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Moulding my Slave Ch. 04

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I rent my slave to a dominatrix.
2.8k words

Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/28/2022
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Chapter 4

The sound of leather smacking against flesh echoed off of the bare concrete walls, quickly followed by a muffled groan of pain. The sound made me flinch inwardly, but on the outside, I maintained my poker face and took another sip of my drink. We were in the basement dungeon of a local dominatrix who I had met online a few years ago. I had recently told her about my relationship with Jennifer and she asked if she could rent her for a session. After some discussion, Jennifer agreed, knowing that her compliance with my wishes made me happy.

The session had started easily enough, we arrived late in the evening and I turned Jennifer over to Mistress Karen, settling down in a chair to watch the show. Jennifer was dressed in her most innocent attire, a white schoolgirl costume with matching stockings and heels, her hair done up in pigtails and her makeup subdued and youthful. Mistress Karen on the other hand was as stereotypical a dominatrix you could get. Her black leather corset probably fit her well 10 years ago, but now it strained against her not quite flabby body. Her thigh high dominatrix boots were scuffed and worn and her stockings showed fraying and a few runs where they protruded above the sagging boot tops and grey streaked her otherwise raven black hair. Despite her slightly over the hill appearance, she knew her stuff, quickly taking control of Jennifer and putting her through her paces in her personal lair.

After almost an hour of Jennifer being bound to various saddles, tables and benches, she was now fastened to the St Andrews Cross that occupied the far wall of the dungeon. Her outfit was in tatters, hanging loosely from her body as a result of Karen's various attentions. Crops, paddles and floggers had left stripes and welts on various parts of Jennifer's body. I knew that my slave wasn't wild about this, pain was something she tolerated because she loved me, but it wasn't a kink of hers. I had kept a close eye on the proceedings, making sure that Jennifer was always alright with Karen's latest efforts, but now things seemed to be going a bit far.

Karen was using a cat o' nine tails, initially she had been just twirling it around letting the tips graze Jennifer across her chest and stomach. Now, she was winding up and leaning into the blows. Angry red welts were being left on my slave's body and I could see fear starting to rise in her eyes as Karen became rougher and harder with her strikes. Now, she took a step back and set herself for a full wind up.

"Enough" I said, in a firm but polite tone. Karen looked at me, startled as if she had forgotten I was here. She checked her swing but maintained her posture.

"I paid for an hour with her and we agreed that I could use my toys" she shot back in a condescending tone. This was her dungeon after all.

"Yes, but we also agreed no lasting damage and no blood. Also, you only have 10 minutes left so if you want my slave to service you before we leave you had better get her down from there." I gestured to Jennifer who was sagging in her bonds, wheezing around her gag.

"I will buy another hour then; I am just getting warmed up" Karen responded and leaned back for another blow.

"No!" I said.

I am not a large man, nor am I tall, muscular or overly good looking, but I have been told that I am imposing, with a presence that commands attention and Karen got the full effect. I saw her tense as I put my drink down and rose from the chair. I moved with measured but purposeful strides to put myself between Karen and my helpless Jennifer. I locked eyes with Karen, who stood a good half head higher than me in her platform heels.

"This is your dungeon, but it is my slave so I decide when she has had enough." I heard Jennifer sob in relief behind me. "If you aren't willing to respect that, then we are done here."

Karen straightened up and moved towards me, forcing me to crane my neck to keep eye contact. She tried to loom over me as I am certain she had over other men and I had to admit, it was an imposing spectacle. Despite her best efforts to intimidate me with her presence, I simply remained in place and kept my eyes locked on hers. I was not attempting to challenge her for dominance, but I was not backing down in the protection of my slave.

After a tense couple of seconds, a small smile tugged at the edges of Karen's mouth. I saw her quash the unintentional expression of mirth, the same way I controlled my poker face with Jennifer. Instead, she stepped back and nodded.

"You are a good owner, protecting your property like that" she said in a business-like tone.

"Jennifer isn't my property; she is my slave. She trusts me and I don't abuse that trust." I replied, hearing her moan with relief behind me.

"I understand." Karen stated. "I am finished for tonight, but I hope that we can play again sometime." Karen turned and left the dungeon, entering her dressing room and closing the door behind her.

