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Mortal Kombat: Silk and Steel

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Jacqui Briggs submits to Kitana after being defeated.
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Disclaimer: This is a lesbian fan fiction based on the Mortal Kombat world. I do not own Mortal Kombat or its characters, nor do I make any money on this writing. I hope you enjoy the story!


Jacqui Briggs bounced around on the temple dojo, preparing for her next match. The soldier's dark skin glistened with sweat like oiled walnuts. Her hair was black as night and braided into cornrows, tied back tightly into a ponytail that bounced with her motions. Jacqui discarded her army jacket for a form fitting gray tank top that tucked into green camouflage pants. Her leather boots were thick and heavy, but she was still strong enough to kick with ease.

Finely toned muscles flexed each time Jacqui swung one of her steel plated fists. She imagined bones cracking under their superior weight and grinned. Jacqui might not have been the fastest fighter in this deadly tournament, but she more than made up for it with brute force and determination.

The soldier already made short work of Baraka and Kano. One was a monster and the other a pig. Jacqui didn't have the slightest sympathy for either when she bashed each in the face in with her metal gauntlets. Normally that would have been enough for a good nights rest, but this was Mortal Kombat, the deadly tournament that killed most and broke others like rags. Jacqui would have to get through one more battle before she could rest for the night.

Jacqui's voice caught in her throat when her opponent finally arrived. She was expecting another monster, an oaf, maybe even a Shaolin monk. Instead, she got a princess.

Kitana strode through the great oak doors of the dojo, her gait the perfect mix of swagger and elegance. She walked like someone used to dozens of eyes watching her every move; someone who brings rapid parties to a halt with her jaw dropping beauty. If Kitana was surprised to see Jacqui's jaw drop at her entrance, she didn't show it.

The Edenian princess was, in a word, gorgeous. Kitana's jet black hair stretched midway down her back, flowing over smooth olive skinned shoulders. Apart from her sparkling diamond drop earrings, all of Kitana clothes were made from the finest azure silks, befitting one of her royal station. She wore an assassin's mask that obscured most of her face from her chin to just above her nose. It accentuated her piercing gray eyes and transformed her face from pretty to exotic. A halter top fit snugly over her soft breasts, criss-crossing along her torso to meet her skirt, a flowing loin cloth that swooshed over her lovely legs as she walked, the heels of her thigh-high boots clopping softly on the floor. Elegant gloves covered her hands and hugged her forearm all the way up to her elbow. Kitana's clothes would have been nothing, however, without her ravishing hourglass figure and her smooth olive skin. Blue silks did little to conceal either but served to excite and intrigue

"Jacqueline Briggs," Kitana finally said once she stepped upon the wooden floor of the dojo. Her voice was authoritative but feminine, her tone commanding. Merely hearing the Edenian Princess speak her name sent a shiver rushing down Jacqui's spine like wildfire.

"Princess," Jacqui replied, attempting to shake the shivers out of her arms. She wanted to sound as nonchalant as she could, but it was hard to keep her eyes from wandering to Kitana's glorious curves. Jacqui's heart raced as she felt the embers within her core spark to life. How could she possibly fight this woman, the soldier wondered, when all she wanted was to be ravished by her all night long?

"Has anyone ever told you it is impolite to stare?" Kitana asked, arching a finely sculpted eyebrow.

"Fairly sure you wouldn't dress like a sex goddess if you didn't want me to stare," Jacqui retorted with a smirk. She might have been wildly horny for the princess, but her wit still came naturally.

"Hmph," Kitana's eyes narrowed. The Edenian princess dropped seamlessly into an elegant fighting stance. "You will learn respect!"

"I'm a quick study," Jacqui retorted, lifting her steel gauntlets in front of her face. The soldier was ready to fight, but part of her longed to find out just what lesson the princess wanted to teach her.

It didn't take long to find out. Kitana sprang into action in a blur, sending a roundhouse kick ripping through the air toward Jacqui's midsection. The soldier just managed to push Kitana's leg away but staggered backward from the force of the blow. She bit her lip to suppress the pain. The princess was stronger than she looked.

"Someone wants to play rough.." Jacqui muttered as she blocked another spinning kick from the princess. The soldier tried grab hold of Kitana's leg, but the Outworld assassin was too fast. Each time, she somehow managed to slink her way out of Jacqui's grasp, only to launch an elegant kick or a quick jab dangerously close to Jacqui's face.

Jacqui parried blow after blow. She avoided the devastating hits, but each block sapped a little more strength from her arms and legs. Small stings added up to a throbbing pain in her limbs. The soldier was on the defensive, beginning to feel sluggish. She knew that if she didn't find an opening soon, she was lost.

