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Mom's No Spring Chicken

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A lonely mother, A loving son.
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Once again another tale of incestuous fantasy for your reading pleasure brought to you by the demented mind of Blaster666. All persons involved are of legal age and any similarities of persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is your comments and feedback that fuels the fires of my imagination so please be generous and tell me what you think. But most importantly, enjoy the story.

Moonlight filtered in through the open curtains making it just light enough for me to watch as Becky's lips moved agonizingly slow up and down on my tingling shaft, her tongue occasionally running circles around the bulbous head. I lay there with my hands behind my head and surrendered to her oral manipulations. She was good, so damn good. She knelt on the bed at my side without using her hands and slurped my tool in slow up and down strokes, the fingers of her left hand working her clit and cunt into a state of saturated readiness. That was something I really liked about her; she would get sloppy wet before I even had a chance to touch her smooth shaved box. Being rather endowed, don't get me wrong; I'm no John Holmes, her wetness helped when it came time for her to sink onto my cock. Another thing I liked about her was the fact that no matter how many times we've fucked, she always insisted on being on top. I didn't mind, Becky was as skinny as a beanpole with tits not much bigger than mine, and weighed maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. Being realistic I knew that it appealed to my lazy side, and also to her need to dominate in everything she did.

Her mouth pulled off my pole with a pop and she threw her leg over my hips. Just as my cock bottomed out in her deep cavern of sloppy wetness I got the unmistakable feeling of being watched. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I tilted my head to look around Becky toward the foot of the bed, then out the open door into the blackness of the hallway. I couldn't see anything; the old house I rented didn't even have a place for a light in the hallway. Still, the sensation of being watched persisted.

"Hey stud, you with me?"

Her question snapped my attention back to what was important; the feel of wet cunt wrapped around my rigid rod. What Becky lacked in tits she more than made up for in nipples. They stuck out from her chest about a half-inch and were extremely sensitive. Reaching up I pinched the light brown protuberances and felt them get hard enough to cut glass. That got Becky's motor revved up. In no time flat she was pounding herself down on all eight inches of my cock and smacking my balls with her skinny ass. Her fingers clawed into the skin of my chest muscles painfully as her humping increased in tempo. The squishy sounds of wet genitalia slapping together filled my bedroom and all thoughts of being watched fled as I felt the oncoming bliss of release. Grunts of pure pleasure poured out of her lips as she feverously hammered down on me. Faster and faster she fucked me until suddenly, she sat straight up and squealed out her rapture as her gripping cunt milked my spurting penis.

"OHHHHHH FUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKK!!!" she hollered and then collapsed onto my chest. Becky is a screamer.

I thought I heard the sound of shuffling feet but couldn't be sure; Becky's loud panting masking out the sounds of the house. After our breathing returned to normal Becky did what she always did after we fucked; she pecked me on the lips, got dressed and left. Not once had she ever stayed the night. She didn't want her husband to come looking for her. Neither did I. At close to six-feet tall, a hundred and seventy pounds of lean muscle I could hold my own. But her husband was a bull of a man with one of the worst tempers I'd ever seen. He was also my boss at the construction company I worked for. Was I crazy? Maybe. Anyone whose ever had as hot and wet of a pussy as Becky's would be crazy enough to chance his wrath too. At least they'd die with a smile on their face. The sound of the front door latching behind her was the last thing I heard before sweet dreams beckoned me into their loving embrace.

Early the next morning, after fighting my morning wood to empty my bladder, I followed my nose down the hall towards the front of the house. I noticed the bedroom across from the bathroom was empty, before entering the living room and continuing on into the adjoining kitchen, dining room combination. I stood in the doorway in my boxers and t-shirt letting the aroma of frying bacon and fresh coffee drift up my nostrils. My heart filled with love as I watched the woman, her back to me, pull slices of toast out of the toaster and lather them with butter. She was dressed in a whitish, threadbare terry-cloth robe that had long ago forgot that it used to be yellow. The robe drooped at her shoulders but hugged the full firm roundness of her ass before descending down to the backs of her knees. Two shapely toned calves stuck out from below the hem of the robe, her feet covered in fluffy pink house shoes. The woman's wavy shoulder length, grey streaked brown hair bounced slightly as she buttered the last piece of toast.

