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Moving to the World of Streamers Ch. 03

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You meet Valkyrae and she shows you her blowjob skills.
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Chapter 3: Taking it slow with Valkyrae

„No word of this to anyone!" Jodi raises a finger once you all had arrived back on earth.



Both you and Sydney agree.

You really don't care at this point. She clearly wants you, no matter what she is saying. She will come around eventually - and if the last 24 hours are any indication you won't have a shortage of girls until then.

The fitting room is a complete mess, with fluids of all three parties having sullied not only the ground but some of the articles as well. As a responsible customer, you decide to buy all of them; at the very least, they will serve as worthy souvenirs of this special encounter.

You pay for all the clothes, satisfied at the fact that no one seems to have noticed the commotion on the second floor. You talk to both girls during the procedure, really starting to take a liking to Jodi's personality and being more and more sure of your feelings toward Sydney.

Out of the store Jodi is still visibly flustered and decides to go for a walk, leaving you and your original lover alone in a car home.

"Do you think she'll tell John?"

"No. I don't. I think we're safe, after all, she started the whole thing." the curly haired girl responds.

You let out a sigh of relief. Both of you are exhausted and don't engage in any lively discussion during the drive, instead electing to rest. Sydney's head feels nice and heavy on your shoulder, and you decide to rest yours on her head as well. You really look like a happy couple in the driver's rear-view mirror. You smile at this thought.

Do I want us to become a couple? Do I want us to be official?

Would she want that? How would that work with the other girls?

Well... I should worry about that later. Let me enjoy this moment now, in the present.


A few days pass and you use them to get your affairs in order. Besides making sure that your place has warm water, heating, electricity and other basic commodities you also have to talk to the police and some lawyers regarding the incident at the convention. The motive of the perpetrator is not clear yet since he refuses to talk. But given the number of witnesses and the whole thing being caught on camera they tell you it will be an open and shut case. All you need to do is provide your testimonial in court and you will be informed once the date is set. The whole affair is rather draining, luckily Sydney is there with you since she as the suspected intended target has to go through very similar meetings.

Buying proper furniture would be a drag too, so you avoid it for now and spend some days getting to know the remaining members of OTV.

Succeeding to help Michael Reeves with a programming issue helps you to quickly get on good terms with him. He doesn't live at the house however, so you don't spend a lot of time with him. Having already won Poki, Sydney, Michael and probably Jodi for you, you continue to socialize every opportunity you get, managing to get along with the rest of the members and even their staff surprisingly well. So well in fact, that they invite you on their podcast.

"Hello everyone, today we have a very special guest. Some of you may have seen him from the footage, it's none other than the hero of the convention: the man who saved Sydney!" Toast begins the one-hour long talk with an appraising introduction. He, Jodi and Sydney, who were the other cast members for this episode, give a small applause for you, which made you laugh slightly uncomfortably.

"Thank you so much for having me! And letting me stay with you guys of course."

"That's right! We've had the pleasure of hosting a true hero for the last few weeks while he is recovering from his wounds. How are they coming along by the way?" Toast inquires, seeming genuinely interested despite him knowing the answer.

"Pretty well!" you energetically respond, quickly growing into the role of being on camera. "I've been walking around a lot in accordance with the doctor's orders, even lifting some light weights again. Aria keeps inviting me to go jogging with her, but I think my side isn't quite ready for that yet, she looks pretty fast!" you laugh, infecting the table.

"How have you enjoyed your stay here so far?" Sydney turns towards you, placing a hand in your crotch and starting to slightly rub your loins, doing a fantastic job of hiding it from the camera and the rest of the crew, except Jodi apparently. Her eyes widen hungrily shortly after Sydney made her move and she shoots you a wanting glance aided by one of the most seductive lip bites you have ever seen.

With an initial stutter you respond: "It's been incredible! The hospitality of Americans' is definitely unbeatable. I would recommend being shot to anyone watching this right now!"

