned at the thought of Mom and Beth influencing each other. Mom must have had something special on too because her cleavage was even fuller than usual. I felt my member twinge.

"Let's eat out here. It's a beautiful evening!" said Mom as she cleared the patio table. In no time her and Beth had set the table and brought out the salads and side dishes. I remember hearing their shoes pat the bottom of their heels softly as they walked back and forth. Beth added a candle in the center and lit it.

Mom and Beth stood there quietly chatting as they drank their wine in their sexy robes and heels as I tried to concentrate on the cooking. The key word was "tried" because they really looked good in them and I also notice they had put on some make up and pinned up their hair too.

The fillets were almost done and I added the shrimp which cooks fast and in no time I was plating our dinners. As I placed them on the table Mom then said "Ok, now while the steaks rest, we want you to get dressed for dinner. We bought you something special and it's on the breakfast nook. How about slipping into it for us" she said with a grin.

I glanced at Beth, looked at her questioningly and saw she was grinning too. I wondered what this could be. I shrugged my shoulders and replied "Ok, be right back."

As I went into the kitchen wondering what this was all about, I saw what looked like a shirt box from the Hunter's Den men's store. It was the classiest men's store in the area and I immediately wondered what it held.

As I opened it, I found a man's short robe and pants combo. I guessed it would be called a lounge set. It was a grey and the material felt like silk. I pulled it out of the box and held it up thinking 'Damn, this is really swanky, a bit sophisticated looking and the material automatically reminded me of the silk boxers Beth had bought me for the last two Christmases. I immediately shed my T and slid it on. It was a perfect fit in the shoulders and sleeves but probably looked like hell in my cargo shorts.

I quickly shed them. I had gone commando all afternoon so there were no boxers to contend with and slid the bottoms on and tied the string tie that was the belt.

I looked down and could see the outline of my dick as it hung down one side into the leg of my left thigh. I wasn't quite semi hard, but it was full and fleshy from scoping out Mom and Beth a moment ago and I knew they'd love the effect.

I tied the robe and stepped out onto the patio deck.

"Whoah! I like!" exclaimed Beth as she saw me.

Mom giggled. "Oh yes! Honey, that looks so good! It looks perfect on you!" She pointed her finger down and moved it in circles indicating for me to turn around as she said "Model it for us!"

I felt a bit silly but did as she requested.

"Now open your robe, Let's see what that looks like..." said Mom

I did, and I adjusted each side so it draped naturally exposing my mid chest and stomach but I also knew they'd get a good view of the contours of my cock too.

"Oh Mom!..." exclaimed Beth and added "Definitely keep it open!" Mom agreed with a giggle of her own.

"Hey, you know you guys can do that too, You don't have to keep yours tied." I said with a chuckle.

Mom responded with a "Hmmmm, Ok, but I'm only going to untie.. we want to keep some secrets for later. She then pulled the tie on her robe allowing it to open naturally which only exposed the center of her cleavage, stomach and the black lace bra and tiny thong she had on.

She looked totally hot and as I let my eyes roam, in my peripheral vision I saw Beth pull her belt tie. Her robe fell open naturally too which drew my eyes immediately to she too was wearing a matching bra thong set that was tastefully bright and somewhere between pink and a rose color. The robe hid most of it, but the bra was working well giving her a plunging cleavage.

I responded with "Wow, I can't wait to see more!"

Mom laughed. "After dinner Hon, let's eat for now" and we all settled down at the table and sat to start.

The sun was low in the sky and had a glow lighting our little world as we ate. We talked about a lot of things. Beth possibly starting her job again at the florist, Mom's plans to meet dad in Hawaii along with my plans for post grad school.

Mom started talking about graduations and realized that Beth would be finishing a semester early and asked if they had two ceremonies.

Beth said no, that she would be finished but wouldn't receive her diploma until the end of the school year and would be invited back to graduate with the class, and if she chose not, she would receive her diploma in the mail. Mom then asked her if she had any special plans after finishing school.

