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Mother Son Chance Happening


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It was an incredible session that must have lasted for a long time. We made up for all those moments when our lips were close and we wanted to do more than just a dry peck. I couldn't believe how amazing our kisses were, how delicious her lips were, and how pleasant her mouth was pressed so passionately against mine.

Once our passions were expressed so thoroughly, I pulled myself away from her and looked at her. This time I could really look at her as a woman, and not just a mother. She looked incredibly beautiful to me at that moment and I told her so.

Then I whispered in her ear: "I want to see you naked."

Once again she was hesitant to respond. I reached for the knot of her gown and gently pulled on it. She pulled herself away from me as the knot became undone. She stood about an arm's-length from me as the flaps of her gown started to open. Once completely untied, she just let it hang and stood in front of me seductively, with her arms hanging on her sides and her gown slightly open in the front.

That's when I got a big surprise. I had expected her to be fully dressed inside that gown, but as I reached across with trembling hands and opened her gown a little further, like I was unwrapping a gift, I found that she had absolutely nothing on underneath.

She was completely naked underneath that gown. She had actually undressed to come to my room, as opposed to dressing up. It was very erotic to think that my mother had come to my room prepared for only one eventuality, and it was happening as she must have hoped—or planned—for it to happen.

First part that I saw was her stomach. It took my breath away as her stomach and the region below it opened up to my view. I noticed a patch of hair below the stomach and then her thighs and legs became completely visible. I then started to move the top part of her gown away and exposed her breasts slowly to my eyes.

They were incredible. I knew my mother had big breasts, but when they hung in front of me in all of their glory, I couldn't believe their beauty. They ware magnificent. I had to quickly cup them. I held the palms of my hands against the fullness of her breasts. Her nipples were right in the center of my palms. I gently pressed them to absorb their softness into my skin. Her nipples were firm. Her breasts were full and firm.

She made a soft sound that made my blood become sweet. She enjoyed my touch and I enjoyed touching her. Soon my hands were caressing her breasts all over.

I didn't even notice when she slipped that gown off of her shoulders and it fell to the ground. She stood there in front of me, completely naked, very alluring and extremely sexy. I took her in my arms once again and started kissing her hard and fast. I felt her breasts on my chest as my hands moved all over her back and down to her ass. It was another electrifying experience when my hands found her buttocks and I started to caress them all over.

I was kissing her, rubbing my chest over her breasts, cupping and caressing her cheeks in my hands and running my fingers over her crack. I ran my hands over her back, on her hips, on her sides, on her shoulders, her neck, her face, her hair, and back to her breasts. I couldn't make up my mind if it was more important to kiss her or to fondle her or to caress her. I tried to do all at once and soon I was out of breath.

I came to my senses as I felt her grab the bottom part of my T-shirt and started to pull it off of me. She was undressing me. My mother was taking my clothes off. She wanted to get me naked and feel my skin against hers. The act was so sensuous that I felt even more increase in my arousal.

I pulled a little away as she lifted the shirt off of my head. As soon as it was off, I was back against her body with my bare chest fully pressed against her naked breasts. Our skin to skin contact was incredible. I had never felt so good in my life as I did then with my mothers breasts fully presses into me, my hands holding her ass and slightly lifting her up, and my lips practically devouring her mouth.

She was the one to put some brakes on my passions. She stopped kissing me, stopped me from fondling her, and just held herself against me, with her head resting on my shoulder. I held her like that while trying to slow down my heartbeats. We stood there, in each other's arms, for a long while, just "enjoying the moment".

Finally, after a long while, I pulled myself away from her. I had held her so tight against myself that her breasts were stuck to my chest and we had to practically pull them apart. I moved little to the side and motioned for her to get into bed.

