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Mom's Pregnant Fantasy

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Son fulfils his mom's wildest fantasy.
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Aaron had just woken up from a long nap when his mom opened the door and came in and sat down on the edge of his bed. He sat up in bed with the covers covering the bottom half of his body not wanting his mom to find out he was sleeping naked.

"Aaron honey" said his mom Kelly.

"I know this is going to sound weird but I want to get pregnant"

Why was his mom telling him this he thought. He had just woke up from a nap and his mom was in his room telling him she wanted to get pregnant.

"Ok mom" he said.

"I don't have a problem with that" he said.

"If you want to have a baby then that is your decision" he said.

Aaron laid his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes.

"I want to have your baby" she said.

Aaron opened his eyes. His biggest fantasy had just become a reality. He had often had dreams about having sex with his mom and getting her pregnant.

"You want me to make you pregnant?" he said.

"Yes" she said.

"Well after I walked in on you and Amber having sex I haven't been able to get my mind off of you" she said.

"But why do you want me to get you pregnant?" he said.

"Because I really want to have a baby and you are the only man in my life" she said.

"Don't you think it's a little sick to have sex with your own son?" he said.

"Well it's not right but we wouldn't have to tell anyone" she said.

"We could just tell them I got pregnant on a one night stand and I can't find the guy who got me pregnant" she said.

"Well I guess if you really want a baby that bad we can try and get you pregnant" he said.

"Thank you baby, I won't let you down" she said.

And with the Kelly walked out of the room. But before she got to far Aaron stopped her.

"When are we going to start?" he said.

"You'll soon find out" she said with a grin on her face.

Kelly walked out the door and went downstairs. Aaron laid his head back down on the pillow and fell back asleep. When he awoke two hours later there was a sweet aroma coming from downstairs. He got up out of bed and slipped on a pair of boxers and went downstairs. When he got downstairs he saw Kelly sitting very sleekly on the couch wearing only a very skimpy see through piece of lingerie, sipping a glass of white wine. All of the lights downstairs were off and the only thing lighting up the room was the sweet aroma of the candle burning on the coffee table. Aaron just stood there looking at Kelly sitting on the couch sipping her wine. He didn't know what to say or what to do. His mom looked very beautiful and he was having a hard time controlling himself. His cock started to come to life and it suddenly became very obvious when his cock head poked out through the fly in the front of his boxers. Kelly smiled and patted the seat right next to her on the couch. Aaron walked over to the couch and sat down beside Kelly. Kelly poured some wine in the glass that was sitting on the coffee table. Aaron was only 18 but he had often sipped his mom's wine. Aaron reached up and picked up the glass of wine and sat back on the couch as Kelly moved closer to him. Aaron took a sip of the wine and as he moved the glass down from his mouth Kelly met his awaiting lips with a peck. Aaron's cock was rock hard and he was having a hard time trying to hide the fact that it was there. Kelly sat her glass down on the table and then moved even closer to Aaron.

She took his glass out of her hands and sat it down on the table. She pushed Aaron all the way back on the couch and then climbed on top of him straddling his lap. She began to kiss Aaron all over his body. She started at his mouth and then worked her way down his body. When she got down to his boxers she slid her hands inside of the waistband and pulled them down and off of his muscular ass. As she pulled them off Aaron's cock sprang right up in the air pointing right at her face. She went right back to work kissing Aaron's body. When she got down to his cock it was sticking right in her face. She began kissing and licking around his pubic area. Aaron was completely shaved and that made Kelly happy. She licked all around his shaved pubic area but never touched his cock. All of the kissing around his cock was driving Aaron wild. He had never in his life had a girl give him a blow job and this was his opportunity to get one and he didn't want it to slip away. But Kelly just kept on kissing and licking her way down his body until she got to his feet and then she started to make her way back up his body. When she got back to his pubic area she took his cock into her soft gentle hand and she slowly started to stroke. Finally just as Aaron was about to cum Kelly took his cock into her soft mouth and started to suck and lick on his cock. But it was way to late for Aaron and as soon as his cock entered her mouth he let go. He shot three hard shots of his white teenage cum down her throat. Kelly took all of the cum into her mouth but she didn't swallow any of it.

Aaron fell back onto the couch and closed his eyes because he was beat. But Kelly was far from done. She had a mouth full of cum and she knew exactly what she wanted to do with it. She repositioned herself on the couch so she was now sitting on the couch and she pulled Aaron on top of her. Kelly opened her mouth and Aaron could see all of the cum that he had shot into her mouth. That got him excited and his cock started to come back to life. Kelly saw that she had made him excited so she went for her next move. She slid her index finger into her mouth and got a nice big gob of his cum onto her finger. She then ran her finger down her body so that there was a trail of cum running all the way down to her vagina. Then she stuck her finger back into her mouth and got another glob of cum and put it into her vagina. She then stuck her tongue out at Aaron with a huge glob of cum right on the tip. Aaron took the hint and took his tongue and licked off the cum. He kept it into her mouth and then went down and spit it into Kelly's vagina. He made his way back up her body licking up all of the cum that she had trickled down her body. Then they met in a passionate kiss and Aaron sucked up some more of his cum and took it back down to her vagina where he spit it in.

That did that three more times until all of the cum was deposited into Kelly's vagina. Then Aaron grabbed Kelly around the shoulders with both his hands and laid her down on the couch. He then laid on top of her with one knee touching the floor and slid his cock deep into her tight wet cunt. He began to slowly move his cock in and out of her wet pussy. His lubricated cock was sliding in and out of her pussy very easy and he knew that it wasn't going to be long until he was going to shoot off another load. He started to slow himself down so he could make this wonderful moment last as long as he could. But it was too late. He had gone to far and now there was no turning back. The moment he had been waiting for a long time. He was finally going to deposit a load of his teenage cum deep into his mother's pussy. And just as he had finished that thought he sent a new load of his hot white teenage cum spilling into his mom's wet cunt. Shot after shot of his cum went into her cunt. So much cum went in that it started to seep out the edges of her vagina. Aaron got all the way on the couch and laid there with his cock still in his mom's cunt. He laid on top of Kelly and they feel asleep in each other's arms.

Aaron and Kelly woke up in each other's arms with Aaron's semi-hard cock sitting right on the edge of Kelly's vagina. Kelly got up off of the couch and went into the kitchen and started preparing a wonderful dinner for Aaron. Aaron went upstairs and took a shower and then came back downstairs completely naked. When he got back downstairs dinner was on the table and Kelly was sitting on the opposite side of the table completely naked as well sipping some more of her white wine. As they ate there wonderful dinner the only light that was shining in the house was that of the candle that sat on the living room coffee table. Finally dinner was over and Aaron cleared the plates and they went back into the living room and cuddled up on the couch and laid there in each other's arms. Aaron laid on top of Kelly facing away from her and Kelly whispered into his ear.

"You fulfilled one of my wildest fantasies." she said.

Aaron just smiled and they once again fell asleep in each other's arms and stayed asleep until the morning sun came shining through the living room window.

They continued with their daily lives as normal. But since that fateful night of passion they haven't had sex. The part of Kelly's fantasy that she really loved was that her son would get her pregnant in one night and that is exactly what happened.

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