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Mother-In-Law May I Ch. 07

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A new plan forms. Everyone gets great news!
7.7k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/02/2022
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Chapter Seven

The Plan Evolves Further

Much later that evening, Mackenzie arrived home and walked in to find mother and son curled up together, sleeping on the sofa. The blanket Catherine had pulled over her and Brian had slipped down and her breasts were exposed to Mackenzie. She smiled warmly and carefully lay next to her mother-in-law. She slowly rubbed her arm and when that didn't wake her, she lightly poked her until she began to wake.

"Shhhh," Mackenzie whispered. "It's late. I think we should all go to bed."

"What?" Catherine said in a haze.

"You two fell asleep on the couch. It's late now. We should all go to bed," Mackenzie said.

"Oh, dear," Catherine said as she rose to a seated position. "I don't even remember falling asleep."

Mackenzie giggled lightly and asked her, "Well, do you remember taking your clothes off?"

"Mmmmm, yes. He has a way of making a woman want to do that."

Mackenzie stifled a loud laugh and said, "You don't have to tell me that. Let's get him up and head to bed. From the looks of it, we all need to get some sleep."

The three of them went to the bedroom. Brian didn't bother with covering himself while his mother wrapped herself in the blanket she pulled over the two of them. When they got to the bed, Brian crawled in, mumbling about something neither woman could make out. Catherine searched for her clothes but Mackenzie stopped her.

"We like to sleep nude if you're okay with that," she told her mother-in-law.

Catherine looked at Mackenzie with suspicious eyes and told her, "Don't go getting' any ideas, missy!"

"I'm too tired for all that, Catherine. Besides, you said earlier that you would just like Brian to be a part of that life for you, right?"

"I did," Catherine agreed.

Mackenzie removed the clothes she was wearing and headed to the same side of the bed as Catherine.

"I'd like to be next to you, if that's okay," Mackenzie said, pulling back the sheets for her mother-in-law.

Catherine agreed and got into the bed next to her son. Mackenzie crawled in after her and pulled the sheets over everyone. She wrapped her arms around Catherine and whispered in her ear.

"Thank you for being a better person than I was today," she said.

Catherine didn't respond. Instead, she took Mackenzie's hand, pulled it around her and held it in her own hand between her breasts as her thoughts carried her through the day's events. She felt Mackenzie snuggle closer to her and hold her a little tighter. Catherine listened as Mackenzie's breathing became steady and slow. Little more than an hour later, after her mind was exhausted from reliving the day, Catherine drifted off to sleep between her son and daughter-in-law.

The next morning, Mackenzie woke to a familiar feeling and sound. She slowly opened her eyes to see her husband on top of his mother, thrusting his hips up and down between her legs. Catherine had her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms wrapped around his neck. Neither of them spoke but both were looking into each other's eyes.

"Brian says we talk to each other with our thoughts when we do this," Mackenzie said in a hoarse tone. She tried to clear her throat but her activities the night before left a lasting mark.

"I see Amber did a number on you," Brian said as he continued thrusting in and out of his mother's pussy.

"Hell yeah, she did. My throat is sore."

"That's a shame," Catherine said, turning her head to look at Mackenzie, "I guess he'll just have to cum down my throat this morning. Tough luck, kiddo," she said with a chuckle and a wink.

Mackenzie playfully slapped her and moved to get out of bed.

"I'm gonna take a shower, babe. Do y'all want breakfast when you're done?"

"That would be nice, sweetheart," Catherine said.

Just before she went into the bathroom, she turned and look at the copulating couple and told them, "You know, if you're gonna keep fucking as often as you are, you may as well move in!"

She laughed loudly as she closed the door and started the shower water. Mother and son continued having sex until Brian pulled out and shot his load all over her stomach and breasts. He fell next to her, breathing heavily.

"I'm going to have to wait a few days to recover from your appetite!" he told his mother.

"Honey, it's the newness. Just promise me that you won't get tired of your old mother and will come back for me once in a while. Besides, I can't keep this energy up, either."

"Of course, Mom. I very much meant what I said yesterday about you fitting in with us well. I wouldn't let this new turn of events go to waste."

