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My Cruel Father

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My father changes my life completely.
2.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 12/03/2023
Created 10/22/2023
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My father worked for a pharmaceutical company, he earned a lot of money and we lived in a big house. Just me and him. My mother had left us before I was even old enough to remember. My whole life it had been just me and dad. We didn't exactly get on great but he was always there when it mattered. When I fell out of a tree when I was six, when I had my first period, he was even the one who took me to buy my first bra. He fulfilled all his parental responsibilities and was pleasant enough but there was always a distance between us. I think I reminded him of my mother, who he never got over. He became more distant as I got older and developed into a woman which kind of proved my theory. I'd seen pictures of my mum, we had the same hourglass figure, dark hair and brown eyes, from what I could tell I was the spitting image of her.

Most days he would come home, I'd cook us dinner and we would eat in relative silence. He'd ask how school was going or if I needed money for anything. I'd ask about his day and he'd give short vague answers and then we'd go about our evenings in different parts of the house. It was a quiet life. Until my father changed. He gave no signs that anything was different. The day it all started he went to work just like any other day. I had a shower and got dressed. School skirt, shirt and blazer over my plain white underwear and then I went to school. Most of my day was uneventful, until maths. I sat next to Josh, the most beautiful boy i'd ever met. I'd spent many evenings imagining giving my virginity to him in the comfort of my bed. I think Josh liked me as much as I liked him but we hadn't done anything more than kiss yet. We were still in the awkward phase of young love where we were testing out which boundaries we dared to push against. We were laughing and joking and flirting as we often did, he placed a hand on my thigh, just below the hem of my skirt. His touch made me blush and my mind flashed to the many fantasies i'd had of his hands much higher.

'What are you doing tonight Em?' He asked me, his beautiful mouth grinning at me.

'Nothing why?' I replied, knowing that I would say yes to whatever he was about to propose.

'My parents are away for the weekend, i'm having a few people over for drinks. Wanna come?'

'Yeah that sounds fun!' I answered, hoping I didn't sound too eager.

The rest of the class was spent making plans about who was going to make the playlist and who was going to bring the alcohol. By the end of the day a plan was fully formed and there was a buzz around the select group of people who were invited. It was to be a small group, me and Josh, five or six of our friends. All I had to do was go home, get changed and tell my dad I was staying over Laura's house.

As I walked through the door I was surprised to find my dad was already home, he normally came home after me and rarely finished early. I found him in his study. He smiled at me as I walked in, another unusual thing from him, and turned to look at me.

'Emily, I received some very good news today.' He was practically beaming.

'Oh yeah?'

'I'm being promoted to the leader of my division!'

'That's amazing! Well done dad.' I was genuinely happy for him. Despite his emotional distance he was a good man and he was good at his job. He deserved this. He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

'I know it's not cool to drink with your old man, but you're all I've got Em, I'd be honored if you'd share a toast with me.'

Whiskey was not my drink of choice but it was so refreshing to hear him talk so warmly to me that I'd have gargled bleach if he'd offered it.

'Of course dad, im so proud of you.' I said as I sat in the chair across from his desk. I watched as he poured two glasses and offered one to me. He raised his glass and I did the same as he said 'To the future.' I echoed the sentiment back and we both drank. The whiskey burned as it went down but the burning slowly made way for a comforting feeling of warmth. I made a mental note to give whiskey another chance some day. We sat and talked for a while, dad sounded so excited about the promotion and told me all about the new opportunities this would open for him. I listened and asked questions and chatted happily with him while we sipped our drinks until suddenly the mood shifted.

'Emily...' he mouthed words but couldn't seem to bring himself to say what he wanted to. He finished off his drink and looked straight at me, 'Emily, I know I haven't always been the best father.' I opened my mouth to interrupt but he carried on 'no I know I haven't. Youve never wanted for anything but a dad should be more than financial security. I've never been good at the emotional side of things. That was always your mothers area of expertise. But I want you to know that i've been seeing a counselor and things are going to change. I'm going to be better. You deserve better.' his voice was so sincere and I teared up.

'Thanks dad. That really means a lot to me.'

He smiled back at me and we sat in a comfortable, warm silence for a moment.

'Dad is it okay if I stay at Lauras tonight?'