What she did next has got to be the most erotic thing I have seen in my entire life. She moved towards my bed as I took in her naked view. She first placed her hands on the bed as she leaned down on it. Her breasts hung downward from her chest as her back and her butt made a nice curve. She then moved her hands forward as she placed her right knee on the bed, with her left leg extended backwards, stretching her body in the most sensuous, sexually arousing, and incredibly erotic pose. I looked at her with awe as my dick jerked as a response to that pose. She lifted her other knee and placed it on the bed. Her pose changed to her sitting on all fours, with her butt protruding ceiling-ward, her back curved beautifully, and her breasts moving to the rhythm of my heart. She took a few steps on her knees as she reached close to my pillows, then she lifted her top up and sat for a second or two on her knees. Then, quickly she positioned herself with her head on my pillow, her back on my bed, looking at me with a come hither look.

Something snapped inside of me. I quickly jerked my shorts and my briefs off of me and jumped into bed with her, supporting an incredible hard-on, with this incredible desire to enter her body as quickly as possible. I was feverish with desire for her. I was so horny that the desire to sex her took over my brain. I couldn't think of anything else but to be inside of her as if my life depended on the speed with which I could do that.

I placed myself next to her and started to rub her breasts with my hands. I started to kiss her again as I settled myself first next to her and then started to climb on top of her, all the while keeping my lips in full contact with hers. I placed myself on top of her, pressing my erection into her stomach, as I placed my legs between hers. She opened them enough to let me lie down on top of her with my knees between her legs, supporting my weight.

I started to rock back and forth, rubbing my chest on her breasts, trying to angle my cock in upward direction, without breaking our kiss. Once my cock was lying flat against her belly, I started to move my lower body down and down until I could feel my cock sliding through her pubic hair and down further still where her pussy was. It didn't take long for me to feel my cock pressing into her pussy.

I was going insane, to put it mildly. I wanted to fuck my mother so bad that I could not wait a second longer to press myself inside of her. I kept rocking myself steadily trying to find her hole as I kept my mouth on hers, kissing, sucking, and licking. She must have realized what my intentions were as she raised her knees upwards, opening her legs a little more and thrusting her pelvis upwards to meet my cock.

As I kissed her so hungrily and as my body tried so fervently to find her pussy, she reached between us, held my penis gently in her fingers, and mercifully directed me to her hole. As soon as I felt my cock between her pussy lips and as soon as I felt her wetness on the tip of my dick, I pressed myself against her.

I was so horny at that moment that I couldn't hear anything. My ears were buzzing. I was so horny that I wanted to just impale her with all my power. She must have realized my impatience, as I am sure she must have felt my fever. She positioned herself to receive me. I could feel her guiding me between her lips. She rubbed my cock across her pussy lips and then moved it up and down until I could feel my tip on her hole. She then raised her buttocks upward a little while her knees went even closer to her breasts. She placed her hands on my back and applied slight pressure to signal me to press down.

I did. I wanted to press as hard as I could, but instead I pressed down gently. I couldn't believe the difference between my strong desire to enter her and my patience in entering her slowly. I even pulled back a little trying to get just the right angle for a memorable entry.

I felt her pussy opening up to me. She was very wet, so it wasn't too difficult to enter. I felt my dick enter her. I felt my penis make its way into her. I felt my head slide into her hole. She held firm as her hands urged me in.

I was in. I have never felt so sweet in my life, as I did when my cock made its way through her vagina. I pushed it as far in as I could and then I rested myself on top of her and started to kiss her like there was no tomorrow.

I was kissing my mother while I was fucking my mother. I was feeling her breasts on my chest and I was feeling her thighs on my hips. I was feeling her tongue in my mouth and her heels on my buttocks. I was feeling her all over and I was feeling her all inside. I couldn't believe the sensations that were running from my loins all the way to my brain and all the way to my toes.

We kissed for a long, long time like that with my dick inside of her. Sometime I moved it in and out but most times I just held it inside of her while my mouth worked on her mouth. I kissed her lips, her cheeks, her eyes, her nose, her eyebrows, her forehead, her chin, her neck, and sucked and licked her ears. I even tried to suck on her breasts but I couldn't keep my dick inside of her while I sucked on her nipples.