Catherine rolled over to face her son, kissed his nose, and said, "I'm going to join your wife in the shower. My face feels disgusting. I didn't wash it yesterday after wiping your cum off it and now you've covered me in it again!"

"Are you sure you two are good after what happened yesterday?" he asked.

"Oh, yes, dear. She has apologized to me profusely and I have done the same to her. It just got heated is all."

"Okay, good. I think I'll make breakfast for us, then. I'll let you know when it's ready," he told her before getting out of bed. "I'll need a shower after that, though."

Brian got up and made his way to the kitchen while Catherine remained in the bed; her thoughts still wreaking havoc in her head. She was not ashamed of anything she had done. The thought of going back to her boring life left a bad taste in her mouth. She knew it would be better for all involved if she did, but that didn't stop her from trying to think of ways that would relieve her of that responsibility. As the thoughts continued, she rose from the bed and went to the bathroom to join Mackenzie.

"Oh, hi!" Mackenzie said as her mother-in-law opened the shower door and stepped in. "Did he cum all over you?"

"He sure did. He covered my face with it last night while you were gone and just now, he shot it all over the rest of me, it seems."

"He enjoys that," Mackenzie said, thinking she was informing Catherine of that for the first time.

"Yeah, he mentioned it."

Together, they washed up and conversed about anything and everything. Mackenzie noted that it was nice how comfortable they felt together in the unique environment they were in. Catherine agreed but told her that the only unusual part of it all was that her son was one of the participating parties.

"Outside of that, none of this is really new to me. I've missed it during all these years of pretending to be someone else."

"I bet. You gave it all up for your son, though. That says something amazing about you as a Mom."

Catherine was eating up the compliments that Mackenzie was raining down onto her. She was beginning to feel like a true part of their secret circle. She pulled her daughter-in-law close and embraced her tightly.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to fully go back to the life I have been living all these years," Catherine told Mackenzie, carefully judging her reaction.

"I wouldn't want to either. With the knowledge that he'll be here to help you relive those moments whenever you want, I don't think it'll be hard, right?"

"I suppose not," Catherine said.

She had no plan at all, but was happy she put the bug into Mackenzie's ear. She knew she would eventually mention it to her husband and he would likely come up with something if it ever came to a point where something in Catherine's life needed to change.

"Oh, break it up, you two!" Brian joked, "Breakfast will be on the table in five minutes!"

"Okay!" they both answered.

Both women hurriedly rinsed themselves off. As Mackenzie was about to exit the shower, Catherine pulled her back in.

"Thank you for allowing me to share time with my son," she said as she pulled her close and place her lips against Mackenzie's.

Mackenzie fell into the kiss. She parted her lips and let her tongue tease the lips of her mother-in-law. Catherine opened her lips and let her tongue meet her daughter-in-law's. They kissed passionately for several minutes before Catherine released her grip on Mackenzie.

"Whoa!" Mackenzie announced loudly.

Catherine gently pushed her aside and left the shower saying, "We may not be having sex, but that doesn't mean I can't tease you a little from time to time."

Mackenzie stood in the shower dumbfounded and electrified. She soon dressed alongside Catherine and smacked the older woman's ass as they headed out the door. Both women arrived in the kitchen giggling at each other. Brian was setting the last items on the table as he watched them walk in.

"I gotta say, I don't think I've ever seen you two as close."

"Well, obviously the situation has change a little, babe!" Mackenzie said happily.

"Clearly, it has," he replied.

After breakfast was consumed, Catherine announced her departure, kissed her son and daughter-in-law and went home. Mackenzie helped Brian clean up the dishes and the rest of the house as they typically would do together. As they did their chores, Mackenzie asked for her husband's opinion on a possible change of plans for their family.

"What would you think if maybe we did spend the money to harvest some of my eggs and had a baby who was truly ours carried by Mom instead of yours and my mom's?" she asked.

"What made you think of that?" he wondered.

"Well, something you said yesterday made me think. Mom's investment in the baby would by nature be more than my own since not only would she have carried it, but it would be her eggs, not mine."

"Well, that's not what I really meant, though," he told her.

