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Moving to the World of Streamers Ch. 06

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Fucking the Roomies: Valkyrae, Fuslie, kkatamina, TinaKitten.
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Author's Notes:

First, if you are wondering where Chapter 5 is, it was posted in the Group Sex category! I hope nothing got messed up with the release order, since I submitted them both at the same time and I don't know how that whole prescreening thing really works.

This chapter once again features sex with multiple girls, but since it is the first time I put another category than "Celebrities & Fanfiction", I wanted to let you guys know before I jump categories more often. Check my profile here to see the newest releases.

Now more chapter specific notes:

At this point I feel like I should include a legend of symbols:

=========== symbolizes a time skip forward.

~~~~~~~~~~~ symbolizes a flashback or dream

------------------ from now on will symbolize a change of perspective, this might include a shift in time in forward or backwards.

Hey there! You are probably wondering why the title isn't "The Date".

I was planning on this being the chapter featuring the date, yet the prologue became so long on its own and naturally evolved some hot scenes, that it made sense to make it its own chapter.

And now, please enjoy! :) I'd love to hear your thoughts at the end!

Chapter 6: The Roomies

"Hey baby, my flight is delayed, I will arrive at the airport at 20:05"

You are a little disappointed, but that time might work out perfectly, you don't want to arrive at the spot too early anyway. You text Sydney back that she should get enough rest on the plane because you have a special date planned right after the arrives.

"Ouuu exciting! ;)) but what about my bags?"

"You can leave them in the car, I got one, hope you like it!"

"Can't wait to see you! xoxoxo"

You reply again and then search through her closet. Yvonne walks in on you while you do so, and you explain your plan to her. She thinks it's terribly cute but for some reason scolds you about making Sydney wear a dress she already wore once.

I really don't get why that's a big deal, guys wear the same suit all the time...

Ironically enough, you have to buy a new suit anyways, so you make sure to pick up a nice dress for Sydney to wear while you're at it.

In the shop you change your mind and don't pick out a fancy dress that one could wear to a ball, instead opting for a short blue night dress. According to your expertise it should provide the perfect balance of class, intimacy and comfort, all important qualities for your plan. Luckily it barely matters what you put on Sydney, she can pull off anything.

Maybe I should test that theory and actually put garbage bag on her sometime.

You picture Sydney with her white smile dressed in only a black industrial garbage bag. Her black curly hair going down the back, her left hand on her hip, leaning that hip out to the side and raising her right foot as if she were to model the bag for you. You chuckle.

Oh wow, that image actually looks kind of cute. That smile could sell anything.

You pay for everything and put it in the trunk of your newly acquired Rolls Royce.

Alright, I got suit, dress, blanket, basket, champagne bottle, two glasses, watermelon, do I need anything else? She likes avocado toast, right? I should get some of that, and... I don't know maybe water? Yeah, water is good, let's... let's not forget water.. bananas maybe? Y'know I'll just hit a supermarket and pick some stuff out, can't be this hard.. "he said, while almost forgetting water" You joke to yourself.

You sit down in the car.

I also just realized I haven't heard anything from the trial for Sydney's shooter? It's been what, a month? Two? ... Damn I kinda lost track of time.. Guess the US justice system isn't the fastest... well, as long as he's locked up I can't complain, brought me into this world after all!

Still kinda wanna know why he did it though... I mean, Sydney? Why Sydney? I mean, Poki was on stage.. Rae, why shoot at Sydney? And why did he stop shooting?

You lean your head and look out the window while, tapping the driver's wheel with your index finger as you think about that day at the convention.

I had just arrived in LA there's no way that....

You bite your lower lip.

*ding* you look at your phone. A new message from Rae!

"Hey! Wanna get lunch?"

"Yeah! Gladly! Do you want me to pick you up or you me? :)"

"You pick me up? Do you have a car now?"

"Yeah! Got it with Aria and Poki just yesterday!"

"I see ;) had some fun?"

"A gentleman does not kiss and tell" you tease the curious girl.

"Fine :P I'll ask Poki or Aria then, but just so you know... I like honest men ;)"

Seconds after you received her message she follows it up by sending a picture of her. She's holding up the camera above her while kneeling on her bed, her legs bare and she is dressed only in a red night gown, not unlike the one you just bought for Sydney. Her hair perfectly frames her face and her gaze is just so fucking seductive... holy shit.... You can't help but get hard, you can practically hear her nipples call to you to free them from their prison as they spike against the silk cloth!