'Sure thing. Say hi to her for me.'

'Thanks dad.' I finished off my drink and went to my room, dumping my schoolbag and blazer in a pile by my bed.

As I started to strip out of my school uniform I began to feel strange. It was like a heat was building inside me and radiating throughout my whole body. Not a normal kind of heat though, it was the kind of heat I sometimes felt when me and Josh were making out. I had never felt like this before. I'd definitely felt horny before but this was more intense, more powerful and it felt like it was building with no end in sight. Almost unconsciously I felt my hands move into my white panties, my fingers quickly making their way across my hairless mound and into my already soaked pussy. Where had this come from? Nothing had happened to turn me on.

I thought maybe the excitement of an evening of drinking unsupervised with Josh was getting to me.

I scrambled to my bed and returned to my ministrations. My fingers delved between my wet lips, one hand slipping into my tight, virgin hole, the other circling my sensitive little clit. With a fiery passion I furiously played with myself. This was not my first time masturbating, sometimes late at night I would make myself cum to relieve some tension but this was ten times anything I had felt before. I circled my clit while my fingers fucked into my sopping hole until I felt myself spill over the edge and the most intense climax wracked my tight young body. I had thought that cumming would give me release but that was not the case. If anything the feeling intensified.

I continued on, pushing through the over sensitivity of my body and delivered myself another earth shattering orgasm and once again found the feeling intensifying. Something was wrong. I became very aware that something was very wrong.

With shaky legs and a sheen of sweat covering my body I made my way to my feet. I made my way to my door before realizing I was wearing only my bra skirt and panties. I pulled my robe on and pulled it across myself before heading to my dads study. He was still sat at his desk.

'Dad, somethings wrong.' I said, my voice unintentionally husky. The feeling had become so intense that just the sensation of my robe against my skin was nearly making me moan. I fought to control myself, 'My body feels like it's on fire.' This was the best I could describe it without talking about exactly what kind of fire I meant. No way was I going to tell my dad that I was so horny I felt like a light breeze could make me cum.

'Interesting.' was all he said, he made a note in a notebook and then gestured to a seat. I sat, eager to get off my feet. My legs subconsciously clenching to try and apply some pressure to my overly needy pussy. He stood up and made his way to the door which I heard him close and lock. I didn't even question the locking of the door, I was too busy fighting the urge to slip my hands back into my panties in a desperate bid for relief. My father returned to his seat, seemingly unphased by what I'd said to him.

'Emily I'm going to explain things to you now and I need you to listen. I know that will be difficult in your current state but please try your best.'

My glazed eyes focused on him while I squirmed in my seat, the intense feeling within me reaching unbearable heights.

'My company has developed a drug. A drug which I slipped into your drink earlier. The drug creates the feeling that you are feeling now. We developed it for couples who are having intimacy issues and its effectiveness far surpasses anything we could have imagined. I'm sure you are well aware by now of just how effective it is.'

I listened as he spoke to me, unable to believe what he was saying, even as my hips ground themselves down on my chair.

'There is only one way to relieve the 'pressure' but you won't like it.'

'Please, give it to me, I need this to stop, I don't care what it is!' I practically begged him.

'Cum Emily. For lack of a more elegant word, the only way to cure it is to receive cum inside your vagina.'

My world shattered. I had never heard my father speak so crassly to anyone, especially not to me. I stared dumbfounded at him even as my body writhed and clenched in search of relief. I had no idea at what point my hand had made its way into my panties but I became aware of my fingers playing with my soaked pussy. I blushed in shame at doing this in front of my father but I had effectively lost control of my body. I couldn't stop what I was doing no matter how much I wanted to.

'Emily? Did you hear what I said Emily or were you too busy acting like a whore in front of your father?'

His words hurt, but mostly because he wasn't wrong. What kind of girl masturbates in front of her father!

'Please dad, I can't help it, i'm not like this!'

'I know sweetie, I know. But those hands will not grant you release. There's only one way to find peace.'

He'd said the only way to find peace was to 'receive cum inside my vagina.' The implication of words finally sank in. Someone had to cum in me or i'd keep feeling this way. My first thought went to Josh. A small part of me had wondered whether we would go all the way tonight, I had wanted to for a while. This wasn't exactly how i'd wanted it to happen but if it relieved this hideous burning anything would do.