Somewhere towards the wee hours of the night, I noticed that we had stopped kissing as vigorously as she started urging me to move in and out of her pussy with my dick. I started to move in and out slowly, started to pump her while her hands kept urging me on. Eventually, they started to urge me on a little faster, until I was no longer kissing her, but only fucking her. I was moving my buttocks back and forth, sliding in and out, and moving my dick across her pussy with speed and force. She made sure I stayed in and didn't slip out by keeping her legs locked on my back. Her breasts were dancing to my strokes and her face had these incredible feelings on it that I could not only see but feel as well. She was feeling the sweetness of our lovemaking and her body was responding quite nicely to my rhythm.

Somewhere along the way, she started to tense up and I could feel her body getting erect. I mean that literally. I could feel her body getting erect, in response to my erection moving inside of her. I wasn't prepared for her response to my fucking, when her body actually started to convulse. She locked her legs a little harder as she started to thrust upward with more force than I was applying downward. It became so strong that I finally just held myself still, while she pumped me in and out of her with strong strokes. Her sound was confused. She was moaning but her moans were getting caught in her throat.

It finally happened after what seemed like a long time of me holding myself in position. She thrust quite hard again me a few times. Then she just held herself pressed up and into me with all of her force and then she wiggled left and right while screaming, literally screaming on top of her head. She came so strongly that she almost dislodged me off of her.

Her body finally relaxed and I resumed my fucking. This time slowly and steadily. I could feel my sensations becoming quite pronounced. I was feeling my climax coming as well and I wanted to last as long as possible while she was so relaxed. I enjoyed fucking her more this way because I could concentrate on my own sensations and get the most out of her pussy by feeling it along the length of my cock.

It started with a slow current from my balls. I started to pump a little faster as the sensations became stronger. A little faster still, when I began to feel the sweetness of the universe on the head of my cock, until I was just trying to push my entire self into her.

I came with so much strength that I felt my body go numb. It was an incredible climax as I came vigorously inside her pussy. At first my cock throbbed a little and then my sperm shot out of my penis with a lot of pressure. I am sure she must have felt it hit her insides. I came and came and came. I came for a long time. I held myself hard against her until my dick stopped coming. Then I collapsed on top of her.

I was exhausted, as she held me in her arms. It was so comforting to be held by my mom while my dick was inside of her, softening slowly. Eventually, I felt my dick soften to a point where I couldn't keep it inside of her any longer. It slipped out. That was my cue as well, as I slipped off of her.

She turned towards me and kept looking at me all the while I tried to catch my breath. Eventually, when I was able to get a hold of myself, she smiled, kissed me on the lips gently and asked: "So, how was it?"

"I don't have the right words to describe how it was. It was incredible."

"Yes, it was." She seemed quite happy. "I have never felt as good as I do right now."

That session was the first of many during that weekend. We made love to each other repeatedly and thoroughly. We were able to expend all of our feelings on each other and have a clear understanding of our deepest desires for each other. When my father came back, we managed to continue our nightly routine and expanded it into a morning routine where she would come to my room after he left for work, and we would make love until it was time for me to get ready to go to work myself. The fact that ours is a forbidden love, makes the whole affair as intense today, as it was when we began those many moons ago.


Author's Note: This story has been in the making for close to six years now. My last submission was in 2005. It is difficult to explain the absence but suffice it to say that personal circumstances kept me occupied to the extent that I couldn't give enough attention to it. As a matter of fact, I wanted to add more after the first love making session, but then the time kept slipping by and I finally decided to finish it with the brief paragraph at the end. Otherwise it would have taken another few years before I could submit it for publication. I hope you've enjoyed it and will send me appropriate feedback. It would be nice to hear from you. [Xyster]

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KnightofmindKnightofmind5 months ago

I feel strongly when you write: "I was feeling very sweet..." you actually mean: " I was sweaty...".

