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Mother Coming Out

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It all started with a chance meeting in the hall.
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Kent was home for Thanksgiving. He was in his second year of college and hanging on by the skin of his teeth. His dad had died the year before he started college and the first year he had put everything into getting good grades. He thought he owed him that much but now....

He was sitting on the couch with the TV on. Corry, Kent's mother came in from the kitchen and asked, "How is school?

"It's school," Kent replied and let out a sigh. "I'm having problems keeping my head in it."

His mother chuckled. "Yeah, I remember what a circus it was at times. All the boys trying to get in my head and heart, among other places. It must be the same with the girls for you."

Kent looked at his mother and frowned. "I thought you and dad were in college together."

"Only the last year. He transferred in from back east," his mom replied.

"Yeah, the girls are distracting," Kent said. "How long before supper?" He asked to change the subject.

"About thirty minutes," his mother replied as she turned and went upstairs.

Kent watched her as she did and sighed. His grades were down but he still had time to get them back up. Girls were the problem but more like the lack of them than too many.


Thanksgiving was like none before. The Covid thing had everyone staying home. It ended up being just him and his mom. Corry was putting stuff on the dinning room table and Kent asked, "Anything I can help you with?"

His mother stopped and turned his way. "Nope, I'm keeping it simple this year. No big bird. I'm going straight to the leftovers," she replied and headed back to the kitchen.

"Leftovers?" Kent said more to himself than her.

He stood up and walked over to the dinning room table. Cranberry sauce, dressing, rolls, sweet potatoes, and a pitcher of iced tea. Everything seemed to be there but in smaller portions than normal.

His mom came into the room carrying a platter of sliced turkey. She saw him looking and grinned. "Enough for one meal and a few sandwiches later."

"It all looks great," he said as his mother sat the platter on the table. He pulled out the chair at the head of the table for his mother to sit down.

She grinned and shook her head. "You sit there. You're the man of the house now."

"I, uh," he said as he pulled out the chair next to his with a plate in front of it.

His mother sat down and said, "Happy Thanksgiving."

Kent sat down in what would have been his dad's chair and sighed as he looked at the rest of the table and the empty places. "A lot of the kids stayed at school."

His mother shrugged. "We're both fully vaccinated."

"So are a lot of them. It's more the travel thing. I can drive without stopping except for gas."

"You should have brought a girl along for company," his mother said in a teasing voice.

"What girl would that be? The stuck up ones that ignore me, their friends that follow their lead, the half dozen lesbians I know, or maybe one of the jocks girlfriends?"

"But..." his mother started to say.

"Oh yeah, I forgot the gay guys and the transvestites."

His mother stared at him with her mouth hanging open for a few minutes and then sighed. "So it's the lack of female company."

"Pretty much," Kent said as he picked up his fork.

"You dated quite a few girls in high school, didn't you?"

"Yes, I had a few girlfriends. None were serious though. This is different though. It seems like if you're not in certain groups, you're out of luck."

"Then join a group," his mother suggested.

Kent frowned and shook his head. "Most of them are not people I'd really want to associate with, not to mention what you might think of them."

"Okay," his mother said. It was as much a question as a comment.

"Drinking and drugs," Kent replied.

"No, not the place for you," Corry said quickly.

"I'm not a jock. I'm not nerdy enough for that group. Although compared to the jocks, I'm a genius."

Corry laughed. "Yeah, that didn't take much. Most were too full of themselves to be any good for anyone else who wasn't on their team."

"The girls I'm most attracted to are too busy studying to worry about boyfriends."

Corry looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. "I fell into that group until I met your dad. After that I was head over heels in lust, uh, love."

Kent chuckled. "Good catch there mom."

"I always thought he was," Corry whispered and then grinned, "But that's not what you meant, right?"

"Maybe I'll get lucky one day," Kent said before he started eating more than talking.


Sometime in the middle of the night, Kent woke up and had to pee. Too much iced tea. He swung his feet to the side of the bed as he tossed the covers back. It took him a moment or two to realize he wasn't in his dorm room but in his bedroom at home.

He stood up and headed toward the door. He was half asleep as he opened it and stepped out into the hall. As he turned right to head for the bathroom, two things happened. First his mother let out a squeal, and second, his eyes flew wide open.

