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Mrs. Steel


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"How long?" I asked.

"Not long. Maybe an hour."

"Your bedroom?" I asked.

"No, I just made the bed, no time."

"Where then?"



"Yes here!"

Katie dropped to her knees before me, almost immediately she drew my rapidly stiffening cock inside her mouth and began sucking it urgently.

"Don't cum yet."

"I won't"

Sucking it harder, faster.

"Don't cum yet."

"I...won't." I said fighting it.

She was devouring me now, my balls already felt like they were about to burst. "Don't cum!"

"You gotta stop then, I'm about too! Too close!" I pleaded saying. It had felt too good. Way too good.

"Eat me."

Katie finally released me, jumping up on the end of one of the tables nearly knocking over one of her potted plants in the process. Now it was my turn to kneel and I did so, her pussy perfectly positioned in front of me. I licked her, tasted her sweet juices and as hungrily as she had attacked me, I attacked her.

"Don't cum yet," I mouthed into her pussy.

"Shut up and lick me."

And lick her I did. I teasingly lapped up and down that sweet tasting pussy furrow of hers, stopping occasionally to lightly suck her clitoris between my lips, gently chewing it and then sweeping it with a rapid flurry of butter-fly flicks against it. Back and forth I changed techniques, tactics until Katie was thrashing around on the table in the throes of pure blinding lustful passion.

"Oh yes...Oh yes Nicky! Lick it baby, lick it honey. Right there, just like that, oh my god yes! Now baby...Noooooooooooow!" She wailed as her orgasm over took her and washed her away in wave after wave of ecstasy.

My face was saturated with her juices. Her cum was sticky sweet and smeared all over my face. I could smell her essence on me, and it was an aphrodisiac that soon had my own cock throbbing and bobbing involuntarily with a need of its own.

We switched places, laying on the table, I could feel the wetness that she had left there soaking into my back. Once again she began sucking me and pumping my cock slowly with her hand as she twisted my prick in one direction, and sucked the head of my cock, twisting it in another.

"Don't cum yet," she breathed around my cock.

"Shut up and suck me."

She did.

And I came.

Afterwards we hurriedly dressed. It had been no more than a half an hour at best. But by now I could see she was nervous, looking around and glancing up as though expecting them to come walking through the greenhouse door at any moment and catching the two of us like we'd both just swallowed canary's. The room smelled of sex too, hers and mine, and we quickly departed after that leaving the door open behind us.

We both decided then that it might be best if I was to call it another early day. And though if they did come home, we would both look and appear presentable enough, Katie was still flushed with excitement and passion. She teased me by telling me she was going upstairs to her room to enjoy another orgasm while using her vibrator. Having heard that, I ran home to my own room knowing I would have some privacy as well before my parents got home from work. Masturbating furiously while relieving the greenhouse experience, I was surprised when thoughts of Kathy walking in and joining us added to the pleasure of my fantasy.

A solid week passed without any opportunity for Katie and I to get together and do anything. Twice during that time however I was almost sure that Kathryn had spotted her daughter flashing me, though she never indicated she had, nor mentioned anything that ever got back to me. Needless to say, Kathy's almost constant flirting and teasing was having an effect on me. I was enjoying it, and looking forward to seeing her, but the promise I had made to myself was something I intended to stick with, though I had made no such promise regarding my own private fantasies of her.

Kathryn had mentioned that she wanted to go down to the local area 'Gardens' store to pick up some decorative rocks and flowers to replace the one's that had died from neglect. It would also give us the opportunity to see what condition Mr. Steel's truck was in as it was one of the things Kathryn was looking into in eventually selling. The only problem was, it was a stick shift and no one (except for myself) had ever driven a stick before. I of course volunteered to drive, I might not have a car yet, but I certainly had a drivers license, and eagerly stated I was more than willing to give the old truck a test-drive and in the process use it to go and pick up the things Kathryn wanted to get for the yard.