"No, I know what you meant, but it just got me thinkin' is all."

"We've always had the money saved up, babe. If that's what you want to do, I am totally fine with that," he assured her. "My role in this is unchanged between the two options so, it makes sense that the decision be yours."

"I think what we've developed over the last several months is special to all of us and if I had to be honest," she said before he interrupted.

"You do."

Mackenzie playfully glared at her husband.

"If I had to be honest, I might feel a bit left out and jealous in the future," she admitted.

"I can see how that could happen. Well, I want to avoid that at all costs for all the obvious reasons. In your mind, how does that change the dynamic we've built so far?" he asked.

She smirked at him and asked, "You mean, can you still fuck my mom?"

"Ha! Yeah, I guess I do mean that in a round about way."

"Of course you can. We all agreed last night that what we have going is a good and loving thing. I never want to change that!"

"I agree. Mom has also come a long way and despite what she says, I don't think the future looks the way she thinks it does," Brian opined out loud.

"How do you mean?"

Brian stopped what he was doing to explain.

"After you two left yesterday, she turned into a horny teenager. She told us a lot about her past, sure, but she left out a lot. She danced around this room right here like a professional stripper then fucked me right there on that couch," he told her, pointing to the cushion he sat on while he fucked his mother.

"Then, she did things I never expected. Long story short, I ended up calling her a bitch as I yanked her head back by her hair and soaked her face in cum. Then, as you saw this morning, she woke me up early for sex. I don't think she can go back to not having that."

"Oh man," Mackenzie said, remembering what Catherine told her that morning, "She mentioned something like that to me in the shower this morning."

"I guess she'll figure that out on her own. Problem is, when she does and wants to ditch her old life, it means she'll leave Dad and will have to figure something else out," Brian said.

"I think that is definitely a bridge we should only worry about if we get to it," Mackenzie said.

"So, when were you thinking of attempting all this?" he asked his wife.

"I dunno, soon, I guess. You and Mom have been going at it like bunnies the last couple months and so far, we have nothing to show for it."

"Yeah. I can make an appointment for the three of us next week. Amber will have to go with us because I'm sure the doc would need to meet with the surrogate and if we can knock all that out in one shot, it'll save a little on the appointment costs."

"Okay! Maybe have Mom over tonight to discuss the change of plans?"

"Sure," Brian told her.

With renewed excitement, Mackenzie called her mother over and the three of them talked about the new plan. Amber made sure all feelings were out on the table and understood Mackenzie's thoughts that's precipitated the change. They all agreed to the new plan and Amber told them she would just wait for them to tell her when and where to be. After that, the conversation turned back to Catherine. Both Brian and Mackenzie wanted Amber's take on her inclusion.

"I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting that in the slightest, but with you two, I should learn to be expecting the unexpected!" she said. "I think there's things going on there, though, that she's not admitting to herself."

"What do you mean?" Mackenzie asked.

"She told us all the stories of her past, right? Well, it seems to me that she never preferred to have a single lover. She enjoyed multiple lovers and most importantly, multiple genders. Mackenzie, I don't think she is through with you," she told her daughter while pointing at her and laughing.

"I have to agree with that. She kissed me in the shower this morning in a way that only Brian as ever kissed me. Like, ever! I think she wants to explore me and you, Mom, but something about the way she built herself up over the years is kind of preventing her from committing to that," Mackenzie said.

"Well, she'll get there on her own if that's truly where she's going," Amber said.

Brian was in deep thought. His mind went to the last thoughts he had the night prior as well as the events of the day and the hints of the future. He knew it was the right time to bring up all his concerns but didn't know where to start. Amber and Mackenzie continued talking to the point where their voices were drowning out his ability to organize his own thoughts.

"Stop!" he yelled.

They both stopped and looked at him, wondering if he'd lost his mind.

"Sorry, I just have a lot going on in my head and I can't focus. What about Calley and Luke?" Brian asked.

"What about them?" Amber asked as if offended he would even bring them up.

"Are they likely to cause any problems for us in the future?"

Amber was irritated and would rather have not had anyone mention them at all.