His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide as he watched his mother turn sharply to her left and hurry across the hall and into the spare room next to his. Part of his mind wondered what his mother was doing in the spare room and not the master bedroom

Another part of his brain was running the movie of his mother in an ankle length nightgown that was more or less see through. It was sleeveless with a square neckline that had a red and white ruffle. The ruffle across her chest was above her breasts. The dark circles under her nipples showed clearly, as did the even darker nipples in the center of each circle.

The dress like part of the nightgown was sheer enough that he knew there was no hair on his mother's sex. His dick gave a twitching jerk and he glanced down to see the outline of his hard dick was making a large tent in the front of his shorts.

He took three quick steps and turned left into the bathroom. The light was still on as he shut the door. "Oh fuck!" He whispered sharply as he leaned against the door.

The mind movie of his mother was a loop. He shook his head trying to stop it. That didn't work, so he moved over to the commode and raised the seat. He pushed his shorts down and tried to push his dick down so he could pee. That wasn't working either.

He had seen his mother in a bikini but in that nightgown, her breasts looked larger and fuller. Her nipples were larger than any he had ever seen in real life. Longer and thicker than the first joint on his pointing finger.

And then there was the no hair on her sex thing. His dad was gone so why did she shave down there? Shaving their pussy was a thing girls did for guys in his mind. Was there a guy his mother shaved for or was there another reason he hadn't thought of?

Somewhere along that line of thought, his dick went down enough for him to lean forward with one hand on the wall behind the commode so he could pee. Peeing gave him a cold shiver, which he thought was weird.

When he finished, he put the toilet seat and lid down and flushed. He tried to think of anything but the hallway as he washed his hands and dried them.

By the time he was ready to go back to his room, his dick was more or less back to normal.

Once in bed, it took a while for him to get back to sleep. His dreams were strange in so many ways.


The next morning, Kent had his bag ready by the front door. His mother was sitting at the dinning room table sipping coffee. There was another cup at the head of the table and a brown paper sack. "Come join me," she said softly.

Kent walked over and sat down. His mother had her old fleece housecoat on. The same one she had always worn in the morning and evenings. He wondered if the sheer nightgown was under it. That brought a twitch from his dick and a bit of the dreams from earlier back to the front of his mind.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly to try and calm his mind and body. "How are you this morning, mother?"

His mother took a sip of her coffee and nodded. "I'll live it seems," she said with a crooked smile.

Kent sipped his coffee and looked at her over the rim of the cup. He lowered the cup and asked, "How long have you had that old housecoat?"

She looked thoughtful for a moment and replied, "I bought it a little while after you were born."

Kent nodded. "It's the only one I ever remember you wearing."

Corry smiled and whispered, "Your father hated it. He liked what I wore before you came along but after...." She let the sentence trail off. "Naked mommies are not good for little boys."

"They are not good for big boys either," Kent whispered as he looked into his mother's eyes. That she blushed at his statement surprised him.

"So you were awake," she whispered as the blush got a little deeper.

Kent took a deep breath and said, "More or less."

"Sorry about that. I had to pee and I didn't think about you in the house at the time."

Kent nodded and said, "I know the feeling. Too much iced tea. My roommate and I share a bathroom off our room and he and I don't dress for it."

"Back in the day, my roommate and I had an open door policy where the bathroom was concerned," his mother said.

With a chuckle, Kent said, "We're not that open but...."

They both sipped their coffee for a couple of minutes and then Corry said, "We're lucky in a way."

Kent waited for his mother to go on and when she didn't, he asked, "In what way?"

His mother blushed again and admitted in a low whisper, "I haven't worn a nightgown since you went away to college."

Kent groaned softly and whispered, "That, uh, wasn't much of a nightgown."

"It was one of your dad's favorites."

Kent nodded and smiled. "I could see why."

His mother shivered and stood up quickly. "I, uh, need a lot more coffee," she said as she headed for the kitchen.

With a deep breath and a sigh, Kent stood up to follow his mother. At the kitchen door he said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

Corry looked at her son as she walked over and took his coffee cup. She turned and carried it over to where the coffee pot sat. She filled both cups. She looked at him and sighed. "Come put your sugar in while I make another pot. I only made a half pot like I always do."