We were gone about two hours and returned to find a note left from Katie stating that she and Kathy had gone on some errands of their own together and would be back late that afternoon. Kathryn and I had nearly finished unloading the truck. I was walking behind her while she was carrying a flat of Petunia's she was planning to plant out back near the pool area, when she miss-stepped twisting her ankle and fell down hard against the paved rock path. I immediately ran over to her, she was laying there her face grimacing with pain, and it was evident she had cut her knee when she fell as it had a semi-deep cut and was oozing blood.

Eventually I managed to help her to her feet, but it was obvious that she couldn't walk without my help either. As her knee obviously needed attention, I quickly escorted her into the house while supporting her as we limp-hobbled into the kitchen area. I quickly helped her to sit down and ran upstairs to Katie's bathroom where I knew she kept the medical supplies. Returning, I washed Kathryn's wound, applied some disinfectant to it, and then applied a small bandage. Once it was cleaned up, we both realized it looked a lost worse than it actually had been.

"Thank you for helping me Nick," she stated. She tried standing, but it was obvious her ankle was the worst injury, as she still couldn't put any weight on it.

"Do you think you can help me get upstairs?" She asked me. "I think maybe I should get in the tub and soak this for a while."

"Sure, no problem." And so I helped her up the stairs and into her bedroom. Once we got there however, we both realized she'd also need help getting into the bath. Kathryn sat on the edge of her bed and I went into the bathroom to fetch her bathrobe as well as get the water running in the tub. As an afterthought, I sprinkled in some bubble bath for her as well, tested the water to ensure it wouldn't be too hot when she got in, and then went back inside the bedroom.

She unzipped her jeans, looked up at me, and I quickly turned around facing away from her. Obviously she didn't need my help undressing. Just walking. I thought I briefly caught a smile on her face, but took it to mean: "Ok, I think you better turn around now." Which of course is what I did.

I glanced up however and immediately caught her reflection in the dresser mirror. She had pulled her jeans and panties off, and was just pulling her tee shirt up over her head. I glanced away just as her lacy-clad bra appeared which barely covered her full breasts.

She managed to get her bathrobe on and then I heard her tell me it was ok to turn around now. With her leaning on my shoulder, we half walked, half hopped her into the bathroom. Arriving near the nearly full tub that was filled with bubbles by this time, I was preparing to leave when we discovered there was no way she could get into the tub by herself without my help.

"Oh well. It's not like you've never seen a naked woman before," she said suddenly, and with that, she pulled off the robe letting it fall to the floor. I tried not to look, at least not directly, but it would have been impossible not to under the circumstances. Easing her down into the tub, my arm came into direct contact with one of her breasts, grazing it and pressing against one of her nipples. Neither of us said anything however, and she was soon comfortably resting inside the tub, concealed now by all the bubble's I had fortunately thought about putting in there for her.

"Ok...guess I'll leave you alone for now," I stood up and was preparing to leave the bathroom.

"Nick? I'm sure I won't be in here that long, and I'm obviously going to need your help getting out of the tub too. Why don't you sit down and we can sit and chat while I soak my ankle?"

She was right of course, and so I took the only available seat in the house and sat down on it facing her. "How's it feeling anyway?" I asked, feeling a little shy and uncomfortable sitting here in the bathroom with her like this.

"It still hurts, but I'm sure after I've soaked it, and maybe after we wrap it with something it will feel a lot better."

"I think Katie's got an elastic wrap in her bathroom," I offered. "I'll go and get that for you after you get out."

Kathryn was looking at me, a small little smile spreading across her face. "You seem to know your way around mom's house pretty well."

Once again alarm bells sounded in my head, and I sat there trying to think of some reasonable explanation for why I knew so much without raising any suspicions.

"And another thing. After dad died, mom went into a real funk. I could tell she was moody and depressed over the phone. It was one of the reasons I decided to come out here and stay with her a while. When I got here however, she was more like her old self than I remembered seeing her in a long, long time, even before dad died."

I was listening to her of course, but was beginning to feel cornered for some reason. And thoughts of suddenly standing up and bolting out of the bathroom were becoming very real to me.

"Mom has always been a very sexual person. I've known that about her for years. And was glad for it as we had a very open relationship about it, and were even able to discuss things like that with one another. So I know that when she was "getting it" she was a lot happier and as I said...more like her old self."