I turned to Jennifer, who had composed herself and was standing firmly against the cross. I could see the love and gratitude in her eyes about what I had done on her behalf. I reached up to uncuff her hands and knelt down to release her legs, catching her as she staggered off of the short platform. I held her by the elbow and shoulders as we moved up the stairs to the main floor of Karen's house. I removed her gag and handed her a duffel bag with a change of clothes and she went into the bathroom to change.

Karen came up the stairs soon after, wearing a silk robe loosely tied around her waist. She was barefoot and had let her hair down from the severe bun she wore in her Dominatrix persona.

"You have quite a slave there." She said, handing me the drink that I had left downstairs. She moved over to her bar, pouring herself a glass of red wine then settling down in a chair. She curled her legs up underneath her and looked surprisingly vulnerable, a complete 180 from the woman she was a few minutes ago.

"Thank you, from someone as experienced as you I appreciate the compliment." I replied, leaning against the doorjamb with an eye on the bathroom where Jennifer was changing.

"My apologies for my behaviour earlier" she offered. "It has been a while since I had someone as beautiful as Jennifer in my dungeon, I got carried away."

"Apology accepted" I said "but understand that any return engagements will depend on Jennifer."

"What about without Jennifer?" she said in a sultry tone, leaning forward to give me a glimpse down the loosely tied robe.

"Thank you for the offer, but Jennifer and I are a team. She trusts me and I make sure not to betray that trust." I countered.

"I respect that." Karen answered in a slightly disappointed tone, seating herself more squarely on the chair and crossing her legs in front of her.

Jennifer took that moment to come out of the bathroom. She was wearing a college hoodie and leggings, comfortable and safe. She had washed her face where her makeup had run and looked every inch your average young woman. She held the duffel bag in front of her protectively and stood awkwardly in the door, unsure of where to look or what to do.

"Time to go dear." I said "Thank you for an interesting evening, Mistress Karen."

Karen rose from her chair and moved to open the door for us, her hand running across my shoulder and chest as she passed. I saw a flare of jealousy in Jennifer's eyes, and was sure that Karen had seen it too.

"You are welcome anytime; I hope to continue our friendship." She said in a strong but sultry voice, keeping eye contact with me so there was no confusion in her meaning.

Jennifer almost ran down the steps, only composing herself when she reached the car. I opened the door for her and made sure she was settled before seating myself and driving away. She was silent for the first few minutes then spoke in a quiet voice.

"Thank you for what you said in there Master."

"No need to thank me, you trusted me to protect you and Mistress Karen was going beyond what we had agreed to." I replied keeping my eyes on the road.

"It wasn't that Master" she continued. "I heard you talking when I was changing. I heard how she offered herself to you and you turned her down."

"I am your Master and you are my Slave, we have a relationship based on trust. I couldn't betray your trust with Mistress Karen any more than I could when you are at my mercy." I responded.

"I know Master." She replied in a shy voice. "That is why I love yo, love being your slave."

I glanced at her, seeing her blush in the streetlights over what she had almost let slip. She noticed me looking at her and turned away to look out her window. I saw her in the reflection biting her lip, nervous over how I would react.

"Jennifer, you did very well tonight. You have learned so much over these past few months and I am very proud of you." I said in a calm voice. She turned back to me; I could see the tears shining in her eyes over the praise she had earned.

"Did you want to stay with me tonight?"

This was a big step, normally I insisted that she return to her apartment each night. I intended to keep the distance in our relationship, keep her wanting more in order to ensure that she stayed interested in me. Given what she went through for me tonight I felt she deserved a reward, and also some time to heal before her roommate saw her coming out of the shower and started asking questions.

"Do you mean that Master?" she asked in an excited voice. "Can I spend the night with you?"

"I was thinking more the weekend actually." I replied.

She let out a squeal of joy and bounced up and down in her seat, tapping her feet and clapping her hands. I gave her a few seconds of exuberance before I leveled my gaze in disapproval and she caught herself. She composed herself quickly, but I saw a smile tugging at her lips and her eyes sparkled in the streetlights.

I woke to the feeling of something warm and moist on my ear. I laid there, confused for a second then remembered that I had allowed Jennifer to stay the night with me. I felt her tongue and lips as she nibbled and licked at my ear, jaw and neck, her hair tickling me as she maneuvered herself beside me. I opened my eyes and stretched out, looking down at the top of her head as she kissed her way along my shoulder.