"Morning Mom," I said from the doorway as my greenish-grey eyes took her in.

Startled she spun around, one hand holding the butterknife while the other one darted up and clutched the top half of her robe closed. The same color eyes as mine fell on my face and her generous lips spread into a warm smile.

"Robby! Damn, you almost made me pee my pants. Don't sneak up on your old mother like that," she croaked, the hand holding her robe loosening.

"Sorry Mom. That sure smells good," I chuckled as I walked over next to her and fixed myself a cup of coffee, the top of her head barely reaching my shoulders.

She protested a little when I told her to sit and I'd bring us both some, but she did it anyway. I put the plate of bacon between us on the table to share. Neither of us wanted eggs, so we dined on toast and crispy bacon and washed it down with coffee. She wouldn't have it when I tried to take her cup to refill it; instead she took mine and filled both of them up. On her way back to the table the top half of her robe parted some giving me a view of the top swell of her full breast. Creamy white skin sprinkled with freckles jiggled as she walked. At fifty-three years of age Mom was still a striking woman. I chastised myself for the lewd thoughts that were bouncing around my head. I sipped the hot coffee and thought back to how Mom had come to be staying with me.

Almost a year ago to the day, Dad had suffered a massive heart attack and passed away. It shook Mom to her very core. We were all surprised since Dad seemed to be in great shape for a man nearing his sixties. The doctors had said it was a blocked artery that had caused it. Mom tried to make a go at keeping the house, but the pitiful amount of life insurance Dad had didn't stretch very far. Mom had always been a housewife with no discernable jobs skills, which made it almost impossible for her to get a job that would cover the bills. I offered to move the seven hundred miles back home and take care of her, my being in construction, I was sure that I would find work. She wouldn't hear of me quitting the job I already had. A month ago I made her an offer she couldn't refuse, especially now that the house was being foreclosed on; a fact that I hadn't been aware of until it was too late. If she came and stayed with me I'd get rid of my housekeeper, and she could work for me in exchange for room and board and some spending cash. She agreed to my terms, expressing regret for causing my non-existent housekeeper to lose her job. She cheered up when I told her that I'd found work for the woman elsewhere. She'd used the plane ticket I'd wired her the very next day, and now she was sitting in my kitchen enjoying a cup of joe and bacon. I was pleased with myself even though her presence did put a damper on my love life, somewhat.

Mom held her cup in both hands with her elbows on the table as she sipped her coffee. The top of her robe drooped open a ways and I could see parts of the round globes of her tits pressed together provocatively. The smattering of freckles made me want to ask if I could play connect the dots. I kept my mouth shut but felt a definite swelling in my boxers as I stared at the white creaminess. I looked away just as her head lifted.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," she began hesitantly.

"What's that Mom?"

"Do you always sleep with your door open?"

"Usually. Why, is my TV too loud at night? Because if it is, I'll turn it down or off," I said. The memory of feeling like I had been watched last night returned.

"Oh no, nothing like that. I was just wondering is all," she replied dipping her eyes to take another sip.

"Well, if it'll make you feel better I'll close it from now on," I told her, stealing another glance at her milky cleavage.

"Please don't...I feel safer knowing you're able to hear if I need you for something in the middle of the night." Her eyes caught mine and held them.

"You having trouble sleeping Mom," I asked returning her steady gaze.

"Sometimes I wake up and can't remember where I am. Just a foolish old woman scared of the dark," she chuckled.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to being here. By the way, you're neither foolish nor old," I told her, giving her my best smile.

Beaming, she rose and came around to my side of the dinning table. She bent down and hugged me before tousling my curly brown hair and taking our cups for a refill. My eyes followed her, greedily taking in the gentle swaying of her buttocks as she walked away. I also brazenly watched her walk back, the subtle bouncing of her chest making me wonder if she was wearing a bra. I got the answer when she leaned over and placed my cup on the table. The robe parted enough for me to see the valley between her breasts; there was no sign of a bra. Out of the corner of my eye I could tell she knew what I was looking at but she didn't say anything. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and went back to her seat. The hint of jasmine lingered in the air around my head as the hint of an oncoming erection swelled in my shorts.