"Woah woah woah" Jodi & Toast let out, although you all erupt in laughter. The rest of the podcast goes over very well. Afterwards, you get your revenge on Sydney for teasing you during the entire recording by making her scream so loudly that you should really write a five-star review on whatever material she is using to keep her room soundproof. The fact that Jodi has once again joined you and is masturbating in a corner viewing your sexual prowess only fueling your lust.

The following days you even get to participate in an OTV shoot - by administering a punishment! It is your job to crack an egg right above Sydney's face.

Thinking that this might get you in trouble you are a bit reluctant, in the end you do it and it is all in good fun. Walking back behind the camera you hold eye contact with the smiling girl that you spent so much time with over the last few weeks. The liquid running across her face reminding you of the cum you had sprayed on it just an hour ago. As if she was thinking the same thing, she sticks her tongue out and gives the fluid a playful lick, keeping your eye contact. You chuckle at the display.


"The egg did not taste as great as you did" Sydney walks up to you, cleaning up her face once the shoot was done.

"haha, thanks. Was it worth it to swallow?"

"You or the egg?"


"Made you smile, so yes" she gives you a loving smile and with a kiss on the cheek she leaves, probably to go shower.

I should really ask her to be my girlfriend. Can I think of a romantic way to do it?

We've been spending so much time together, doing things that are clearly dates, getting dinner and fucking in not few of these fancy restaurant bathrooms...

Well, anyway, she's leaving to visit her parents for a few days, so I have some time to think about it.

What shall I do with the rest of my day though?

*buzz buzz buzz*

You check your messages.

"Hey, are you free today?" reads a text from Valkyrae.

You quickly type a response "Yeah, why? Wanna hang out?"

"Yes! I haven't really seen you since the day you went to get coffee with Syd and Poki, and she has been telling me all kinds of fun stories about you! I'm eager to see what the fuzz is all about ;D"

What has Poki been telling her? She's joined in with Sydney and me a couple of times, but it never went beyond oral sex. Although, the public stunts she comes up with can certainly be described as... "fun"

"Oh yeah? What has she told you?"

"Fun stuff ;)"

"Anyway, what do you wanna do?" the 100 thieves' owner double texts you.

"Not so much what I want to do, but I need to go furniture shopping, any chance you wanna join me? It would be more enjoyable with you around ;)" You aren't 100% sure if the smileys she's sending mean what you think they mean, regardless of that, an IKEA visit would be more fun with a beautiful girl by your side.

"Sounds boring! Guess that gives you a better chance of entertaining me! I'm in!" she jokes over text.

"Are you still at the OTV house? I'll pick you up with my car in an hour, dress nice!"

You agree and see if you can bother Sydney for an outfit before she leaves, and maybe a quickie.


Sydney dresses you up at your request. She picked out a white shirt under a slightly darker, but still white jacket. She said something about a contrast that did not make sense to you, and combined with the smooth brown pants the only thing missing from your outfit is a white woolhat and a gold chain so you can feature in the newest rap video of some up-and-coming artist. But if Sydney likes it, it must be good.

Once the hour is over you step in front of the OTV house and right on time - Rae is just pulling up in her Lamborghini.

"Hot damn" you say as you open the door and step into the car.

"Thanks" Rae flips her hair and smiles, acting as if the compliment was directed at her.

It might as well be. She looks incredible. Coincidentally her outfit very much resembles yours in color, as her pants are brown, and her tight-fitting shirt is white. Your eyes linger a bit too long above her chest as you are questioning whether you can see her nipples or if you are hallucinating.

"You do look great" you finally bring out as you lock eyes with the beautiful girl.

"Thanks" she smiles happily "and you too! Seems you know how to dress!"

"Well... be dressed to be honest. I asked Sydney for help" you come clean.

"Awww, did she pick your underpants too?"

UNDERPANTS! FUCK! I totally forgot to put those back on after Sydney...

"Of course! You wanna see them?" you joke.

Her response takes a second too long for it to be natural, as if she was considering something, before laughing and asking if you were ready to go.


Stumbling around somewhat aimlessly in the Swedish shopping chain you begin the conversation once more "You could get lost in one of these..."

"Yeah. That's where the meatballs come from!" Rae says in a cheery voice.