"Not really, just start looking for a job I suppose. I hear finishing early is a good thing since it's in front of the flood of graduates trying to get a job once they graduate."

"Are you planning on trying to find something local?" asked Mom.

"Yes, I'd like to, but I guess I'll just go with the flow" said Beth as she gave me a grin, which I took to be wherever our future together takes us and I returned the grin.

Mom caught the eye contact between us and smiled. "Well, you know where home is now... and that means even if you're working and John's s away getting his masters... don't forget that! You're welcome to stay as long as you wish... and that means both of you. Don't worry though, I'll respect your wishes if you choose to move out and get your own place someday."

I chimed in "Hey that will be cool! If you stay here after you finish, you'd only be about 2 hours away. If I tried to visit you at school, it would be over 4. So, now I could come home and see you both!" I said with a chuckle.

"Oh so NOW you can come home on weekends,huh? You never did before!" Mom said kiddingly.

"Well things have changed a bit Mom, haven't they? You might see my butt home a lot more except for weekends where I have a swim meet. Even before Beth finishes" I said with a chuckle.

"And, if it's Ok with Mom, I plan on making it back much more often too. That way I can see both of you. Home is the half way point between our two colleges."

"Oh my! Of course it's Ok!" Mom said with a laugh. "I'd like to see both your butts back here to visit during the school year, whether both of you can make it during the same time or not. Maybe we should have done this a long time ago!"

I responded with "Really!" and Beth with a giggle as she raised her wine glass. "I'll drink to that!"

We all clinked glasses and took a sip. Mom looked at us and said "Well, they say hindsight is 20-20, so I guess we'll just have to work harder to catch up the lost time..." she said in a kidding manner as if it was a chore, but we all agreed and broke out laughing.

Our glasses were becoming empty so I took the bottle and poured us each about a third of a glass, leaving us with half a bottle. The food had surely blocked the alcohol from the bottle and a half we had drunk. Mom and Beth both looked both relaxed and happy as we sipped the last of our wine.

We each cleaned up the dinner dishes, placing them in the dishwasher and Mom divided what was left in the wine between our glasses.

We all congregated at the breakfast nook which was starting to be like the equivalent of the water cooler at an office where everyone meets to talk.

Mom and Beth sipped their wine as they stood there. I noticed them checking me out as I slid onto a stool and understood why, sitting had drawn the material tighter over my cock which incidentally had grown slightly harder in anticipation of the evening.

Beth moved forward just a bit and ran her hand across its surface. "Look Mom, John's already making a mess of his pants" she said with a giggle as she brought attention to the wet spot of precum that had already formed at the tip of my member's outline.

"Oh that can be expected" she said with a hint of a giggle. "I'm sure we have a similar problem with our thongs right about now. I know I do!"

Beth agreed with her own giggle as Mom moved to set her glass down on the counter. She then walked away toward the antique trunk on the other side of the family room.

Both Beth and I watched as she crossed the room in her heels and short robe and my cock hardened another notch as I appreciated her shapely, sexy legs n her new fuck-me shoes.

She removed a blanket and started back saying "Honey, would you move the coffee table against the wall for tonight please?"

I immediately dragged it out of the way as Mom spread the blanket before the long section of the couch.

We both returned to the nook and all three of us took another sip of wine.

I was the first to say something. "I'm guessing a little play area... " I said with a chuckle.

"You could say that..." said Mom with a grin and looked at Beth for a moment before looking back and saying "Tonight's going to be a bit special John. Beth and I have decided we want you to watch us... at least at first... We'll let you know when to join in."

Before I could reply, Beth chimed in. "And we hope you're in a naughty mood tonight too because we sure are! We've been talking about it all afternoon and we're even primed and might even try things we haven't tried yet together too..." she said giving me a very sultry grin.

I still never got a word in edgewise as Mom reached for her glass. "Let us girls go the couch and relax while we drink a bit more of our wine" Then she looked at me and said. "John, why don't you take the easy chair across from us?"