"So tell me Robby," she began, holding the cup with both hands and giving me another view of her boobs being squeezed together. "That girl that was here last night, are the two of you serious?"

"Becky? No Mom, we're just friends," I said.

"Well, judging by the sounds I heard, you two must be real good friends." Her eyes twinkled and I could see she was having trouble suppressing a smile.

"Oh God Mom, I'm sorry. Becky, umm, gets a little vocal sometimes," I stammered, the heat rising to my cheeks.

"Don't be sorry, there's nothing wrong with a person expressing themselves. Why, if your father hadn't clamped his hand over my mouth on occasion..." her voice trailed off and sadness filled her eyes.

Getting up and going over to her I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and asked, "You miss him don't you Mom?"

Turning in her chair she wrapped her arms around my waist, lowered her head against my stomach and sobbed out, "Very much so. I get so lonely sometimes without him."

"You're not alone anymore Mom. You have me now," I told her softly.

She let out a funny laugh before saying, "Uh, sweetie, I didn't mean I felt alone. I meant that I get lonely sometimes." I really didn't see the difference.

"How bout I take you out to dinner tonight," I asked stroking her hair.

"Sweetie, you don't have to do that. I'll be fine, really," she replied her voice muffled since her mouth was pressed against me.

"I want to Mom. I think it'd do us both good to get out for a change. It's Friday, I don't have to work tomorrow so we can stay up as late as we want. What do you say?"

"If you really want to then okay," she whispered against my stomach.

I said it was a date, kissed her on the top of the head and went to get ready for work. Once dressed I went back out into the front room where Mom was waiting, holding the sack lunch she had made me. After giving me a tighter than usual hug she stood on tiptoes and gave me a soft peck on the lips before sending me on my way, an obvious bulge in my britches.

From the time I'd hit puberty I had found Mom alluring. I don't know why; it wasn't like she had run around the house naked or anything. Hell, I've never even seen her undressed. No accidental nip slips, upskirts or any of the things fantasies are made of. When I had masturbated, I could only visualize her face. I had stood in the shower on many occasions seeing her face before me as I mauled my growing penis. As I grew older her image had been replaced by the real thing, but it always lingered in the back of my mind. I often thought that one of the reasons I'd never gotten married was because no girl could live up to Mom's standard. Even now, with her being as old as she was, I still got aroused by being near her. Call it what you will, I can't explain it. I'm sure the headshrinkers would have a field day with me.

On Fridays we worked a little later than the rest of the week. All the tools and equipment had to be put away for the weekend. I walked in the front door shortly after six pm to find Mom sitting on the couch skimming through a magazine. The 50-inch TV was tuned to the local news but the volume was so low that it couldn't be heard. She turned her head in my direction and smiled hugely as she stood to show off her outfit for our dinner date.

The vision in front of me took my breath away. Her hair was swept back in a French braid, she wore tiny ruby-red earrings that matched the shade of her lipstick and a delicate strand of pearls hung around her neck. What really caught my attention was the way the knee high black dress clung to the contours of her body, accentuating her slim waist and full hips. The modest plunge of the neckline was just enough to show off the top swell of her creamy breast to perfection. On her feet she wore low-heeled black pumps that pushed the muscles of her calves up, giving her bare legs and covered buttocks just the right touch of firmness. Before me stood the most erotic woman I'd ever seen, and all I could do was stand there and stare with my mouth hanging open.

"Well silly, tell me what you think," she giggled at the look on my face.

" absolutely beautiful Mom," I finally managed to stammer.

I saw her eyes dart to the front of my straining jeans then back up before she said, "Thank you, now come and help zip me up the rest of the way."

She turned her back to me and I could see that she'd only managed to zip the dress up to not quite the middle of her back. Stepping around the couch I came up behind her and grasp the tiny zipper in my hand. I watched in fascination as the two halves of the dress came together and hid the black bra under it. The back of the dress was high, and I noticed that the zipper started where the beginning swell of Mom's ass was. By the time I had it completely zipped the front of my jeans were straining a lot harder. I excused myself and took off for the shower.

Dressed in the only suit I owned, a navy-blue pinstripe, and a crisp white shirt, I went into the front room with the maroon tie dangling around my neck. Mom took one look at me and whistled before coming up to me and knotting my tie. The sweet smell of jasmine floated off her and into my nostrils for the second time that day.

