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Owned by Daddy Ch. 01

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When Sam's mom leaves, her stepfather takes what's his.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/23/2024
Created 02/29/2024
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**This story features reluctance and non-consent as well as sex between a stepfather and his daughter. It is rough and hard and deeply unrealistic. This is fiction and only fiction, every fictional character is over eighteen and it should be read as fantasy, entirely unrelated to anything remotely acceptable in the real world. Nothing about this is okay, but it is hot to read fictional characters experiencing it. Apparently I am procrastinating my real life by writing far too many pieces of erotica about far too many different characters. Enjoy.**

It was bad enough that Samantha's mother had left her only months before she was due to graduate high school and become independent, but that she'd left Samantha with her cold and distant stepfather, Dennis, made the whole experience downright miserable. Samantha's mom, Julie, had only married Dennis a couple of years earlier. It had been clear he hadn't been into the idea that she had kids, he'd only reluctantly taken Samantha on as his stepdaughter and he made that obvious to her with every passing day. And now, he was all Sam had.

Dennis's house was in the middle of nowhere. Sam and her mom had moved in with him after the wedding, Dennis had insisted and Julie was more than happy to do whatever he wanted. Sam hated it. It was far from town and her school, her friends and literally anything she might have done to pass the time. She didn't have a job to help with that, Dennis hadn't allowed her to get one. When she'd mentioned it at the beginning of the school year, he'd forbid it. He said it made it look like he couldn't provide for his family, if his seventeen going on eighteen stepdaughter was out working some minimum wage job. No, he'd insisted Sam not work and Julie had agreed, she always agreed with Dennis.

So now, months later, Sam was eighteen and still had no job. Her mom was gone and Sam was left with her stepfather and nothing to keep her occupied. She was left with only them two of them in his deep in the woods house, with no friends and no job, and she was utterly and completely miserable. She'd turned eighteen only the week earlier. Only a day before her mom up and left with no explanation. One day Sam's mom was around, not doing a whole lot of parenting, but she was around, and the next she was gone, with only a little blue post-it note left behind: 'Sorry Sammy, it had to be this way' was all it had said. And to make matters worse, it was snowing. Not the kind of light dusting of snow that made the woods around their house look magical, but the kind of deep, heavy snow that promised to lock them into the remote home for the foreseeable future.

Sam sat in her bedroom, staring out the window as the snow rose higher and higher. Dennis wasn't home from work yet, he was due soon and Sam was finding herself waffling between wondering if he'd make it back safe and hoping that he didn't. Of course, that was when his truck pulled into the snow covered driveway. If he hadn't had one of the biggest, most obnoxious pickup trucks in the area, he would've never been able to park, let alone drive the steep mountain road that lead to the house. But as always, Dennis was ready for anything. Just not his stepdaughter.

Sam knew they'd have to talk about it, what would happen to her now that her mom had left. She'd been putting it off, if he kicked her out she'd have nothing. No, she needed to get a job and start saving, hope that he'd let her stay around until she had enough to get a place of her own. She'd spent the day rehearsing the conversation in her head.

Downstairs, the front door opened with a bang and Sam shivered.

"You home, Sammy dear?" Sam's stepfather growled from the bottom of the stairs. He'd taken to calling her that lately, it wasn't affectionate, it was said with a sneer and the thinly veiled implication that she wasn't anything dear to him. Now she was just a burden.

"I'm home!" She called back, keeping her voice steady.

"Good." He was already taking the stairs, two by two. "I've stocked us up with supplies, looks like we're going to be snowed in."

"Looks like it." She sighed, staring at the seat of white.

"Get in here!" Dennis barked from his bedroom across the hall.

Grumbling, Sam climbed off her bed and padded her bare feet over the cold wood floors into her stepfather's bedroom.

It hadn't changed much since her mom left, but then it had only been a week and she hadn't done much to make it hers in the first place. It was all dark woods with wrinkled, navy blue sheets on the king size bed. Sam always felt so small standing near their bed, Dennis was enormous so it was more than necessary, but it made her feel tiny. At a measly 5 foot, Sam was well over a foot shorter than him and at least a quarter of the size.