Kent moved over to get his cup and to stir in a teaspoon of sugar. He moved away a couple of steps and sipped the hot coffee as he watched his mother working on the new pot.

As she finished up, he said, "Can I ask a pretty personal question?"

His mother chuckled and replied, "You can ask but I reserve the right not to answer if it is too personal."

"I, uh, was wondering about women shaving their, uh, private parts."

Corry groaned. "The light from the bathroom was bright enough for you to see through the gown."

"Pretty much," Kent admitted and then asked his real question, "I always thought girls, uh, women shaved down there for us guys. Is there another reason that I've missed?"

Corry groaned again and shook her head. "No there isn't another guy. Your dad was the only one," she said quickly. "As for another reason, there are several. One, it feels cleaner, two, it's more sensitive, three, it makes things easier to clean, and four, I like it that way."

Kent nodded and said, "I wasn't, uh, accusing you or anything. It's something I didn't have any information on."

"None of your girlfriends ever shaved down there?"

Now it was Kent's turn to blush. "Uh, yeah, one did but I was too distracted to ask any questions."

Corry chuckled. "How distracted was she?"

"I, uh, really don't know. She flashed me when I dropped her off at home after our date."

"You didn't date her again?" His mother asked quickly.

"It was after senior prom and her and her family moved a few days later," Kent replied.

"Ah, she was either teasing you or herself, knowing she wouldn't see you again."

"I kind of wondered about that also," Kent admitted.

"Now it is my turn to ask a personal question," Corry said and took a deep breath. "Have you had sex with any of those girlfriends?"

Kent blushed again and shook his head as he asked, "Does oral sex count?"

"Not according to a certain ex President," Corry replied with a grin. The grin faded and she asked, "Did any of the girls, uh, teach you anything about oral sex on them?"

Kent groaned and shook his head. "I had an offer but I chickened out."

Corry turned to pour herself a cup of coffee even if the coffee pot wasn't through making the pot but her cup was already full. As she stirred in some sugar and a little creamer, she whispered, "If your tongue is anything like your dad's then she missed a hell of a treat."

Kent almost spit out the sip of coffee he had just taken. He knew his parents had sex but.... Oral sex had never crossed his mind where they were concerned. He wondered what else he had missed. He had learned quite a few things from the Internet but.... That thought made him blush.

His mother caught the blush and asked, "Do you, uh, have anymore questions? It not like things can get weirder."

"I had never thought of you and dad and oral sex in the same thought."

"That made you blush?" His mother asked.

Kent blushed again. "Uh, no but...." He started to say and then stalled out.

Corry chuckled. "Ah yes, the butt that always seems to show up behind you." She paused a moment and added, "Yes, anal sex does happen even to the nicest people."

Kent swallowed hard and asked, "Are you wearing that nightgown under your robe?"

"No!" his mother replied quickly.

"Then you are naked under there?"

"Yes," his mother replied without looking in his direction.

She turned suddenly, took his cup and sat it next to hers. "More coffee," she said as she set about refilling the cups.

"Why were you sleeping in the spare room and not your normal bedroom?" Kent asked as she finished up.

"Too many memories," she said as she pushed his cup over toward him.

"Bad memories?" Kent asked in confusion.

His mother sighed as she doctored her coffee. "Good memories can hurt worse than bad ones at times."

She pushed the sugar over toward him. "That room was our sanctuary. So many good memories for such a long time."

Not thinking it through, Kent asked, "So the sex was just that good."

Corry groaned and nodded. "Any better and it would have been against the law."

"From some of the things I've seen and read, some of it probably was," Kent whispered.

"Personal studies or school assignments?" Corry asked softly.

"Uh, yeah. Not school."

"Porn can be educational. I know I've learned a few things since I've been alone," his mother admitted.

Kent gave his mother a hard, wide eyed look. "You, uh, watch porn?"

"Some but most of it is for finding different toys to scratch some itches, shall we say."

"Itches?" Kent parroted.

Corry looked at her son and shivered hard. "I'm a widow and I'm not dead but the thought of dating at my age scares the hell out of me."

"Yeah, women have a world of toys out there and all we've got is something that supposedly gives a blowjob," Kent said and then sighed deeply.

Corry grinned. "Have you tried one?"

