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Monogamy - First Contact

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Charlie and Lori get close to new friends.
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"Excited?" Lori heard Charlie ask as he eased the Lincoln out of the driveway onto the street. They were on their way to spend the evening with their newest friends, Ven and Rod, a free-spirited older couple they had met last week at Cary and Sam's 'dinner' party.

The party had turned out to be more of a dinner-skinny-dipping-almost-orgy voyeuristic evening out for her and Charlie. Memories of the night flickered through her mind, and she laughed remembering how exciting it had been.

She and Charlie had made love at least once every day since then, sometimes twice. They were both so excited remembering and retelling each other about the party they just seemed to find themselves naked and joined together at the crotch. Or the mouth, she thought.

Charlie certainly seemed happy and she, for the first time since early in their marriage, felt hot and ready for sex most of the time. Indeed, Lori herself had been having wet dreams for the first time since she was a teenager. Over and over, she dreamed of naked men with hard muscles, tight asses, and firm penises; women with luscious breasts and puffy, pointed nipples and barely concealed inviting slits. Most mornings Lori woke up and (after peeing and brushing her teeth, of course) attacked Charlie in his sleep, much to his eternally smiling delight. She smiled and sighed, grateful for the dynamic changes in their sex life.

"Of course," Lori said, taking Charlie's hand and placing it beneath her skirt on her naked, shaven crotch so he could feel her wetness. "See?" He slid his finger between her moist lips and wiggled his fingertip to gather some of the wetness. He then started gliding his finger up and down between her lips, sending sparks shooting deep into her interior.

Lori let Charlie do that for a few moments, then reluctantly removed his hand from between her legs. She drew his wet finger to her mouth and seductively sucked it clean before returning it to his lap to rest on his visibly erect penis.

"As much as I'd love for you to keep doing that until I mess up the leather seat, I want to save it for later," Lori said, kissing Charlie's neck and ear. He barked a laugh.

"What are you looking forward to most?" Charlie asked after a few minutes of silence as they drove in the descending darkness. Lori looked at him intently for a moment, wondering where he was coming from, or going to, with this question. Knowing him, though, he was just excited and genuinely curious about what she expected to enjoy tonight.

Ven and Rod were going to give them an erotic couple's massage tonight, and she and Charlie had modified the rules, again, to accommodate. They had settled on the least complicated ruleset that fit their mutual comfort level: No penetration of the penis into mouth, vagina, or anus, by either of them. They also had decided to hold the rules here for a while. It had proven much too quick and easy to change the rules in the heat of the moment. They hadn't regretted any of those changes yet, but they were skating close to the line. At least, it's close to the line for Charlie, Lori thought.

When she was strictly honest with herself, Lori admitted she was looking forward to having another man's touch, even if it was just a massage. She had never had any sexual contact with another man, and she was almost vibrating with excitement in anticipation.

Would it hurt Charlie's feelings to know the truth? Would he be jealous? He was pretty thick-skinned, she knew, and she couldn't lie to him, in any case. She never ever lied to him. After a moment, she decided to stick with her marriage-long policy of kind truthfulness. It would be better to get any objections (and hurt feelings) out in the open before they started, in any case.

"I think doing sexy things with or around new people and you, is what turns me on most," Lori said slowly. "It sounds kind of teenager-ish, I know, but seeing new naked people, turned on and ready for action, just gets me going," she concluded. Charlie looked thoughtful.

"You mean like different men's dicks?" he asked, putting his hand on her thigh and stroking it lightly.

"I won't lie and tell you 'no,'" Lori said, "Because it is exciting to see other men up close and personal. I've only seen you until just recently. But, I also get excited by women and by how horny you get when we do these things. And," she continued even more slowly, "it will be new and exciting to have someone besides you touching me, making me hot. Maybe making me orgasm." She took his hand and kissed it. She rubbed her cheek with his hand, feeling the heat radiating from it.

"Does it make you jealous?" Lori asked. "Me seeing, thinking about, other men's bodies? About being touched and kissed and pleasured by another man?" He tilted his head and shot her a shamefaced look.

"A little," Charlie confessed. "It's convoluted because I do trust you completely, but it still makes me a little jealous to see you lusting after other men, especially when they are right there in front of you, naked and so close. And when I think of things like a man touching you, even with me there, I get this weird mixture of jealousy and extreme lust."

