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My Brother's Wife Ch. 01

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A man begins a dramatic affair with his brother's wife.
2.3k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/02/2022
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Every time I'm around my brother's wife Dani, I can't help but fantasize about fucking her senseless. You would too if you could see this woman.

Her milky skin is smooth and inviting, urging my starving hands to feast on her curves. She's kept her lovely baby fat in all the right places, she wears rompers so short that I'm constantly getting a good look at her ass, and she lets her cleavage put on a show for my hungry eyes. From the day I met her, I've been stroking myself to the thought of her perfect figure almost every night.

But it's not just her looks that tempt me--even though she oozes sex appeal--it's the way she acts around me. We're both flirty by nature, but she takes things way past innocent teasing. Sometimes it's her foot, encased in lacy heels, brushing against my leg under the table. Often, it's a longing, challenging glance when her husband isn't looking. Whenever there's an opportunity to be near me, she takes it, making it difficult for me not to run my hand through her silky jet-black hair. When we find an excuse to touch each other, I nearly cum in my pants.

I know that my brother notices, but he doesn't say anything. I guess he trusts us both. Nothing would ever come of our playful flirting; we'd never give in to those primal impulses. At least, I thought we never would...

That night was just like any other Friday. I had a few friends over at my place, and my brother and Dani came over ready to party.

We'd knocked back a few shots, Dani and I pushing each other to do more, as usual. She shared her chaser with me, and I swear she would lick the tip of the Coke bottle like it was the head of a cock each time. After every shot, she'd bounce as the liquor burned her throat, and I'd watch her beautiful tits bounce beneath her romper, trying to contain my erection when she reached out and grabbed my arm for support.

"Fuck, that's nasty," she squealed, her adorable face all scrunched up in torment. "Why do you always make me take so many shots?!"

I laughed, happy to have her hand now resting casually on my shoulder as we stood in the kitchen. "Dani, you're the one who's always trying to get me drunk."

My brother chimed in, pretty drunk himself, "Babe, Alex is gonna drink you under the table if you don't stop. As always."

"Whatever, I need to use the bathroom," she said, removing her hand and stumbling off.

I was sad to be deprived of her touch but excited that she had gone off down the hall. This was a little game we always played with each other when we'd been drinking. She would go to the bathroom, I would wait a bit and then follow, leaning against the wall outside of the bathroom door, and then she'd come out and we'd be alone in the hallway.

Most of the time we'd shuffle by each other awkwardly, sometimes letting our hands brush together for a moment and locking eyes. But nothing more. This time, I followed her after a couple of minutes, hoping just to get a few seconds of her fingers laced in mine.

When the door opened, Dani smiled at me and laughed, "Are you following me, Alex?"

"Oh, please," I said, acting nonchalant. "I already had to pee. You just beat me to it."

"Riiiiight," she cooed, stepping towards me but tripping as she crossed the threshold. Her arms flew out in front of her, wrapping themselves around my shoulders. I instinctively grabbed her around the waist, totally aware of my growing bulge in my pants as our bodies collided.

Her deep blue eyes went wide, staring right into mine. Our faces were so close that I could smell the whiskey on her breath. Just another inch and our lips would meet.

"Thanks for catching me," she whispered.

"No problem."My hands crept a bit lower on her waistline, drawn to her plump ass. The thin, silky material of her red romper was pushing me even further into the depths of my desire.

Her head cocked, possibly exploring the idea of making out with me right there in the hallway before my brother's voice clawed at us from the kitchen. "Babe! Where are you!? Hurry up!"

Snatched from our fantasy, Dani let me go and slapped me on the shoulder. "Of course, if you weren't getting me so drunk, I never would have tripped. So really it's your fault and I shouldn't even thank you!"

With that, she twirled and bounced down the hallway, her beautiful hair gracing my face and leaving me with the scent of fresh strawberries. It took every ounce of will for me not to jack off in the bathroom, but I knew that my brother probably wanted to leave so I had to hurry if I wanted to hug Dani before they were gone.

When I came back from the bathroom, my brother and Dani were arguing.