The whole story is both vulnerable and realistic but also stilted and awkward. It's like you are recounting something someone is telling you but you are toning everything down. Are you just very British?

I don't know.

I am not trying to be insensitive or critical, preference is not a demarcation of the presence or absence of quality. Some will like your work others won't.

I just can't get down. I wish you the best.

Now please 3P0, turn off the trash compactors on level three!


Foxterot7aFoxterot7a8 months ago

One iof the most honest, sensual and erotic mutually consensual incestuous love story I have ever read. The author described the psychological, emotional and sociolgical turmoil a incestuous couple would go through before entering into such a relationship. Defeating the artifical boundaries that society has instilled in the human being against such coupling is logically described. When each one realized and accepted the fact that love has no boundaries, they truly free to love each other. The chemistry, sensitivity, adoration and passion that grew within each character was beautifully described by the author. She sould be extremely proud of her effort with this story. 5 star rating without question.

Ben_JaxBen_Jax9 months ago

WOW!!! Awesome read!

XRoads55XRoads5510 months ago

You have led us, your readers, through a complex labyrinth of so many human emotions. Allowed us to feel every delicious moment between those two forbidden lovers.

I got so caught up in this journey! I wanted it to happen for them and yet I didn’t want it for I knew when it happened the beautiful story would end.

But thanks to your skills as an author, I was never disappointed. And when the conclusion finally arrived, I was completely satisfied!

Incest has always fascinated me and even though I have never had an interest in my own mother, I find the mother-son incest situation to be hottest and most interesting stories to read.

For the record though, I’m crazy in love with my own adult daughter and would love to have uninhibited sex as an element in our relationship

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

that was the most exciting story I ever read so hot almost felt real thank you so much

jacqe00jacqe0011 months ago

I don't know why I find the mother son stories so intoxicating as I had no such feelings for my own mother...although I did have some for my best friend's mom when I was in my early teens. Still, I walked away from this story with a feeling of guilt almost a if I had lived thru the experience myself. Even though I never experienced anything like it, I could totally identify with the feelings and emotions both the son and mother went thru and can imagine these similar events playing out many times in real life. Very well done. I normally like stories that move along more quickly, but this one pulled me in completely. Very well written and I a glad you finally finished this was well worth it my friend !!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great storyline and great writing too..

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very slow start but the emotions and complexities were very well executed.

Great story.

Thank you for sharing your story!

GateWraithGateWraithover 1 year ago

That was -- no pun intended -- the MOTHER of all slow burns. The incremental ratcheting up, backing off, hesitation unsurety, fear, and obvious mutual desire made this tale not only hot AF but actually believable. Bravo.

Dannyboy23Dannyboy23over 1 year ago

I admit that I had to speed read a bit but lots of good bits and mother and son must be as sexy as it gets. I would have liked to cum but wife is next door!

SincinnatiSincinnatiabout 2 years ago

I am blown away by the exploration of their developing feelings for one another. And, the I evita le guilt and caution that came to both as they developed. Very well crafted and quite a loving and arousing climax to the story.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magicianover 2 years ago

That was undoubtedly the longest courting session I have ever read. It was very good and very loving. I’d give it 10 stars if that were possible. Keeep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Beautifully written, what a talent to elaborate on the intensity of these complex emotions. It begs for MORE DIALOUGE to verbalize that intensity. PITTY you have not written in such a long time. ALAS

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

bravo, you nailed it, the intense emotions are the essence of incest. tnx

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very sensual and realistic story. The slow pacing works perfectly

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Sensational story, by far and large the best tat I have read so far....

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Outstanding...the slow build up, the gradations of awareness and hesitancy, the taboos to overcome, the sweetness of each character, the balance of love and lust, the gradual awakening, the muted explosiveness of breaking thru followed by the long tender play to the crescendo...Outstanding

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Cowboy777 is my user name. Waiting for my account to be activated.