"Yeah! Come on? You don't know those memes?"

"Noo...? Enlighten me M'Lady"

"Don't call me M'Lady!" she hits you playfully on the shoulder, raising her hand significantly in order to be able to do so. You laugh and she adds "What? Are you making fun of my height???"

"Only in my head" you smile at her.

"The AUDACITY!" she theatrically screams. Some people look in your direction but neither of you care.

"So, meatball people, huh?" you get back on topic.

"Yeah, so surely you know the meme of IKEA shops being labyrinths - and people who don't find the exit get made into meatballs. Or so they say."

"Creepy. Give me your hand, I don't wanna get lost here alone." You make up an excuse to get physical contact with the gorgeous streamer and to your delight it works, Valkyrae grabs your hand with a giggle. Her hands are warm, soft and they give you an overall comfortable feeling.

"So, what kind of furniture are you looking for?" Rae asks after a while.

"I really need everything except a bed. It's the only large material object I took with me from Europe."

"Why?" she curiously inquires.

"Well, I felt like a fresh start would do me good. Plus, it would have been a hassle to get everything over by ship. But I was too attached to my bed."

"Great memories of ex-girlfriends?" Rae lightly bumps into you, teasing you as she asks her question.

I did have a foursome in that bed once, but none of them were my girlfriend.

You chuckle slightly while looking embarrassed at the ground. "No no, it's really mostly about sleep. I lived a pretty stressful life, running the company and what not, my bed was the one sacred place where I could calm down and get some rest after so many rough days, especially towards the end. You wouldn't believe what some competitors are willing to do..."

Rae gives your hand a comforting squeeze and looks in your eyes - You can't pinpoint what it is, but something about her aura just feels so nice. Her look says everything you needed to hear so that those memories wouldn't ruin the mood, and the girl further lightens it by saying "So, mostly sleep, huh?"

You laugh. "Yeah, mostly sleep."

The two of you go on to look at various articles, some made of wood, plastic, even some metal things, although you aren't a big fan of those. It is a great time, Rae is a lot of fun to hang out with and the two of you get along great! Constantly laughing, giggling and Rae seems to get more and more flirtatious and physical with you with each new article you add to the shopping list.

"So, what kind of company did you run?" Rae asks, genuinely interested in getting to know you better.

"Well, we were a multi-faceted company, but our most profitable branches were biochemistry and IT. You probably never seen a product, but we produce a lot of tiny hardware parts that are used in all kinds of technical devices, and we provide a lot of software code to hospitals worldwide."

Yeah. Your involvement in the healthcare sector is what you always wanted the public to focus on.

"Oh wow! That's so cool! Your work must have saved a lot of lives!"

"We certainly did! Our breakthroughs in medicine always brought me the greatest joy! Eventually though, the advancements in research and the consequences became too much for me. We weren't only involved in those sectors as I said, and at this point my shares were worth a lot of money, so I sold ownership and moved here."

"Did.. did something happen?" Rae says with a slight worry in her voice.


"No. Even though I owned the company - with all the contracts we took on it felt like I was constantly working for someone else, trying to please them and work for their vision of what the world should be, I wanted to be my own man again." You earnestly reply.

"I can understand that." Rae warmly responds and wraps her arms around you in a comforting hug.

You let out a deep breath and let loose, closing your eyes and slowly stroking her long hair.

After a bit of this intimate contact, she looks up at you with her big eyes:" So, one last item you said? What is it?"

"A walk-in closet would be nice."

"Oh wow, you're such a girl!"

Both of you laugh and you very lightly slap the back of her head as a playful response.

You walk around the store looking like a young couple - the energetic girl dragging around her smiling lover. The closet section is surprisingly large even though the color range is only from dark wood to snow white.

"This one looks nice!" Rae says pointing at a white door with an almost reflective surface, had she not pointed it out then you would have probably missed it since it blends into the wall so well. The long-haired girl puts both of her hands on the wall, since no handle is visible, and opens it without much effort. An automatic light goes on inside and you can see light wooden shelfs on each side.