When Kitana opened up after a wide crescent kick, Jacqui took her chance. The soldier balled her steel covered fist and lunged for the princess's gut. In that brief moment, time seemed to stand still. Jacqui smirked when she saw Kitana's gray eyes widen with surprise, but to her astonishment, her fist hit nothing but air. There was no satisfying crack; no pretty picture of the princess writhing in pain on the floor. Jacqui could only gasp as Kitana whirled around her side and landed a devastating palm strike on the back of her head. The world spun around her, and she fell to her knees.

The next thing Jacqui knew, there was a clank of steel and Kitana had whirled around in front of her. The princess held her pair of deadly blue fans high above her. The steel blades gleamed in the firelight of the dojo, and sent a shiver of cold dread down Jacqui's spine. The soldier's eyes widened in horror, a knot forming in her delicate throat as she stared up at the beautiful but deadly assassin.

"N-no.. please!" Jacqui begged, her soft brown eyes welling up with white hot tears.

"Spare me the sniveling, girl," Kitana replied. She stared down at Jacqui and held one fan close to her throat. "Give me one good reason I should let you live."

"I... I..." Jacqui sputtered, unsure what to say. Her whole body trembled with fear. "I'll do anything you ask! You're so beautiful.. I.. please.."

Kitana stared down at the crying Jacqui for what felt like an eternity before finally withdrawing her fans. She took a step forward and pressed her fingers under Jacqui's chin, forcing the soldier to look up into her eyes. She removed her face mask with her other hand, sending sleek black hair spilling over her shoulders and revealing a face even more pretty than Jacqui imagined.

"I can be very demanding," Kitana stated simply, stroking her silky fingers beneath Jacqui's chin.

"A-anything you ask my lady," Jacqui quickly replied, trying to blink away her tears. Relief flooded through her that she might face Kitana's silks instead of her fans. Anything but that.

"Well aren't you adorable?" Kitana purred, stepping so close to Jacqui that her silks brushed against the mocha skinned girl's lips. "Fine. I shall spare your life if you agree to satisfy my every whim."

"I will your highness," Jacqui nodded eagerly, her face flushed from being so close to Kitana's lovely hips. The scent of chrysanthemums on a dewy meadow flooded her nose and made the soldier swoon with desire. She desperately wanted to hug Kitana, to feel the princess's warm body against her, but she knew she had to control herself, to do only as Kitana asked. There were worse fates, that was for sure.

"You will have to do I suppose," Kitana allowed but then stroked Jacqui's cheek reassuringly. "Come to the bedroom with me dear. I require your tongue in my pussy."

Jacqui's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't think of a better place to put her tongue other than her own mouth. Shivers raced through her limbs in anticipation, giving her warm, fuzzy feelings all throughout her body. When she started to get up, though, Kitana placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No my dear Jacqueline," Kitana scolded with an icy smile. "You will stay on your knees and crawl."

"Y-yes my lady," Jacqui stammered, her cheeks turning rosy with embarrassment. The dark skinned soldier got all fours, and waited uncertainly until Kitana turned to lead the way. She crawled obediently after the princess, doing her best to keep up while admiring the view. The princess walked elegantly, stepping one foot in front of the other. Her hips swayed side to side, forcing blue silk to swoosh softly against her thighs. Jacqui couldn't help but notice Kitana's exquisitely firm and curvy behind. The soldier wouldn't mind putting her tongue in there either, if Kitana wished it.

When they reached the bedroom, Kitana went straight to the bed. It was wide with lush red covers, lit by torchlight on both sides of the oaken walled room. Jacqui gasped in surprise when Kitana suddenly dropped her silky blue garments to the floor, exposing all of her flawless olive skin for the soldier. The princess was somehow even more stunning without her clothes. Kitana smirked over her shoulder and then turned to sit at the end of the bed, removing her gloves and boots as well until she was totally and beautifully naked. All that remained were her diamond drop earrings.

"What did I tell you about staring?" Kitana scolded with a teasing smirk. She beckoned Jacqui forward with a delicate flick of her fingers, then spread her lovely legs wide and inviting, waiting for Jacqui to service her needs.

"Yes my lady. I mean I'm sorry my lady," Jacqui sputtered and looked down. She crawled between Kitana's legs as fast as she could. The soldier only cautiously looked up when she felt Kitana's fingers curl around her braided ponytail. Princess Kitana squeezed firmly, guiding Jacqui's head forward until her lips pressed tightly against the beautiful pink petals of her womanhood.