Hoping to get rewarded you text her everything that happened in excruciating detail, confident that neither of your lovers would mind.

"Wow... that's soo hot! And they did THAT on the drive back?? By now you must be a master at driving under the influence of hot women, crazy how you haven't crashed yet ;)" she jokes.

"I'm gonna masturbate to that image" Rae double-texts.

"Hey! What about lunch? Maybe I can have you for dessert?" you hopefully reply.

"Hm.... No :3 I think you should have some blue balls for now!"

"That is cruel!"

"Hihihi xD" "About lunch, why don't you come to my place? Tina and Miyoung have been dying to meet you and Leslie is here too! They're cooking right now, I was supposed to help them but given what you just shared with me I think I'll just get everything... wet"

You take a deep breath.

"I will be there ASAP, text me the address"

You drive on the open road even before she responds, which in hindsight, not the best idea, because she doesn't respond via text, instead sending a video in which she, while fingering her beautiful shaven pussy, moans the information to you.

You can't believe your luck.

I'm going to have to call someone about my car's extended warranty because driving with these girls around is an accident waiting to happen.


Out of breath you ring the doorbell of the roomies. You are used to living amongst the wealthy but this house... yeah, streaming certainly pays well.

Rae, wearing a black and red sweater, nothing covering her wonderful, tanned legs except long black socks opens the door, acting all innocent as if she hadn't just risked your life by being the biggest tease imaginable.

"Come here!" you say with obvious lust in your voice. Not giving her any chance to greet you, you wrap your arms around her and involve her in a kiss full of desire, in which she gladly participates.

Without taking your hands off her you close the door and turn her around against it, so that she is facing away from you. You place a hand on her nude thigh and slide it upwards, lifting her long sweater, revealing her plump ass and only a very thin black thong covering her. Covering is very generous, as you can clearly see most of her butthole. Over her shoulder the eager streamer watches you as you fiddle with your pants and take out your already hard cock, she gasps as she sees it and makes no effort to stop you, nigh, even encourages you by wiggling her butt at you.

"Which hole do you want?" you ask with a shallow voice.

"The top one, pleeeaseee~" she responds with teasing eyes.

You slide her panties to the right and with delight notice that she has already lubed herself up, clearly anticipating this encounter.

Kinky girl!

Her backdoor is ever so tight, you shove it in and while you do you whisper in her ear: "I love you". You can't tell if your penetration or your words have caused her whimpering moan and shaking body, but that doesn't matter as you piston yourself into her with ever increasing pace. You can tell that she is trying to reciprocate your statement, telling you that she loves you too and so much more, but your dick splitting her open is preventing her from utilizing her vocal cords for anything else than erratic moaning.

Suddenly remembering that you are in a hallway and that she has several roommates you put a hand over her mouth, shutting her up for now. You can feel her warm breath as she moans against the palm of your hand. Rae looks back at you, thanking you with her eyes for your dick and the attention you are giving her tits with the other hand. You didn't have time to reach under her shirt, so you make do and just grope them through her sweater. She isn't wearing a bra which makes it much easier to get a good feel, and you take advantage of the woolly fabric to further stimulate her nipples.

You can tell that Rae is nearing an orgasm, so you don't change what you are doing, simply driving it home, guessing that a quickie is all you have time for right now.

You pound into the gorgeous girl's ass as your estimates are shattered and a girl wearing short white socks and a long thin shirt peaks her head down the hallway. The shirt is a light pink color and her nails, which are gripping the wall, are painted white. Her long brown hair falls beautifully down the side of her face as she steps out of hiding and casually walks toward your entangled bodies with a warm smile.

The excitement in your balls rises as you think about what this special girl who promised you full control over her body has in store for you in this particular situation.

You tap Rae's shoulder.

"I think we have a guest" you whisper in her ear, without interrupting her pounding.

Turning her head, she lets out a scream "OH MY GOD LESLIE!" and while she does so, apparently turned on by the fact that you were caught by this stunning woman, begins to shake in your arms as she falls into an orgasmic trance.