"WoW! This is huge! And yet so comfy! I love it! You should get it!" Rae turns around looking at you.

You chuckle "Yeah, if you're your size, then sure, it's huge". You walk through the door and crouch to mock her height, even though it is barely necessary. The closet isn't that wide though, if you were in worse shape, it might get difficult to turn around. Rae definitely can't walk past you without very close contact.

With a fake-mad tone and facial expressions Rae retorts: "You talk a big game mister, but I call your bullshit. You could throw an orgy in here!"

"Yeah? Do the girls bend over on each shelf? I don't know who you are expecting, maybe we should place some ladders down so the dwarves can reach them?" You speedily shoot back, not letting yourself be flustered by her choice of words.

"Seems like we got an expert orgy planner on our hands here. Got experience?" she steps close, looking up at you, her hands placed on your stomach.

"Not really.." You do your best to keep your excitement at what could come next at bay.

"Wanna test your plan?" she seductively says.

"You.. want to hold an orgy in here? Now?"

"No, one should always test something like that with a smaller group." She winks at you, practically pressing her entire body against yours and looking up with wanting eyes.

You decide not to answer with words but by kissing her intimately on the lips.

No words are exchanged once the kiss is over, instead, Valkyrae slowly descends to her knees, keeping a maximum of body contact all the way down and never breaking eye contact with you.

Placing her hands on your pants she expertly undoes your zipper and belt. Unlike Sydney, she takes her time and slowly drags them down.

Rae is really hot but with the little build up your dick is only semi erect at this point and only lightly slaps her chin once it is released. Still no sound is escaping either of your lips. You see her smile and slowly take you in her mouth, methodically licking every single cell on your growing erection.

While Sydney or Poki are always sucking your cock with great speed and energy, Rae does the complete opposite. She goes up and down very slowly, almost teasingly, but the inside of her mouth is creating a vacuum that seems to suck the cum out of you by itself. It feels incredible.

From the outside one would have no idea of the fireworks you are feeling inside of her mouth - her tongue combined with the suction treating you in such a way that you can barely hold back. You close your eyes momentarily to escape Rae's hypnotizing eye contact which she never broke, knowing that you couldn't last if you had kept looking into her sparkling eyes. You grab the wooden shelfs for balance, they feel very smooth, and with a similar smoothness you can feel a finger touch the back of your ball sack, slowly moving its way towards your shaft. With a sudden jolt, you snap your eyes wide open. Rae, still on her knees immediately catches them and continues with her magical assault on your manhood. The additional sensation of her finger running up your balls overwhelms you like a flood and without being able to stop it you erupt into her waiting mouth. You can hear her gulp up rope after rope, some stripes of cum quilling out the sides of her mouth, quickly being sucked back into the blackhole that is her throat. You feel like she is a true succubus that has just gotten your soul by sucking you off. Through all of it she never lost your eyes.

You want to let out a Wow, but the hot girl gives you no time to catch your breath as she keeps up the vortex around your shaft even as your orgasm has subsided. If there was any cum left lingering inside you, she would suck it out. You were sure of that. After dumping your load in her mouth your dick wanted to soften but with her continued efforts it quickly abandoned its plan and is somehow becoming even harder than before. You think you can see a slight grin appear on Rae's face, although her lips are still a high security seal around your length.

Finally you gain your composure a little, just enough to let out a desperate:" Rae, what the fuck... oh my god.." hearing your voice the vixen somehow increases the suction around you, speeding up her bopping movement in the process.

What kind of magic is this... she shouldn't be able to move like that while basically inhaling me.."

Feeling the familiar feeling rise yet again in your groin you put a hand on Rae's head, not exerting any force on her, just holding it, and explode deep inside her throat for the second time within five minutes. You still shoot a considerable amount of cum into her stomach, the past few weeks with Sydney having obviously led to an increased production in your sexual organs. With a plop Rae releases your dick from her mouth and you tighten your grip on the surrounding shelves as not to fall over backwards as she rises, rubbing her face and entire body across your genitals.

You look at her, gasping with an open mouth.


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