"Lusty horniness I can hope for," Lori said, wondering if she should hold back around other men, just to keep him happy, "but jealousy doesn't sound good. I'm not in this to hurt you or make you feel bad. In fact, you are supposed to be enjoying this as much as I am." Was he putting up with bad feelings so she could enjoy their exploration? He hadn't seemed upset after any of their sexcapades. She frowned.

"No, nothing like that," Charlie said, patting her leg. "So far, it's like the jealousy builds the excitement, makes it higher, stronger. And then, when we do have sex, it greatly intensifies the experience. But, because I trust you, I think, it doesn't hurt me. You see?"

"Well, if you say so," Lori said, not really feeling connected with his feelings. "I don't think jealousy would make it better for me, at all." She paused, considering. Men were so weird about some things. She'd have to talk to Symone. "Anyway, if you ever get to feeling like it's too much, you have to tell me, OK? We'll stop right away. You are my loving husband, and that is way more important than anything else."

"I know," Charlie said, grinning at her. "You always look out for me, don't you?"

"What about you," Lori asked, trying to redirect the conversation back to his pleasure, "what are you looking forward to most tonight?"

"Well," he said, seeming bashful, "I don't' know about you, but I've been dreaming, all week, of luscious boobs, slapping me in the face while I lay there helpless to stop them!" He cut his eyes to look at her, and they both burst into laughter.


As she and Charlie stepped up to the portico of the fantastic low rambling ranch house, Lori saw Ven and Rod standing in the doorway, smiling in greeting. The long-married couple, holding hands like love-birds, were well-matched in smiles and clothing, being dressed in loose-fitting linen trousers and shirts with bare feet.

Rod, tall and handsome, stood holding hands with his wife, Ven. He was almost six-feet-three, Lori guessed, with a body that spoke of strength despite being aged mid-sixties. His long, gray hair, tied back in a ponytail, sat gracefully above a broad brow set with pale blue eyes that twinkled and smiled at Lori.

Ven, too, was tall (just matching Charlie's height, Lori saw). Her hair, long and gray like Rod's, was loose down her back, except she had lavender ribbons twinned into it which matched embroidery set into the top of her blouse. The lady of the house stepped eagerly out and embraced Lori in a warm hug, pressing her prominent chest against Lori in a move that turned out to be quite ... comforting. Ven leaned back and placed a quick kiss of greeting on Lori's mouth and smiled.

Charlie got a similar greeting, though from the obviously now-hard nipples on Ven, perhaps more intensely and less comfortingly than Lori's. Lori glanced quickly at Charlie's crotch, but couldn't tell if he had responded physically to his greeting. He smirked at her examination, so she stuck her tongue out at him before turning back to their hosts.

"Welcome, pretty lady," Rod said as he bowed over her hand and delivered a gentle kiss to her knuckles. He tilted his head back and grinned at her mischievously. "'Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly!'" Lori giggled and pretended to swoon. Laughing, Rod took Charlie's hand in his and shook.

"We prepared a light meal," Ven said as she and Rod led them into the house to the guest bedroom. "We thought a bit of food and wine would help you relax and get comfortable. First, though, please put your overnight bags in here. This will be your room if you choose to stay."

She and Charlie, not sure if they would stay overnight, had nonetheless brought a change of clothing and some basic hygiene necessities. Charlie put their bag on the bed, and they followed the free-spirited couple out to the dimly lit backyard where a vegetarian salad and delicious wine waited for them.

They spent the next thirty minutes nibbling at the food and drinking a glass of wine (well, two for Lori). They got better acquainted as topics ranged from background to children and marriage. Lori was surprised to find the couple was not married.

"Oh, no," Ven had laughed, "we are not married in the legal sense."

"If I may ask, why not?" Charlie had said.

"We've never felt our commitment to each other required external trappings to make it so," Rod had said. "We've always said 'we cling to each other, not clutch.'" Ven had nodded agreement.

"We know we are for each other," Ven had added after a sip of wine. "We don't feel the need to prove that to anyone, or even to ourselves."