When she stepped into the room, she didn't immediately see where he was. But a glance toward the en suite bathroom answered her question. Her stepfather was in the midst of peeling off his sweatshirt, it stuck to him with the day's sweat. Dennis was a contractor and carpenter, he spent his days building and labouring and always made a big deal of how exhausted he was when he got home, exhausted providing for Sam and her mother with his hard labour. Now, providing just for Sam, she supposed. At least, until he officially kicked her out.

"What do you need?" She asked, looking away as the act pulled up the bottom of his t-shirt to reveal his strong chest. Her stepfather was built, not with overly defined muscle, but brawn and brute strength. It didn't help his already threatening demeanour.

"I asked you to get in here, did I not?" He told her seriously, shooting her a glare.

Sam nodded, following him into the large bathroom. It was spacious, like most of the home that wasn't Sam's tiny bedroom. Dennis had built the place himself and he hadn't intended on having kids, that much was obvious from the measly guest room she'd taken over. Not that Sam was a kid, she was a grown woman now but not one who was currently incapable of moving out on her own, so she suffered like she was a child.

When she was inside, Dennis's arm shot out to push the door shut with a heavy thud.

Sam jumped, her chest jiggling with the movement. A reminder she hadn't remembered to put her bra back on. She usually went without when she was home alone, but never when he was there.

"Get on your knees." He told her, gazing down with his hands on his hips. His t-shirt stretched over the hard planes of his chest and his biceps threatened to shred the sleeves if he flexed even one muscle.

Sam laughed. "What?" Something was curling and twisting inside her, some combination of fear and fascination. Why did he always have to make himself so scary? "Why?"

"I said, get on your knees." Dennis's eyes bore into hers, and he enunciated every word. Sam was getting worried now, her stomach tight even while part of it twisted with curiosity. She'd seen him angry, but it had rarely been directed at her. Now she didn't even know what she'd done to make him mad. "I can see you're going to make this difficult, Sammy, so I'll make it simple for you: I'm going to fuck your throat and you're going to let me."

Sam started, her eyes flying open. She waited for him to say he was joking, but the words didn't come.

"Did you hear me?"

"I heard you." Her eyes flickered to the door. "That's not happening."

"Oh, it's happening all right." His hand reached out to fist Sam's hair, pulling her head back while she gasped. "If you're a good girl and you suck it real good, I'll even tell you how it is that you've come to be in this situation." His smile was eerie and he licked his lips.

Sam whimpered, her eyes filling with tears as he forced her to stare up at him. "No." She said meekly. She'd never sucked a boy's cock before and she wasn't about to start with her terror of a stepfather. He smelled of sweat and coffee and cigarettes and was grimy with the day's work.

Dennis only laughed and used his grip on her hair to push Sam lower. He was so big and strong--his hand spanned her whole head--and she was so little and fragile that it wasn't long until she was bending under the force of him, stumbling to her knees.

When she hit the tile floor with a thud, Sam hissed in pain. But her stepfather's other hand was already on his jeans. The belt was already unbuckled and he deftly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, letting them fall to his ankles. In one quick move, his cock was free of his boxers and staring Sam in the face.

It was enormous. Thick and long and harder than anything Sam had ever seen, it seemed to throb and pulse, a dribble of precum leaking from the tip.

"Put it in your mouth, Sammy, and don't even think of using teeth or this pretty hair of yours is getting pulled out by the roots."

Sam whimpered, her eyes flicking between her towering stepfather and his huge, throbbing cock. He wouldn't really force her, would her? She licked her lips without thinking and he groaned from above her.

"If you want to eat over the next few days, I suggest you start with my cock." His voice seemed deeper than usual, strained. "Fuck knows how long we're going to be snowed in and there are two ways it can go: I fuck your throat right now and you get to stay warm and fed in my house, or you refuse and have to be the adult you seem to think yourself. You're eighteen now, you can find a place of your own, right? Might be tricky what with the snow, but you're a resourceful girl." While he spoke, Dennis was pushing Sam's face closer and closer to his straining cock. She was trying to keep back, but his strength easily overpowered her.

Sam had heard most of what he'd said, but it was still sinking in. If she didn't suck his cock, he'd kick her out? He'd keep her from the food stores he'd just stocked? If she didn't let him fuck her throat, she was out in the cold during a blizzard. In other words, she'd be dead. Shutting her eyes tight, Sam took a tentative breath before flicking her tongue out to lick the tip of her stepfather's cock. A drip of precum hit her tongue, it was salty and warm. Everything in her felt wrong and weird.

