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Mom's Post Game Reward


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"NNNNNGH! I think I got it all!" she groaned, her head thrown back and her eyes closed, her hands gripping the railing on the headboard tightly. She pushed down again and felt her ass touching his balls, and she knew she had taken all of him. Drew released her nipple from his mouth and looked around her tits and saw her sitting all the way down on his cock. She had taken it all, something that none of his girlfriends had ever been able to do before.

"You do, Mom, you've got it all!" he said, looking up at her. She looked down at him and smiled as she spoke.

"Then let's see just how hard I can make you cum, shall we?" she said, her smile turning into a grin.

She began to move then, sliding her pussy up and down the length of his hard shaft, riding him in long, deep, even strokes. She rotated her hips around and around as she moved, and Drew moaned in response. He squeezed her tits hard, making her moan, then sucked first on one nipple and then the other. Mattie drew in a breath between clenched teeth, making a hissing sound as she did. She had never been this full of cock before in her life, and she was loving every second of it.

Drew was in seventh heaven. His mom's pussy was hot, wet, and very tight around his cock, and he knew as she continued riding him that it wasn't going to be long before he was blowing his load inside her. But he had a feeling that was exactly what she wanted, so he just went along with it.

After riding his cock like this for a few minutes Mattie sat up, pulling her breasts out of his grasp and impaling herself on his cock. She leaned back and put her hands on the top of his thighs for support, looking past her breasts at him. She started moving her hips up and down, driving her pussy down onto his hard shaft as hard and as deep as she could, grunting with every stroke. Drew just lay back and watched as his mom fucked him, moving in ways he'd never experienced before.

She only did this for a few minutes before she sat up again, this time putting her hands on his flat stomach for support. Her hair was disheveled and she was panting for breath slightly, her eyes hooded with desire and a half-smile on her face. When she spoke, her voice was low and sultry.

"Now I'm gonna make you cum!" she said, looking him in the eyes.

She started moving her hips then, her upper body remaining still while she slid her pussy up and down the length of his cock, her hips moving front to back instead of up and down. The motions of her hips increased until she was fucking him hard and fast, her big tits bouncing with her efforts. Her hair was partly covering her face as she fucked him hard, her eyes hooded, her breath coming faster and faster. She increased the tempo of her hips until the bed was rocking and creaking, her hips nearly a blur. Drew felt his balls shifting and knew that he was getting ready to cum; he also knew that he was going to cum hard, giving his mom just what she wanted.

"I'm gonna cum, Mom, I'm gonna cum!" he groaned, putting his hands on the tops of her thighs and gripping them tightly.

"Cum for me, baby, cum for me!" she gasped, never slowing her hips. "Cum inside my pussy, cum inside mommy's pussy, fill mommy up with your cum!"

That was all it took. Drew groaned and arched his back as his orgasm hit, his cock exploding inside his mom's pussy. He grabbed the sheets in his fists and pulled on them as his cock pumped stream after stream of hot cum into his mom, who continued to ride him as he filled her up.

"That's it, baby, that's it!" Mattie cried, grabbing onto his hips as he bucked beneath her. "Give it to me, give it to me, fill me up with your cum!" She pushed her hips down harder as she continued to ride his bucking, pumping cock, and the pressure on her clit set off her own orgasm.

"OH MY GOD I'M CUMMING!" she cried, gritting her teeth and throwing her head back as her own orgasm exploded deep inside her pussy. The intense waves of pleasure rocketed out from her clit and went crashing through her body, shaking her down to her very soul. Drew looked up and saw her body shaking as she came, feeling the pumping of his cock begin to slow as his own orgasm came to an end.

Matties orgasm was intense but it was quick, and it was over nearly as fast as it had begun. They both finished cumming at about the same time, Mattie's hips slowing and finally stopping with Drew's now-spent cock still trapped inside her. She hung her head down in front of her, her hands on his stomach for support, gasping and panting for breath. Drew lay still beneath her, feeling his cock begin to soften inside her. He, too, was out of breath, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to compose himself. After a few moments Mattie lifted her head and looked at him, and a smile crossed her face.

"Made you cum!" she said, her voice soft.

"I'll say!" Drew replied, returning he smile. "And you came, too, didn't you, Mom?" he said, concerned that he'd left her high and dry.

"Oh, yeah, I came, all right!" she replied, laughing. "Best orgasm I've ever had, that's for sure!"

"Really, Mom?" Drew said, surprised. "I mean, really? I made you cum that good?" he asked.

"Yes, baby, really!" she replied, smiling at him. "You and that big, thick cock of yours made me cum harder and better than anyone else ever has, and that includes your father -- who's no slouch in the sack, I might add! When I can get him to fuck me at all, that is," she said, a smirk crossing her face.

"You mean Dad doesn't...I mean, he doesn't..." he started to say but couldn't find the words. Mattie chuckled at his innocence and naivete as she spoke.

"It's okay, honey, you can say 'fuck' around me," she said. "After what we've just done and what we're going to do later, you can say anything around me you want!"

"You mean Dad doesn't fuck you as much as you'd like?" he asked, genuinely concerned. Mattie shook her head and smiled as she replied.

"No, honey, he doesn't," she said. "He hardly fucks me at all these days. But that doesn't matter now that I have you to make up for it!"

"Man, he's crazy!" Drew said, putting his hands behind his head. "If I had a hot woman like you around, I'd fuck her anytime she wanted!"

"But you do have a hot woman like me around, honey -- you have me now, any time you want!" she said, reaching down and rubbing her hand along his cheek. His cock was completely soft inside her now, but even soft it still filled her up a good bit. She loved the feeling of having it inside her, even soft.

"You said something about doing something later," he said, looking up at her. "What are we going to do later?" he asked.

"Later -- after we've both showered, dressed, and had breakfast -- I'm going to give you another blowjob, only this time I'm going to make you cum in my mouth! Would you like that, sweetie?" she asked, smiling at him.

"I'd love it, Mom!" he said, returning her smile.

"Good! Now let's both get up and get going so we can get on with our day, okay?" she said, leaning over and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Then she got up, letting his soft cock slip out of her, keeping the river of his cum inside her by clamping her pussy shut as soon as she was free of his cock. She got out of his bed and picked up her coffee mug full of now-cold coffee from the nightstand, then blew him a kiss before walking out of his room. Drew sat up on one elbow to watch her walk away, and when she was gone he fell back in his bed and lay there, looking at the ceiling and not believing that what had just happened had really happened.

"Holy shit!" he said aloud, a smile crossing his face. "Did I really just fuck my mom?"

"Yes, you really just fucked your mom!" Mattie called out from the kitchen. "Now get your ass out of bed and get moving!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Drew said, throwing back the covers and getting out of bed, then heading for the bathroom as he was told, grinning the whole way.


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Original_AramisOriginal_Aramisabout 2 months agoAuthor

To: nightdragon1,

Thank you, I appreciate that!

nightdragon1nightdragon1about 2 months ago

WOW.......Fantastic.....Lit needs to add 5 more stars. Read most of your stories and they just get better and better

Sex4lf57Sex4lf572 months ago

I love reading the comments section of your stories to see what you have to say in your response. Responding to every comment is very unusual. Most authors don't even post a single response. I also noticed that there are no Anonymous responses on your stories which I like. If you don't have the balls to put a name to your post, don't bother writing one! Please keep publishing as you're one of my favorite authors.

Original_AramisOriginal_Aramis11 months agoAuthor

To: TheOldStud & OOAA,

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the story!

OOAAOOAA11 months ago

SUPER HOT!!!! Amazing the talking and the comparisons towards the father... 🔥🔥🔥

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