A soft gasp escaped Jacqui's lips at the moment of sweet contact, sending a quick shiver through Kitana's slender form. Eager to please her new mistress, Jacqui kissed right at the center of Kitana's pussy. The soldier savored the unique taste and let Kitana's flowery aroma flood her senses. She adored the way Kitana's petals quivered and parted against her kiss, gently kneading the glistening labia as they greeted her lips with sweet drops of glistening dew. When she heard a fluttery moan, Jacqui looked up at the princess with hopeful eyes.

With a flick of her hand and a familiar clink, Kitana extended one of her fans yet again. Jacqui froze for that brief moment. The soldier's heart caught in her throat, and her lips clenched in fear against Kitana's womanhood, causing her to suck the delicate folds within her lips. This time, however, the princess only used the deadly instrument to cool her rapidly flushing cheeks. The fan glinted in the firelight, creating cold air that sent Kitana's long hair flowing down her back like a river of silky black that rushed upon shores of smooth olive skin.

"What are you waiting for, hm?" Kitana arched an eyebrow. There was an air of entitlement about her, but the softness of her tone betrayed the princess's approval. "I ordered you to use your tongue."

Relief flooded Jacqui's body to the point that she was glad she was on her knees. She could never have stood up on her own after all this fear and arousal, but Jacqui was desperate for Kitana's approval, so she didn't waste any time. The soldier sucked in a deep breath and groaned. The sweet aroma of Kitana's womanhood nearly overloaded her senses, but she plunged her tongue right in anyway. She couldn't deny a royal decree.

"Mmmm..." Kitana moaned softly. Her fingers clenched around Jacqui's ponytail, tangling her fingers in the braids to pull the wide-eyed girl close. Her back arched; hips shifted around on the bed to rub her butt against the smooth, crimson blanket. Each lick sent a new wave of shivers rushing through Kitana's body, making her hump the pretty girl's face. A shudder ripped through Kitana's thighs as she clenched softly against Jacqui's smooth mocha cheeks.

Encouraged by Kitana's sweet chorus of moans and her adorable little squirms, Jacqui dug deeper into the princess's folds. She pressed so tightly that her nose brushed against Kitana's pleasure pearl, drawing a satisfying gasp from her mistress. Gasp turned to moan when Jacqui grinded her nose in a little circle, quickly swiping her tongue beneath.

Although Kitana was in control, Jacqui found herself feeling like the mistress of the princess's pussy. The soldier inwardly smirked at Kitana's quivering little folds. Each sucking kiss brought a shudder or a moan of delight. Each devilish dance of her tongue beneath the hood coated her lips with succulent juices. Each curling probe forced Kitana's petals to clench against Jacqui's tongue ever so slightly. Jacqui might have been a servant, but she didn't mind. A happy princess meant she was safe. Besides, Kitana's moans were incredibly hot, like music to her ears.

Those moans came faster and faster as Jacqui became more adventurous. Kitana laced her fingers within the soldier's braids and yanked tightly, leaving little doubt about who was in charge while also increasing her pleasure. The princess bounced lightly upon the mattress. Her thighs opened and closed rapidly, muscles shuddering in delight with each soft brush against Jacqui's cheeks. She arched her back and tossed her head back. Hair streamed down her back, and gray eyes rolled back beneath olive lids.

When Jacqui's tongue slithered around Kitana's pleasure button, it was too much for her trembling pussy to bear. A soft, fluttery moan cut short and turned into a wanton cry of ecstasy just as the princess humped her overflowing pussy against the soldier's waiting lips. Jacqui muffled out a gasp when the juices flowed onto her face, taking in so much that she had to gulp down Kitana's sweet fluids. She was still trying to help the princess work through all of her pleasure when Kitana pulled her head back, and the soldier blinked up at her in surprise.

"You will do indeed..." Kitana purred, still fanning herself with her deadly weapon. She reached down to stroke Jacqui's juice coated cheek with her free hand. "It would be such a shame to let an adorable girl like you go to waste."

"Thank you Princess. I tried my best," Jacqui answered demurely, a rosy blush tinting her mocha cheeks as she licked Kitana's taste from her lips.

"That you did," Kitana agreed. She gave Jacqui a pat on the cheek before beckoning for her to sit next to her upon the bed. "Perhaps a reward is in order, hm?"

When Jacqui stood up, her legs shook ever so slightly from being on her knees so long, subjected to so many delicious sights and sounds. She looked at Kitana uncertainly.