Dennis let out a hiss and a groan, his hand tightening in Sam's long blonde hair as a reminder of what else he'd threatened. She could do this, she tried to convince herself. She could do this and then when the snow melted, she was out of there. Taking a deep breath, Sam wrapped her mouth around the head of her stepfather's cock, sucking it into her mouth. He was so big she could barely fit him, gurgling and groaning as she tried. "That's a good girl, Sammy." With another tight grip on her hair, Dennis pulled her closer at the same time that he thrust his hips. He groaned as he forced his cock deeper into Sam's throat and she sputtered around it.

Tears sprung to her eyes as she choked on his cock. She was breathing through her nose but it was difficult, he was so stuffed into her mouth it felt like she was being deprived of air entirely. Muffled, gurgling sounds issued from her as she tried to get used to the feel of him.

"Fuck yes." He grunted, sawing his cock in and out of her mouth while Sam choked and sobbed, her eyes shut tight. "Look at me, Sammy." He spoke through gritted teeth. Sam pried her eyes open and trained them on him. He was so far above her they were nearly rolling back into her head. "Here's how this works: when I married your mother we made a deal. I'd pay down her mountain of debts, provided she made it worth my while. When they were paid off, she'd get the fuck out of here."

Sam tried to take in what he was saying, but her ears were ringing and she had to focus far too much on getting air into her lungs. Her eyes were watering and her mascara was running, making them burn just like her throat as he fucked his monster cock deeper and deeper.

"Don't you want to know what I'd get in return?" He asked, following it was a particularly loud groan as Sam was forced to swallow around his throbbing length.

She tried to focus her eyes on him, but they were glazing over and she was getting lightheaded. She made a gurgling sound and tried to nod. That was the right thing to do, right? She was barely able to keep her eyes open and her knees were sore from the hard tile below her.

"In return," He grunted, low and loud. "I'd get you."

Sam's eyes went even wider, if that was possible, and she tried to cough from the deep throat fucking, but he held her too tight. Had she really heard him right? She let out a whimper, but he couldn't hear it over his own breathing and the slurping and choking on his cock.

"That's right, Sammy. Your mom tried to back out, but we worked it out. Why else do you think she left so soon after your birthday?" He was smiling now, pumping himself into her throat while his hand still gripped her hair tight. Her eyes fluttered, but she forced them open. Her jaw was aching and Sam felt weak. "You're eighteen now and your mom signed you over to me." With a groan, Dennis held still a moment, Sam's lips pressed to his groin. She didn't know how it was possible, but he'd fit his entire, massive length into her throat. His other hand snatched up something from the counter and before Sam could even blink, he was wrapping it around her neck and cinching it tight. "Now let your daddy use that pretty little mouth until I cum."

He didn't let her respond, he didn't need to. Sam's stepfather returned to his thrusting, his hips and hand on her hair working in tandem to fuck her throat with a punishing pace. Sam's hand flew to his thighs in an effort to push him away, she could barely breathe now and his cock was so deep in her throat she worried she was going to pass out. Then, while he groaned over her, head thrown back in ecstasy, Sam felt his cock thicken and tense and she knew it was about to happen, he was about to cum down her throat.

Then, at the last moment, Dennis pulled out and used one hand to grip his dick, the other still holding her head tight. He was grunting and groaning, pumping his hand down his cock while spurts of hot cum sprayed Sam's face. She scrunched her eyes shut, feeling the hot sticky liquid land on her cheeks and eyelids, across her half open mouth.

When he'd finished, Sam stayed where she was, staring at him, her face covered in his spunk. She didn't know what to do. She felt horrified and used, her throat ached and her eyes burned. But she also knew that if she were to reach down and feel herself, she'd be soaking wet.

"Are you going to be a good girl for me, Sammy?"

Finally, she dared to speak. Her words came out croaky and weird. "What do you mean my mom signed me over to you?"

Dennis grinned, beaming down at her, his limp cock now resting on his hairy thigh. "I mean there's a little known law here, in just our little town actually, though it's binding country-wide... Says a parent can sell their kid over to someone else if they want."

Sam sputtered, a dribble of cum made it from her cheekbone to her lips, she winced at the reminder of what she was coated in. "But I'm eighteen, I'm an adult."