As someone that only reads mother and son incest stories on this site I will say that you clearly have the ability to write stories that are WAY above the norm. However, this particular stories sexual peak (son tasting mother's unbridled and forbidden passion), wasn't as well written, and sexually introduced as the rest of the story.

You brought together a truly amazing sexual precursor to the mother and son encounter in your story. When the passionate part was played out the story was left crumbling in the desert like a tumbleweed pushed beyond its abilities to tumble.

You obviously have writing skills, but the latter part of this tale was dried out by the end of its trail, and the needed oozing wetness only a mere drip.

I have said many times "That even though mother and son incestuous stories on this site are probably 99. 8% fantasy, the one thing between mother and son that isn't fantasy is a mother's timeless love. A mother's love is as timeless as the ocean waves crashing upon sands, and her eyes can move her son's being as a blue norther rushing over the mountains."

I'm almost 23 and I personally see nothing wrong with a SINGLE mother giving her unbridled self to her consenting adult son. To me, the bond a mother has with her son is unlike any other, and the sexual experience that would unfold between them would be one of an "OTHERWORLDLY," mind-blowing intimacy that no one could ever give.

Your mother's smell and taste because of being of your own flesh would be as subtle as wildflowers after a rain, but as luring to your being as when the suns rays once again tenderly kisses each petal.

You teased your readers well, but let the rays of the sun tenderly kiss each line of your writing and lure your readers deeper.

Thank you very kindly for your time.

DarkForeverDarkForeveralmost 3 years ago

What a making.loved it.

Dapitbull1Dapitbull1almost 3 years ago

What a nerd she putting it out there that she wanted to fuck n he talking about variables such a moron n dweeb

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The build up is an ever steady seduction, and I really love it.

Some author has this long stories but the build up is inconsistent, mostly they'll just describe the environment the two characters have or some knowledge trivia that I particularly don't care about.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Boyfriend and his mother

I dated an older man that described to me his sexual relationship with his own mother. He was graphic as he explained that moment when he first slowly began to penetrate and enter his hard penis into her vagina. This story made me just as wet as I was that night. Thank you, wonderful story.

OldtoadOldtoadabout 4 years ago
Excellent work

It was an amazing journey, I became anxious as each night came and went

You must add more to this tale,

Let's pretend I actually gave you a 10!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great job in gently building the path. Please DO reconsider writing again

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I loved all you stories 5 stars all

I wish you still wrote stories. Your such a great writer. You could be a great Romance writer too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A slow build up, but so worth it. much more like real life than most of the stories here!

I could not have been that 'patient'. but I think this is closer to what might happen in real life. I loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Waht I was looking for

Undoubtedly one of the best stories of mutual seduction I have read here. I hate stories where the mom is really just a whore ready to fuck at the drop of a hat. They aren't believable. This store was actually believable in it's approach to a mother son sexual relationship. Well done my friend.

mmnazixmmmmnazixmmover 5 years ago
Erotic & excellent

one of the best erotic story.. nicely written.. well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
It's a perfect example of what it was

Emotionally erotic and psychologically true to the relationship between Eros and Psyche. Every word was purposeful. As a matter of fact, the ending showed signs of being rushed and could have been allowed to "breathe" more. Still, the pacing was justified by the NATURE of the eroticism being examined.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Tooooooooooooooooooo wordy

I like nothing more than a good lead in. Nothing too short and definitely NOT as long as THIS story.

You could have cut this story in half by omitting the replication of text that you employed and it would have improved the story tenfold. The mother and son's reluctance was so overdone it was painful. I kept jumping ahead by several paragraphs in order to be able to get through the story.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftabout 6 years ago
Very good

I'd love for more but considering how life just happens, this will be enough.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Slow burn

Very skilled use of time and stream of consciousness. Good job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Greatly enjoyed reading your story. You presented realistic thought processes when viewing events from one point of view. More 'suspense' when you only know what one person's worries and desires are. It would be interesting to read the same story from the mother's point of view.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Loved it.