"I don't want to go to Eric's house," Dani moaned. "You just want to watch the fight."

"Well, ya," Mike said. "Alex never buys the fights, and he won't let me stream them illegally here."

"Nope," I added, already pouring another shot.

"I'm going, babe." My brother wasn't backing down, and I hated him for always disregarding his wife's desires. "I can drop you off at home on the way."

As I filled the glass, an idea took hold of me.

"Ah, come on. Just let her stay here and party with us," I said, smiling wide. "She can crash here and I'll take her home in the morning."

Dani gave me a look I'd never seen before, lightly biting her lower lip and narrowing her eyes at me, and I knew that I'd stepped over a line that she'd been waiting for me to cross.

"Exactly!" she exclaimed, stepping to my side and throwing her arm around my shoulder. "You go and I'll stay here with everyone."

My brother huffed and puffed about it for a while, but he eventually left to go watch the fight. As the night wore on, Dani and I didn't take hardly any more shots. I think both of us were just waiting for the others to leave.

Finally, around midnight, the rest of our friends had gone home. I figured she'd want to get some sleep, but now that we were alone all she wanted to do was keep the party going.

"How about another shot?" She asked with a devilish grin, taking off her heels to reveal her amazing feet. A tattoo of a rosary wrapped around her ankle and ran over the top of her foot. To me, it's the sexiest thing ever.

"You still think you can keep up with me, huh?"

She hopped up from the couch and grabbed my hand, getting in close and whispering in my ear as she passed by, "I'm usually not as drunk as I let on, Alex..."

As she led me to the kitchen, I couldn't help but stare at her ass. Her romper was almost entirely open in the back, and I wanted to run my hand up her spine, grab her by the hair, and bend her over my kitchen table.

She poured us both hefty shots, winking as she handed one to me. "To you, Alex. The nicest, coolest, most handsome friend I have."

My dick pulsed in response, but I did my best to keep my composure. We both gasped as the fire poured down our throats, laughing and coughing together as we passed the chaser back and forth.

"Oh, god," she hissed. "Why did we do that?!"

"You made me, Dani!"

"Oh, sure. Always blaming it on me!"

"It's not my fault you can't hang," I said, grinning down at her, trying not to look down her shirt.

Her mouth fell playfully open as she feigned offense. "Oh, that's it. Pour another!"

"Alright, but don't blame me when you can't take it."

The shot glasses overflowed like our lust, and we knocked back the whiskey again. My mouth was on fire, and I watched in horror as Dani finished the chaser before I could have any.

"You killed the chaser! What am I supposed to do?"

"Oh, fuck! I'm sorry." Suddenly, she closed the distance between us, getting up on her toes and bringing her face to mine. "Here, let me help."

Her tongue shot into my mouth as she pressed her lips to mine, and I could taste the soda as she explore my mouth. We stayed like that for a moment, our tongues dancing together for the first time before she finally broke the kiss.

"Oh, my god," she said, her eyes filled with dread. "Alex, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to--"

My lips were on her again before she could finish the sentence. I kissed her with all the fiery passion of each shot that we'd taken, my hands running up her thighs and under her romper.

"I'm fucking done, Dani," I huffed, staring into her blue eyes. "I'm done with all the flirting. I'm done jacking off to the thought of you every time I see you. Is this what you want? Do you want me too?"

Her arms were around my shoulders again, our hips slowly grinding together as she decided what the rest of our night would hold.

"Is the front door locked?" She asked, a smile creeping over her beautiful face.


"Then shut up and fuck me."

Bottles fell from the kitchen table as I threw her body down against it. One of her bare feet ran up my crotch, tickling my erection with her lovely little toes. With her back flat on the table, her tits spilling out of her skimpy little romper, I dove in to have a taste.

"You wear these things for me, don't you? You know that it drives me wild. I fucking stare at your ass every chance I get."

"Oh, fuck," she cooed, her hands running through my curls as she wrapped her smooth legs around me. "I knew you jack off to the thought of me. That's why I dress like this for you... Tell me what you think about when you touch yourself, Alex."