I swallowed hard, still looking at Kathryn as she sat in the tub, but saying nothing. She even sat up a little and the tops of her breasts rose up out of the water. Though the soap bubbles were clinging to them, still partially concealing them, I couldn't take my eyes off her breasts. Of course, I didn't want to look directly into her face either out of fear that she would see the truth of what had been going on with her mother in my eyes.

"I couldn't understand it at first," she continued, "Then I realized that maybe she had been seeing someone. I even asked her if she had been. She'd always been open and honest with me about things like that before, but she denied that she was. Still the fact that she was always smiling, especially lately, has been puzzling me. Until now anyway."

"Here it comes." I thought. Panic now starting to seize me in a firm grip.

"And I just realized, sitting here. You seem to know your way around the house pretty well. And there have been other things too. I know for a fact that Kathy likes you. I've seen her teasing the hell out of you over the last while, have even seen her flash her tits at you, which was something I was going to talk to her about, but decided against it as I do remember being her age once. But, you've not made any effort to tease her back, or flirt with her that I've seen anyway. And Initially I figured that maybe you simply didn't like her or something. And I thought that was odd, as the two of you do seem to get along fairly well together otherwise. Basically...what I am asking is..."

I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Are you fucking my mother?"

I nearly did too after I heard her say that. But she was laughing, nearly crying and I finally did look up into her face with panic, fear, surprise, and every emotion possible telling her the truth of it without uttering a single word.

"Don't worry Nick. I won't tell her that I know about the two of you. In fact, I'm actually glad you two have been, it's helped mother get out of her funk better than anything I could have done or thought of myself!"

I felt a little better after hearing her say that...but not much. I still felt a little sheepish and guilty that I had let things become known so damn easily.

"So is that why you haven't put any moves on Kathy then?" She continued.

It was out in the open now, so I felt like there was no use in hiding it any longer either. "Yes, it is!" I stammered. "And it's been really difficult for me, because I do like Kathy, very much. But I also like Katie very much too!" I added.

Once again Kathryn laughed. "What about me?" She said teasing me now, and making everything that much worse. "Don't you like me as well? Even a little bit?"

Once again I looked down at her near fully exposed breasts. They were every bit as lovely as either Katie's or Kathy's and frankly, I had for several days now been including all three women in my private "home" fantasy's.

"Well yes...of course I do," I managed to finally stammer out. "But I wasn't about to tell you that, I really would have looked like an idiot then, even more than I do, or more than I know I am sounding like now!"

Kathryn continued to laugh, giggling in fact. Obviously she was enjoying this at my expense.

"Maybe I had better leave," I told her seriously. "I'm sure that Katie and Kathy will be home soon, and they can help you better than I can. I'm not sure I should be here any longer, especially if they do come home. I'd hate for them to find me here, that would make things even worse than they already are."

Kathryn finally quit laughing. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make you feel bad or upset you. Like I said, I'm actually delighted to finally discover what it was that has been making mom feel better about her self. And now that I know what it is, I can quit worrying about her. Come on, help me get up out of the tub, I'm turning into a prune here."

There was no way around it, so I placed one arm beneath her breasts and the other on her arm in order to help support her as she helped me to raise her up out of the tub into a standing position.

"Grab a bath-towel for me. You'll need to help me dry off here while I lean on you."

Moments later I was rinsing soap bubbles off her, followed by drying off her feet and legs with the towel. She had nearly an identical looking strip of neatly trimmed pubic hair that her daughter had, but unlike Kathy's I was looking almost directly at hers.

"Do you like the way it looks?" She stated suddenly, catching me off guard completely. I had paused momentarily when looking at it I know. Her pink pussy lips were only inches away from my face as I had knelt toweling off her legs, and I was almost sure she had spread her legs for me slightly when drying her, so as to reveal them a little more so than she had been. And now...I was fairly confident that she had.

With one leg still inside the tub, and her sprained ankle resting on the edge of the tub, and her hand sitting atop my shoulder for support while I dried her off, her wide open pussy was spread invitingly right before my eyes.