Loved the story, especially the tiny steps forward and the subtle indications of something hidden. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A very female writing

No doubts, this is not a classical writing. The time spent to describe very sensitive but almost static action is very feminine. A male would be definitely more straightforward. This is all the charming of it. I would say that the second half of the last section is useless. I seems you just need to end. I like it because it gets slow but it is very picturing. I guess many of us felt these tourments when teenagers. This is perhaps more close to French classical literature. Le Rouge et le Noir, etc. Slow but we cannot escape. So I put five stars, it is much better than many of others 5s but please next time improve the last. The rhythmic must accelerate to reflect the happiness and the sexual tension, but the first section imposes to enforce also the beauty of the long constructed love. They are too sensitive to just fuck.

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 7 years ago
Incredibly slow burn...

...but worth it--although I'd describe it as the "blue balls burn." ;)

Can't say enough about how you painstakingly drew this out and made the perceived stages so noticeable--to the point that when they finally join, passion erupts and they enjoy each other slowly, then more urgently.

The fact you got 127 comments with 192 likes it quite major. Few authors get that many likes and that many comments. Well-written story and well done. 5

sensualminded1sensualminded1about 7 years ago
5 stars and more!


It was so well written!

The suspense and buildup were fantastic.

I had to force myself not to skip ahead.

In short story erotica writing this is a masterpiece.

5 stars and more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
And just like that..

This was mindblown story,i came so hard that my balls hurt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
One of the best.

A really good read.

oldwayneoldwayneover 7 years ago
What a fine erotic story!

It just amazes me that some of these damned fools that write anonymously wouldn't recognize pure erotica if bit their gonads off!

I thought it was one of the very best. Thank you so much for sharing your immense talent. It was definitely a Five Star tale! Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

very strong feeling i held been to, but my dream are lost, cause she'd died before i tell her how much i love her and make intercourse yet.

TSreaderTSreaderover 7 years ago
A very yummy story!

Very yummy indeed! Well done! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Lost patiance after the kissing scene in the begning of page 4

Story sucks... Didnt even get an errection

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Too much blah blah things..

Read the story ' falling for jennifer part one' not part 2, part two is boring.. and learn how to write a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Beautiful. Really love your style of writing. And the build up is fantastic. Please do write more of such stories

blaster666blaster666about 8 years ago
Loved It!

Very erotic buildup.

gropingrampsgropingrampsabout 8 years ago

Your build to the "climax" is gripping. A good read.

btaga2btaga2about 8 years ago

It was an absolute wonderful story. I will continue to recommend it whenever I have the opportunity to.

Maybe we get to read another story of yours at some point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I gave up reading after two pages. Anytime it takes four pages of describing a floor layout and endless pecks on the lips to work up to an accidental tongue touch, that's waaay too much buildup to a sex scene I passed over because I was too bored by the time you got to it. (Glancing back at page 5, I saw that sex actually DID happen. It was actually pretty good, although once again, four sentences were used, when one would do.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Top Draw

Wow, that was so refreshing to read opposed to some (most) of the "wham-bam-thank you ma'm " stories. Love how you expressed the mental feelings and possible miss-reading of the situation that was unfolding. I should imagine that your writting is much closer to what actually happens in incestuous relationships opposed to a mother catching her son jacking off and immediately pounces on him and fucks his brains out. It may have taken many years to write but well worth the effort. Thanks for a great read

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

did not read this story, just 2 fucking long

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I loved your story it was really something how you slowly worked up to their love making. It seemed like something that could really happen.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
I read your story & images of my mom walking in her bikini around the rented lake-side cabin in Quebec

I totally had the hots for my mom. She was turning me on so much that i had to apply metal control to suppress the erection.