Leslie giggles and moves in to kiss you while you increase your pace on her roommates behind during her vigorous orgasm.

"I hope no one hears her" you say to Leslie.

"I closed the door and they are using the mixer right now. But we don't have much time!" she replies with urgency in her voice, gesturing you to hurry up.

Pressing her body along your side and in turn against Rae's ass, she places one hand on your chest and lifts up her shirt while doing so, revealing that she kept her promise of not wearing any underwear around you, ever.

Rising to her toes she whispers with her hot breath tickling your ear:" Can I have some sugar too?"

You face her and look at her pleading eyes as she seductively bites her lips.

"Of course! You don't mind, do you Rae?" you ask and give her a hard slap on the ass before pulling out.

Panting, she leans against the wall and you gesture Leslie to take up the same position next to her friend. "Holy fuck I fucking love you" Rae finally manages to say what she wanted to say from the beginning.

Surprised, Leslie looks at you while her bubbly butt is completely on display for you, her light-pink shirt is wrapped around her hips. The wrinkles in the fabric make her body look very cute, like a present just for you. She is standing on her toes and arching her back to give you the easiest access to either hole you please. She looks at you, hoping you will say to her what Rae said to you.

You meet her sparkling eyes: "I felt it with you that night, but I wanted to tell you in a more romantic setting" you begin to explain. "I guess this is as good a time as any" you go on, and the girl you are about to fuck gasps in anticipation of your words. "I love you, Leslie" "OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU TOOOO!!!" she instantly responds, excitedly tapping her feet on the ground.

Relieved, you swoop in to intimately kiss her. As your tongues touch and swirl around each other you could swear you can feel her cum, her emotions over your confession clearly overwhelming her and putting a big smile on your internal face.

Slowly separating but staying as close to her face as possible you ask her the same question you asked her friend minutes before, while said friend has gotten on her knees behind you and taken your balls into her wet mouth, moving the tip of her tongue around them: "Which hole do you want?"

"Any hole you want, Master" she replies in the most submissive voice and demeanor you have ever witnessed. Her hands are flat against the wall and her cheek is pressed against it too. Her eyes are closed, and her mouth is open. You decide to place a finger into it so she may suck on it, and figure that you've already fucked an ass today, might as well pleasure her amazing pussy.

Like last time she is dripping so much someone would have to wipe the floor afterwards if Rae wouldn't be eagerly slurping up any fluids that are flowing down either of your legs, constantly letting her tongue flow across your balls, shaft and Leslie's clit, stimulating you both.

You push into her and instantly begin to thrust at high speeds, this quickie has gone on for about ten minutes already, hopefully Tina and Miyoung are horrible cooks and take a long time mixing, ideally as long as it takes the sexual fluids of the three of you to fully mix.

"oooHHhh mY GooOoOooOoodddD you're d-d-d-Dick is sooOOuuUUU amazing!"

"I am sss-so g-glaAAADd yoUuuU conFf—FUCK Holy SHIT" Leslie's moan is interrupted by yet another orgasm. With the massage tube that is her pussy wrapped around your dick and Rae's eager tongue you can feel your balls tense as well, but you are determined to hold out and continue to fuck her until she finishes whatever she wants to say in this sexual state.

"I AaaAammm SoOOoo hHHaPPpYYYYY!!!!" she shrieks as she orgasms once more, Rae has now attached her mouth to Leslie's clit, clearly trying to overstimulate the girl. You can see her playfully evil intend in her eyes from up here.

"tt-tT-That yo_-UUUuUU ---LlLl lLLO LOVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" her body begins to violently shake and it takes about half your strength to make sure that she wouldn't detach herself from either Rae's mouth or your cock, making sure that her roommates plan would work.

Wanting to test if your emotional revelation truly did drive her over the edge before you move next to her ear and restate your feelings "Leslie, I love you So. Fucking. Much."

You don't want to take too big of a risk so you attempt you muffle Leslie's high pitched orgasmic screams with one hand but the volume can barely be contained. Her tongue is moving wildly across the palm of your hand as her pussy is convoluting around your cock so desperately as if it was a python fighting for its life. Hearing your words made Leslie go absolutely insane with pleasure and her pussy explodes around your cock, squirting like an exploding water balloon that was filled to the brim and releasing all of her fluids over the waiting Rae like a shower, drenching her hair, clothes, as well as your shoes and pants in the process.