"You sure are, but your mom signed your over when you were still a minor." He grinned down, so satisfied with himself.

"But you can't just own a person!" Sam's heart was beating fast now, her fingers restless on her thighs. She still knelt on the cold tile floor, unable to move for fear of Dennis, and the even bigger fear that if she did move, he'd see how wet she was.

"Not technically, but your mom signed everything over to me. Every nickel and dime, every savings account and even adoption papers. I have all your ID in my safe, every piece of proof you have that you're an adult, everything you'd need to rent an apartment or get a job, everything that proves you're even a real person, is with me." Dennis was so proud of himself, even with his cock still out. A cock that, if Sam wasn't mistaken, was already getting hard again.

"Why?" She managed to utter through tears that were now dripping down her face alongside the cum.

"Because I wanted some hot young holes to shove my cock into, obviously." He grinned. "Speaking of, you a virgin Sammy?"

Sam hissed in a breath, she turned her gaze to the tile floors but she nodded.

"Good. Now get up and bend over the sink, your daddy's going to change that right now."

Sam's mind was a rush of thoughts and nightmares. Was she really about to lose her virginity to her stepfather, on his bathroom counter? Her cheeks burned with humiliation and horror. "Please?" She looked up at him, eyes wide, pleading.

"Please what, Sammy?" He smirked.

"Please don't take my virginity." Her words were quiet, she knew they were useless.

Dennis's face turned stern. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, Sammy."

Sam sucked in a breath, her face was sticky with his dried cum and he looked down at her with dark, serious eyes. Without even fully registering it, she'd stood on wobbly legs and the next thing she knew, the cold porcelain of the sink was pressing into her as she bent over it, presenting herself.

"Take your top off." He ordered. Sam felt too weak to disobey, she felt helpless and broken and stood long enough to peel her crop top from her body. Since she hadn't been wearing a bra, her tits spilled free. Finally daring a glance at the mirror, Sam saw what her stepfather had put around her neck. She wore a gold collar, from it dangled a little charm but she couldn't make out what it was. When she went to bend back down, he stopped her. "Let me take a look first. I want to see what's mine." His eyes were dark as she glared down at her, training them on her bare, perky, teenage tits. They weren't tiny, but weren't huge either. Sam's breasts were a perfect handful for Dennis's enormous hands, he groaned as he kneaded them, flicking her nipples.

Sam whimpered. "Please!" She was pleading again, but this time she wasn't sure what for.

"Yeah yeah, I'll get to you. Knew you'd be creaming for my cock." Her stepfather muttered, still preoccupied with her tits. "From now on, no bras in the house. You hear me?" He looked up to her face just long enough for Sam to nod. "No panties, either. I'll give you a few of my tshirts, that's all you'll wear when you're at home. Understood?"

Sam whined, but she heard herself saying "yes."

"Yes, daddy." He corrected.

Sam had never called Dennis daddy before, she'd never even called him dad. He'd just been Dennis. But the way he glared at her, she knew she had no choice. "Yes daddy."

"Good girl. Now turn around."

She did, bending to press her now bare tits to the sink. She hissed at the cold, her nipples peaked.

Her stepfather's hands were on her, rubbing and kneading at Sam's ass through her leggings. "You really thought you could get away with teasing me all this time, didn't you?" He growled from behind her, his hands rough.

"I didn't mean to." She whimpered.

"Sure you did, you know what you look like, walking around wearing barely anything, those little tits pointing out at me through your flimsy little bras. Teasing little girls get fucked, Sammy." With a rough tug, Dennis pulled down her leggings and panties, leaving them around her ankles as a kind of restraint.

She could only widen her legs to about hip width. His fingers found her pussy immediately, running through her slit.

He laughed, it was rumbling and scarier than it needed to be. "You're fucking soaked, Sammy. You loved it when I fucked your little throat, didn't you?"

Sam didn't answer, she shut her eyes and leaned her cheek against the cold porcelain.

"Fine, keep quiet. I'll have you begging before long." Sam felt the tip his cock, now more than hard enough, pressing to her slit. "I'm not going to be gentle." He told her simply. "You're my pet now, my cumslut, your body is for my pleasure and nothing more." Then with one hard thrust, he forced the first inches of his cock into Sam's once virgin pussy.


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