My mom was in most of my jack off fantasies until i turned 28 or something.

My mom was no saint or Mother Theresa or sothing.

She was a sexy woman. She was a good mother & a good wife to my dad but she always sought other men's attention (which i noticed!) My parents entertained a lot & i got convinced that she had a thing with a good family friend 10 years her junior.

I never loved her any less on account of that.

It was not my karma to make love to my mom.

What i regret though is this: my mom used to kiss me and cuddle me a lot. Around the age of 16 i started avoiding the kissing and cuddling. It was a part of the growing up process. When i turned 18, i regreted i was no longer kissing and cuddling with her, but c'est la vie. OMG i wanted so much to hug her when she is in her bikini or silk tank top or in a light cotton T shirt with no bra.

In my next life my karma will be different & my mother & i will be BFF with the best benefits i can imagine. In this life, however, i am left with very fond memories of how much i desired her with evry atom of my body and every part of my soul.

Your story brought back those memories. Thank you!

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreameralmost 9 years ago

Without a doubt one of the very best. You rate right up there with "allwayswantedto" who I always thought was the gold standard.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
The Best

This is by far the best incest story I have ever read it describes the love of one for the other perfectly. Incest is often sordid with one or the other participants scarred for life it is not really a subject to be treated lightly. I can quite understand how the author took so long to complete this masterpiece of a study of human sexual desires and behavior.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
the best mom son story ever

Awesome..moms please read this one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Extraordinarly good

I loved the story and if its true wish u both a happy fuck life

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This slow-tease story is tremendous. I could feel his excitement, frustration, angst. I wondered, with him, at the mysteries and (seeming) inconsistencies of "female decision-making". Very very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Bravo, bravo

Absolutely the best I have had the pleasure of reading. This is exactly how I would write it if I could write. You are truly the voice of the speechless. You deserve a gold medal for this piece of literature.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

No rush to climax. Very believable. And very sexy. Best I have read, period.5a

snathsnathalmost 10 years ago
This one is the best!

I write some lousy one, I read many; but this one, I think is the special one, for those aspiring writers to read and learn how to write an erotic master piece! I have been searching for the needle, and I got it ultimately, say after ten years of searching Literotica!

But why do I like it?

I am yet to see another exhibit, how an innocent kiss gradually progresses to a full blown illicit passion, a taboo, which every man dreams, but no one lives to tell it, truthfully.

fdfergdgdfdfergdgdabout 10 years ago
These type of stories make me comeback to Literotica

Stories like these give the patience to read past shedload of lame stories only in order to find a jewel like this, props, an all-time favorite for me. the build was amazing, a followup would incredible. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A slow build is good but,

...this could have been tightened up by nearly a full page and kept all the realism. I don't want some two-page stroke story, just a tighter version of this one. It was the realistic sense of each partner yearning to cross the line but being too afraid; then just not knowing how to make that first move that really sets this apart from the trashy stories. Still, the goodnight hug/kiss routine was described in repetitive detail a few times too many. You could have summarized there a bit and then given us a bit more of an ending instead.

Five pages or more is not a problem at all, nor is a long buildup necessarily bad, but it also shouldn't read like just copied and pasted filler details where the same scene plays out each time. There were places where I was sorely tempted to skip ahead and that would have ruined an otherwise decent and realistic story. I'll try some others.

rightbankrightbankover 10 years ago
what a beautiful story, - thank you

I am in awe of your skill and the mastery of your craft. you say it took several years to complete this story. and we are the lucky readers who get to enjoy your labours.

I absolutely loved the long and tentative build up. The back and forth as neither one wanted to make the first move. all leading up to the moment they realized it was a common desire and each desired the other equally.

I hope the pressures in your life abate and you will soon be able to return to writing more chronicles of love for us. You are missed.