All I could do is say "Ok" as I followed them into the family room.

Mom took a seat on the couch near its center and Beth, after turning the lamp on, sat to her right which was closer to the end table.

Both of them settled in and crossed their legs. The sight of which made my cock twinge and notched me up to full hardness to where it strained against the material of my bottoms.

I set my glass down and moved to the dimmer for the overhead recessed lighting. I turned them on but dimmed them down for the best atmosphere with just enough lighting help see Mom and Beth better.

I returned to my chair but before I had a chance to sit Mom said. "Hon, you need to make a decision! You can keep making a mess in those bottoms or you can lose them now. You might want to consider it because I'm almost positive you're going to want access to that big cock of yours very soon" with a grin.

I looked down to see my wet mark had grown considerably and with my own chuckle said, "Good idea." I glanced at Beth and Mom as I slowly pulled the tie and saw their eyes were glued to it. I worked the bottoms down to where my hard member popped out like usual. Once clearing the head, they fell to my ankles where I stepped out of them and lightly kicked them to the side.

I eased into the easy chair, reached for my wine from the table next to it and settled back. Remembering Beth's comment about being in a naughty mood, as an afterthought I lifted my leg and draped it over the arm of the seat and with my other hand slowly started to caress my cock in front of them. "How's this?" I asked as I took a sip of my wine.

Both Mom and Beth's eyes went wide for a second they both grinned. Mom then responded "Perrrrrrrrrfect!"

There was about 20 or 30 seconds as we just sipped our wine and savored the view of each other. I thought 'Damn they look so fucking hot' as my eyes appreciated what their sexy outfits did for them.

Mom was the one to break the silence. "So... Have you ever wondered what my sweet Beth and I do when you're not around?"

"I can only imagine after seeing what I saw last night... damn, that was hot!"

"What was that in particular, Sweetheart?"

"You know, Beth and you rubbing clits as we fucked to help get you both off... and then the oral, of course.. fuck! ...that was the hottest I think."

"Oh, we've done much more than that. I love our lovemaking ..." she said in a sultry voice as she looked at Beth who gave her a warm smile. "Oh hoe we love the kissing... the touch of one another, and the taste..."

Mom looked back at me and asked "Does the thought of Beth and I being with each other...kissing, licking,... fucking each other make that big cock of yours hard son? Thinking about your Mom doing it with your significant other... who's now my adopted daughter... which, I guess by chance makes her your new sister too!" she said with a giggle.

"Oh fuck yes! My cock get's hard on the drop of a dime knowing you, being my mom and all, being with Beth. It's kind of hot to think it's been my sister sucking my cock over the years too" I responded giving Beth a wink as I played along.

I noted Mom seemed to like including the incest angle to add some additional excitement to the situation, but that didn't bother me one bit since I got off on it too.

Beth joined in the fun "Mommy! I'm so glad you're not mad that my brother John has been putting his big cock in my mouth and pussy! I thought you'd be mad! Oh Mommy, he makes me so wet sometimes.. can you help me in the future with that?"

"Of course Baby Girl, Mommy loves when her daughter gets wet like that. Then I know my Baby's having fun, and I want her to be happy." Mom said with a playful giggle as she too played along. "So, should we model our new outfits for John now?"

"Mmmmm, yes Mommy, let's show him" she said as she uncrossed her legs and stood up, offering a hand to Mom.

Mom took her hand and started to stand. Beth then took her wine glass and set it down on the end table with her own. As she turned to step back toward Mom, Mom motioned to her and said "Come here Hon, I want to show John just how lucky he is having such a sexy sister for a girlfriend."

I watched as Beth eased up next to Mom with a soft smile on face and a devilish glint in her eyes. Mom grinned back as her fingers lightly touched the edge of the material of her robe at the collar and eased it off her shoulder. "Mmmmmmmmm, Don't you just love the color combination of her bra and thong set with the blue of her robe?" asked Mom with a grin before kissing her shoulder lightly.

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