"Oh my god..." Rae says clearly shocked after the waterfall ended, but she didn't spit out any of her close friend's fluids, electing to swallow everything that entered her mouth.

Leslie hasn't stopped shaking on your dick yet, and the contractions are quickly becoming too much for you to handle. It would be unfair to only cum in her pussy and leave Rae empty handed, so you pull Leslie off your dick, which is surprisingly difficult with how tight her pussy is gripping you, and place her face next to Rae's on the ground.

She is so overwhelmed that her body is leaning almost lifelessly against her roommate, but the announcement of your impending orgasm makes her conscious enough to at least stick out her tongue to await your tasty load, even if her eyes are closed and her head is leaning against Rae's shoulder.

Rae is panting like a happy dog with her tongue stuck out, eagerly awaiting your delicious seed.

You don't make her wait long and soon shoot out stripes of white cum on both of the girl's tongues, making sure to evenly distribute their prize, however, Rae is the one who instinctively jumps up on your dick once your eruption has ended and sucks out every last drop of sperm that you are still hiding in your shaft with her vacuum-like abilities. Leslie, now half-conscious has some of the cum dripping off her tongue while she looks at you with dreamy eyes and licks it up to the best of her abilities, swallowing everything she can and then latching onto Rae's wet face, covering it in kisses.

"H-H-holy fucking shit that was incredible...." You pant with shaking legs, stabilizing yourself on the wall with one hand and petting the girl's heads with the other.

"It was" Rae agrees with the widest smile you've seen from her.

"I hope Tina and Miyoung didn't witness this... and how are we gonna clean up?" Rae asks a couple minutes later, dropping down back to reality. Leslie is still too euphoric to speak or react.

You think for a moment and then speak up: "Alright, I'm gonna wear this green apron that is conveniently placed on the coat hanger" you gesture at it, both you and Rae sharing a laugh over the fact that it is just hanging there next to the main entrance on a coat hanger. "It should cover up Leslie's orgasm, I'll leave my shoes here and you guys just sneak into a shower."

"I think I already had a shower" Rae giggles, now Leslie is also capable of laughing again.

With a chuckle you say: "Alright squad, we got this?"

"Yeeeahh!" they cheer, and you commence Operation: Do-not-have-the-other-two-roommates-find-out that-you-just-had-a-not-so-short-threesome-with-their-two-friends.


"OH MY GOD! MIYOUNG LOOK" Tina quietly shrieks, waving the girl with the brown-reddish hair closer without looking away from the sex scene on the other side of the door.

Miyoung loudly gasps after spotting you thrust into her best friend's ass while Leslie is standing beside the two of you.

They both gasp in unison when you pull out of Rae's awesome ass and they get a good look at your size, neither of them being able to avoid their gaze they stand there, mouth agape and eyes wide open, speechlessly watching until your sex tool disappears into Leslie once more.

Not wanting to get caught they panic, quickly running back into the kitchen.

"OH MY GOD THAT WAS HuuUUUGEEEEeee!" Miyoung tries to keep her voice down.

"HUH?! I mean yeah it was but.. HOLY SHIT THEY'RE JUST FUCKING IN THE--- in the entrance hall" Tina attempts to match Miyoung's volume.

"Yeah, and it's hot!" Miyoung assertively says, hovering her twitching hand above the space between her legs.

"WHAAAT?" Tina lets out surprised at her friend's blunt admission.

"I mean yeah! Don't you wish that was you when he pulled it out of Rae and then shoved it in Leslie's pussy? You saw how she reacted, riiight???"

Tina just looks at her, stammering: "I... I .i mean.. yeah i saw...."

She's right, Leslie's face looked like pure bliss and Rae definitely looked like she was having a good time... but damn Miyoung is so blunt about it... Tina thinks to herself.

They can clearly hear Leslie's screams of pleasure, your attempts of silencing her are absolutely no use.

"Wooooaaaahhh Can you hear that?? I kinda wanna watch some more..." Miyoung says and tip toes back towards the door.

"Noooo!" Tina grabs her arm and holds her back. "They can't see us!"

"Whyy nooooot?? Leslie just walked up to them and now she's in heaven! I want some dick toooo~!" Miyoung pleads.

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