Lonely_readerLonely_readerover 10 years ago

One of the best build up in the incest category

OleguyOleguyabout 11 years ago
No question.

This work deserved 105* instead of the limitation on it.

Am now off to read some more of you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Hard to believe that anyone could be so complete idiot, which is the 'hero' of the 'romance' - naively described by the author :))))


Lucien_AlLucien_Alover 11 years ago
Loved it

Loved your story, well written and believable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
long winded

could of been put on two pages

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great story, great build up.

One of the best erotic stories I have ever read. You have made mother/son incest, at least for some, a wondrous, natural part of life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

so incredibly hot, i stumbled across this on random stories, glad I did

LAROCLAROCalmost 12 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Work of Art

all i can say is, that was amazing, a true work of art. you should write more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Keep up the good work.

This is one of the best in this category.

nixongnixongabout 12 years ago

yes this is truly a wonderful love story. such a beautiful build-up. and so much gentleness. loved it. waiting for more.

Buttologist-WallyButtologist-Wallyover 12 years ago

I absolutely loved your story. Very well written and thoroughly enjoyed it. It'a about the hottest story I've ever read on Literotica. Loved the slow, stp0by-step pace leading up to a huge keyboard-spattering climax. I sincerely hope you'll write more, and perhaps even add chapters to this story.

As the title of this comment says.. this story was EXCELLENT!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This is by definition true "LITEROTICA"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
A beautiful love story

I loved the long, slow buildup. It was superbly done, giving the emotions of both people time to gradually get used to the idea of becoming lovers. It is completely believable that such a monumental change in their lives would be very difficult to finally achieve--but what a tremendous climax when they are finally able to let go and fling themselves into the delicious passion! What I like best is that this is a true love story, not just an affair of physical gratification. Oh, what a wonderful difference that makes! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

AlpineskierAlpineskieralmost 13 years ago

You told us a fantastic story without having to resort to too much sex. It was detailed (almost too much so) and it captured my mind as you directed us toward the end result. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Great story!

IrfonIrfonabout 13 years ago

Beat that - IF you can !!

Thank you for an excellent story.

BetterEndingBetterEndingabout 13 years ago
Excellent, and ...

I was glad to see your admission that due to circumstances you had to wrap it up too quickly. I wanted to give you five stars but could not because of that. I understand the need to get what was done posted. However, I encourage you to continue and come back with a second chapter, expanding on your last paragraph. It would be wonderful to experience your style in the couple's slow, building exploration of their wants and needs. I would be happy to wait as long as it takes. Just please, please do not turn her into one of those sluts who would do anybody. There are already too many of those in Literotica. Definitely keep writing! Thanks!

slowsizzlerslowsizzlerabout 13 years ago
Mmm, mmm, good!

One of my favorite authors exemplifying what Literotica should be!

1nut1der1nut1derabout 13 years ago

That was one of the most erotic, unbelievably intense stories I have ever read. The awkward uneasiness between the two makes it a very good read. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


Daughter_lovin_DadDaughter_lovin_Dadover 13 years ago
Slightly Quicker Start & A Little More Aftermath would have been BETTER

Perhaps, the first four pages could have been compressed into three, without compromising on the hesitation, akwardness and testing of boundaries, naturally caused by the fear of damaging the existing mother son relationship. If some of the repetitive portions were surgically removed three pages would have sufficed to desciribe that phase.

Another page describing the bliss caused by the newly discovered lust, new deeper love between the two, and the post coital bliss would have made the story priceless, but at the same time plausible in the real world.

However still an excellent story.

A suggestion:-'Don't agonise over a story for years and years' you dear lady are a gifted author who can create realistic masterpieces. If one agonises for too long the quality of the story usually starts to deteriorate, after some time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Thank you for posting this, be it a forbidden passion or a long held desire being realized, the way you've put this together, the detail, the stretching out of it's culmination kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more. Thank you again, and I hope to see more of your work in the future.

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