"Your father could never get this right either," she chuckled, patting my cheek softly after fixing the tie. I caught a glimpse of mist in her eyes before she turned away.

"So Millie, you ready to go turn heads," I gushed with pride.

"Aren't you the grown up now, calling me by name. Why yes Robert, I am, although I doubt if I'll turn too many heads," she replied her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"What are you talking about? I'll probably have to fight off a legion of smitten fellas," I chuckled taking her hand in mind.

"Oh baby, if that were only true. In case you haven't noticed, your Mom's no spring chicken anymore," she made a clucking sound to emphasize her point.

"Mildred Baxter, you're the sexiest woman on the planet and don't ever think otherwise," I barked; her hand tightened on mine as we walked to my car.

We had dinner at Armando's Fine Italian Foods, a restaurant with an attached lounge to it. The pasta was great, and by the time we finished eating we had almost killed off a bottle of red wine that I'd ordered. Mom drank most of it since I was driving. Soft music coming from the lounge drew our attention. She was having too good of a time for me to let it end too soon, so I suggested we go to the lounge to relax. A suggestion she apparently liked. We ordered a couple more glasses of wine then settled back to enjoy the music. Halfway through the glass a particularly slow song came on and Mom asked if I would dance with her.

I led her to the small platform the place called a dance floor and swelled with love as she glided into my arms. With her arms around my back, her hands up on my shoulders, she let her head rest on my chest. We went around in slow circles, my hands softly stroking up and down her spine as several of the male patrons shot envious glances our way. Once, my hand slid down a little further than I'd planned. I felt the swell of her backside before I could jerk my hand back up. Mom snickered and moved in closer to me. I was pretty sure that she felt the bulge in my pants, but she didn't say anything. We stayed another hour, drank some more wine, and danced one more time before Mom wanted to go home.

My euphoria burst like a collapsing dam when we entered the house and found Becky sitting on the couch surfing through the TV channels. I'd forgotten that I'd given her a key so she could come over late at night and not have to knock to get in. A look of pure contempt on her face gave way to a small smile after I introduced Mom to her. She told Mom what a pleasure it was to meet her, and she told me that she'd see me in the bedroom.

With a timid look of embarrassment I said to Mom, "I'll shut the door."

"Please don't. I'll probably be out before you two even get started," she smiled widely at me.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Oh, before you go to bed I do need your help with something," she said softly.

"Okay. What do you need Mom?"

"I need your help in getting out of this dress," she said pointing toward her back.

"Right, the zipper. I forgot," I said following her to her bedroom.

Mom flipped on the light and walked over in front of a dresser with a large mirror. I stepped up behind her and felt my fingers start to shake as I lowered the zipper. I had only intended to pull it down low enough for her to finish the job, but the lower it went the more intrigued I became. First the strap and hooks of the black bra appeared and I continued to pull the zipper lower. When I'd pulled it down to just below her waist I could see the waistband of her panties. A little lower and I could tell that they were made of a sheer black fabric. By the time I had the zipper all the way down I could see most of Mom's ass crack through the sheer material.

"That's good sweetie, thanks, I had a wonderful time. Goodnight," she whispered keeping her back to me.

"Night Mom," I croaked, tearing my eyes off her ass and heading for the door.

For some reason, when I reached the hallway I turned around and stood there watching my mother undress. She reached up and pushed the dress off her shoulders and let it glide down her legs were it bunched up around her ankles. All of her panty-covered ass was revealed to my leering eyes. As she bent over to step out of the dress I noticed the panties had a solid black strip of material that completely covered her crotch. I also noticed that her thighs were toned and muscular, much more than women her age usually were. When she straightened up she reached both hands behind her back and undid the hooks of her bra. With a shrug of her shoulders the bra fell to the floor. Her reflection in the mirror stared at me as I tried to see her breasts in the glass. All I got was a brief glimpse of quarter-sized brown areolas before Mom's hands came up and cupped her tits. I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw that her nipples were stiff and aroused. I stared at Mom's face in the mirror as she stared back before she slowly turned to face me, her hands hiding her breast from view. She walked over and kissed me lightly on the lips.


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