Kent frowned and whispered, "A total waste of money."

"I loved giving your dad one. The feel of him in my mouth, the taste, the smell. The sounds he made. The sounds I made. A lot of the time, I came before he did," Corry said in a dreamy voice.

Kent stood there with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. Had his mother actually said that to him. His mind showed his mother on her knees with a dick in her mouth. Her eyes were closed as she bobbed her head. A soft moan coming from her chest. He shook his head to clear the vision. It didn't help.

Corry watched her son and groaned softly. "I shouldn't have said that but...." She took a deep breath and shivered hard. "Memories are good but not like the real thing was."

"I, uh, I," Kent said and then groaned also. "I can understand that last part, I think."

Corry's eyes dropped to the front of her son's shorts. She grinned and said, "From what I see, you understand a lot more than that."

Kent's eyes dropped to the front of his shorts and he groaned loudly. The tent in his shorts was nearly as big as the one from the night before. "I, I, I," he stammered.

His mother chuckled and whispered, "I'll take that as a compliment both last night and now. Your dad's compliments were about the same in shorts."

Kent groaned as he looked at his mother's smiling face. He had no idea what to say.

His mother sighed and shook her head. "I keep shocking you," she whispered.

"Actually, I keep shocking myself. I have a very vivid imagination, shall we say."

"If you only knew," she whispered even lower than before.

"Uh, knew what?" Kent asked and then groaned. "Never mind," he added quickly.

Corry nodded. "You get your imagination from me. Your father was inventive but wasn't that imaginative."

A silence dragged on for several minutes with both of them in thought. To change the subject, Corry asked, "How are your grades?"

Kent took a deep breath and let it out slowly. A moment later, he replied, "Not so good at present."

"What is it going to take for you to get them back up?"

"Hard work and incentive," Kent replied.

"Incentive? What kind of incentive?" his mother asked.

Kent chuckled and said jokingly, "A blowjob would work grandly."

His mother groaned and looked at the front of his shorts. "That, uh, might be arranged, if your grades are good enough."

"I, uh, I was joking," Kent said hastily.

"I'm not," Corry whispered.

"But!" Kent blurted out and then didn't know what to say after that.

His mother laughed and whispered, "Maybe if you graduate with honors."

Kent's eyes were very wide and his mouth was hanging open. His mother reached over and pushed up on his chin to close his mouth. "Somewhere along the way you might get lessons on oral sex."

"I, I, I," Kent stammered and then groaned as his mother sat her coffee cup aside and undid the tie at the front of her robe. She didn't open the housecoat but it sagged open slightly.

His mother shivered hard, picked up her coffee cup, and whispered, "I always found that tie to be too tight."

As she turned slightly to get the cup, the robe opened up wider. A strip of skin showed between her breasts and down across her stomach. The flare of the housecoat kept things south of there covered. She sipped her coffee and made a face. "Too much talking and my coffee got cold."

She turned around to face the counter. The housecoat gaped open for a few seconds as she was facing her son. He groaned as he caught a glimpse of a bare breast, her shaved mound and puffy outer lips. He groaned again softly.

"Are, uh, are you sure you, uh, want to do this?" He asked in a halting voice.

Corry made a whimpering sound and pushed her coffee cup away, reached over and turned the coffee pot off, and said, "I think I've had enough coffee."

She turned back to face her son. Her breasts were covered but there was a large gap in the cloth between them. The gap went down across her belly and the edges of the cloth framed her sex. "I've worn this housecoat in this kitchen this way many times. Your father loved for me to show off like this."

"Uh, where was I?" Kent asked.

Corry chuckled. "You were in another part of the house or outside playing. That was part of the thrill, knowing you could come running in at any time."

"Thrill?" Kent asked with confusion in his voice.

"Doing something naughty you might get caught doing. I find it thrilling."

"Uh, I assume it is thrilling now."

"Oh God yes," his mother said quickly. "Teasing your dad was one thing. Teasing you is even more so."

"But I'm your son!" Kent said louder than he meant too.

Corry groaned and then chuckled. "I won't tell anyone if you don't." She groaned again as she took hold of the edges of the housecoat and pulled it open wide. The edges were on the outsides of her breasts as her hands moved up to caress them both.

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