"A reward?" The soldier asked. She was tempted to let her eyes feast upon Kitana's gorgeous body, but there was something mesmerizing about those gray eyes that held her attention.

"That is what I said," Kitana replied curtly. A princess rarely needed to repeat herself, but Kitana allowed an exception for her sexy new plaything. "If only this temple had some interesting toys for me to play with..."

"I have a vibrator in my duffle!" Jacqui offered on instinct but then blushed brightly at the admission. The soldier dropped her gaze to the floor, totally mortified.

"Do you now?" Kitana exclaimed. The laugh that flowed from her lips sounded so very regal. "I will go get it then. I expect you to be fully naked when I return. Is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Jacqui beamed excitedly. When Kitana got up to leave, Jacqui jumped right up, already frantically pulling at her clothes. Her heart raced at the thought of Kitana's reward. She hadn't expected any nice treatment from her mistress so soon! The princess just rolled her eyes as she sashayed out of the bedroom.

Jacqui stumbled around clumsily until her heavy boots were untied and discarded. Removing her tank top and pants revealed a finely sculpted body. Jacqui was powerful and battle-tested. She'd been through fierce combat zones with a few scars to prove it, yet she still exuded an alluring softness that came from her youth and vitality. When she removed her undergarments, she dropped them to the floor as well, already dripping with sweet arousal.

The soldier was about to sit on the bed to wait for Kitana when she realized she was still wearing her steel gauntlets. She frowned uncertainly, but knew the princess would want them gone too. Adjusting a few settings and pulling a lever did the trick. The soldier pulled the mechanical gloves away to set them on the wooden floor. Once they were gone, Jacqui felt a rush of insecurity. Even in her nakedness, the gloves were like a security blanket, protecting her from harm. It was easy enough to remove them but harder to accept that they were gone. Jacqui felt exposed, reliant on Kitana's whims for protection. She wanted to put the gauntlets back on but had to remind herself that she'd lost. She had to please Kitana no matter what. The risk of offending the Edenian was too great.

When Kitana returned with a buzzing ballpoint vibrator in one hand, duct tape in the other, and an evil grin, Jacqui dropped down onto the edge of the bed and stared, heart thundering like a locomotive in her chest.

"Staring again darling... tsk tsk. Lay down and spread out before I feel the need to spank you," Kitana chided. An impish grin tugged at the edges of her lips, making her look like a devil goddess.

"Yes my lady! Sorry!" Jacqui squeaked timidly. She flopped back on the crimson bed covers as quickly as she could with only enough time for her soft brown eyes to bug out in shock before she saw Kitana pounce.

The princess was on Jacqui in a flash, straddling her torso. Firm thighs pressed against the soldier's sides, Kitana's womanhood was still warm and dripping wet to the touch, immediately igniting the fires of lust deep within Jacqui's core. She started to writhe beneath Kitana, but the princess stopped her.

"If you want your reward, you must remain completely still Jacqueline. You may only orgasm when I say so." Kitana instructed, staring deeply into Jacqui's soft brown eyes with a devilish smirk.

"Y-yes Princess..." Jacqui meekly nodded. The Edenian's tone left little room for question. The soldier spread her limbs and took a deep breath. It wasn't going to be easy to stay still with that sexy minx bouncing around on top of her.

"Good girl," Kitana assured, stroking a delicate finger across Jacqui's lips before turning around on all fours. The princess immediately shoved the tittering vibrator against Jacqui's womanhood, drawing a breathless gasp from the horny soldier.

"O-ooh..." Jacqui moaned from the effort of trying to stay still for her demanding mistress, shivers already erupting in her core from the sudden rush of pleasure. The soldier could do naught but bite her lip and watch as Kitana's decadent butt swayed side to side for her viewing pleasure. Jacqui's toes curled and she groaned meekly when she felt the princess secure the vibrator to her thigh with a strip of duct tape, where the thundering tip could relentlessly tease her quaking labia.

Once the instrument of Jacqui's sexual destruction was secured to her thigh, Kitana turned to straddle the soldier's midsection once again. The princess placed her palms just below Jacqui's breasts, grinding hot circles of arousal upon Jacqui's belly.

"A-are you sure you aren't a goddess?!" stammered a bewildered and lustful Jacqui. Wave after wave of desire ripped through the soldier's athletic frame. When her body shuddered, Jacqui's eyes widened but Kitana didn't mind. The soldier was determined to stay still for as long as she could. She curled her toes and bit her lip. The soft, whiney moans that escaped her lips were her only outlet against Kitana's onslaught of loveliness.


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