With my thighs clenching together I managed to stand and make my way to the door. It wouldn't open. I had forgotten that dad had locked the door. I slowly turned back around to him, my thighs rubbing together in a desperate search for some kind of break from the burning need to fuck. When I turned my fathers trousers were around his ankles and his cock was standing straight up. I was disgusted by how quickly my eyes fixed on his dick and how I couldn't look away. It was like my body understood exactly what I needed even if my mind was disgusted by it.

'Come on darling, let daddy make you feel better.' He said to me in a sultry tone that actually gave me goosebumps. At some point my robe had dropped to the floor and I found myself stood before my own father, one hand squeezing my modest breast and the other slipping in and out of my soaking pussy.

'Don't do that precious. Only sluts act like that. Good girls bend over desks and let men make them feel good.'

I wanted to throw up. I wanted to die. I wanted to run to other end of the planet and drown myself to escape whatever nightmare I had found myself in. Instead I simply found myself whispering 'I'm a virgin...' as my body betrayed me and I moved in front of him, and bent over his desk, exactly like he'd suggested. I could feel tears streaming out of my eyes. I didn't want this. My brain kept repeating that phrase over and over even as I felt him flip my skirt over my pert little ass. Even as I felt his rough old hands peel my dripping panties down my legs. Even as he kicked my legs to be further apart from him.

'I will be gentle darling.'

My whole body shuddered as I felt his cock press lightly against my virgin hole. He slipped easily between my engorged lips. The tip of his cock pushing ever so lightly into my traitorously eager pussy. I groaned disgustingly loud as he slowly pressed rock hard inch after rock hard inch into me. His cock pressed against my hymen and I finally looked up at him, tears filling my eyes as I saw my father, my emotionally distant but ultimately good, father.

'I love you Marie.' He whispered down at me, calling me by my mothers name.

And then he speared himself forward, popping my cherry and filling me in a way I had never dreamed of being filled. My body struggled to accommodate him. It hurt. There was pleasure sure, but it was almost entirely pain. Despite his promise of being gentle, he began to fuck me with a passionate fury. His cock pistoned in and out of my tight pussy so hard that I had to grab hold of the desk for support. His big hands gripped my waist as he pulled me back and forth on his big cock. Slowly but surely the pain subsided and was replaced by pleasure. A new pain developed as I had to deal with the emotional pain of how good my fathers cock felt as he defiled me. All of a sudden my whole body tightened and I came. I came on my dads cock. It was like an out of body experience. It was like I was looking down at my young tight body, bent over the desk while my 54 year old father fucked me with the passion of a much younger man. My orgasm subsided and then I became aware of another sensation. My fathers cock had become stiffer and started to twitch inside of me and then I felt what I knew was his cum. I could feel it shooting against my cervix, it must have been years since he'd last cum because it just kept going spurt after spurt filling my unprotected young pussy. Then the heat was gone.

He pulled out of me collapsing back on his chair. I felt his cum spill out of my freshly fucked pussy, it leaked down my leg but all I could think about was that the heat was finally gone. Neither one of us moved for some time. I was the first to disturb the peace. I stood, not daring to even look back at him and limped out of the room. His intense fucking was sure to have bruised me and my pussy was very sore. I showered. For a very long time. Then I went to my room, put on my makeup, doing my best to hide the fact I had been crying. I changed into the dress I had picked earlier, put on my shoes and I quietly left the house. I knew that what I was doing was suppressing but I just could not think about what had happened. What my father had just done to me. My pussy was so sore it was like he was still there, buried balls deep in my pussy. I gingerly walked to Josh's house. I would deal with this another time. Or never. But certainly not now.

To be continued...

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ToughSailorToughSailor25 days ago

I don't understand why the protagonists always lock the door when they are the only ones in the house.

Akirababe87Akirababe8711 months ago

I liked the premise, though the actual act could use a bit more fleshing out, but when she walked out of the locked room after it kinda threw me off a bit lol

MrBlackHeartMrBlackHeart11 months agoAuthor

Part 2 is out now!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am very interested to see where this story goes.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Need more that was so fucking hot

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