At the end of their relaxing conversation and food, Lori had described their current rules in answer to Ven's gentle questioning on the matter. Lori had explained how important it was to them that they have fun with this without endangering their marriage, or even hurting each other's feelings. Ven had appeared to accept it thoughtfully, but Rod seemed a bit amused.

"Does it make you feel less anxious?" Rod asked Charlie, leaning in confidentially.

"Sorry, what?" Charlie replied, nonplused.

"Does having limitations on sexual expression make you feel less anxious? Are you more comfortable when you limit other penises in the sex play Lori has?" Rod said. Charlie looked uncomfortable. He started to say something, then hesitated.

"Don't pester him, dear," Ven chided gently. She stood and took Charlie's hand, drawing him to his feet. "They are just discovering things we've long known. They will come to it in their own time, or they won't." She started drawing Charlie away from the table. "Come! Let us give you two a wonderful massage."

Rod, contrite, stood and offered Lori his hand. When she took it, he drew her to her feet and walked hand-in-hand with her into the house behind Charlie and Ven.

Ven led them into a sunken room, probably originally a den, that held two massage tables placed close together. The room, the lights turned down low, was warm, inviting and cozy. A small fire burned in the fireplace. Their hosts stopped them, facing each other, in the open area next to the tables.

"Charlie, may I undress your wife?" Rod asked in a low tone. He held Lori's hands in his and directed his smoky gaze toward her, and she felt a stirring of passion. She looked at Charlie and saw his eyes widen momentarily as they sought hers. The eye contact seemed to reassure him, though, because he tucked his hands into his pockets and grinned at her lewdly.

"Of course," Charlie said nonchalantly, "that's why we're here, no?" Ven laughed and rubbed Charlie's back soothingly. She moved to stand in front of him, snuggling her butt against his crotch and drawing his arms around her as they watched. Lori felt a twinge of jealousy at the way Ven was cuddling with her husband, but only for the briefest moment. She let it go and allowed her attention to return to Rod, to the sensuality of this man's hands gently grasping hers.

"Watch this," Ven said to Charlie. "He's really good at this part."

"He has given you to me, you see?" Rod said quietly to her, looking into her eyes before bending down to nibble her ear. Her nervous breathing sped up, and she flushed as thoughts of this man possessing her flitted through her mind.

"Do you want me to undress you, Lori?" Rod breathed softly into her ear, for her only. His hot breath caressed her, and a shudder ran through her as he softly kissed her neck. Her stomach fluttered, and she felt her vagina let-down moisture. She looked into her husband's watching eyes for a moment, enjoying the soft kisses that sent sparks to her nipples, then closed her eyelids and relinquished control.

"Yes," Lori whispered softly, surrendering. Rod stepped into her, pressing his body against hers. She felt him stirring against her stomach.

"Your skin is so soft," Rod murmured, bending down and holding her head in both hands as he trailed kisses along her jawline. "Your lips so full and kissable." He kissed her lips softly, his mouth open slightly. Lori opened her mouth in response, and he tickled her lips with his tongue. When she tentatively extended her tongue, though, he broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down the other side of her neck.

"Your smell, your scent, stirs my hunger for you so quickly," Rod purred as he reached the base of her throat. He started unbuttoning her blouse, kissing the space between her breasts under each button as it was released. Her excitement ratcheted up, her nipples springing to full, aching hardness. He kissed his way down her chest and stomach, undoing buttons until he had loosed them all.

He put his hands, his large hot hands, on her stomach, and her abdomen sucked in involuntarily at his caress. He softly stroked her there as he kissed his way back up until he attained her breasts. He reached behind her and unclasped the bra, then slowly slid each cup off, kissing and nibbling each breast and nipple as he did. Lori felt thrills of nervousness, excitement and ... fear? Yes, fear, at being touched, bitten, by another man. Oh, God! A man, not her husband, was sucking on her breasts, teasing her nipples! The thought exploded in her mind, and the fire of her passion roared to life inside her.

Lori gasped when Rod sucked on her nipples, and her eyes flew open, only to see Charlie, pressed behind Ven, cupping the woman's bountiful breasts through her top, massaging, squeezing, pinching. Ven was slowly rotating her hips back against Charlie, her eyes lidded as she took in the scene. Charlie was watching Rod intently, his gaze sharp. Threads of fear strengthened and mixed with the excitement in Lori's stomach. Was Charlie alright with this? Was he getting angry? It felt so good, though! Lori was barely able to keep her eyes open, her head lolled momentarily. She sighed.