"Good morning, Master" she said in a playful voice as she maneuvered herself onto my chest and flicked her tongue over my nipple. She peered up at me through sleep tousled hair and her eyes were bright and sparkling with mischief. I looked her over as she turned her attentions back to pleasuring my body. Her hair was disheveled and loose, cascading in a golden halo around her hiding her face as her lips and tongue did their work. Her smooth, muscled shoulders rippled with the effort to maneuver herself around without the use of her hands, which had been cuffed behind her since we arrived at my house last night. While I had forgone her offer of sex last night, I had made sure that she remembered the boundaries of our relationship.

She kissed her way down my stomach, licking and nuzzling her way closer to my crotch. I laid back, putting my hands behind my head and enjoying the attentions of my slave as she maneuvered herself between my legs.

"I am so happy Master, thank you for letting me stay with you." She purred as she shuffled around to get in a stable position and began to kiss and nuzzle my cock into arousal. "Please let me show you how grateful I am to be your slave."

"Fine, Slave." I murmured "Let me see what you can do, make it worth my while" as I prepared to enjoy my morning blowjob.

Jennifer moaned in anticipation as my cock got stiffer, rising like a flagpole from her attentions. When it was fully erect, she positioned her warm lips over the head, flicking her tongue around the piss hole, then slowly slid down engulfing it as fully as she could. She held me there, fully cocooned in her mouth, then slowly slid her head back up until she was kissing the tip, and repeated the process. This continued for several minutes, Jennifer slowly sliding her head up and down my cock, moaning in pleasure at the feeling of my erect member filling her mouth over and over again.

"That's good Slave" I commented "Now a bit faster, can't be at this all day."

Jennifer complied, increasing the pace of her bobbing head until it was bouncing up and down like a piston. The bed creaked under the weight of her efforts and I heard her breath coming out in quick gasps as she put more and more effort into making me cum.

"Almost there baby, almost there" I moaned and she somehow managed to increase her efforts. Her tongue swirled around my shaft as her lips slid up and down. Her breath cooled the saliva she left until her mouth returned to warm it up again. The feeing became more and more intense as she moaned and groaned with effort. I felt my balls start to contract and I grabbed her by the hair, pushing her head down on my cock. She relaxed her neck, allowing me to slide fully into her as I shot my load straight down her throat.

I fell back into the pillows, my cock twitching with the aftermath of my orgasm. Jennifer pulled her mouth off of me and gasped for air, then quickly returned to lick me clean. Once she had completed her cleaning, she gave my cock a goodbye kiss and shuffled up to nestle her head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arm around her and she snuggled in as best she could with her hands still bound behind her back. She slid her smooth leg over mine and I felt her breath tickle my chest hairs as we lay there in post orgasmic biss. This is going to be a hell of a weekend I thought.

Two days later, Jennifer stood in front of the stove making bacon and eggs. She was wearing one of my shirts with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, the hem stopping just below her firm round ass. She slid my breakfast onto a plate and carried it over to the table where I sat. She returned a few seconds later with my coffee then knelt on a cushion beside me, waiting for any command I could see fit to give her. She had made her own breakfast of yoghurt and granola while I was getting dressed and waited patiently for me to finish.

I scraped the last of the egg up with the crust of my toast and sat back contentedly. I reached down to stroke Jennifer's hair and she nuzzled her cheek against my pantleg like a contented kitten. She looked up at me with adoring eyes, then nervously averted her gaze, biting her lip and tapping her fingers against her lap.

I recognized that look, "What?" I asked in a firm tone taking command of the situation.

She started, unaware how her actions had betrayed her. She looked up at me again with uncertain eyes.

"Master, I am so grateful for this weekend. This time I spent with you has been the best of my life. I felt so safe, so sure of myself and what I was supposed to do." She said quickly. "You have made me so happy, helping me realize who I truly was. I can never repay you."

"But?" I said in a neutral tone.

She looked around nervously, "I want you to meet my mother."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

this does not seem to follow the previous few chapters where he had his slaves in a cage now they have their own apartment as mentioned as they were leaving the Dominatrix place as he told her she can spend the weekend together.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So not only is he a complete piece of shit. He is also pimping her out?

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