"Calley is a useless drug addict and as far as I know, doesn't have the ability to be coherent for more than an hour straight. If she's laying dead in an alley, it wouldn't surprise me. As for Luke, he lives hundreds of miles away and only calls when he needs something," Amber said, thinking she put that thought to rest.

Brian was not convinced.

"What does he call and ask for?" he asked.

"Money. It's always money. I don't think he's holding down a job and seems completely dependent on me for money," Amber stated.

"That could pose a problem. Put that aside for now. My mother may become another problem and I think there's only one way to solve all the problems forever but I don't think either of you will like it," he told the two women.

"I don't really understand what problem we're trying to solve," Mackenzie said.

Brian searched his thoughts more and realized that his mind was years down the road whereas everyone else seemed to be living in the moment.

"I'm looking way down the line right now and I don't need anyone getting hurt in the long run. I mentioned selling the two houses and getting a bigger one for the three of us, but after the last twenty-four hours, I think we should kind of move toward a different long-term plan," he said.

"Okay, well, I'm still a little unsure about whatever you're talking about, but I'm listening," Mackenzie said.

"I don't need your brother or sister or my dad interfering with us and I don't need any nosey-ass neighbors wondering why things are happening the way they're happening is what I'm getting at. I'd like to just do kind of like a reset of our lives, if that makes sense, but a lot has to change and it has to change soon."

"Brian," Amber said, putting her hand on his arm, "it sounds like you're a little paranoid. I mean, I understand what you're saying but this is all happening so quick that it's hard for Mackenzie and I to keep up."

"I know. I'm trying to slow it down, but I'm afraid to lose either of you and with Mom having shown us who she really wants to be, I think there's a better way for us all to move forward. I have to ask some ridiculous questions. Kinda like, bounce some ideas off y'all."

"Okay," Amber said, "we're ready to help."

"Okay, Amber, this is really none of our business but how much money do you have at your disposal?"

"Wow, alright," she said, blindsided by the question. She replayed the question in her head a few times before she decided to answer it. "So, listen, I'll tell you, but only because it matters here. Do not fucking act all shocked `n shit, got it?" she said, looking at both of them sternly. When she was satisfied that they would keep their mouths shut, she told them. "A million, seven."

"O...kay," Brian said. "Obviously Luke knows you have money. Does he know how much and is any of that marked for him?"

"No and no. He knows I have money, but has never asked how much. Probably because he knows it's enough that when he calls asking, I'll just send it to him."

"Got it," Brian said.

Mackenzie said nothing and her face remained stoic, but inside she was overwhelmed. Like her brother, she knew her mom had money, but never once thought it could be that much. She assumed that it was probably just enough for her mother to not have to work ever again. She was proud of her mother for not blowing it on ridiculous things like over-the-top cars and a house big enough for twenty people just for her.

Brian's eyes shifted left and right as the wheels of thought turned faster and faster.

"Does he call you for any other reason?" Brian asked.

"No. I used to try and talk to him, but it seems he has no interest. You'd think I was the one that pulled the trigger on his father for the way he treats me," Amber replied.

"Okay, that would take care of those two things. I think Mom would walk away from her current life if I asked her. She probably would have stayed today if I simply gave her the idea that I wanted her to."

"Brian, you're starting to worry me," Mackenzie said, "What are you thinking about?"

"I want to take you," he said, looking at his wife, "you," he added, looking at Amber, "and my Mom away from here as soon as this pregnancy thing is figured out. We have no ties here. None of us really do except my mother and as it turns out, she's not as attached to that lifestyle as we thought."

"Okay, so, instead of moving locally, you would simply move us all somewhere different and we can just kinda wipe all our slates clean?" Mackenzie asked.

"Yes, but Amber, you're the key that makes this all work. It's not my money and I have absolutely no right to sit here and try to lay claim to it, but I wonder if you would be willing to use some of that to buy a new home somewhere far away from here?"

Amber stared into Brian's eyes. She had gotten used to the idea that all that money would be there whenever she needed it and wouldn't have to worry about anything ever again. She felt selfish in even thinking about it because she was also in love with the arrangement that had fallen into their laps.

"What if I said no?" she asked Brian.

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