"Your breasts are so firm and full!" Rod declared, his words barely audible to Lori. "Your nipples so firm and ripe!" He emphasized his words by sucking and nibbling her nipples while his strong arms held her close to him.

When Rod moved away from her breasts, Lori tried to grasp his head, to force him to continue kissing and sucking her breasts, but he took her hands and gently but firmly raised them over her head. He removed her bra and shirt in one smooth move, leaving her nude from the waist up.

Rod's hands, now on her upper back, drew Lori to him, pressing her hardened nipples into him, and he rubbed his pelvis against her. Again, she gasped, reminded quite directly that this man was very well endowed as his clothed hardness dragged back and forth across her naked stomach.

His hands swept down her back now, and around, and he released the zipper on her skirt. He slid his thumbs into the top of the garment at the hips. He knelt at her feet then, wiggling his thumbs side-to-side and back-and-forth, slowly starting to lower her skirt. Slowly, passionately he kissed her skin as it became exposed. When the garment finally dropped to her knees, he helped her step out of it then grasped both of her buttocks in his hands squeezing firmly as he nuzzled her exposed pubic mound with his nose and mouth. His nose pushed into her cleft, pressing indirectly on her clitoris. She puffed out a quick breath, and her knees involuntarily sprang open, inviting him to continue, to probe further. Her hands dropped onto his head, trying to press him into her center.

"The scent of your excitement makes me want to take you now, here!" he growled in a low, masculine voice against her enflamed vulva. After breathing in her scent and pressing against her, he stood, picking her up into his arms in one smooth move. She felt a flash of giddy excitement, a brief moment when she might have let him take her, might have allowed him to drive his massive manhood into her wet slippery channel. That moment of excitement, of longing, crested as Rod placed her on the nearest massage table and covered her with a sheet.

"But that is not to be, tonight," Rod said, smiling at her fondly. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "But there will be another night, sweetness. A night when we dance the dance, you and I."

Lori laughed and touched herself beneath the sheet, spreading the slick wetness around, anticipating the massage to come. Rod backed away from her table, his erection tenting the front of his pants. Lori wondered, as she touched herself, what it would be like to touch that, to taste it, to welcome it inside her.


Charlie played with Ven's boobs and ground his cock into her ass as he watched another man undress and excite his wife for the first time. Rod was clearly a master! Charlie consciously constrained the worm of his jealousy and focused on his own excitement, reminding himself that this would intensify the experience and that Lori would never betray him.

Charlie felt a spike of jealousy when Rod nuzzled Lori's pussy, and his heart skipped a beat when the man growled his lust out loud. When Rod picked Lori up and laid her on the massage table, Charlie felt a stab of fear, a spike of sharp anger, and he braced himself to stop Rod before he could do something irrevocable. Ven, still wrapped in Charlie's arms with his hands firmly on her boobs, clutched his arms momentarily when she felt him stiffen, holding him in place.

Fortunately, Rod just covered Lori up with a sheet then bent down to whisper in her ear. Charlie blew out a breath of relief. Lori's eyes closed for a moment and she lay there, breathing rapidly.

"I told you, didn't I? He's the most romantic lover I've ever had!" Ven said, laughing and disentangling herself from Charlie. "And he respected your limitations, no?" She drew Charlie over a bit so that Lori could see, then, placing her hands on his chest, spoke to Lori while gazing up at him with her dancing eyes.

"I cannot do such a good job as Rod does, but I will do my best. Lori, may I undress your man?" Lori, looking up at him from the table now, winked and giggled.

"Yes, of course, Ven. Give it your best shot!" Lori said. Ven touched the side of his face, drawing his eyes to hers for the moment.

"How about it, Charlie? May I undress you?" Ven said, stroking his jawline with one finger. His eyes flicked quickly to Lori, and he saw she was lying there, propped up on her elbow, smiling at him lustily.

"Of course," he said, then leaned forward to kiss Ven. His first, light kiss on her mouth turned into a long, drawn-out affair with the two of the open-mouthed and wielding probing, dueling tongues. Ven finally broke the kiss and leaned against him, breathing hard with her mouth nuzzling under his jaw.

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