The crotch of her romper was loose and flowy, so I pulled it to the side and slid down to her pussy. She was already soaked, it had probably been building up all night for her--like the precum soaking a hole in my boxers.

"I think about your feet in those heels," I said, planting a soft kiss on her clit. "And these smooth, perfect legs. God, you don't know how badly I've wanted to feel them wrapped around me."

My hands couldn't get enough of her legs, clawing at every inch as I licked her clit.

"More... Tell me more..."

"I imagine you bouncing your fat ass on my dick as I fill my hands with your tits. Fuck, Dani. Your body is so perfect. You're so fucking perfect!"

I couldn't wait any longer. I had to be inside of her. She squealed in delight as I nearly ripped the romper from her body, and I moaned as I finally got a look at her naked body.

"Please fuck me." She was writhing on the table, touching herself as she watched me undress. "Alex, I've wanted you for so long. Please, let me feel you..."

"I'm not gonna last, Dani," I said, grabbing her wide hips and pulling her to the end of the table. "I'm gonna cum as soon as I'm inside of you. I fucking know it."

"I want it. I want you to cum inside of me," she cooed, rising up and kissing me as she pressed her lower lips against my cock. "Cum inside of me. I'm on the pill... cum inside of me and then fuck me again and again. I'm yours tonight. I'm all fucking yours, Alex. Cum! Cum!"

She had barely tightened around me when my cock began to pulse and my body quaked. I tried to hold on as long as possible, she felt so fucking good clenched around me, but the build-up had been too extreme and the sight of her staring up at me with her mouth agape was too much. I pumped my seed into her as I collapsed against her and pressed my lips to hers, both of us moaning into each other as her pussy filled with my cum.

But I didn't pull out. I continued to thrust into my load, loving the way she felt filled with the product of my orgasm.

"Oh, Alex," she huffed, her head dropping back as she lost herself in the pleasure. "You're already getting hard again, holy shit!"

This time, it was all for her. I started slow, dropping my hips down on her with thoughtful force as she moaned and squirmed beneath me. But soon, she was unsatisfied with the pace.

"Harder!" She cried, turning over so that she was bent over the table. "Fuck me like in your fantasies. Show me how badly you've wanted me!"

With her perfect ass before me, I grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back, pounding her relentlessly as she screamed my name.

"Right there! Don't stop!"

Her entire body spasmed as she squirted all over my cock, soaking the tile beneath our feet. I pulled her up, kissing her lips and fingering her clit as she rode down her orgasm.

After stumbling around my house in each other's arms, we collapsed onto the couch, naked and soaked, panting as our fingers continued to explore each other's bodies.

"I can't believe we just did that," I said. "And I can't believe it's already over."

"Over?" Dani threw her head back towards the clock on the wall. "We've got all night, and I don't plan on wasting it..."

At the time, I didn't know where our affair would lead, and it didn't matter. I had all night with the girl that I'd been dreaming about for years, and that was enough for me.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Romance? Try fairy tale. Here’s the real story: The husband finds out, and “disappears” them. Happens all the time, and no, it doesn’t always result in the husband going to prison. It’s not that difficult.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Passionate , its was thrilling and enjoyable

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved it because my wife has a thing for my brother and I know she'd have him inside her if she had the opportunity. Keep writing and ignore the negative comments.

RanDog025RanDog025almost 3 years ago

Didn't read it! Hate fucking cheaters! If this makes your little dicks hard, your sick as fuck and need to be ??? ????.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

That ain't no brother he is more of a bitch then the bitch of a wife

MetalRabbit51MetalRabbit51about 3 years ago

Great passion here! Lots of room to develop this hot story. This is how it is in real life. People get married, pair off, settle down. Then they find the one they should be with, and it's not their intended. What to do then? Makes for good erotic writing. Carry on!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Brilliant, can't wait for part 2.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 3 years ago

Romance? You are kidding.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Nothing even remotely romantic about an asshole that would fuck his own brother's skank of a wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

yeah wrong category don't put this loving wife, cuck Shit here

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