"You and mother have an agreement don't you?" She questioned.

"Ah huh," I was able to say; still mesmerized by that incredible looking pussy I was now staring directly into.

"Then I think that you and I can have one too."

I couldn't believe I was hearing what I had just heard.

"Unless of course you don't want to."

"I really don't want to cause any problems between you and your mother," I weakly replied. "And I really do like working here. What if she ever found out?"

"I promise you. We'll be as discreet about it as you and mother have been. We'll never do anything, or say anything in front of mother, or in front of Kathy either. But, you'll need to quit being so distant from Kathy too, or she'll eventually begin to suspect something, unless you convince her you really don't like her. But then that will make working here very unpleasant for you anyway. So I recommend if you really do like Kathy, that you show her you do. Mom will understand, after all, the two of you are more suited together anyway. And I am hoping that you realize, this for mother, and myself as well, is just a little something to get us both out of our funks and get on with our lives. So, do you think you can handle that, or not?"

And I answered her by sticking my tongue inside her pussy as she stood there still leaning against me.

"Oh, you're going to have to get me into the bedroom if you're going to do that! I won't be able to stand here with any strength on this ankle otherwise."

Helping her into the bedroom, Kathryn spread herself comfortably out on the bed.

"What about Katie and Kathy?"

"I'm sure they won't be home for a couple of hours yet. And besides, we'll hear the garage door open if and when they do. You'll have plenty of time to go down stairs and be waiting for them and tell them what happened if they do."

Kathryn lay back on the bed, legs spread, inviting. I crawled up between them and lightly began licking her.

"Oh my! Mother has been teaching you well!"

Though it was a little strange hearing her say that, I felt more than a little proud too. Her velvety lips were already juicy, her sweetness bathed my tongue and I licked her as though a bear to a beehive digging for honey. She was squirming slightly, moaning with her fingers mussing my hair and holding me to her as though afraid I would suddenly jump up and leave her hanging like this.

"Oh...Oh...Shit...Nicky!" Now that was strange! Hearing her call me Nicky was more than a little creepy. Kathryn was a slightly younger version of her mother to be sure, and of course Kathy...a younger one still. And here I was...licking Katie's daughter, licking her cunt and loving every precious minute of it. I knew without a doubt I'd feel guilty as hell afterwards, and hoped that I wouldn't "look" guilty as well. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her, and could only hope that unlike I had been able to do with Kathryn, I would at least be able to keep our relationship a secret.

Even her clitoris was similar to Katie's and sucking, licking it, I was reminded of her, so that in a way, I was licking them both.

"Hmm, Nicky, that feels so fucking good! You have no idea how long it's been!"

There was one slight difference between them. Though Katie truly loved the way I went down on her, it usually took quite a while for me to get her off orally. I am sure that it was simply because she enjoyed making it last, thus having me slow down frequently when I was licking her pussy. Kathryn on the other hand was well on her way to experiencing an orgasm, and had no intention of making me stop or slow down.

"Oh yes...Oh yes...faster, lick it faster Nicky. Lick my clit! Lick it...lick it...LICK IT!"

Before I knew what was happening, Kathryn was cumming all over my face. Her juices suddenly quadrupled it seemed, and a literal river of pussy juice was wonderfully bathing my face. Additionally, Kathryn still continued holding my head, face pressed, mashed actually against her cunt as she came. But that was all right by me, I loved being there. Even as her orgasm finally began to subside, I continued licking her, though considerably slower and softer. "Mother taught you to do that?" She said teasingly, but not without a little awe and surprise in her tone of voice.

"I guess you could say that. But she also said I sort of took to doing it quite naturally."

"Hmmm, I bet. And what else did she teach you to do? Never mind. I'll find out for myself. Come here!"

I wasn't sure what she wanted me to do exactly, and thought she was indicating for me to "climb on board" as it were.

"No, no. Come up here!"

I still wasn't sure what it was she wanted me to do, and I guess by the look of confusion on my face she realized that.

"You've never fucked a woman's tits I assume?"


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